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关 键 词:
单孔圆形垫片 模具设计 冲压毕业设计 单孔圆形垫片级进模具设计 冲压模全套课程毕业设计


















































摘  要




关键字:冲压工艺; 垫片; 落料;冲孔; 级进模

目  录




2 冲裁件的结构分析2




3 冲压工艺方案的选定3

4 零件的排样设计4









5 模具总体设计6





6 冲裁力的计算7









7 压力中心的确定8

8 冲裁间隙的确定9



9 凹凸模刃口计算及形式选择9





10 主要零部件的设计12








11 压力机的选择15

12 附图17

致  谢18









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[6]  武振峰.冲裁模的加工与装配工艺【J】.《模具制造》,2001:6-14

[7]  沈兴东.冲压工艺与模具设计.济南:山东科学出版社,2004.78-98

[8]  曲伟平.国内模具行业存在的现状、发展的问题及对策【J】.《装备机械》,2006:10-15

[9]  魏春雷主编.冲压工艺与模具设计.北京:北京理工大学出版社,2007.8-99?

[10] 夏巨谌主著.中国模具设计大典.中国机械工程学会,2003.5.45-73

[11] 王芳主编.冷冲压模具设计指导.北京:机械工业出版社,1990.10-24

[12] 董利.垫片的级进模具设计【J】.《装备制造技术》,2010: 4-10?

