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1、脑动脉的两个系统来源颈内动脉系 端脑前2/3 间脑的前部椎基底动脉系 端脑后1/3 间脑后部 脑干、小脑 脑动脉的两个系统来源颈内动脉 发自颈总动脉, 经破裂孔入颅。 主要分支: 脉络膜前动脉 后交通动脉 大脑前动脉 大脑中动脉颈内动脉颈内动脉 发自颈总动脉,颈内动脉椎基底动脉系椎动脉小脑后下动脉脊髓前、后动脉基底动脉小脑上动脉小脑前下动脉 脑桥动脉 迷路动脉 大脑后动脉基底动脉椎动脉椎基底动脉系椎动脉基底动脉椎动脉 发自锁骨下动脉,经枕骨大孔入颅后,左右椎动脉渐靠近,多在脑桥下缘会合成基底动脉。椎动脉椎动脉椎动脉基底动脉 发自锁骨下动脉,经枕骨大孔入颅后,左右椎动脉渐靠近,多脑血管病影像培训

2、课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件分类I. 颅内出血;(包括SH、SAH、硬脑膜外出血、硬脑膜下出血) II. 脑梗塞(包括脑血栓形成、脑栓塞) III. 短暂性脑缺血发作(包括颈内AS和椎-基底AS) IV . 脑供血不足 V .高血压脑病 VI. 颅内动脉瘤 VII. 颅内血管畸形 VIII.脑动脉炎 IX. 脑动脉盗血综合症 X. 颅内异常血管网 XI. 颅内静脉窦及脑静脉血栓形成 XII. 脑动脉硬化症分类I. 颅内出血;(包括SH、SAH、硬脑膜外出血、硬脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件Figure 1.

3、Bleeding in the right parieto-occipital lobe visualized on the non-contrast enhanced CT scan (A) and T1 weighted MRI(B). The lateral digital subtraction angiogram shows the hypoglossal artery originating from the carotid artery (C, arrow) and itsconjunction with the basilar artery (D, arrow). The T2

4、 weighted MR image (E, arrow) demonstrates the hypoglossal arterypassing through the hypoglossal canal, which is enlarged as shown on the non-contrast enhanced-CT (F, curved-arrow).Figure 1. Bleeding in the righCase 6: Bilateral cerebellum ICH due to AVMCase 6: Bilateral cerebellum ICase 9: Lung can

5、cer with brain metastasis with tumor bleeding in a 73 y/o manCase 9: Lung cancer with brainCase 10: Leukemia with bleeding tendency resulted in multiple ICH in a 26 y/o womanCase 10: Leukemia with bleedinCase 13: MoyaMoya disease with thalamic hemorrhage and IVH in a 21 y/o ladyCase 13: MoyaMoya dis

6、ease withDSA of right internal carotid artery: total occlusion of right ICA with numerous fine collateralcirculations DSA of right internal carotid DSA of left internal carotid artery: total occlusion of left ICA with numerous fine collateralcirculations DSA of left internal carotid aDSA of vertebra

7、l artery: total occlusion of vertebral artery with numerous fine collateralcirculations DSA of vertebral artery: totalCase 12: right parietal lobe ICH due to rupture of an mycotic aneurysm in a 4 y/o boyCase 12: right parietal lobe IDSA: an aneurysm in the right Sylvian branchDSA: an aneurysm in the

8、 right Case 4: Right pons ICH in a 46 y/o manCase 4: Right pons ICH in a 46After 18hourAfter 18hourCase 8: Cortical hemorrhage of left frontal lobe due to amyloid microangiopathy in a 62 y/o womanCase 8: Cortical hemorrhage ofCase 7: old ICH with cavity and wallerian degeneration in a 50 y/o manCase

9、 7: old ICH with cavity anCase 3: Left thalamus ICH and IVH in a 66 y/o manCase 3: Left thalamus ICH and 脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件History: A 24Y/F with seizureHistory: A 24Y/F

10、 with seizure脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件海若回国后开始康复的主要诊断: 1、右侧额、颞硬膜外血肿开颅手术、去骨瓣减

11、压术后;2. 右侧额、颞、枕、基底节,胼胝体、下丘脑,双侧海马、中脑挫裂伤;3. 颅底骨折4.双眼挫伤,左眼玻璃体出血;5. 双侧外耳道损伤,右侧鼓膜破裂;6. 右侧下颌骨粉碎性骨折,右侧下颌皮肤撕裂伤7.颈4棘突骨折;8. 左侧胸1横突骨折9. 胸11椎体压缩性骨折10.双侧多发性多段肋骨骨折,左侧血气胸术后,左下肺挫裂伤11.右侧膈肌破裂术后 12.肝破裂术后 13.右侧腹膜后血肿14.多发性软组织挫伤.日前海若已完成康复,生活基本自理。海若回国后开始康复的主要诊断: 脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件Huntington disease患者的尾状核头萎缩,脑室扩大,CT显示侧脑室尾状核区形成特征性的表现,亦称为“蝴蝶征” Huntington disease患者的尾状核头萎缩,脑室脑血管病影像培训课件moyamoyamoyamoya虎眼征 Hallervorden-Spatz病虎眼征 Hallervorden-Spatz病脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件脑血管病影像培训课件Co中毒 猫眼征Co中毒 猫眼征快速鉴别昏迷病人是神经科疾病还是内科疾病的四招:翻眼皮、抠腋窝、划脚丫、搬脖子


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