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关 键 词:
自动 导引 小车 agv 研究 钻研 以及 应用 利用 运用


41页 25000字数+说明书+开题报告+任务书+文献综述+外文翻译











目  录

摘  要1

1 引言1

1.1 问题的提出及研究意义1

1.1.1 问题的提出1

1.1.2 研究意义1

1.2 国内外研究现状2


2 AGV的总体设计4

2.1 AGV系统的构成与结构4

2.1.1 AGV系统技术的研究方向4

2.1.2 AGV的结构5

2.2 AGV导航系统6

2.3 AGV总体系统7

3 AGV小车的动力学建模10

3.1 AGV小车动力学结构10

3.2 车体运动建模11

3.3 驱动后轮运动建模12


4 AGV机械部分主要零件的选取15



4.1.2 电机的控制参数19

4.2 轴的设计和参数的计算20


4.2.2 驱动后轮轴的设计21




4.5.1 红外传感器寻迹26


5 驱动转向系统的设计28

5.1 驱动方式的选择28

5.2 传感器的布置29

5.3 电机与行走系统的驱动装置30

5.4 电源部分选择31

6 控制系统32

6.1 电源及驱动芯片模块32

6.2 电路的设计及行走策略33

6.3 控制策略34



致  谢38

摘  要

   随着工厂自动化、计算机集成制造系统技术的逐步发展以及柔性制造系统、自动化立体仓库的广泛应用,AGV(Automatic Guided Vehicle)即自动导引车作为联系和调节离散型物流系统以使其作业连续化的必要的自动化搬运装卸手段,其应用范围和技术水平得到了迅猛的发展。




