



各位好, 经过教研室主任的讨论,并征求了部分老师的意见,决定本学期的口语考试情况如下: 1. 形式:单人回答问题(即没有一年级的朗读,也没有对话) 2. 考试步骤:考试分两部分。第一部分学生抽签回答事先布置的有准备的话题,并回答; 第二部分考官随意提问,看学生临场发挥的能力。 3. 分值:第一部分为 20 分,第二部分为 10 分。总分 30 分。 附:口语考试准备话题 Part I: 1-6 题源自新视野大学英语视听说 (第三册) (话题是结合视听说第三册已经在英语角 讨论的话题) 1. What study habits seem to be common among successful students? (第二单元) First,they will listen to teachers carefully in class. Second, they will do homework and hand in it on time. Third, they prefer spend time on reading than playing games. Last but not least, they always arrange their schedule properly. 2. What kind of boss do you like to work for: inefficient but kind, or efficient but very strict? (第五单元) I like to work for a boss whos efficient but strict because I strongly dislike inefficiency. I think its completely reasonable for a boss to be strict. As long as he gets his work done, and is fair and professional, he is a good boss. 3. Is character more important than ability in finding a job? (第四单元 ) depending on what you do. I dont support the idea. In my opinion, when finding a job,the interviewee always first be impressed with interviewers ability, or rather, what they can do, instead of what character they have. In other words, an interview just last a few minutes, to make it more efficiency, interviewee often pay more attention on our ability, not character. 4. Why do some people become addicted to smoking or alcohol? (第六单元) Some people think smoking makes them relax. Some people smoke just because all those around them smoke. Some believe that by passing cigarettes around, it will be easier for them to start a friendship. But I think those reasons, if we can call them reasons, are insignificant compared with the harmfulness smoking brings about. Some people drink because their parents drink a lot, so they follow suit. Some people pick up the habit of drinking because they feel lonely or bored, others drink when they are sad or angry, and still others drink to celebrate happy occasions. Gradually, they drink more and more until they are addicted to alcohol. 5. My view on low-carbon life(第七单元) In my opinion, With the development of society, Low Carbon Life will consume fewer resources, and make our living conditions better. Too much CO2 makes the earth like a greenhouse and become warmer and warmer. Ice melts and climate changes abnormally,our living quality will descent,All in all, everyone has the ability and responsibility to live a low carbon life. There are some ways to live a low carbon life, on the one hand, wed better eat less meat, it is said that producing 1 kg meat will give out 36.4 kg CO2; on the other hand, wed better use public transportation or just walk or ride a bike.also, there are other ways to live a low carbon life,such as save electricity,not use plastic bags any more and plant trees. 6. What do you think of Chinese celebrating western festivals? (第九单元) As a chinese ,I like to celebrate the western festival.Western festivals are so popular in China nowadays and as far as I consider, there are two reasons mainly. First of all, we must owe it to the reform and opening up policy. Since then, AsChina has largely incrseased its comunication with western countries and western culture is accepted by Chinese people day by day. As a result, Western festivals being popular is unavoidable. Second reason is that todays young people prefer a different way of life. Todays young people grow up in a totally different environment from last generation and its easy for them to accept new things. So out of freshness or keeping pace with the trend, they would like Western festivals. Besides, cecelebrating Western festivals is a symbol of a different kind of life from their parents, which satisfys the youngs psychological needs of being different. 7-12 源自新视野大学英语 (读写教程) (第三册) 7. What is peoples attitude toward the disables? (第一单元) Most people felt sorry to them. Although most of them hadnt lived with a disabled people, they said they will happy to offer the aid if necessary. Many people seemed be glad to help the disables. There was also some people hold the opinion that they will treat the disables as a normal person. But they are ready to help when they are asked. And few people said they had never seen a disabled person, so they cant imagine what attitude they will have. I am glad to see the result because it shows that people hold love in heart. 8.Do you think it necessary to involve parents in the education program? (第三单元) I totally disagree the ideal that involving parents in the education program. Take the experience of my own for example. My mother always pay attention on my grades at school. At the same time, she keeps asking me how I behave at school, how my teachers evaluate my assignment. That disturb me a lot and I feel completely freaking out. 9. What symbol do you think uniquely Chinese? (第四单元) The Chinese dragon is probably one of the most recognized images in the world. Anyone seeing it knows it is uniquely Chinese. It is seen on gowns, pottery, furnishings and decorations. This Asian sign is one of the most popular. 10. What will you do to get well prepared for an earthquake? (第六单元) Firstly,I will prepare some things such as food,water and medicine in my normal time .secondly,I would learn rescue methods which prevent me from being hurt.I think to do these,I will have more chance to live when the earthquake comes. 11. What is the best use for the technology of cloning? (第八单元 ) On one hand, cloning can help the couples who cannot have babies by themselves to have babies. They can clone a baby from one of them. On the other hand, cloning can also enable endangered species to increase their population. Some species may not die out by being cloned from themselves. Wh


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