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Lesson 45: How Safe Is Your home?,Talk about it!,1. If a cook is careless, what might happen in the kitchen? 2. When is electricity safe? When is it not safe? 3. Why shouldnt parents leave young children alone in the bathtub?,Warming up,Do you cook at home? If a cook is careless, what might happen in the kitchen?,What should you do if something id on fire in the kitchen?,What should you do if something id on fire in the kitchen?,What should you do if something id on fire in the kitchen?,When is electricity safe?,When is electricity safe?,Think about these questions,If a cook is careless, what might happen in the kitchen? When is electricity safe? When is not safe? Why shouldnt parents leave young children alone in the bathroom?,New words,prevent v. 阻止 bathroom n. 浴室 slip v. 滑倒 fire n. 火;火灾 soda n. 苏打 instead adv. 代替 stove n. 火炉 electrical adj. 电的 appliance n. 器具;设备 bathtub n. 浴缸 soap n. 肥皂 edge n. 边缘 drown v. 淹死,New Words,Accidents are bad, we must try to _ them. Where do we clean ourselves? Yes, in the _ . We use _ to cook. But it is dangerous too. Since youre busy, Ill go _. We use _ to wash our face and hands. The farthest part from the middle is called _. Dont stand at the _ of the table, you may fall down!,prevent,bathroom,fire,instead,soap,edge,edge,Listening task: Answer the questions,Could people prevent the accidents that happen in their homes? Where are the most dangerous rooms in the house? Keys: 1.Yes, they could. 2.The kitchen and the bathroom.,Reading task: True or False,1.It is necessary to keep the floor wet. 2.Use cold water to put out the fires. 3.Be careful with knives. 4.Use electrical appliances in the shower or bathtub. 5.Keep soap in a soap dish. Keys: 1-5:FFTFT,Language notes,Safety tips to prevent accidents in the kitchen. 防止厨房事故发生的安全技巧。 tip n. 提示,技巧 study tips学习的技巧 I gave a tip to the man who carried my cases. 我给了替我拿箱子的人一点小费。 vt. 使翻倒 I tipped the bottle over and it broke. 我把瓶子弄翻了,瓶子摔破了。,Many people hurt themselves by falling off the chair. 许多人从椅子上掉下来伤了自己。 hurt vt. , vi.使受伤;使伤痛 My leg hurts. 我的腿受伤了。 I hurt it playing football. 我踢足球伤着它的。 I wont hurt you. 我不会伤害你。 Did he hurt himself? 他受伤了吗?,Then you wont slip and fall. 这样你就不会滑倒。 slip vi., vt. 滑落;跌跤现在分词,过去式及过去分词 She slipped on the shiny floor and fell. 他滑倒在明亮的地板上。 He has slipped in my opinion. 我对它的评价已经降低了。,Use baking soda or salt instead. 要用苏打和盐。 instead adv. 替代;更换 If you cannot go, let him go instead. 如果你不能去,让他替你去。 I didnt have a pen, so I used a pencil instead. 我没有钢笔,因此我就用铅笔了。 (与of连用)代替 I will go instead of you. 我代你去。,Dont use water to put out kitchen fires. Use soda or salt instead. 不要用水扑灭厨房的火,而要用小苏打或盐。 【点拨】 put out 意思是“熄灭、扑灭”。