关键词:AGV;激光导引;单片机 ;驱动控制电路;行走策略;控制策略;串口通信

中国地质大学长城学院毕业设计(论文)专家评阅书学生姓名蔡杰轩学号05208337班 级机制三班指导教师徐鹏云职称讲师单 位河北农大设计(论文)题目自动导引小车(AGV)的研究和应用对论文的评语(包括选题意义,引用资料,实验结果及数据的准确性,论文的创新点及写作的规范性、逻辑性,论文的不足之处等):是否同意安排论文答辩(论文成绩): 论文成绩:评阅专家(签名): 年 月 日中国地质大学长城学院毕业设计(论文)任务书学生姓名蔡杰轩学号05208337班 级08级机械设计制造及其自动化3班指导教师徐鹏云职称讲师单 位河北农业大学毕业设计(论文)题目自动导引小车(AGV)的研究和应用毕业设计(论文)主要内容和要求:自动导引小车(Automatic Guided Vehiele,AGV),它是在计算机的控制下,经磁或激光等导向装置引导并沿程序设定路径运行完成作业的无人驾驶自动小车。它为现代制造业、现代物流提供了一种高度柔性化和自动化的运输方式。 本文介绍了导航系统,小车的动力学建模,部分主要机械零件的选取,轴的设计和参数的计算,驱动转向系统的设计和控制系统。后轮由伺服电机、齿轮传动系统来驱动,前轮伺服电机驱动,以实现转向。本论文主要进行AGV小车的研究和应用。毕业设计(论文)主要参考资料:1 朱江.AGV车载控制原理研究J.计算机控制,2006.2 蔡涛.AGV的超声波定位与避障研究D.陕西:西安理工大学,2008.3 于洋.AGV及其控制器设计与开发J.检测技术与自动化装置,2008. 4 潘明华.盾构自动导向系统的研究与实现J.机械电子工程,2005.5 陈鲁华.基于CAN总线的网络化PLC技术研究与实现J.机电控制及自动化,2003.6 沈颖.激光导引AGV车载控制系统研究M.安徽:合肥工业大学.2007.7 黄霞.嵌入式自动导引小车AGV系统研究与设计M.控制理论与控制工程,2009.8 管一兵.直线行走式智能监控小车的精确定位方法研究M.电力电子与电力传动,2008.9 肖一帆.全桥驱动的自导引小车AGV动力学建模及其运动研究J.上海:同济大学,2007.10 吴亮亮.自动导向小车AGV无接触供电关键技术研究J.计算机集成与柔性制造,2010.11 张勇波.自动引导小车AGV路径跟踪控制策略的研究J.湖北:武汉理工大学,2006.12 叶甲秋.自动引导小车AGV驱动系统辨识与动态特性分析J.柔性制造技术,2010.13 嘉红霞,集装箱装卸桥PLC控制系统中若干通信问题的研究J.机械电子工程,2002. 14 李辛.基于无线定位的AGV导航、控制研究及模拟系统的研制J.通信与信息系统,2006.15 Chu Jiangwei,Shi Shuming,Guo Lie,Wang Rongben,Ma Guosheng. Visual guidance of two differential steering AGV design and key technologies. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Material Handling & Logistics Systems,2002.毕业设计(论文)应完成的主要工作:1.毕业设计任务书2.毕业设计开题报告3.毕业设计文献综述4.毕业设计的翻译文章及外文原文5.毕业论文6.相关图纸毕业设计(论文)进度安排:序号毕业设计(论文)各阶段内容时间安排备注1查阅资料并撰写毕业设计开题报告2011.12.10-2011.12.202指导教师审核开题报告,学生根据指导老师意见做进一步修改2011.12.21-2011.12.223系里组织开开题报告会2011.12.21-2011.12.224由指导老师指导查阅资料,并翻译外文资料2011.12.23-2011.12.315撰写文献综述,经指导老师审阅后着手毕业论文的写作2012.01.01-2012.01.206开始编写毕业设计工作计划,进入毕业设计的撰写2012.01.21-2012.03.067整改论文2012.04.29-2012.04.308毕业设计答辩2012.05.05-2012.05.19课题信息:课题性质: 设计 论文R 课题来源: 教学 科研R 生产 其它发出任务书日期: 2011.12.1 指导教师签名: 年 月 日教研室意见:教研室主任签名:年 月 日 学生签名:中国地质大学长城学院本科毕业论文外文资料翻译系 别: 工程技术系 专 业:机械设计制造及其自动化姓 名: 学 号: 2011 年 12 月 31 日外文资料翻译译文自动引导小车是中国轻型电动车的产业化进程的一项新型技术。它将拉开无人驾驶自动小车电动化的关键序幕。随着商业实践和理论探索的深入,一条“从轻型电动车到自动引导小车”的技术路线越来越清晰,可行性明显,如果得以实现,将是中国企业家和科技工作者展示他们才能的重要平台,也是中国在能源紧缺背景下走出一条可持续发展道路的重要选择之一。自动引导小车成本低廉,其作为替代型的人类工作工具具有现实而庞大的市场。尽管从性能上自动引导小车会低于传统人工作业的电动车,但它所面对的市场不是传统的使用人群,而是一些与现代所接轨的无人操作的自动车,这就是中国发展微型电动车的市场基础,可以说,它是前所未有的。 从产业基础看,中国已经形成了全球最大的轻型电动车生产能力,不仅具有完整、高效的产业体系,技术水平领先全球,而且正处于在需求驱动下高速增长的投资扩张期,中国完全有条件把握这一战略性机遇,率先实现从传统工作直接向以电动技术为基础的新型无人工作微型电动小车的升级。 在技术可行性方面,一旦中国式的微型自动车商业化进程启动,与之相关的各种关键技术产业在市场的强烈刺激下必然迅猛发展,在电池技术、电机技术、控制器技术、轻量化车架技术等等技术领域会涌现出一系列巨大的自主技术创新成果。过去几年,中国轻型电动车在储能技术水平、驱动技术进步、驱动控制技术和能量回收技术、电池管理系统和快速充电技术等方面所取得的技术领域的巨大成就,在提升到“微型电动车”时可以直接发挥作用。 轻型电动车的发展对中国社会经济的长远发展具有多方面的重要意义。然而现实生活中这些重要性不仅没有得到应有的重视,轻型电动车及其所推动的新型交通模式,与传统管理体制和标准之间的冲突还在不断加剧,并成为制约行业健康发展最重要的障碍。更新观念,调整政策,修正标准,创造一个促进中国轻型电动车产业健康持续发展的大环境,已成为当务之急。轻型电动车的这种尴尬地位,一方面导致企业为了使自己的产品获得上路权,都在想方设法向电动自行车国家标准靠拢,将许多其他类型的轻型电动车产品冠上“电动自行车”的名称,鱼目混珠。另一方面,市场需求潜力巨大的轻型电动车产品游离于国家标准之外,无法获得合法上路权,一旦被执法部门查处将面临严厉处罚,企业的经营风险巨大。 标准滞后同时约束了企业的生产理念,制约了企业的技术创新。由于缺乏评价产品质量好坏的技术依据,造成市场上的轻型电动车产品质量参差不齐,消费者选择盲目。另外,质量监管部门缺乏有效的执法依据,造成执法困难,产生质量监管真空。同时,某些现有标准存在技术问题又造成执法行为存在偏差,而某些涉及安全、卫生、环保等方面标准的缺失,也会造成产业的发展背离当前经济发展方向。 政策的正确或者错误对经济运行的影响非常大,积极的鼓励政策会产生极大的激励作用。因此,国家决策部门的重要作用在于政策导向,而不在于资金的直接投入,政策导向可以诱导出巨大的生产力和消费活力。良好的政策环境才是轻型电动车产业健康发展之路。 