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20102011年高考英语冲刺专题训练,专题二 单项填空 训练3 代 词,返回目录,疑难档案,1. 在口语中,当人称代词孤立地在不带谓语的答语中作主语时,习惯上用宾格。 “Who sent this letter?”“Me./ Not me.” “这信谁寄的?”“我。/不是我。” “Im scared.”“Me, too.”“我害怕。”“我也是。” 在这类答语中如果要用主格,就得有谓语,说成:I did. / Im scared, too. 2. 宾格代词也可在感叹疑问句中用作主语。 “You can tell him.”“Me tell him? Not likely!” “你可以告诉他。”“我告诉他?不可能的事!”,训练3 代 词,返回目录,疑难档案,训练3 代 词,3. of与名词性物主代词连用,作定语,构成双重所有格。 That son of hers is very lovable. 她的那个儿子很可爱。 A friend of mine came and told me the news. 我一位朋友来告诉了我这个消息。 4. “find,catch等反身代词宾补”表示主语处于一种不自觉的状态。 She found herself in a different world. 她发现自己到了一个陌生的世界。 He caught himself making the same mistake. 他突然发现自己又犯同样的错误。,返回目录,疑难档案,训练3 代 词,5. “连系动词be /feel /look等反身代词”表示主语在身体或情绪方面处于正常状态。 I dont know whats the matter with me. Im not myself today. 我不知道是怎么了。今天我感到不舒服。 Shes feeling herself again. 她正恢复健康 /她情绪正恢复正常。 6. that, those常用来代替已提及的事物,以避免重复。 His description didnt answer to that of the thief. 他的讲述与小偷的讲述不一致。 The bikes produced in Shanghai are better than those produced,返回目录,疑难档案,训练3 代 词,here. 上海造的自行车比这里造的要好。 7. some可用来修饰可数名词单数,表示不确定的“某一”(a certain)。 There has to be some reason for the murder. 这次谋杀是有某种原因的。 8. 当each后出现另外一个限定词时,要用each of, 后面接复数可数名词。 Each of my aunts gave me socks for Christmas. 我的每一位姑姑都送我袜子作圣诞礼物。(不能说Each my aunt),返回目录,疑难档案,训练3 代 词,9. 在下列习惯用语中不能用each代替every。 You have every right to say so.你完全有权利这么说。 They came here every two days / every four weeks. 他们每两天(每四周)来一次。 10. each可指两个或两个以上的人或物,而every所指必须是三个或三个以上,不能是两个。 Each sex has its own physical and psychological characteristics. 男女各有其身体上和心理上的特点。(不能说Every sex) 11. each作主语时谓语动词是单数;each作主语同位语时主语和谓语都是复数。,返回目录,疑难档案,训练3 代 词,Each of them has a bedroom.(Each作主语,谓语用单数has) They each have a bedroom.(They作主语,谓语用复数have。each作主语同位语) 12. another后一般用单数名词,但another后面可以跟few或带数字的复数名词,表示“另外一些”。 Theres room for another few people in the back of the bus. 公共汽车后面还能坐下几个人。 Can I have another two ice-creams, please? (=two more ice-creams)再来两份冰淇淋, 好吗? 13. one和it;ones和they的区别,返回目录,疑难档案,训练3 代 词,one或ones用于代替同一名称的另一件或另一些东西。it或they则代替同一名称的同样一件或一些东西。 We needed a new cupboard for the kitchen. So Peter made one (=a cupboard) from some wood we had. “Have you found the bicycle lost yesterday?”“Yes, Ive found it.” “Are these your pens?”“No, they arent. They are Johns. Mine are on the desk.” 14. 通常不说a one, my one(s), your one(s)等,而说mine, yours等。但如果one(s)前有形容词,就可以与不定冠词和物主代词连用。,返回目录,疑难档案,训练3 代 词,Your car isnt fast enough. Lets take mine. Lets take your new one. This cake is not what I like. Id like a big one with cream on.,返回目录,考点预测,2. Do you see those three girls? I know _ in the middle. A.one B.a one C.this one D.the one,【解析】根据“three girls”这一语境的限定,中间的那个女孩当然为特指,故用the one(相当于the girl)。