中国地质大学长城学院毕业设计(论文)任务书 学生姓名 王逸君 学号 05211631 班 级 机制 六 班 指导教师 牛博英 职称 讲师 单 位 中国地质大学长城学院 毕业设计(论文)题目 垫片级进模具设计 毕业设计(论文)主要内容和要求: 国模具制造业与国外相比有较大差距,特别是复杂、大型、精密模具大部分依赖进口。 为了适应我国制造业迅速发展的需要,必须发展先进的模具设计制造技术。 CAD/ CAE /CAM 技术作为一种现代设计制造方法,把它引入模具生产实际中,可以大大缩短产 品开发周期, 提高 生产效率和市场竞争力。 本课题根据零件的结构特点和生产批量,先进行冲压工艺方案和模具总体结构方案的设计,进行有关工艺和设计计算,优化工艺方案及模具结构。绘制模具二维总装图,并依据总装图完成模具主要零件的设计及图样绘制。 毕业设计(论文)主要参考资料: 1王金龙 .冷冲压工艺与模具设计 M.北京:清华大学出版社, 2007 2牟林,胡建华 .冲压工艺与模具设计(第 2 版) M.北京:北京大学出版社, 2010 3薛启翔 .冲压工艺与模具设计实例分析 M.北京:机械工业出版社, 2008 4薛启 翔 .冲压模具设计结构图册 (二版 )M.北京:化学工业出版社, 2010 5陈永 .冲压工艺与模具设计 M.北京:机械工业出版社, 2009 6薛启翔 .冲压模具设计制造难点与窍门 M.北京:机械工业出版社, 2003 7贾铁刚 .冷冲压模设计与制造 M.北京:机械工业出版社, 2009 8杨关全,匡余华 .冷冲压模具设计与制造 M.大连:大连理工大学出版社, 2009 9李德群 .我国模具 CAD/CAE/CAM/PDM 发展现状及发展建议 J.电加工与模具 .2010, 10牟林 .胡建 华 .冲压工艺与模具设计(第 2 版) M.北京:北京大学出版社, 2010 11薛启翔 .冲压工艺与模具设计实例分析 M.北京:机械工业出版社, 2008 12薛启翔 .冲压模具设计结构图册 (二版 )M.北京:化学工业出版社, 2010 13陈永 .冲压工艺与模具设计 M.北京:机械工业出版社, 2009 14薛启翔 .冲压模具设计制造难点与窍门 M.北京:机械工业出版社, 2003 15贾铁刚 .冷冲压模设计与制造 M.北京:机械工业出版社, 2009 16杨关全 .匡余华 .冷冲压模具设计与制造 M.大连:大连理工大学出版社, 2009 17李德群 .肖祥芷 .模具 CAD/CAE/CAM 的发展概况和趋势 J.模具工业 . 2005 nts毕业设计(论文)应完成的主要工作: 1. 查阅文献资料,课题调研; 2.拟订零件冲压工艺方案及模具总体设计方案; 3.进行有关设计计算,优化模具结构; 4.绘制模具装配图及主要零件图,总量不少于 2 张 A0 图纸; 5.编写设计说明书,字数不少于 6000 字,参考文献不少于 10 篇。 毕业设计(论文)进度安排: 序号 毕业设计(论文)各阶 段内容 时间安排 备注 1 熟悉题目,查阅资料, 撰写文献综述 12 月 10 日 -20 日 2 进行外文资料翻译 12 月 21 日 -31 日 3 毕业设计工作计划的撰写阶段 1 月 21 日 -3 月 6 日 4 完成设计雏形 3 月 7 日 4 月 9 日 5 中期检查阶段 4 月 10日 4月 20日 6 完成毕业设计的写作 4 月 28 日前 7 提交论文终稿给指导教师 4 月 29 日 8 答辩与成绩评定阶段 5 月 5 日 5 月 24 日 课题信息: 课题性质: 设计 论文 课题来源: 教学 科研 生产 其它 发出任务书日期: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日 nts教研室意见: 教研室主任签名: 年 月 日 学生签名: nts中国地质大学长城学院 2015 届毕业论文外文翻译 中国地质大学长城学院 本科毕业论文外文资料翻译 系 别: 工程技术系 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 姓 名: 王逸君 学 号: 05211631 2015 年 03 月 20 日 nts中国地质大学长城学院 2015 届毕业论文外文翻译 中国的 模具和模具工业技术的发展 摘要 近年来,模具工业和技术已在中国快速发展 , 尤其是冲压模具、塑料模具、模具 CAD/CAE/ CAM,快速原型和快速模具制造领域和其他一些特殊的技术。 在本文中,所有这些领域的改进和模具技术也进行了简要的总结,根据分析和总结,本文还指出了发展的前景和目标是为了满足当前和未来在中国市场的需求。 关键词: 模具工业和技术; 快速原型和快速模具制造 ; 发展前景 1 中国模具工业的现状 自 1980,模具工业已在中国发展很快, 国民经济的高速发展也对模具工业提出了更高的要求。 近年来,在中国生产模具行业增幅约 15% 。 目前,中国拥有 17000 多家模具生产工厂, 1998 年 大约 500000 的人关注这个领域 , 中国模具行业总产量达到 245 亿元人民币。 模具行业中,冲压模具占 50%,塑料模具占 33%,压铸模具约占 6%与其他模具约 11%。 由于开放政策的实施,模具工业企业的所有权已经发生了显著的变化。不仅只与国有企业和私营企业,除了国有专业模具厂,还有许多模具厂不同所有制,如合资企业,他们都发展很快。此外,集体和民营企业在广东和浙江两省很受欢迎,例如,有在浙江省黄岩地区有数百家模具制造集体和民营企业,这就是中国著名的 “ 土地模具 ” 。在广东省,为了提高产品竞争力一些大集团公司和其他新出现的乡镇企业投入大量资金用于模具制造业。例如,包括科龙,美的,康佳和威力等在内的许多公司,建立了自己的模具制造中心。此外,这些模具厂拥有先进的设备和高素质、高水平的技术人员。此外,先进的 CAD/CAM 技术,电火花加工技术,热流道和气体辅助注射技术在这些工厂采用。到目前为止,有数以千计的合资企业,专门为模具制造自己的投资的外资企业,都分布在经济发达地区沿海岸。例如,无锡微研有限公司。在江苏有超过 200 名员工,是一个日本的企业。同时,有超过 60 套精密数控设备 ,模具制造。 1998 年,其模具年产值超过200000000 元人民币。 中国模具行业的技术水平在近几年得到了改善。目前,用 0.2 毫米的精度精密多级进模可以在中国国内工厂生产,通过 160 个阶段可以使模具的寿命提高100 150 万倍 在国内工厂 48 英寸电视机塑料外壳的大型注塑模具,以 6.5 公斤容量洗衣机,保险杠和汽车的整体仪表板可以产生。用于照相机塑料件的精密塑胶模具,nts中国地质大学长城学院 2015 届毕业论文外文翻译 塑料模具、多型腔齿轮低模块也可以产生。大型精密复杂的压铸模具的自动扶梯踏板和汽车的后轴变速箱、覆盖新型汽车零件可制造模具也可以制造。同时,模具的其 他类型,如对子午线轮胎活络模具,挤压模具及异形铝合金制造,塑料门窗可以制造的,他们可以取代国外进口的。 通过对中国模具工业的许多优秀的发展在过去的二十年中已经实现,但与发达工业国家相比存在明显的差距。例如, CAD / CAE / CAM 技术设备生产的精密模具比较缺乏,许多先进的模具技术没有被广泛的应用在中国。特别是,用于生产大型,精密技术的模具,复杂和长寿命模具明显落后于发达国家。所有这些模具制造能力不能满足国内企业的需求,所以很多模具必须依靠进口。 2 中国模具技术的改进 人们都知道,模具制造业在中国工业中的重要地位。同时,模具技术制造水平是评价一些国家的制造业水平的重要标记。与模具技术直接测定产品质量,经济效益,及开发能力有重要关系。 