



ASC 精品酒业 扎根中国,ASC 致力于提供高品质多选择的进口葡萄酒。 被葡萄酒评论界的传奇人物罗伯特帕克先生誉为“中国精品葡萄酒进口行业的翘楚”的 ASC 精品酒业在过去 的十几年中始终高瞻远瞩,处于中国葡萄酒经销业的尖端,源于 ASC 一直以来优秀的产品质量,多年的业务经 验,广泛全面的产品种类,员工们无与伦比的送货服务,以及顾客至上的企业宗旨。 公司发展 在上世纪90年代中期,来自美国的圣皮尔父子坚信中国进口葡萄酒业将会蓬勃发展。中国经济对外开放,消费 者收入迅速增长,而中国国内的葡萄酒产量十分有限。事实证明圣皮尔家族的确高瞻远瞩:ASC 的业务自1996 年创建以来,有了突飞猛进的发展。 认知到资金的注入对于 ASC 能否在增长快速的中国葡萄酒市场保持领先地位的必要性,圣皮尔父子在1998年邀 请施华洛士奇水晶王国的吉诺朗格思先生为公司进行投资。2009年底,亚洲饮料领军企业之一的三得利国际 集团旗下的日本三得利酒类株式会社,在获得中国反垄断局批准后,收购奥地利 Swarovski 先生所控股的 Wine Holding 有限公司在 ASC 的所有股份,成为 ASC 精品酒业的控股股东。ASC 精品酒业高级管理层的职能和 职权将保持不变,继续致力于精品葡萄酒在大中华地区(中国大陆、香港、澳门地区)进口与分销业务的发展。 2003年,ASC 精品酒业扩大了业务范围,成为奥地利 Riedel 酒具在华独家代理。Riedel 公司是世界知名的优 质葡萄酒酒杯及酒具生产商。2007年,ASC 引进了来自挪威的优质饮用水 VOSS。2009年,ASC 成为意大利的圣 培露(S. Pellegrino)天然有气矿泉水及果汁饮料和普娜(Acqua Panna)矿泉水在中国的独家代理商。 经验 ASC 开创初年,进口葡萄酒仅在为数不多的五星级酒店销售,而现在,公司已成为中国葡萄酒经销商的领导者。 ASC 目睹了公司乃至整个葡萄酒业的发展历程。由于投资人从创立到十几年后的今天都亲自坐镇中国,并直接 参与管理,ASC 公司充分了解了中国复杂多元的商业环境,并具备了强大而无往不利的业务能力。 公司产品 正如公司名称所示,ASC 精品酒业产品定位于高品质的葡萄酒。ASC 精品酒业独家进口及经销15个国家1200多 种不同产品,为消费者提供广泛全面的选择和无与伦比的上乘品质。我们长期代理的100多个酒庄中包括世界 各地主要产区的知名的品牌与生产商, 如纳柏谷的贝灵哲葡萄庄园、索诺玛地区的肯德杰克逊酒园;南澳的 禾富酒园、奔富酒园;意大利的嘉雅酒园、鲁芬诺酒园,班菲酒园,马兹酒园;法国的首席法兰西香槟,阿雅 拉香槟;勃根蒂地区的路易亚都世家;罗纳谷的吉佳乐世家;及诸多波尔多享誉盛名的葡萄酒,例如:拉图城 堡、布里翁高地古堡,埃思杜耐尔城堡等。 服务和葡萄酒培训 ASC 精品酒业在过去的几年中,产品销量以平均每年提高50%的速度增长,原因之一在于 ASC 注重优质的送货 服务。位于北京、上海、深圳、厦门、广州、成都及澳门的七个温控仓库的及时配送,确保了 ASC 产品百分之 百按照客户要求,以理想的条件及时送达客户手中。 这一切都要感谢 ASC 北京、上海、杭州、成都、广州、深圳、厦门、澳门及香港精心挑选的800多位优秀员工。 他们可谓是深谙中国葡萄酒专业知识的优秀人才,每一位销售人员对于葡萄酒及他们客户所从事的业务都具备 专业认知。他们相当一部分工作是进行葡萄酒知识培训,每年我们的销售及市场部的员工会到 ASC 代理的世界 各地的酒商那里直接接受酿酒师的培训。这些酒商及酿酒师也会定期访问中国,为我们在全国各地的员工进行 深入的葡萄酒知识讲座。 ASC 是第一批被 WSET(英国葡萄酒与烈酒教育基金会)批准可以在中国提供葡萄酒教育和培训的专业服务的公 司。WSET 是世界知名的葡萄酒与烈酒教育培训机构。 客户 ASC 精品酒业能取得今天的成就要归功于具备高素质、高水平的客户群。ASC 面对的客户有高档次的酒店、餐 厅,管理完善的零售店、超市、商场及部分爱好葡萄酒的个人消费群体。ASC 专注、有效、及时、专业的服务 促使这些客户成为 ASC 公司的代言人。 ASC 精品酒业是中国葡萄酒进口及经销行业的领导者。最近被葡萄酒评论界的传奇人物罗伯特帕克先生誉为 “中国精品葡萄酒进口行业的翘楚” 。 ASC 在大中国地区拥有6家分公司,为全国各高档酒店、餐厅、零售店、超市、商场提供高品质的葡萄酒。ASC 通过其完善的直销网络为私人及公司客户提供送货上门服务。ASC 精品酒业独家进口及经销来自全球15个国家 1200多种佳酿,为消费者提供广泛全面的选择和无与伦比的上乘品质。我们长期代理的100多个酒庄中包括世 界各地主要产区的知名品牌与生产商。ASC 是众多波尔多头等苑佳酿在华代理商中的佼佼者,同时也是 Riedel 酒具、来自挪威的芙丝(VOSS)饮用水、来自意大利的圣培露(S. Pellegrino) 天然有气矿泉水和果汁饮料及普 娜(Acqua Panna)矿泉水在中国的独家代理。 ASC 是第一批被 WSET(英国葡萄酒与烈酒教育基金会)批准可以在中国提供葡萄酒教育专业服务的公司。ASC 一直致力于为消费者及餐饮业内人士提供高质量的葡萄酒教育课程。ASC 在上海经营的“藏酒轩” 一幢由 具有百年历史的都铎式老洋房改建而成的美酒会所,不仅拥有具备理想藏酒条件的地下酒窖,还提供完美的葡 萄酒教育场所。 ASC Fine Wines Providing the fine and wide selection of imported wines throughout China Recently described as “Chinas greatest fine wine importer” by legendary wine critic Robert M. Parker, Jr, ASC Fine Wines has stayed ahead of the curve and the competition for the last decade with an unparalleled commitment to quality in the areas that matter most: long experience in the business of wine distribution in China; an extensive portfolio of the worlds best wines; unparalleled service delivered by our dedicated staff; and a tight focus on the people that matter most: our customers. Company Development In the mid-1990s, American father and son team Don St. Pierre, Sr. and Don St. Pierre, Jr. believed that China was about to experience a boom in wine imports. The Chinese economy was opening up, consumer incomes were increasing rapidly, and Chinas domestic wine production was