首先,对于通过民间力量,依靠市场需求发展起来的轻型电动车产业,不要再限制,以充分尊重消费者合理需要和尊重产业技术发展规律为前提准则,迅速修改产品技术标准,规范安全技术条件,还企业以正常的经营环境。其次,对于有些地方管理部门以各种理由制订的禁止和限制电动车使用的“土政策”,国家应该明确反对,从能源和环境战略的大局出发,破除电力交通工具发展的政策壁垒,营造有利于电动车发展的全国一体化的社会环境; 第三,推动自动车工具电动化,需要建立开放式的产业平台,特别是微型电动小车的开发,不能局限于现有的汽车工业背景企业,应该鼓励有市场开发经验的轻型电动车骨干企业积极探索发展微型电动车,国家的相关政策应该出台,以加快实现从“轻型电动车到微型电动车”技术路线,打造有中国特色的自动引导小车的产业发展道路。自动化行业已经意识到并解决了潜在的不协调技术的大量涌入问题。但他们的进步受到技术和经济障碍,不确定的消费者喜好,不完善的标准和准则的阻碍。此外,无论是传统的自动引导小车制造商或是政府监管机构(除非安全问题非常明显)都不能控制售后的产品的使用。然而,还没有一个“以人为本”的智能车辆试图整合和协调各种技术以解决问题。我们也许不仅仅会失去实现新的车载技术的机遇,甚至可能会在无意中降低行车的安全性和性能。目前自动引导小车使用过程的“零排放”特征,是其他任何非人力工作所不具有的。以摩托车为例,按欧标准限值保守估算,摩托车每公里排放一氧化碳5.5克,碳氢化合物1.2克,氮氧化合物0.3,仅此三项合计为7克,年行驶1万公里,排放有害物质净值70公斤,8年寿命则总排放560公斤。如果以电动车代替摩托车,这部分排放污染几乎下降为零,环境效益十分明显。如果2020年轻型电动车能够实现对一些传统工业用车需求一定范围的有效替代,每年将减小污染排放量接近3000万吨。 针对人们常常担心轻型电动车“污染”问题,实际情况正好相反,这正是轻型电动车优越环保性能的重要体现。目前,电动车行业已制订了公约,企业与经销商签订了回收协议。大多数轻型电动车企业在建立经销网络的同时建立了完善的回收系统,回收率基本达到100%。自动引导小车是一种无人操纵的自动化的运输设备,能够承载一定的重量在始发地与目的地之间自主驾驶,自动运行。AGV集声、光、电、计算机于一体,综合了当今科技领域先进的理论和应用技术,属于移动式机器人的一个分支。路径跟踪技术是自动引导小车研究中的一个重要环节,因而,如何设计出一种跟踪误差小、动态响应快、能适应多种复杂环境且具有较好的控制系统十分重要。在分析AGV的结构特点及其路径的相对运动关系的基础上建立其运动模型,并分析AGV驱动系统的动静态特性,通过系统的性能分析表明系统是临界稳定的,但能控能观,可以通过极点配置使系统闭环稳定。首先利用经典控制理论中的工程设计方法,在控制系统的前向通道中串联一个PD控制器,并合理的设计了控制器的参数。通过详细的仿真分析表明尽管这种控制器极大的提高了系统的稳定性,改善了系统的性能,然而对于运行精度较高的要求不能很好的满足。针对这种不足,选择现代控制理论中的线性状态反馈控制方法,采用了线性二次型最优控制器设计方案。通过对闭环系统阶跃响应和零极点图的分析,合理的确定了系统最优反馈控制增益矩阵,最终完成了控制器的设计。对该控制器的仿真分析结果表明线性二次型最优控制器在转向角度较小时,跟踪性能稳定,具有良好的稳态特性,能够满足AGV路径跟踪控制的要求,同时也存在大偏差时纠偏缓慢,不能适应较大角度的转向控制等缺点。因此对模糊控制器进行了研究,选取将距离偏差与角度偏差的线性函数构成的综合偏差作为控制器的一个输入,将这个偏差的线性函数构成的综合偏差作为控制器的一个输入,将这个偏差的变化率作为另一个输入,设计了双输入单输出的模糊控制器。仿真分析结果表明迷糊控制器在大偏差时能后使系统快速纠偏,但是由于控制策略无法覆盖所有情况,在小偏差情况下控制效果不如常规控制器理想。针对单一控制器在应用中的不足,提出了采用切换法的符合控制的路径跟踪控制的方法,实现了模糊控制和常规控制的优势互补,并合理的确定了切换阀的大小。通过各种复杂环境下的仿真结果表明,该复合控制系统使AGV具备对各种路径跟踪的适应能力,具有较好的抗噪干扰能力和控制效果。自动导引小车是伴随着柔性加工系统、柔性装配系统、计算机集成制造系统、自动化立体仓库而产生并发展起来的,日本人认为1981年是柔性加工系统元年,这样计算自动导引小车大规模应用的历史也只有20多年。但是,其发展速度是非常快的。例如:美国通用公司1981年开始使用自动导引小车,1985年自动导引小车保有量500台,1987年自动导引小车保有量达到了3000台。资料表明”3欧洲40的自动导引小车用于汽车工业,同本15的自动导引小车用于汽车工业,也就是说自动导引小车在其他行业也有广泛的应用。目前国内总体上看自动导引小车的应用刚刚开始,相当于国外80年代初的水平。但从应用的行业分析,分布面非常广阔,有汽车工业、飞机制造业、家用电器行业、烟草行业、机械加工、仓库、邮电部门等,这说明自动导引小车有一个潜在的广阔市场。从前面分析的美国自动导引小车保有量的增长速度看,中国的自动导引小车市场很快会有一个大的变化。目前在工业上应用的90%以上的自动导引小车,都不能称为具有智能。随着工业数量的快速增长和工业生产的发展,对自动导引小车的工作能力也提出了更高的要求,特别是需要各种具有不同程度智能的自动导引小车:这些自动导引小车,可在凹凸不平的地面上行走移动:具有视觉和触觉功能,能够进行独立操作、自动装配和产品检验;自动导引小车可以集成如视觉和触觉技术、自主控制和决策技术、临场感技术、多智能体技术、人工神经网络技术、遗传算法、仿生技术、多传感器集成技术和融合技术等许多最新的智能技术,可以完成很多高智能工作,使用范围很广。我国已经将自动导引小车列入国家高技术计划,足以证明政府有关部门对发展自动导引小车的高度重视。外文原文Automatic guided vehicle is China light electric vehicle industrialization process of a new technology. It will be open to complete the work of unmanned automatic vehicle electric key prelude. With the business practice and theoretical exploration depth, a from the light electric vehicle to the automatic guided vehicle technology is more and more clear, feasibility, if achieved, will be Chinese entrepreneur and science and technology workers to show their ability the important platform, is China in the energy shortage background out of a road of sustainable development an important choice one of the.Automatic guided vehicle cost, as the replacement of human work tool with reality and huge market. Although from the performance of automatic guided vehicle will be lower than