现在,许多模具制造企业注重技术的改进,和投入多少资金到技术的改进。同时,技术进步是企业发展的重要动力。此外,许多研究机构和大学开始做研究和发展模具技术。目前, 30 多个研究机构和大学工作的模具技术,研究,超过40 所大学都注重模具技术的教育和培训。其中,国家模具技术和华中科技大学是国家重点实验室,模具 CAD 国家工程研究中心在上海交通大学,精密冲裁技术工程研究中心在北京机电研究所,国家橡胶和塑料模具及模具工程技术研究中心,郑州大学的技术是关键的支持和在中国建立 institutu。多年的积累后,对模具的 CAD / CAE / CAM 技术领域,模具电火花加工、数控加工技术,快速原型和快速制造技术和新型模具材料等取得了许多成就。这些研究成果有助于提高模具质量,缩短模具设计制造周期。 2.1 冲压模具工艺的改进 大型冲压模具的制造技术,如汽车覆盖件模具得到了明显的改善。东风汽车公司的模具制造厂和第一汽车集团公司模具中心可以制造汽车覆盖件模具。随着设计和制造方法和技术的持续改进,中国制造的汽车得到了一些帮助。 多工位级进模和多功能精密模具是中国模具发展的关键。目前,核心自动打桩功能模自动冲孔,铆压桩的功能,计数和安全保护,可以在中国生产。生产的定子和电机转子双回转式打桩硬质合金级进模的步距精度可达 0.2 毫米,其寿命可达 100000000 年。多工位级进模等,如 20-30 阶段级进模线领先的集成电路结构,硬质合金级进模生产 空调器散热片生产电子枪和级进模件,可高精度生产。 nts中国地质大学长城学院 2015 届毕业论文外文翻译 2.2 塑料模具技术的改进 近年来,塑料模具技术发展很快。占有率相对于国内模具工业总产值不断增加。所有的塑料模具在家用电器,如:电视,空调和洗衣机,几乎都已可以在国内工厂生产。我国工厂也可以制造 10 20 吨汽车的整个仪表板保险杠的塑料模具。关于模具精度,塑件的尺寸精度可达到 it 6-7,表面粗糙度可达Ra 0.05-0.025,并且模具的价值可以达到一百万以上。 用于制造塑胶模具设计的 CAD / CAM 技术迅速推广, CAE 软件和热流道技术也被一些工厂广泛应用。并且气体辅助注射技术和高效多色注射技术开始成功应用。 2.3 改进模具 CAD / CAE / CAM 技术 现在,计算机辅助绘图在许多国内模具企业得到广泛应用,许多先进的 CAD / CAE / CAM 软件也在进口。许多著名的 CAD / CAM 软件,如 UG -, Pro/Engineer,I-DEAS 和欧几里得等,已广泛应用于中国模具工业。有些工厂还进口了一些 CAE软件,例如,欧普士,和 MAGMA SOFT 等,并成功地应用于塑料模具设计,冲压模具,压铸模具。 近年来,一些 CAD / CAE / CAM 具有自主版权的软件得到开发。例如,的CAD /对塑料模具设计的 CAE / CAM 软件,汽车覆盖件模具和级进模是由国家模具和华中科技大学模具技术重点实验室开发。对冷锻、精冲设计的 CAD 软件进行模具是上海交通大学的 CAD 国家工程研究中心开发的。 CAD / CAE / CAM 软件的锻造是由北京机电研究所研制的。 CAXA 软件采用软件工程化研究所研制的。板材成形 CAE 软件是由吉林大学开发的技术。此外,所有的软件都有很多中国用户。 2.4 快速原型和快速模具制造的改进 我国也非常重视快速原型和快速模具制造的发展。许多研究机构的工作,对这个领域的发展都做出了贡献,并取得了一定的成绩。许多机构,包括清华大学,华中科技大学,西安交通大学和隆源自动成形系统有限公司,已经开发出自己的快速原型技术和设备,他们已经产生了许多快速原型机器,包括 LOM, SLA, FDM和 SL 等。此外,所有这些机器已经被广泛应用于新产品开发,精密铸造和快速模具制造。 在国内研究机构也进行了快速模具制造技术。广泛的研究采用电弧喷涂成形和等离子喷涂成形的模具制造技术。模具制造技术的合金模具中、低熔点、树脂冲压模具 已被成功地应用。同时,硅橡胶模具已被应用到新产品的开发。 2.5 其他相关技术的改进 nts中国地质大学长城学院 2015 届毕业论文外文翻译 近年来,一些先进的技术和设备已在国内一些钢铁企业进口,明显提高和规范钢模具的质量。同时,许多新的钢也被应用在模具制造,如热作工具钢, H10,H13, h21,4cr 5mo V1, 45Cr2Ni Mo V Si 等,和塑料模具钢 P20, 3Cr 2Mo, PMS,SMI 和 SMII 等模具材料的应用能明显提高模具质量和寿命。 模具的抛光技术以及一些特殊的抛光工具和机器已经开发已在一些国内机构的研究。特别是刻蚀技术的迅速发展,已被广泛应用于粮食加工模具。 高速铣削加工是一种快速模具制造技术的发展。几家公司已经本地化,用高速铣床。与此同时,一些国内机床厂还开发了一些准高速铣床,他们正在开发的高速铣床。然而,高速铣削还未在中国广泛使用。 3 中国模具工业的发展前景 3.1 市场需求 每年在中国国内模具制造业总的市场需求约 330 亿人民币,同时也增加了在最近几年有 10%增长。此外,为大型模具精度的要求不断提高,复杂程度和模具寿命增加超过 10%。 汽车、摩托车模具占中国总需求的 50%。目前,中国约有二百万的汽车产量,总累积量约为一千五百万。据估计,汽车总产量 2005 将达到 3000000。同时,汽车工业的快速发展和电动自行车产业将推动模具工业的快速增长,特别是汽车覆盖件的大型模具,塑料模具,压铸模具。例如, 2005 年汽车行业将需要 360000吨的塑料部件。然而,在中国目前的生产能力仅为 200000 吨,因此在这一领域有着广阔的发展空间。 其他快速发展的行业,如电子,通讯和建筑材料,促进模具行业在中国的发展。 1989,中国国务院“确定当前生产政策”发布 模具工业作为第一必要改革工业机械行业。自 1997 年以来,模具和设备及相关的制造技术已成为当前产业发展的必要内容,中国鼓励产品技术的革新和外商投资鼓励。自 1997 年国务院已经返回一些模具企业税收的 70%。这些优惠政策将提供强有力的支持,推动模具行业的发展。 3.2 国内模具技术发展方向 模具工业和技术的发展在过去的十年里加速发展,但是与工业发达国家相比还存在较大的差距,还不能完全满足高速发展的国民经济的要求。 在未来的十年,中国模具工业和技术的主要发展方向将包含: nts中国地质大学长城学院 2015 届毕业论文外文翻译 ( 1)提高大型,复杂,精密模具的制造水平和使用寿命; ( 2)模具设计制造广泛使用的 CAD / CAE / CAM 技术; ( 3)研究与发展快速原型和快速制造技术; ( 4)推广应用热流道技术,气体辅助注射技术和高压注射成型技术的塑料模具设计。 ( 5)提高模具标准件的使用和标准化; ( 6)开发优质模具材料和先进的表面处理技术; ( 7)在模具制造传播高速铣削; ( 8)开发抛光技术和抛光机; ( 9)采用高速测量技术和逆向工程的模具; ( 10)开发新的成型工艺及模具。 参考文献 1 国家机械工业局。辉煌 50 年机械行业。 1999。 2 周云湖。对汽车覆盖件在中国大规模死亡情况。中国模具工业协会技术交流。8 号, 1997。 3 张佳丽。对技术的模具,中国模具材料的应用现状及发展。中国模具工业协会技术交流。 71997 号。 4 周永泰。在中国模具市场预测分析。中国模具工业协会技术交流。 11997 号。 5 中国的技术委员会专家组;模具工业协会。第七的模具展综述。中国模具工业协会技术交流。 