



五年级下册Unit 2 My favourite season 教学设计与反思 Unit 2 My favourite season 五年级下册第六课时一、教学内容:Part B Read and write Lets find out二、教学目标1、能够听、说、读、写四会句子:Why do you like summer? Because I can swim in the lake. Why do you like winter? Because I can sleep a long time.并能在情景中正确运用。2、能够掌握阅读技巧,正确理解文章。3、能够提高英语写作能力。三、教学重点能听、说、读、写四会句子。教学难点能正确描述他人最喜欢的季节及原因四、教学准备教学课件CAI五、教学过程1、Warm-up(1)Lets chant(播放本单元Lets chant课件,学生拍手跟唱)(2)Everyday English(talk about your favourite season)Two students show the dialogue in front of the classroom after group workAnswer the questions (Whats her favourite season? why?)2、Presentation and practice(1)In our class, Wu ying likesBecause she can(解决人称变化,从第一人称转变为第三人称) (2)What about Zip and Zoom? Show the pictures, what season is it? Its summer. What can Zip do ? He can swim in the lake. learn the new words (wake up sleep a long time)in the same way.Read the passage , get to know more about Zip and Zoom.第一遍(指导学生阅读文章,划出关键句子,并完成相对应判断题)判断对错.1. In summer , Zoom and Zip swim in the lake.( )2.In fall, they go shopping.( )3.In winter , they skate.( )4.In spring, they wake up.( )第二遍(学生第二次读文章,并划出关键句子,回答问题)(1)Whats Zips favourite season? Why?(2)Which season does Zoom like best? Why?第三遍(read the text and try to repeat the story)(3)Lets find out(show the pictures about Beijing, Harbin, Qingdao, Hangzhou and Sanya)仿照课文,小组内进行对话,然后完成表格。PlaceSeasonWeatherActivitiesBeijingfallSunny and coolGo to the Great wallHarbinQingdaoHangzhouSanya3. Consolidation and extension(1)模仿例文写作: My favourite season 范文如下:I like fall best. Its windy and cool. I wear my nice sweater and jeans, I can fly kites, I can go hiking ,too. Its the best time to go to Beijing, I can go to the Great wall. In there , the sky is very blue, the leaves are colorful. (2)完成学习辅导P114.小结。5.Homework.布置作业1. Writing: My favorite season2. 听录音跟读三次。板书设计Unit 2 B. Read and writeWhy do you like summer?Because I can swim in the lake.Why do you like winter?Because I can make a snowman.教学反思:本节课能利用chant and Everyday English 来谈论whats your favourite season? Why do you like spring/?自然过渡到描述他人喜欢的季节及原因,学生能按照老师的要求阅读文章,并划出关键句子,学生掌握了一些阅读技巧,提高了阅读能力,学生的答题效果较好!但是,在课堂上,出现了一些小插曲,全班学生都看似认真听课,全班课堂纪律良好,无人讲话或违反课堂纪律现象,但是当我提问时:Whats Li Meis favorite season?举手的学生廖廖无几,我看到这种现象,只好点兵点将,并特意叫了几个学困生来回答我的问题,三个学生都能流利回答She likes在学生站起来回答问题时,我听到几个学生窃窃私语:“又是让他们回答!我们再也不用回答了!”认真观察全班学生,大部分学生低着头,难道他们不会回答我的问题吗?我要求全班学生用课堂练习本写问句: Why do you like summer? 并根据图片所示来回答Because I can swim in the lake,我在教室巡堂,发现全班有98%的学生能够正确回答。为什么会出现学生不举手回答问题呢?难道问题太难了?不!难道学生怕羞了?也不!难道学生和老师作对?NO!认真看一下黑板的板书:Unit 2 B. Read and writeWhy do you like summer?Because I can swim in the lake.Why do you like winter?Because I can make a snowman.板书内容有课题,本课时的重点和难点,但是,黑板上没有任何评价表!我想这就是问题的关键,全班44人,学生回答问题的机会不多,每节课至多能有三分之一的学生回答问题,那还三分之二学生,能做什么?教师如果不正确引导,不对他们作任何评价,长


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