the traditional manual operation of electric vehicles, but it faces the market than the traditional use of the crowd, but with modern standards of unmanned automatic vehicle, this is the Chinese development of micro electric vehicle market foundation, can say, it is a hitherto unknown.From the industrial base, China has become the worlds largest light electric vehicle production capacity, not only has the complete, efficient industry system, technical level of the leading global, and are in demand driving high-speed growth of investment expansion of a period, China has the condition to grasp the strategic opportunity, take the lead in realizing from traditional work directly to electric technology as the foundation of the new unmanned working miniature electric car upgrades.In the technical feasibility, once China type miniature automatic car commercial process starts, associated with a variety of key technology industries in the market of intense stimulation is swift and violent development, in battery technology, electrical technology, control technology, lightweight frame technology field will present a series of great independent technology innovation. Over the past few years, China light electric vehicle in energy storage technology level, drive technical progress, drive control technology and energy recovery technology, battery management system and rapid charge technology has made great achievements in the field of technology, upgrade to the mini electric vehicle can directly play a role.Light electric vehicle development of Chinese social economy long-term development has many important implications. However in real life the importance not only has not received the attention it deserves, Lev and drive new traffic pattern, and the traditional management system and standard conflict is pricking up, and restrict the healthy development of the industry the most important barriers. Renew an idea, adjust policy, revised standard, to create a China light electric vehicle industry to promote the healthy and sustainable development of the environment, has become a pressing matter of the moment. Lev this embarrassing position, hand lead the enterprises to make their products to get on the road, in the try various devices to move closer to the national standards for electric bikes, many other types of light electric vehicle products crown dynamoelectric bicycle name, pass off the sham as the genuine. On the other hand, the huge potential market demand for light electric vehicle products dissociated from the national standards, unable to obtain the legal right of way, once the law enforcement departments and will face severe punishment, the management risk of the enterprise huge.Standard lag at the same time constraints the production concept, restricted the enterprise technology innovation. Due to the lack of evaluation of product quality technical basis, creating a market on the light electric vehicle product quality uneven, consumer choice is blind. In addition, the quality supervision departments lack effective basis for law enforcement, law enforcement caused by difficulty, produce quality regulatory vacuum. At the same time, some of the existing standard problems caused law