91998 号 nts中国地质大学长城学院 2015 届毕业论文外文翻译 外文原文 : THE DEVELOPMENT OF DIES AND MOLD INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY IN CHINA Abstract: In recent years, the die and mold industry and technology have been developed very fast in China, especially about the stamping die, plastic mold, die and mold CAD/CAE/CAM, rapid prototype/rapid die manufacturing and some other special technologies. In this paper, all the improvements about die and mold technology in these fields are briefly summarized. According to the analysis and summarization, this paper also points out the development prospects and goals in order to satisfy the current and future market requirement in China. Keywords; Die and Mold Industry and Technology; CAD/CAE/CAM; Rapid Prototype/Rapid Die Manufacturing; Development Prospect 1. THE SITUATION OF DIE AND MOLD INDUSTRY IN CHINA Since 1980, die and mold industry has been developed very fast in China. The high-speed development of national economy also provides much higher requirement to die and mold industry. In recent years, the production of die and mold industry always increases at about 15% in China. At present, China has more than 17,000 factories for producing the die and mold, and about 500,000 persons focus on this field. In 1998, the total output in die and mold industry reached 24.5 billion RMB in China. Among the output of die and mold industry, 50% is from the stamping die, 33% from plastic mold, about 6% from die-casting die and 11 % from other die and mold. Since the opening policy are implemented, the ownership of die and mold industrial enterprises has changed remarkably. Besides the national owned special die and mold factories, there are many die and mold factories with different ownership, joint ventures, ventutee exclusively with ones own investment and private enterprises, and they all developed very fast. Moreover, the collective and private enterprises are very popular in Guangdong and Zhejiang Provinces. For example, there are hundreds of collective and civil enterprises for die and mold manufacturing in Huangyan area of Zhejiang province, which is called the famous a land of die and mold in China. In Guangdong province, some big group companies and other new -appeared town and township enterprises invest much fund for the die and mold manufacturing in order to nts中国地质大学长城学院 2015 届毕业论文外文翻译 improve the competition of their products. For instance, many group companies, including Kelong,Meide, Kangka and Weili etc, established their own die and mold manufacturing center. Moreover, these die and mold factories owned the advanced equipment and the technical personnel with high quality and ability. Furthermore, advanced CAD/CAM technologies, EDM technologies, hot-runner and gas-aided injection technologies are adopted in these factories. So far, there are thousands of joint ventures, and foreign ventures exclusively with ones own investment for the die and mold manufacturing, which are all distributed in the economic developed area along coast. For example, Wuxi Weiyan Company Ltd. in Jiangsu with more than 200 stuff, is a Japan venture exclusively with its own investment. Meantime, there are more than 60 precision numerical control equipment for die and mold manufacturing. In 1998, its annual