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情绪动词 关系代名词 形容词句子,情绪动词,情绪动词,意义:用以表现情绪的动词,如感到的句子。 特色:都可以变成情绪形容词,如tired, boring 等。 句型: 主主语be动词V-ingto (某物使某人感到.) 如: That movie is interesting to us. (那部电影节我们感到有趣),情绪动词表,不同情绪形容词的介系词也不相同,句型:主语be动词连缀动词 当主语是人,情绪动词多以 V+ed 呈现。 指:某人对某事感到,I am excited about our performance. He is scared of ghost. Mom is satisfied with our grades. I am surprised by the way you look today.,Joe is impressed with you. He is never worried about you. I am tired of my job. She was embarrassed about the fact that she failed the PE class.,情绪动词的两种用法,举例一:bore I am bored. 我是一个无聊的人 I am boring. 我觉得现在很无聊 This book is boring. 这本书令我感到无聊 The boring boy makes us bored. 这位令人厌烦的人使我们感到厌烦 举例二:interest I am interested in this subject. This subject is interesting.,关系代名词,关系代名词,功用:具有连接词跟代名词两种功用。,以人为先行词举例,I like the girl who has long hair. 我喜欢长头发的女孩。 I like the girl, who has long hair. 我喜欢长头发的女孩。 I like the girl whom Josh fell in love with. I like the girl with whom Josh fell in love. 我喜欢Josh曾曾经喜欢过的那位女孩。 The girl (that) I like is my classmate. 那位我喜欢的女孩是我的同学。,以物為先行詞為例,This is the beautiful house which I used to live in. This is the beautiful house that I used to live in. This is the beautiful house I used to live in. This is the beautiful house in which I used to live . This is the beautiful house where I used to live.,I like the teacher, who is kind and smart. A I like the teacher who is kind and smart. B A我只喜欢一个老师。 B只要是和善跟聪明的老师我都喜欢。,注意!,that 用于人、事、物各种情況,为受词时可以省略。 whom 已经日渐少用。 wherein which。,形容词子句,形容詞子句,意義:以關係代名詞所引導的關係子句,修飾先行詞。 先行詞就是關係代名詞所替代的名詞。 關係代名詞如:who/ which/ that,當需要將兩個句子合而為一時,常會使用形容詞子句。,舉例一: The boy has blue eyes + The boy is playing baseball with Ben = the boy (who is playing baseball with Ben ) has blue eyes. 其中紅字由who is 帶領的子句即為關係子句,()中的句子若是丟掉,原句依舊成立。,舉例二: I want the dress (which you wore at the party last Friday.) dress在此句為受詞,which 即可省略。 ()內即為關係子句。,舉例三: The tall man is my Math teacher. + The mans hair is grey. = the tall man (whose hair is grey) is my Math teacher. whose用於所有格,紅字為關係子句,省略後原句仍成立。,關係副詞,關係副詞,意義:介系詞關係代名詞。同時也有連接詞或是副詞的功能。 常見關係副詞: Where When Why How,Where,Where= in+which =at+which =on+which 通常用於the place(地點)之後。 舉例: I hate the place in which we stayed. I hate the place where we stay.,Where are you going? I dont know where you are. I will follow you wherever you go. No matter where you go, I will follow you. 想一想這些where的不同意義及用法?,When,When=in which 常用於the time(時間)之後。 舉例: I love the time when we went out together. I like May in which I will have a birthday gift. I like May when I will have a birthday gift.,When will you leave? Will you tell me when you will leave? Will you tell me when will you leave? 上述三句何者為非? 最後一句錯了!,Why,Why= for+which 常用於the reason(原因)之後。 舉例: She doesnt know the reason why they broke up in one w


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