enforcement behavior deviation, some involving safety, hygiene, environmental protection and other aspects of the lack of standards, can also cause industry development from the current economic development direction.Policy is right or wrong on the economic impact of very large, actively encouraged the policy will have a great incentive effect. Therefore, the State Department s important role in policy orientation, and not in the capital of direct investment, policy guidance can induce huge productivity and consumption of energy. A good policy environment is the light electric vehicle industry healthy development roadFirst of all, for through the folk strength, rely on the market demand for the development of the light electric vehicle industry, not to limit, to fully respect the reasonable consumer needs and respect of development of technology of industry of law to rule, rapidly modify product technical standard, standard safety technique condition of enterprise, is in a normal operating environment.Secondly, for some local authorities to all kinds of reasons for prohibitions and restrictions on electric vehicles using the local policies, the state should clear opposition, from energy and environmental strategy of the overall situation, get rid of electric vehicle development policy barriers, build be helpful for electric vehicle development of national integration social environment;Third, promote auto tools power, need to build the open platform for the industry, especially the miniature electric car development, should not be confined to the existing automobile industry background, should encourage a market development experience of Lev backbone enterprises to actively explore the development of electric vehicles, the national related policy should be introduced, in order to accelerate the realization of the light electric vehicles to electric vehicles technical route, build with Chinese characteristics, the path of industrial development of automatic guided vehicle. Automation industry has been realized and the solution of the potential mismatch between technology influx problem. But their progress by technical and economic obstacles, not determine consumer preferences, not perfect the standards and guidelines of the block. In addition, both the traditional automatic guided vehicle manufacturer or government regulatory agencies ( unless the security problem is very obvious) can control the use of the product customer service. However, there is not a people-oriented intelligent vehicle attempts to integrate and coordinate the various technologies to solve the problem. Maybe we will not only lose to achieve a new automotive technology opportunities, even may inadvertently reduce traffic safety and performanceThe automatic guided vehicle using the process of zero emissions feature, is any other non-human work does not have. Motorcycle as example, according to the Europe II standard limits to conservative estimates, motorcycle emissions per kilometer carbon monoxide 5.5 grams, 1.2 grams of hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxygen compound 0.3, only the three for a total of 7 grams, years 10000 kilometers, net emissions of harmful substances of 70 kg, 8 years total