output of die and mold is over 200 million RMB. The technology level of China die and mold industry has been improved in the recent years. At present, precision multi-stage progressive die with 0.2 millimeters precision can be produced in home factories in China, and 160 stages can reached at the most and the life of die and mold can reach 100 150 million times. For example, the large-scale plastic injection mold for the plastic shell of 48 inches television, the washer with the capacity of 6.5 kilograms, the bumper and the whole instrument panel of cars can be produced. The precision plastic molds for plastic parts of camera, and the multi-cavity plastic mold for the gear with low module can also be produced. The large-scale precision complicate die-casting dies for the footboard of automatic staircase and the gearbox of the car real axle can also be manufactured in home factories. The die and mold for the covering parts of new type automobile can be manufactured. Meanwhile, the other type of dies and molds, such as the loose die for meridian tire, and the special-shaped extrusion die for aluminum alloy manufacturing and plastic door and window can be manufactured, and they can substituted the foreign imported ones. Through many outstanding developments of China die and mold industry have been achieved in the past twenty years, there exists obvious gap compared with the developed industry countries. For example, the equipment to produce the precision die is scare. CAD/CAE/CAM technologies are not very popular and many advanced die and mold technologies have not been widely applied in china. Especially, the die and mold technologies for producing the large-scale, precision, complicate and long life die and mold obviously lag behind the developed countries. The manufacturing capacity for all these die and mold can not satisfy the requirements of home enterprises, so a lot of dies and molds must be imparted from other countries. 2. THE IMPROVEMENT OF CHINA DIE AND MOLD TECHNOLOGIES In China, people have known the important position of die and mold industry in nts中国地质大学长城学院 2015 届毕业论文外文翻译 manufacturing industry. Meanwhile, the manufacturing level of die and mold technologies is the important mark to evaluate the level of some countrys manufacturing industry. And the die and mold technologies directly determined the. production quality, economic benefits, and the development ability. Now, many die and mold manufacturing enterprises pay much attention to the technology improvement, and much fund is invested to the technology improvement. Meantime, the technology improvement is regarded as the important motive force of development of enterprises. In addition, many research institutes and universities began to do the research and development of die and mold technologies. At present, more than 30 research institutes and universities are working on the research of die and mold technologies, and, than 40 universities are focusing on the education and training of die and mold technology. Among them, National Die and Mold Technology Key Laboratory in Huazhong University of Science Technology, National Die and Mold CAD Engineering Research Center in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, National