limited. The St. Pierres were right: ASC Fine Wines took off quickly after its establishment in 1996. Recognizing that an injection of capital would be required if ASC Fine Wines were to take full advantage of the rapid growth of the China wine market, the St. Pierres invited Mr. Gernot Langes Swarovski (of Swarovski Crystal fame) to invest in the company in 1998. In late 2009, the Suntory Group, one of Asias leading beverage companies, acquired (subject to the approval of Chinas anti-monopoly bureau) a majority stake in ASCs business by purchasing all of Wine Holdings Gmbh (the Austrian holding company of Mr. Langes-Swarovski) share in the company. Additionally ASCs senior management will remain in place and the company will continue to be focused on the import and distribution of premium wine, throughout Greater China (the Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong and Macau). In 2003, ASC Fine Wines enhanced its portfolio when it became the China distributor for Riedel, the worlds leading producer of quality wine glasses and decanters. In 2007, ASC added VOSS Artesian Water from Norway to its portfolio. ASC became the exclusive importer of S. Pellegrino Natural Water and Acqua Panna Mineral Water in 2009. Experience Since then, ASC Fine Wines has built Chinas top wine distribution company, and has seen the company and the industry grow from the days when the market for imported wine was confined to a handful of five-star hotels. With the owners of the business on the ground in China, the process of importation and distribution runs smoothly: after twelve years, ASC has developed strong capabilities for getting things done within the complex Chinese business environment. Portfolio As the name suggests, ASC Fine Wines focuses on high quality wines. ASC imports over 1,200 different wines from 15 different countries, giving customers a comprehensive selection and unparalleled quality. Our stable of over 100 wineries includes the best-known wine brands and producers from the most important wine growing regions throughout the world. Examples include Beringer Vineyards from the Napa Valley, Kendall-Jackson Vineyards from Sonoma, Wolf Blass and Penfolds from South Australia, Angelo Gaja, Ruffino, Banfi and Masi from Italy, Santa Rita and Bodega Norton from South America, Champagne Bollinger and Champagne Ayala from France, Louis Jadot from Burgundy, E. Guigal from the Rhone Valley, and most top-classified growth wines from Bordeaux, including Chateau Latour, Chateau Haut Brion and Chateau Cos dEstournel. Service the best-managed retailers, hypermarkets and department stores; and a select group of individual customer who know and love wine. Because of our dedication to serving these customers in an efficient, timely and professional way, these people have become the best ambassadors for ASC Fine Wines that there could be. ASC Fine Wines is Chinas leading wine importer and distributor and was recently described as “Chinas greatest fine wine importer” by legendary wine critic Robert M. Parker, Jr. ASC Fine Wines represents a portfolio of over 1,200 wines from


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