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.,L(a,the most delicately beautiful literary construct that Cummings ever created.,.,l(aleaffalls)onelinessE.E.Cummings,.,Image 意象,An image is anything that involves one or more of ones five senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste). Ezra Pound: An image is that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time.” 所谓“意象”就是瞬间呈现出的一个理智和感情的复合体.What image is it in the poem? What sensation does it create on you?l(a leaf falls)oneliness,.,Symbol: a visible object or an action that suggests some further meaning beyond itself.,a single falling leaf -lonelinessthe image of a single falling leaf is a common symbol for loneliness, and that this sense of loneliness is enhanced by the structure of the poem. the fragmentation of the words illustrates visually the separation that is the primary cause of loneliness. The fragmentation of the word loneliness is especially significant, since it highlights the fact that that word contains the word one. In addition, the isolated letter l can initially appear to be the numeral one. It creates the effect that the leaf is still one, or oneliness whole within itself, even after it is isolated from the tree.,.,Singular - singularity,The “a” in the first line (as indefinite article) represents singularity.The “le” in the second line is the French equivalent to “the” (again “singularity”).The “one in the third-last line also expresses singularity.The “I” in the second to last line and the small “L” in the first line do so as well.,.,.,Ezra Pound:an expatriate American poet and critic, as well as a major figure in the early modernist movement. His contribution to poetry began with his development of Imagism, a movement derived from classical Chinese and Japanese poetry, stressing clarity, precision and economy of language.,.,.,.,.,Visual: red, white, and glazed rain waterContrast: The white chickens vs. the red wheelbarrowThe static vs. the dynamicLiving thing vs. objects with no lifeNatural object vs. man-made


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