外研版高考英语一轮复习必修2 3 Module3知能演练(附答案)+关于网络的作文:身在此山  亦识面目_第1页
外研版高考英语一轮复习必修2 3 Module3知能演练(附答案)+关于网络的作文:身在此山  亦识面目_第2页
外研版高考英语一轮复习必修2 3 Module3知能演练(附答案)+关于网络的作文:身在此山  亦识面目_第3页
外研版高考英语一轮复习必修2 3 Module3知能演练(附答案)+关于网络的作文:身在此山  亦识面目_第4页
外研版高考英语一轮复习必修2 3 Module3知能演练(附答案)+关于网络的作文:身在此山  亦识面目_第5页
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外研版高考英语一轮复习必修23Module3知能演练(附答案)+关于网络的作文:身在此山 亦识面目 阅读理解A(2018太原模拟)Opera is an art form that celebrates the human voice. No other art form creates excitement and moves the heart in the way that opera does, especially when performed by a great singer. Opera is an important part of the Western classical music tradition. It uses music, words, and actions to bring a dramatic story to life. Opera started in Italy at the end of the 16th century and later became popular throughout Europe. Over the years, it has responded to various musicals. In recent decades, much wider audiences have been introduced to opera through modern recording technology. Some singers have become celebrities thanks to performing on radio, on TV, and in the cinema.However, in recent years, opera has been facing serious challenges. One current challenge to opera is economics. The shortage of money raises the broader question of how much should be paid to support opera singers and other artists. Society seems to accept the large salaries paid to business managers and the multimilliondollar contracts given to sports athletes. But what about opera singers? Somehow, people have the idea that artists can be creative only if they suffer in poverty, but this is unrealistic. If artists, including opera singers, lack the support they need, valuable talent is wasted.Not only the shortage of money, but also the way money is managed in the opera world has led to hardships. Principal singers are generally paid performance fees once they complete a show. They typically receive nothing during the many weeks of rehearsal(排练) before a show starts.Another problem faced by opera is how to meet the demands of audiences who are influenced by popular entertainment. Pop singers are often judged as much on the basis of how they look as how they sound. These demands may be unrealistic and possibly harmful. Opera singers simply cannot make a sound big enough to fill a large theater or concert hall without a microphone if their body weight is too low. Emphasizing physical appearance over singing ability may cause audiences to miss out on the human voice at its best.There are no easy solutions to operas problems and there are many different opinions about the value of opera. However, every year many young people register for music courses with hopes and dreams of developing their talent in this special art form. The fact that opera has survived many obstacles and continues to attract the rising generation shows that it remains a respectable art form full of value.【解题导语】本文主要讨论了歌剧所面临的挑战和困难。1Which of the statements is TRUE according to the passage?AOpera singers life stories are dramatic.BOpera will soon appear on TV and in films.COpera fans thank celebrities for performing.DOpera develops by adapting to new conditions.D解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Over the years, it has responded to various musicals.”可推知,歌剧适应新的状况而得以发展,故选D。2What can we know from Paragraphs 2 and 3?AOpera singers are financially insecure.BOpera singers waste their valuable talent.COpera singers get paid before the show.DOpera singers perform better if they are poor.A解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的第二句以及第三段第一句可知,歌剧演唱家的经济是有问题的,不稳定的,故选A。