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第五讲,论文的结构、语言与格式,目录,引言,一 论文的结构,二 引言,三 引语及文中夹注,四 正确的文体,五 正确的时态,六 结论,七 文后引用文献,一.论文的结构,中文彩色封面,授 权 声明 独创性声明,英文封面,英文致谢,中文摘要,英文摘要,英文目录,正文,引用文献,封底,二.引言 (Introduction),1.篇幅,300个单词左右,至少0.7页,一般不超过1页A4纸,二.引言 (Introduction),2.结构及内容, 简介论文所涉及研究领域的 背景、意义, 简介论文所涉及研究领域的 发展状况、现状,并适当评 价或比较,二.引言 (Introduction),2.结构及内容, 提出问题(论文的写作动机),前人研究的不足或空白,或 新问题以及解决新问题的 新方法/思路,二.引言 (Introduction),2.结构及内容, 亮明研究课题,简介论文研究目的及方法,或 简介论文内容及结构,二.引言 (Introduction),引言 开题报告,二.引言 (Introduction),3.注意事项, 注意篇幅要求300个单词左 右,避免长篇大论或文献综 述的照搬照抄, 内容不能与位于正文之前的 摘要(abstract)雷同,三.引语及文中夹注,1.引语(Quotation)的类型, 直接引语,将别人的话(句子、词组或词)原封不动地引进文章,所引部分前后要加引号。,三.引语及文中夹注,1.引语的类型, 间接引语,作者通过以释义(paraphrase)和概括(summary)的方法,用自己的话将别人的观点复述出来,不用引号标注。,三.引语及文中夹注,2.文中夹注,在文中用括号把所引信息的出处的关键内容括起来。原则上,夹注应紧随引用信息,置于引号之后,所引信息的最终标点之前。,即,括号注 parenthetical reference/ note/ citation,括号中标出作者姓氏和页码,中间 用逗号。 It has been argued that teachers role is to provide the students with optimal conditions which can facilitate learning so that students can achieve similar results (Bloom, 104) ,两位作者,姓氏用and连接。 “The disadvantage of the multiple regression analysis is that it cannot show the complex interrelations between independent variable” (Bryman and Cramer, 20) ,多位作者(通常是三位及以上),只需写出第一作者的姓氏,其后加上“et al.”。 At present, modern Literary studies have their origin in classic studies (Graff et al., 89) ,同姓不同名的几位作者,或同一作者在不同年份发表的多部著作,在姓氏及页码间加上年份及冒号以示区别。 In six months time, he was tramped into marriage with her, though he had no respect for her (Wang, 2000: 45) . Conceptually, motivation is seen as the combination of effort plus desire to achieve the goal of learning the language plus favorable attitude toward learning language (Wang, 2010: 68) .,同一作者在相同年份发表的多部著作,在姓氏及页码间加上年份、小写英文字母及冒号以示区别。 In six months time, he was tramped into marriage with her, though he had no respect for her (Wang, 2010a: 45) . Conceptually, motivation is seen as the combination of effort plus desire to achieve the goal of learning the language plus favorable attitude toward learning language (Wang, 2010b: 68) .,直接引文字数为50个单词或以上, 引文应单独成段,不用引号 且缩进幅度明显大于正文, 各行引文左对齐, 字体字号与正文相同, 夹注位于段落末尾标点之后。,Eugene Nida introduced this new theory into his Translating Meaning: One way study the nature of translating from four different and valid orientations: these four approaches are essentially complementary one to another. (Nida, 13) In 1983, in his publication Style and Discourse, Nida stated that the triadic relationship of,转引的标注,未能亲自阅读原著,内容来自二手资料,应在来源前加上“quoted in”字样。论文中应尽量避免通过中介文献转引,因为转引容易以讹传讹、断章取义。