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.,Unit1 First Day Of School,.,Unit 1 First Day Of School,.,Section B,.,1. warm-up,.,Match the sentences in Column A with the proper responses in Column B.(P2)Read them and think about the funtion(功能) of each group.List more sentences of the same function.,.,初次与别人见面打招呼,A B How do you do ! How do you do !Nice to meet you ! Nice to meet you ,too !Its great to meet/see you ! Its great to meet/see you, too!,.,熟人见面打招呼,A B How are you ? Im fine ,thank you. Fine , thank you./ thanks. Just so so. No good.,.,How do English-spoken people greet each other?,只要是朋友都能用的:How are you? How are you going? How are you all keeping? Havent seen you for ages?Havent seen you for long time?Hows everything? 一切都好? Whats up? 近况如何? Whats new? 有什么新鲜事? Whats happening? 在忙什么?,.,How do English-spoken people greet each other?,适用于第一次见面: Hi!/Hello!How do you do?Good morning/afternoon/evening!Good day!Nice/Pleased to see/meet you!,.,How do English-spoken people greet each other?,适用于曾经见过,但不太熟的人: Nice to see you again. 很高兴再见到你。 适用于有一阵子没见面的朋友: How have you been? 你过得怎么样? 适用于很久没见的朋友: Long time no see. 好久不见。,.,Answer 回答,Fine. Thank you. And you?What about you?How about you?Pretty good!Couldnt be better!Just so-so.Not too bad!Im just my old self!Its my pleasure to see you!Its my honor to see you!,.,询问姓名、介绍用语,A BWhats your name? My name is.May I have your name? Im.Nice/Glad/Great to meet you. Nice/Glad/Great to meet you, too.,.,询问姓名、介绍用语,A BThis is (my friend).May I introduce (my friend). to you?Nice/Glad/Great/Happy to meet you (too).注:介绍的礼仪,.,介绍的礼仪,一、 正式介绍 在较为正式、庄重的场合,有两条通行的介绍规则:其一是把年轻的人介绍给年长的人;其二是把男性介绍给女性。在介绍过程中,先提某人的名字是对此人的一种敬意。比如,要把一位David介绍给一个Sarah的女性,就可以这样介绍:“David,让我把Sarah介绍给你好吗?”然后给双方作介绍:“这位是Sarah,这位是David.”假若女方是你的妻子,那你就先介绍对方,后介绍自己的妻子,这样才能不失礼节。,.,再如,把一位年纪较轻的女同志介绍给一位德高望重的长辈,则不论性别,均应先提这位长辈,可以这样说:“王老师,我很荣幸能介绍David来见您。”在介绍时,最好是姓名并提,还可附加简短的说明,比如职称、职务、学位、爱好和特长等等。这种介绍方式等于给双方提示了开始交谈的话题。如果介绍人能找出被介绍的双方某些共同点就更好不过了。如甲和乙的弟弟是同学,甲和乙是相距多少届的校友等等,这样无疑会使初识的交谈更加顺利。,.,二、 非正式介绍 如果是在一般的、非正式的场合,则不必过于拘泥礼节,假若大家又都是年轻人,就更应以自然、轻松、愉快为宗旨。介绍人说一句:“我来介绍一下”,然后即作简单的介绍,也不必过于讲究先介绍谁、后介绍谁的规则。最简单的方式恐怕莫过于直接报出被介绍者各自的姓名。也不妨加上“这位是”、“这就是”之类的话以加强语气,使被介绍人感到亲切和自然。在把一个朋友向众人作介绍时,说句“诸位,这位是Sarah”也就可以了。,.,在非正式的聚会上,你可采取一种“随机”的方式为朋友作介绍:“David,你认识Sarah吗?”“David,你见过Sarah了吗?”然后把David引见给Sarah。,.,三、 自我介绍 有时为了某事需要结识某人,在没有人介绍的情况下你也可以直截了当地自我介绍:“我叫David,我们曾在广州见过一面。”或者是:“你是Sarah吧,我是David,你弟弟的朋友。”如果能找出你和对方的某种联系作为介绍时的简注,这固然是再好不过了,但即使是素昧平生也没什么关系,只要你能彬彬有礼,对方自然也会以礼相待。,.,Make your own short dialogues.,Example: A: B, this is C. B: Nice to meet you, C. C:Nice to meet you too, B.,This is.May I Introduce. to you?Let me introduce. to you.,Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you too.,.,告别用语,A B See you later/next week. Bye/See you .Im afraid I must go now. (must be going/must be going/must be off),.,感谢别人对自己的帮助,A B Thank you ! You are welcome. Thats all right. All right. No problem.,.,exercise,Nice to see you!Hi! Im Anna.How is everything? Let me help you.,Fine, thank you.And you?Thanks!Nice to see you,too!Hi! Im Li Fang,.,Work in