3What does the author try to say in Paragraph 4?APopular culture has had a positive influence on opera.BAudiences know best how opera should be performed.CMicrophones should be used to make opera more enjoyable.DOpera singers voices should be valued more than their looks.D解析:推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句可知,歌剧演唱家的声音要比外貌重要得多,故选D。4What would be the best title for this passage?AThe Economic Challenge to OperaBOpera Faced with the DifficultiesCOpera as Part of Popular CultureDThe Historical Context of OperaB解析:标题归纳题。根据最后一段第一句并结合全文的整体内容可知,本文主要讨论的是歌剧所面临的问题和挑战,故选B。B(2018陕西西北六校模拟)With Halloween just around the corner, today we will explore the world of ghosts in this program!The MerriamWebster online dictionary says the word “ghost” goes back a thousand years to the “earliest recorded evidence of the language”. The first meaning of “ghost” was “the seat of life or intelligence”. And it still has that meaning in some expressions.However, today, the word “ghost” usually means the soul of a dead person. This meaning is based on the idea that a persons spirit and body are separate. The spirit can continue existing long after the body has died.During Halloween, kids dressed as ghosts are common sights. The costume is very simple:just throw on a white cloth that covers you from head to foot. But do not expect to win any costume competitions! You would not have a ghost of a chance. People use this expression to mean that something is very unlikely to happen.The sight might even make you turn pale as a ghost. This is used when people lose color in their face. Sometimes this happens when a person is scared. But a bad cold or flu can also turn you as pale as a ghost.“Ghost” can also be a verb. In the 1880s the term “ghost” meant a person who works in secret for another person. Ghostwriters produce speeches for politicians. They also produce books for authors who want to tell their life stories but are not professional writers.And sometimes ghostwriters are involved in a series of books, like the childrens stories based on the teenage detective Nancy Drew. The series began in 1930. The author given credit was Carolyn Keene. But she was not even real! Ghostwriters did all the work.Another expression using “ghost” as a verb is simply to ghost. This does not mean to die. It means to leave a place or event without saying “goodbye” to anyone. You can ghost from your job. You can ghost from a party. Yon can even ghost from a relationship. This is when you stop communicating with someone because you are simply no longer interested in them.But I will not ghost from Words and Their Stories.【解题导语】本文主要对“ghost”一词进行了深入探索。5The basic meaning of the word “ghost” nowadays is _Athe secret of another personBthe spirit of a dead personCthe color of ones faceDthe origin of intelligenceB解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段的第一句“However,today,the wordghostusually means the soul of a dead person.”可知,ghost 现在的基本含义是“一个死人的灵魂”。6If someone says “you dont have a ghost of a chance to win the match”, he means_Awithout doubt you wont lose the matchBthe match is unlikely to happenCits impossible for you to win the matchDyou are too scared to win the matchC解析:细节理解题。根据第四段的最后一句“People use this expression to mean that something is very unlikely to happen.”可知,题干中引号内的意思是“你不可能赢得比赛”,故选C。7What can be inferred about the word “ghost” according to the passage?AKids dressed in a white cloth like ghosts can win a costume competition.BA bad cold can turn people as pale as a ghost because they fear illness.CIt was Carolyn Keene who ghostwrote the childrens stories.DA person devoted to his job is unlikely to ghost from his job.D解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的第三句“It means to leave a place or event without saying goodbye to anyone.”并结合选项可知,一个热爱自己工作的人是不可能轻易离开自己的工作的,ghost的含义和引用的句子呼应,故选D。