emissions of 560 kg. If electric vehicles to replace motorcycle, this share of emissions pollution dropped almost to zero, environment benefit is very obvious. If the 2020 Lev can be achieved on some traditional industrial vehicles need a range of effective alternative, each year will reduce emissions to 30000000 tons.The people often worry about Lev pollution problem, the actual situation is just the opposite, that is Lev superior environmental performance is important reflect. At present, the electric car industry has developed a convention, enterprises and dealers signed a recycling protocol. Most of the light electric vehicle enterprises in the establishment of distribution network at the same time, the establishment of a sound recovery system, the recovery rate reaches 100%.Automatic guided vehicle is an unmanned automated transport equipment, can carry some weight in the originating and destination autonomous driving, automatic operation. AGV set sound, light, electricity, computer integration, integrated the technology of advanced theory and application technology of mobile robot, which belongs to a branch of the. Path tracking technology of automatic guided vehicle is an important tache in the research, therefore, how to design a kind of tracking error is small, fast dynamic response, can adapt to various complicated environment and has good control system is very important. In the analysis of the structure characteristics of AGV and the path of the relative motion between the motion model is established on the basis of analysis of AGV drive, and static and dynamic characteristics of the system, through the system performance analysis shows that the system is the critical stable, but the controllability and observability, can pass through the pole placement so that the stability of closed-loop systemIn response to a single controller in the application of inadequacy, put forward by switching method with the control path tracking control method, implementation of fuzzy control and conventional control the advantage is complementary, and reasonably determine the switching valve size. Through the complex environment of the simulation results show that, the composite control system make the AGV have all kinds of path tracking ability, has the better anti-noise jamming ability and control effect.Automatic guided vehicle is accompanied by a flexible manufacturing system, flexible assembly system, computer integrated manufacturing system, the automation stereoscopic warehouse to produce and develop, Japanese think 1981 is the first year that calculation of flexible manufacturing system, automatic guided vehicle mass application history of only 20 years. However, its development speed is very fast. For example: the United States general company in 1981 began to use automatic guided vehicle AGV automated guided vehicle ownership, 1985 500, 1987 automatic guided vehicle quantity to achieve 3000. Data shows that the 3 Europe 40% automatic guided vehicle used in the automotive industry, with the 15% automatic guided vehicle used in the automotive industry, that is to say automatic guided vehicle in other industries also have wid
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