pairs. Read and practice the dialogue.,.,Make your own short dialogues.,Example: A: May I have your name, please? B: My name is .,Can I have your name?Can you tell me your name?Whats your name?Where are you from?Are you from .?How old are you?,My name is Im Im . You can call meIm from ., China.No, Im from .Im twelve years old.,.,2. Dialogue,.,. Listen and answer,Questions:Is Lily a new student in the school?What is Lily going to study in the new term?What does Jack want to be in the future?How about Lily?,.,. Listen and repeat. Language Points:New words, phrases and expressionsDrills:What are you studying here?/Whats your major?/What are you majoring in?More majors:primary education, music, P.E., art. . Role play the dialogue in pairs.,.,. Further study:(P4)What subjects do you learn this term?Which subject do you like best?What do you think of it to learn.?How do you like/feel about your classmates/your new teacher/your new school?,.,subjects:Chinese语文 Mathematics (Maths)数学English英语Science科学 Art 美术Music音乐Physical Education(P.E.) 体育Moral Education(M.E.)德育History历史 Geography 地理Politics政治Biology生物Physics物理Chemistry化学Calligraphy 书法/kligrfi/(handwriting)self-study自习computer application计算机应用psychology心理学mandarine普通话,.,adj.关于课程:interesting, exciting,challenging; boring; easy, difficult; 关于校园和校园生活:beautiful, clean, picturesquepktresk; colorful, regular,full,happy,easy,comfortable,.,adj. 关于人:optimistic乐观的 pessimistic悲观的 out-going外向的introvertedntrvtd内向的 active 活泼的 capable 能干的kind 和蔼可亲的 friendly友好的 dutiful 尽职的 energetic 精力充沛的 faithful 忠诚守信的frank 直率真诚的 generous 慷慨宽宏的 humorous 幽默的 modest 谦虚的 sweet-tempered 性情温和的 tireless 孜孜不倦的,.,. Oral practiceWork in groups to make a newdialogue according to the following situation and useful sentences. (P4),.,HomeworkRecite the dialogue of unit1.Preview the passage-The First Day of Kindergarten.,.,Lets sing, chant and act.,How are you?你好吗?(熟人见面时问对方工作身体状况的寒暄语,回答可以是Fine. /Very well. /Im fine, thank you.),Hello! How are you?Hello hello hello hello hello hello how are youHello hello hello hello hello hello how do you doIm fine Im fineThank you thank you very muchIm fine Im fineAnd I hope that you are too,.,What can/cant we bring to class?,.,Words and expressions:,crayons 蜡笔,eraser/ rubber 橡皮,rulers 尺子,book 书,pencil-case 铅笔盒,exercise book练习本,toy car 玩具小汽车,glasses 眼镜,pen 钢笔,cake 蛋糕,radio 收音机,water 水,toilet paper 卫生纸,picture book 图画书,ball 球,pencil 铅笔,.,.,.,we can bring to class,crayons peneraser/rubber waterrulersbookpencil-caseexercise-bookpencilglasses,.,we cant bring to class,cakeradiolemonadepicture bookballtoy carmobilephone,.,Section C,.,Warm-up:1. Recite the dialogue in pairs.2. Have a try: summarize the video in English.,.,Presentation:1.New words, phrases and expressions2. Pre-reading on page5How do the kids feel on the first day of kindergarten?How do the parents feel when bringing their kids to school the first day?What should nursery teachers do on the first day of kindergarten?,.,Section A,.,Pronunciation/


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