Precision Blanking Technology Engineering Research Center in Beijing Mechatronics Research Institute, National Rubber and Plastic Die and Mold Engineering Research Center in Zhengzhou University of Technology are the key supported and constructed institutu in China. After many years accumulation, many achievements are obtained on the field of die and mold CAD/CAE/CAM technology, die and mold electric discharge manufacturing and numerical control manufacturing technology, rapid prototype and rapid manufacturing technology and new type die and mold material, etc. Then. these achievements contribute to improve the die and mold quality and shorten die and mold design and manufacturing cycle. 2.1 The Improvement of Stamping Die Technology The obvious improvements are obtained on. the manufacturing technology of large-scale stamping dies, such as the dies for auto covering parts. The Die and Mold Manufacturing Factory in Dongfeng Automobile Company and the Die and Mold Center in First Automobile Group Company can manufacture some dies for auto covering parts. With the help of continual improvement of design and manufacturing methods and technologies, some achievements on the automobile made in China are obtained. Multi-stage progressive die and multi-function die are the key developed precision dies in China. Currently, the core automatic piling multi-function die with the function of automatic punching, pile pressing, riveting, counting and safety protection can produced in China. The precision of step distance of double rotary piling hard alloy progressive die for producing the stators and rotors of electrical machinery can reach 0.2 millimeters, and its life can reach 100 million times. Other multistage progressive dies, such as 20-30 stages progressive dies for line-leading frame of nts中国地质大学长城学院 2015 届毕业论文外文翻译 integrated circuit, the hard alloy progressive die for producing the parts of electron gun and the progressive die for producing the cooling fin of air conditioner, can be produced with high precision. 2.2 The Improvement of Plastic Mold Technology In the recent years, plastic mold technologies developed very fast. And the occupation ratio relative to the total output of domestic die and mold industry is continuously increased. All the plastic molds for the household appliances, such. television, air conditioner and washer, can almost be produced in domestic factories. The home factories can also produce the plastic molds for producing the bumper with 10 20 tons and the whole instrument panel of automobiles. About the die precision,the dimension precision of plastic parts can come up to IT6-7, the roughness of the surface can reach Ra 0.05-0.025, and the die life can reach more than one million. CAD/CAM technologies used in the design and manufacturing of plastic molds are quickly popularized. And CAE software is also used in some factories. Hot runner technologies are widely used. And gas-aided injection technologies and high efficient and multi colors injection technologies begin to successfully be used. 2.3 The Improvement of Die and Mold CAD/CAE/CAM Technology Now, computer aided drawing is widely used by many domestic die and mold enterprises, and many advanced