又如: Put out your cigarette. Its a gas station here. 灭掉你的烟,这里是加油站。 instead是副词,表示“代替,顶替”。又如: He is ill, so I go there instead. 他病了,所以我代替他去了。 【拓展】instead of后面跟名词、代词或动名词等。例如: I usually go to school by bus instead of going by bicycle. 我通常坐公共汽车去上学,而不是骑自行车。,Dont keep poisons in the kitchen. 不要把毒药放在厨房里。 poison n. 毒;毒药 poison for killing weeds除草剂 【拓展】: vt. 毒杀 The farmer poisoned the rats. 这个农民毒死了老鼠。,Never use electrical appliances in the shower or bathtub. 在淋浴和浴池中,一定不要用带电的器具。 appliance n. 设备;器械;装置 kitchen appliance厨房用具 an office appliance办公用具,Never use electrical appliance in the shower or bathtub. 在香皂盒里放香皂,不要把它放在浴池边上。 on the edge of在边上 on the edge of the table在桌子边 edge n. 边,棱,边缘 The edge of the plate was blue. 这盘子的边是蓝色的。 the edge of the cliff绝壁边,Language notes,Dont use water to put out kitchen fires. Use baking soda or salt instead. 扑灭厨房的火不要用水,而要用发酵粉或盐。 Put out 意思是“扑灭”. Instead “顶替;代替” 后接被替的人或物时用instead of I will go instead of you this afternoon.,You dont want to start a fire. 你不想引起火灾吧。,注意与fire 常用的搭配: Catch a fire 着火; Make a fire 生火; Discover a fire 发现火情; Light/ start a fire 点火; Put out the fire 灭火; Set fire to sth=set sth on fire 放火; Be on fire 失火,在燃烧,Never leave small children alone in a bathtub. 决不能让小孩子独自在浴盆里(洗澡),Leave somebody/something alone/by oneself “让某人某物独自留在那里” 如:Leave my sandwich alone. 别动我的三明治 dont leave him standing alone outside. 不要让他一人外面站着。,Practice :根据汉语提示填空。,1.If we are careful enough, a lot of accidents can _(避免). 2.He _(滑倒)on the icy road and broke his leg.,be prevented,slipped,3.Mum always _(擦干)her hands before she turns on the stove. 4.The firemen _(熄灭)the fire quickly. 5. We ate all the food and _ (剩下) nothing on the plate.,dries,put out,left,Lets do it!,Work in a small group. Give suggestions about how to keep a safe home. Write them down and share them with the class. Try using these phrases: Never _ when you. You should always _.,; / 轮扣式脚手架 iyh72kze 印,也即刻要传告南北,失印作废,监印者斩,印主就地论罪!这一枚,刻得清清楚楚,是七王爷的宝印。七王爷还要消遣他,吩咐四侍卫道:“你们把各自的腰牌,都给锦城太守看看。”唐太守口称不敢,那四个侍卫哪里理他,一个个遵主人嘱咐,把自己腰牌亮到他鼻子底下,乃是健锐营特命拱卫七王爷的健儿。七王爷朝椅背上一靠:“太守,如今你是看清楚了。”“清楚。清楚了!”唐太守如今一点儿也不怪他在主座上坐得张狂,还要担心自己的椅子会不会太硬太粗糙,害王爷坐得不舒服。“你对我身份,应无疑虑了罢?”七王爷又问。“绝无疑虑!”唐太守头越垂越低,几乎又要磕到地上去了。“那好,”七王爷青蛙目中玩味的光芒一闪,“信上说,有人想让我对锦城失去兴趣,好让我祸害其他地方去?”唐太守没话可说,只有磕头。“起来吧!”这次只叫他磕了一个,七王爷就开恩了,“有句话你倒说对了,地方若没意思,我呆着也不痛快。锦城到底是什么样的地方?”唐太守正要答话,七王爷阻止了他:“不用你形容,我会自己用这双眼睛去看。你的任务,就是安排人带我去看。”笑容转冷,加重了语气,“你可以相信的是,如果我觉得锦城很糟糕,你的下场会比锦城更糟糕。”唐太守于是就安排唐静轩带七王爷去“看看”了。太守夫人听到这个安排,当时的反应就五雷轰顶:“你没听说王爷好那口?你让轩儿带他走走,莫非是,难道是,想把他往虎口里送?!”“镇定点,”唐太守愁眉苦脸,“人家京里什么没见过?未必看得上你的好孙子。”“你!”太守夫人勃然大怒,“我们轩儿有哪点不如人?”唐太守与夫人交手一辈子,熟极而流的接上:“好好,咱们孙子木秀于林,王爷一定看得上。”“你”太守夫人吃了唐太守的心都有,“你是拉定了这个皮条?”“夫人啊,瞧瞧,瞧瞧,这是什么话?”唐太守对夫人的粗口很无奈,耐下性子,谆谆教诲道,“咱们也算名门。”“哼!”“何谓名门?”太守请教道。“那还用问?世


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