选项C中的this与前句中的those不一致。,D,【答案】,7. As a student,we do need a lot of exercises to make the text knowledge _. A.to be ours B.our own C.of our own D.ours own ,训练3 代 词,返回目录,考点预测,【解析】动词make可接名词作宾补,表示“使(宾语)成为”。如:Marx made London the base for his revolutionary work.试题中的“our own”即“our own knowledge”,是动词make后的宾补,该部分意思为“使课本知识成为自己的知识”。,B,【答案】,9. In the time _ takes to drink a cup of coffee,customers can get a pair of special-made shoes in this store. A.it B.one C.that D.when ,训练3 代 词,【解析】本句为“It takes time to do sth.”句型,it takes to drink a,返回目录,10. Come as quickly as you can,Jack. Sure,_ wont be long. A.I B.you C.that D.it,cup of coffee为定语从句,修饰the time,定语从句中省略了作宾语的关系代词that。如用one,则与句子的主语the customers在人称上不一致。,A,【答案】,考点预测,训练3 代 词,【解析】“I wont be long.”为一固定说法,表示“我很快就来(完)了” 。以人作主语,形容词long作表语的这种用法又如:,返回目录,Will you be long? 你要花很久的时间吗? Dont be long about it.别慢吞吞的。关于选项D,it虽然可表时间,但不合本句的语境。,A,【答案】,15. Some students like to be told about American culture but are less interested in spending the time and the effort to actually experience _. A.one B.it C.those D.them,考点预测,训练3 代 词,【解析】 it 在句中作动词experience的宾语,代替上文提到的,返回目录,American culture。it和one都可以代替前面提到的某个名词。it所代替的是前面提到的特指的事物;而one所代替的是前面提到的同类事物,但不是同一个事物。,B,【答案】,18. Mr.Smiths love for us students is like _ for a son or a daughter.That is why we all respect and love him. A.that B.it C.which D.those ,考点预测,训练3 代 词,【解析】 that可以作为替代词,代替前面的某个名词以避免措词重复,这种替代词that代替的是“the+单数名词”,句中的that即,返回目录,“the love”。相应地,替代词those代替“the+复数名词”。另有一对替代词:one和ones,one代替的是“a+单数名词”;ones代替“泛指的复数名词”。如:The engine of your car is better than that of mine.(that=the engine) The book is different from those we have read before.(those=the books) Im looking for a house.Id really like one with a garden.(one=a house) There were a few young people with some older ones in the house.(ones=people),A,【答案】,考点预测,训练3 代 词,返回目录,B,【答案】,19. Among _ are some foreigners who attend Chinese classes at our college. A.we students B.us students C.students of us D.us of students ,【解析】句中us是作介词among的宾语,students为宾语us的同位语。当然,这类表达位于主语部分时,则用人称代词的主格形式。如:We students should learn how to learn.,考点预测,训练3 代 词,20. There are a few shops at the end of the street but _ of them sell newspapers. ,返回目录,C,【答案】,A.neither B.either C.none D.no one,【解析】 none表示“三者以上的人或事物中没有一个”,这与前面的a few相呼应。no one表人,且一般不接of短语。,考点预测,训练3 代 词,28. Can you phone John for me? Why cant you phone _? A.himself yourself B.yourself him C.yourself himself D.him yourself,【解析】 him为动词phone的宾语;yourself为反身代词作主,返回目录,D,【答案】,语同位语,表示“主语本人自己做某事”。反身代词常见的一个用法是在句中作主语同位语,其位置可在主语后面,也可在句子后面。如:He did it himself.(=He himself did it.),考点预测,训练3 代 词


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