CAD/CAE/CAM software are also imported. Many famous CAD/CAM software, such as Unigraphics - , Pro/Engineer, I-DEAS and Euclid-IS etc., have been widely applied in China die and mold industry. Some factories have also imported some CAE software, such as DYNAFORM, Optris, and MAGMA SOFT etc., which are successfully applied into the design of plastic die, stamping die and die-casting die. In recent years, some CAD/CAE/CAM software with our own copyright are also developed. For example, the CAD/CAE/CAM software for the design of the design of plastic mold, auto covering part dies and progressive dies are developed by National Die and Mold Technology Key Laboratory in Huazhong University of Science & Technology. The CAD software for the design of cold forging and fine blanking are developed by National Die and Mold CAD Engineering Research Center in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The CAD/CAE/CAM software for forging is developed by Beijing Mechatronics Research Institute. CAXA software is developed by Huazheng Research Institute of Software Engineering. The CAE software for sheet forming is developed by Jilin University of Technology. Furthermore, all the software has many users in China. 2.4 The Improvement of Rapid Prototype/Rapid Die Manufacturing nts中国地质大学长城学院 2015 届毕业论文外文翻译 Our country also paid more attention to the development of rapid prototype/rapid die manufacturing. Many institutes work on the development in this field, and they have obtained some achievements. Many institutes, including Tsinghua University,Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Xian Jiao Tong University and Longyuan Automatic Forming System Company, have developed their own rapid prototype technology and equipment, and they have produced many rapid prototype machines, including LOM, SLA, FDM and SLS. Furthermore, all these machines have been widely used in the development of new products, precision casting and rapid die manufacturing. Rapid die manufacturing technology is also studied in many domestic institutes. The die manufacturing technologies using the electric arc spraying forming and plasma spraying forming are widely studied. The die manufacturing technologies of the alloy die with middle or low melting point and resin stamping die have successfully been applied. Meanwhile, silicon rubber dies have been applied into the development of new products. 2.5 The Improvement of Other Relevant Technologies In recent years, some advanced technologies and equipment have been imported in some domestic steel enterprises, which obviously improved the specification and quality of die and mold steel. Meanwhile, many new steels have also been applied in the die manufacturing, such as the hot-working tool steels, H10, H13, H21, 4Cr 5Mo V1 Si, 45Cr 2Ni Mo V Si etc., and the plastic die steels, P20, 3Cr 2Mo, PMS, SMI and SMII etc. The application of these die materials can obviously increase the die quality and life. Polishing technology of dies and moldy has been studied in some domestic institutes, and some special polishing tools and machines have been developed. Especially the grain etching technology has quickly been develo
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