8This passage is likely to appear in_Aa radio programBa Halloween posterCa fashion magazineDa newspaper advertisementA解析:文章出处题。根据第一段“With Halloween just around the corner,today we will explore the world of ghosts in this program!”可推知,本文选自一个电台的节目,故选A。 完形填空(2018成都高中毕业班摸底测试)I worried about my personal image and how I could be remembered during my boyhood.In the fifth grade,there seemed to be only one_1_to be cool.In the sixth grade,suddenly,there were two choices:be cool,or be invisible._2_,one day,when a teacher had us fill out a questionnaire with_3_questions,I found the_4_option.Assuming(假定) the teacher would read our answers privately,I felt it was_5_to share my privacy.To my_6_,she collected and redistributed(重新分发)them to us.We were asked to_7_the name and our three favorite answers to the whole class.My answers went to the meanest boy in class.The first question was “Whats your favorite movie?” My answer was Beauty and the Beast.A laugh erupted and my cheeks_8_The next was “Where would you like to travel?”My answer was_9_special“Wherever a book takes me.”The_10_this time had an explosive quality.I could_11_remember what happened next;all that I had in mind was the laughter.But something amazing happened.A(n)_12_came,“Guys,cut it out.”The room went_13_Its Michelle Siever,a popular and cool girl.Then she_14_,“Why are you laughing?What is the point of_15_if we just laugh at others?”I cant remember the teacher or other kids names,but I remember Michelles. When she_16_for me that day,she_17_me we actually have three choices if we want to be remembered.Be cool,and you might be remembered_18_Stay invisible,and you wont be remembered at all.But if you stand up_19_someone when he or she_20_you most,then you will be remembered as their hero for the rest of their life.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。在老师组织的全班问卷调查活动中,“我”的回答引起全班同学哄堂大笑,这时一个女生站起来帮助“我”走出困境。同时,“我”明白了一个道理:在别人需要你的时候站出来会被别人永远记住。1A.toolBchoiceCchance DpurposeB解析:根据空后一句中的“In the sixth grade,suddenly,there were two choices”可知,此处表示,在五年级,似乎只有一个选择(choice)来让别人记住自己装酷。2A.However BIn additionCTherefore DIn factA解析:根据下文内容可知,老师让同学们填调查问卷这件事使“我”改变了原先的看法,故前后为转折关系。所以选A。3A.personal BfunnyCvarious DstrangeA解析:根据下文中的“share my privacy”可推知,此处表示老师要求回答的是我们的私人(personal)问题。所以选A。4A.wrong BformerCthird DlatterC解析:根据上文内容可知,到六年级,“我”突然认为被别人记住有两个选择,但是通过老师让同学们填调查问卷这件事,“我”发现了第三种选择。所以选C。5A.terrible BsafeCnervous DinterestingB解析:根据上文内容可知,假如老师私下阅读我们的回答,“我”就感觉分享的隐私是安全的(safe)。所以选B。6A.surprise BanxietyCdelight DexpectationA解析:根据下文可知,老师没有私下阅读我们的回答而是重新分发,让同学之间互读(read),这种做法让“我”感到吃惊(surprise)。所以选A。7A.repeat BrememberCcompare DreadD8A.ached BpaledCchanged DburnedD解析:根据空前的“A laugh erupted”及常识可知,“我”对第一个问题的回答引起了同学们的大笑,由此可知,“我”当时面颊发烫(burned)。选项D符合语境。9A.even BstillCnever DalwaysB解析:根据下文中的“this time had an explosive quality”可知,“我”对第二个问题的回答仍然(still)是特别的,因此这一次笑声(laughter)更加强烈。still“仍然,还是”,符合语境。10A.laughter BquestionCair DclassA11A.nearly BexactlyChardly DsurelyC解析:根据空后的“all that I had in mind was the laughter”可知,此处指“我”几乎不能(hardly)记得后面发生了什么,所以选C。12A.request BmessageCorder DvoiceD解析:根据下文中的“Guys,cut it out.”可知,Michelle Siever的声音(voice)传来,所以选D。13A.crazy BsilentCangry DemptyB解析:根据上下文可知,这个声音使整个房间安静(silent)了下来。14A.announced BsmiledCadded DstoppedC解析:根据空后的两个问句可知,Michelle Siever继续在说,即补充道(added)。15A.talking BchattingCarguing DsharingD解析:根据全文的内容,尤其是老师要求我们填调查问卷然后交换并在全班朗读这一活动过程可知,这是同学们之间的一次交流分享(share)活动。所以选D。16A.talked about Bcalmed downCleft behind Dspoke upD解析:根据上文内容可知,“我”对两个问题的回答引起全班的大笑,这时Michelle Siever的话使全班安静下来,据此可推断她在替“我”辩护。所以选D。speak up(for sb./sth.)“(尤指为)说好话,辩护”。17A.reminded BpromisedCshowed DpersuadedC解析:她替“我”辩护这件事向“我”展示(showed)了如果想要被人们记住,我们有三种选择。所以选C。18A.for a while BfinallyCagain


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