完全可以直接引用的,却使用转引,还会使读者觉得作者见闻不广,用力不勤。, In Bs paper A says, “A Dream of Red Mansions is one of the best-known classical Chinese novels” (A, 174) ., In OUR paper A says, “A Dream of Red Mansions is one of the best-known classical Chinese novels” (quoted in B, 60) .,华人姓氏使用汉语拼音, 其他处理方式同上,四.正确的文体,1.适当考虑多用长句 有较多修饰成分,能便于表达复杂的思想和充分阐述作者的观点,正式文体(formal style),四.正确的文体,2.广泛使用古典语借词(正式词汇),assistance (help) appropriate (proper) ultimately (at last) endeavor (try) identical (same) commence (begin) profound (deep),四.正确的文体,2.广泛使用古典语借词(正式词汇),terminate (end) fortunate (lucky) demonstrate (show) utilize (use) accomplish (do) employ (use) instruction (teaching),四.正确的文体,2.广泛使用古典语借词(正式词汇),fatigue (tire) vacant (empty) state (say) elevate (raise) mansion (house) fraternal (brotherly) cordial (warm),四.正确的文体,2.广泛使用古典语借词(正式词汇),amity (friendship) domestic (homely) endure (put up with) abandon (give up) peruse (read through) postpone (put off) investigate (look into),四.正确的文体,3.避免使用截短词和紧缩形式,phone telephone ad advertisement demo demonstration maths mathematics pop pop music esp. especially sth. something,四.正确的文体,3.避免使用截短词和紧缩形式,arent are not cant cannot Im I am Theyve They have Id I had/ would,四.正确的文体,3.避免使用截短词和紧缩形式,例外:来自拉丁语的省略词可 正常使用,etc. = and so on et al = and other people i.e. = , that is, 即;换言之;也就是 e.g.,四.正确的文体,4.避免使用方言和俚语 方言: 具有明显的局限性和不规范性 俚语: 具有很大的随意性和暂时性,四.正确的文体,5.叙述人称的选择(论文的基调),严肃、客观,行文采用第三人称, 避免使用第一、第二人称,四.正确的文体,6.常见的正式文体用法, 不以介词结束句子,This is the opinion they all agreed upon.,This is the opinion upon which they all agreed.,四.正确的文体,6.常见的正式文体用法, 不用分裂不定式,They want to fully understand the nature of happiness.,They want to understand the nature of happiness fully.,四.正确的文体,6.常见的正式文体用法, 用since/because代替as, 常用分词短语做状语, 使用不省略that的从句, 用many/much代替a lot of,四.正确的文体,6.常见的正式文体用法, 用neither代替not either,The writer isnt satisfied with this result either.,The writer is satisfied with this result neither.,四.正确的文体,6.常见的正式文体用法, 用no代替not any,They havent any right to do it.,They have no right to do it.,五.正确的时态,1.叙述历史事件,一般过去时,2.追述作品时代背景,一般过去时,3.叙述作家生平和创作经历, 一般过去时,五.正确的时态,4.描述历史上的文学流派, 一般过去时,5.介绍/评价作品/作家语言技巧, 一般现在时,五.正确的时态,6.按照时间顺序叙述作品中发生 的事件,一律用一般现在时。,但叙述中如果回溯一个事件之前发生的事情,则可用现在完成时,也可用一般过去时。,六.结论 (Conclusion),1.篇幅,300个单词左右,至少0.7页,一般不超过1页A4纸,六.结论 (Conclusion),2.结构及内容, 重申论文所涉及领域的意义, 总结论文主要论点, 围绕本篇论题提出可行建议, 指出研究不足 或进一步研究方向,七.文后引用文献 (Works Cited),1.定义,论文撰写过程中,被直接或间接引用过的文献列表;列表中文献提供了文中引用夹注的详细信息,七.文后引用文献 (Works Cited),2.位置,论文结论(Conclusion)之后,另起一页,七.文后引用文献 (Works Cited),3.数量,至少6篇, 其中至少2篇是英文文献,七.文后引用文献 (Works Cited),4.


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