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1、Pub Talk and the Kings EnglishLesson3第二组:孙丽凤第二组:孙丽凤 薄德敏薄德敏 汪梅花汪梅花 刘刘 芳芳 刘刘 丹丹 范范 静静Henry Fairlie关于花的科学词汇纲目科族属系种变种栽培种ClassOrderFamilyTribeGenusSeriesSpeciesVarietyCultivar 柱头:stigma 花柱:style 雄蕊:stamen 花丝:filament 花瓣:petal 雄蕊:pistil 花药/花粉囊:anther 花托:raceptacle 胚珠:ovule 子房:ovary 花柄:anthocaulus 萼片:sepal

2、 花萼:calyxPARA.1Conversation is the most sociable of all human activities.Paraphrase:More than any other human activity, conversation helps promote an agreeable, pleasant and informal relationship among people.However intricate the waysconversation.Paraphrase:No matter how complicated the manners in

3、which animals make known their conversations to each other, they do not go in for any activity which might rightly be called conversation.Complex , complicated ,sophisticated , intricatecomplex侧重内在关系的复杂,需通过仔细研究与了解侧重内在关系的复杂,需通过仔细研究与了解才能掌握和运用。才能掌握和运用。complicated与与complex的含义接近,但语气更强,着的含义接近,但语气更强,着重极其复杂

4、,很难分析、分辨或解释。重极其复杂,很难分析、分辨或解释。sophisticated侧重指事物发展到或达到高级的程度所侧重指事物发展到或达到高级的程度所体现出的复杂。体现出的复杂。intricate着重指错综复杂,令人迷惑,难理着重指错综复杂,令人迷惑,难理解解 Indulge in: go in for, allow to enjoyindulge in dreams 爱幻想爱幻想 indulge in self-glorification 一味自我陶醉,一味自吹自一味自我陶醉,一味自吹自擂擂 indulge in fantasy 一味异想天开一味异想天开 To deserve the na

5、me of: to have a right to be called; to be worthy of the name ofPARA.2The charm of conversation is thatglows.(-a mixed metaphor.) The writer compares “conversation” to a stream which meanders and leaps, and also to fire which glows and sparkles. Meanders or leaps: (like a stream) flows placidly and

6、aimlessly or to flow swiftly and joyously onwardsSparkle or just glow: (like a fire) burn steadily without flame or burn brightly throwing off sparksGlow:N. steady, even light without flame or blaze 白热,光辉白热,光辉 Glow强调一种无焰光,暗示无强光下的辐射的稳定性强调一种无焰光,暗示无强光下的辐射的稳定性Blaze熊熊烈火,有明亮火焰的燃烧Flame一道带有微光的火舌,并伴以轻烟Flicke

7、r不稳定,摇曳的火光。尤指即将熄灭的火光Flare黑暗中突然出现的一束明亮摇曳的火光Glare强烈,让人难以忍受的强光The enemy of good conversation is the person who has “something to say.” paraphrase:Good conversation is generally spoilt by people who think they have a lot of important things to say. Enemy: anything injurious or harmful e.g. Conceit is th

8、e enemy of progress. Conversation is not for making a point- Conversation is not for persuading others to accept our idea or point of view.make a point- prove effectively truth of ones statement by argument or in some other way.立论;立论; 证明观点证明观点This is the first point I want to make.In this case he ma

9、de a point. 在这一点上,他发表了自己的观点。在这一点上,他发表了自己的观点。They are ready to let it go. They are ready to give up the opportunity to tell one of their best anecdotes (because the conversation has moved on to other subjects.) EXPLAIN :In para.2 the writer explain what a good conversation is. According to his opinio

10、n, a good conversation does not really start from anywhere, and no one has any idea where it will go. A good conversation is not for making a point. Argument may often be a part of it, but the purpose of argument is not to convince. When people become serious talk as if they have something is very i

11、mportant to say, when they argue to convince or to win their point, the conversation is spoilt.PARA. 3 Perhaps it is because of my upbringing.of its own. perhaps it is because Ive spent so much of my time in English pubs that I think bar conversation has a special charm. Upbringing: the train and ed

12、ucation receive while growing up. This is an exaggeration of the author for he didnt grow up in a pub .Of its own: belong strictly to it ( to bar conversation) ; specially belong to itBar friends are not deeply involved in each others lives. People who meet each other for a drink in a pub are not in

13、timate friends for they are not deeply absorbed o engrossed in each others lives. The fact that their marriages may be. not a concern. Its not a matter of interest or importance if their marriages are breaking up, or their love affairs have broken or they are just cross or grouchy. On the rocks:in/i

14、nto a condition of ruin or catastrophe. Get out on the wrong side of the bed: to be cross or in a bad temper for the day. They are like the musketeers of Dumas who .and feelings . A simile. The three musketeers in Dumas novel were very close friends. They supported each other with their fortunes and

15、 their lives., yet they showed no curiosity in, nor tried to find out anything about each other private lives. Bar friends ,likewise, dont probe deep into each others lives, nor do they try to find out the inmost thoughts and feelings of their drinking companions. This is only true of males bar frie

16、nds, and all bar friends used to be men. Women are now bar friends and exchange great intimacies.Delve:to search energetically E.g. he delved into the history of his village.the recesses of: the inner hidden parts of something.PARA.4 It was on such an occasion the other evening.was a focus. the conv

17、ersation rambled along aimlessly without a focal subject. They talk about the most common things and also made some remarks about the planet Jupiter. Then suddenly a magical transformation took place and there was a focal subject to talk about.Jupiter:木星八八大行星:大行星:水星:Mercury金星:Venus/Hesperus地球:Earth火星:Mars木星:Jupiter土星:Saturn天王星:Vranus海王星:NeptuneDesultorily: done wi


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