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必修一,Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab,第,.识记填读 1_v收缩 答案 contract 2_n天平;平衡 答案 balance 3_n物质 答案 substance,4_n(大学的)科;系 答案 department 5_adj.普通的;平常的 答案 ordinary 6_n讲座 答案 lecture,.联想填读 1be proud of 对感到自豪;对感到骄傲take_in 以为自豪 答案 pride 2expand vi. 膨胀expand _详述;进一步说明 答案 on,3used to 过去(常常)be used_.被用来be used_.习惯于;适应 答案 to do;to doing 4add. to 往加入add_to 总计add_增添 答案 up;to 5react v. 反应,起作用react _对作出反应react _反对;反抗 答案 to;against,.构词填读 1_n. 设备;装备_vt. 装备 答案 equipment;equip 2_n. 电_adj. 与电有关的_adj. 发电的;用电的 答案 electricity;electrical;electric 3_adj. 部分的;局部的_n. 部分 答案 partial;part,4_n. 目标;目的_adj. 漫无目的的 答案 aim;aimless 5_vi. 煮;煮沸_adj. 沸腾的_adj. 煮沸的,烧滚的 答案 boil;boiling;boiled,.语法填空 1The steam is easily _(form) when the liquid is _(boil) 答案 formed;boiling 2The _(conclude) about the _(mix) has not been reached. 答案 conclusion;mixture,3Some _(equip) is introduced in this company every year. 答案 equipment 4The lecture given by the president of our university made us _(astonish) 答案 astonished 5Youll be amazed by the positive _(react) of some people when you say just a few words in their own language. 答案 reaction,.微语法填空 1. (2015杭州质检) You should look _ (far)into the matter to get more information about it. 解析 考查副词的用法及含义。句意:你应该进一步调查这件事以便获取更多的信息。此处further意为“进一步”。 答案 further,2(2014北京海淀区一模改编)How was your holiday? It couldnt have been_boring. I just stayed in the hotel because it was raining most of the time. 解析 考查形容词的用法。couldnt be better意为“不能更好”,即the best,本题实际上考查了双重否定的表达方式。由语境“因下雨只能待在屋子里”可知此处表达的是消极态度,即“没有比这更无聊的假期了”。 答案 more,3(2014柳州、贵港、钦州、河池模拟)If your family make a trip to our city some day, I will be _than happy to be your guide. 解析 more than后可以跟名词(表示“超过”,“不仅仅”),形容词(表示“非常、很”)。句意:“我将非常高兴当你的导游”。 答案 more,4(2015宁德质检改编)To my great surprise, sleeping less leads to _weight rather than less. 解析 考查比较级。句意:使我感到惊讶的是,少睡觉导致体重增加而不是减少。根据rather than less可知选more。 答案 more,5(2015北京西城期末改编)Our physics teacher is as humorous as he is intelligent. It could never be _(true). I like him so much. 解析 考查形容词比较级。句意:“我们的物理老师既聪明又幽默。”“那再准确不过了,我特别喜欢他。”can never be比较级,相当于最高级“再不过了”“非常”。 答案 truer,.微完形 Time is very important in our lives. It _1_ our everyday moments. However,time never had any importance in my life until I _2_ a watch from my father,which organized my life and made me more_3_.,I received this gift on a graysky day.I had to go to the airport at 900 am. to pick up my Uncle All and take him to my fathers house. _4_,I was late because I was hanging out with my friends. Later on that day,around 1100 am.,I _5_ my uncle,but I was very late for him. He had _6_ the airport and taken a taxi to my fathers house.,I got to my fathers house at 200 p. m. that day and felt _7_ of myself at that moment. After I said hi to my angry father and tired uncle,my father asked me to sit next to him and handed me this watch. Then he said,“Peter,did you have _8_ with your friends today?” I answered, “Yes,father,and I apologized for not meeting my Uncle All. ” He said. “What you did was not very nice and you should be sorry for your _9_. I hope today you learned something important,and this watch will be a reminder for you. ”,I learned a very important lesson from my father: to respect time and never to be _10_ to get someone. 1. Amakes Borganizes Corders Dsupplies 解析 下一句中的organized是对该空的提示:时间帮助我们安排(organize)生活。 答案 B,2. Areceived Bborrowed Cordered Dbegged 解析 作者从父亲那儿得到(receive)了一块手表。下一段第一句中的received是对该空的提示。 答案 A,3. Aconfident Bdependent Cenjoyable Dresponsible 解析 根据最后一段的总结可知,父亲的礼物使作者更加尊重时间、更加有责任心(responsible)。 答案 D,4. ATherefore BHowever CBesides DOtherwise 解析 作者本该按时到机场去接叔叔,他却晚点了,故用表转折的however。 答案 B,5. Aforgot Bremembered Cvisited Dinformed 解析 上一句提到作者去跟朋友玩耍了,所以过了约定的时间约两个小时后才记起(remember)要接叔叔的事情。 答案 B,6A.lost Brefused Cleft Dfound 解析 根据该空后的taken a taxi to my fathers house可知,叔叔已经离开(leave)了机场,坐出租车去了父亲那里。 答案 C,7. Aashamed Bcertain Chopeful Dbored 解析 作者原本应该去接叔叔,却因为贪玩忘了时间而没有接到叔叔,因此感到羞愧(ashamed)。 答案 A,8. Alunch Btime Ccontact Dfun 解析 父亲问作者跟朋友玩得是否高兴,因此用短语have fun with sb.,相当于have a good time with sb.。 答案 D,9. Aidea Bword Caction Dresult 解析 父亲说作者应该为自己的行为(action)感到羞愧。 答案 C,10. Alate BStraight Ctense Dshy 解析 文中作者去接叔叔时晚点了,因此他从中得到的教训是接别人的时候永远不要迟到(late)。 答案 A,解析 主旨大意题。利用演绎推理法和归纳推理法。第一段主要介绍了喝酒对于司机开车方面的影响:视力,判断力和协调能力下降;反应时间变慢;增加了发生事故的风险。故选C项。 答案 C,2The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to“_” Aalcohol Babsorption Cblood Dprocess 解析 词义猜测题。利用上下文暗示法。it通常指上文提到的名词或事情,上文主要讲述“除掉身体里的酒精是一个非常缓慢的过程”,由此推出本句的it指代前面的process。 答案 D,3Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ADrinking below the drink driving limit has no effect on driving. BAlcohol is taken in more quickly when drunk with fruit juice. CHaving a cup of tea helps to get rid of alcohol from the body. D50 milligrams of alcohol per 100 ml of breath is below the drink driving limit.,解析 推理判断题。利用正选法与排除法。由第一段最后句可知,即使酒精含量低于酒后驾车的限制,开车也会受到影响,由此排除A项;由第二段最后一句可知,像洗澡或喝茶或咖啡等措施都不能使这个过程加快,由此排除C项;由第三段第一句可以排除D项;由第二段第二句可知,酒与果汁混到一起喝时身体对酒精的吸收会加快。故选B项。 答案 B,4A driver suspected of drink driving_. Ashould provide specimens for testing Bwill be forbidden to


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