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下面大厅里有一个邮箱,里面从来没有过邮件。 In the hall below was a mailbox into which no letter would go.,a. 当句首是表示地点的(介词)短语时,为了保持句子平衡、使上下文斜街紧密用完全倒装。 South of the city lies a steel factory. On the bed lay an old man badly ill. b. 当句首用here, there, out, in, on, up, down, away, back, now, then 时,如果句子主语是名词用全部倒装;如果句子主语是人称代词则不倒装。 Down flowed the brown cascade. Away he went. In ran he.,2.门上有个已经坏了的电铃,旁边有张卡片,上面写有一个名字:詹姆士丁林翰杨。 There was an electric bell that did not work, with a card next to it bearing the name “ Mr. James Dillingham Young.” work (机器等)开动,运转,供使用; 有效 你要确保火警系统运行正常。 You should check that the smoke alarm is working properly. 你需要弄清楚哪种方法对你最有效。 You need to find which method works best for you.,bear 1.标有,写着: The boy bore a scar on the left arm. 男孩左臂上有伤痕 2.容忍,忍耐: I couldnt bear his lying.我无法忍受他的谎言 3. 结果,生产: Peach trees bear every summer.桃树每年夏天结果 4. Bear sth in mind牢记在心 =remember You must bear in mind that your parents dream of your becoming a lawyer. 你要记住你的父母指望你成为一名好医生。,灯光下的天安门看上去更漂亮了。 Tiananmen looks more beautiful with all the lights on. 2. 一位士兵一动不动站在大门口,手里拿着枪。 A soldier was standing still at the gate, with a gun in his hand/ gun in hand. 3. 这位老人坐在摇椅上,一条小狗被拴在椅子腿上。 The old man was seated on the easy chair, with a little dog tied to its leg. 4. 眼中泪光闪闪,这个小姑娘显得更加俏丽了。 The little girl looked even prettier with tears shining in her eyes. 5. 有好多讲义要完成,他决定熬熬夜。 With many papers to finish, he decided to stay up late.,3.每周20美元根本就不够用。 Twenty dollars a week does not go far. go far (钱等)耐花,价值大(常用于否定句); 效力大,大有帮助;成功 Although he earns 1000 yuan a month, it doesnt go far for his family. Your suggestion will go far towards solving the problem. A man with courage and confidence will go far.,4. 开支比计划的要多。 Expenses had been greater than she had calculated.,at great/ considerable/ vast expense 花费很大;代价很高 Conference rooms were equipped at great expense. at the expense of sb / sth. 以作为代价 He finished the job at the expense of his health. at ones / ones (own) expense. 由某人支付 The luxury office building was built at the taxpayers expense. Travel/medical/living expenses 开支,5. 这根表链配上那只手表戴在手上,吉姆与任何人在一起都会很关注时间常把表拿出来看看的。 With that chain on his watch Jim might be properly anxious about the time in any company. properly ( adv.) 正确地,恰当地; 严格地, 真正地;完全地, 彻底地 Im learning Japanese, but I still cant speak it properly.,in any company 与任何人在一起 in sbs company =in company with sb. 和某人一道 e.g. I refused to go further in their company.,5. 她披散开头发,让它尽情舒展开来 She pulled down her hair and let it fall to its full length. 6. Della doubled the watch chain in her hand . A. She got double scholarships B. Double the carpet, and cover it on the baby. C. The debt soon doubled.,他升位总经理后,工资是以前的两倍。 After he was promoted to the position of general manager, his salary is double what he has earned before.,7. Poor fellow, he was only twenty-two - and to be burdened with a family! (结构) sb. be burdened with sth.某人负重担 burden sb. with sth. 加负担于某人 学生们的学习负担很重。 The students are burdened with heavy load of study. 我不想让我的问题给你增加负担。 I dont want to burden you with my problems. 4) burden (n.)重担,负担 他,一个残疾儿童,渐渐成了他妈妈的累赘 He, a disabled child, is becoming a burden to his family.,8. I have my hair cut off and sold it because I couldnt have lived through Christmas without giving you a present. (Para.4 p88) I couldnt have lived through Christmas without giving you a present If I _ you a present , I couldnt have lived through Christmas. 要是我今天下午没去修理我的自行车,就不会按时到学校了。 I couldnt have arrived at school on time without having my bike repaired. If I hadnt repaired my bike, I couldnt have arrived at school on time. Would you stop loving me if Id had a shave?,hadnt given,9. 我认为什么发型或洗发水之类的东西不会影响我对妻子的爱的。 I dont think there s anything in the way of a haircut shampoo that could make me love my girl any less.,in ones way, in the way, in a way, in no way, by the way, by way of, on the/ ones way, give way (to ), lose /make/ feel/ fight/ wind/ elbow/ force ones way,10.I dont like the way _ you look at me. Which of the following is wrong? / B. in which C. that D. which 2. _ can teaching in school be separated from practice. A. In no way B. In a way C. In the way D .By the way 3. Why dont you do it _ other way? A. by B. with C. some D. any 4. I cant see the screen. His head is _. A . on the way B. in the way C. in a way D. by the way 5. The project is well _ to completion. A. on the way B. by the way C. by way of D. in a way,11.德拉打开绳子和包装纸。 她发出一声欢欣的尖叫,紧接着眼泪簌簌地流了下来。 Della tore at the string and paper. She gave a scream of joy, and then broke out in tears and cries.,break out in tears =break/burst into tears =burst out crying.,break out in a cold sweat,break out, break away from, break down, break up (with sb) break in, break into+ a place, break through,T


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