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洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) I 油窗端盖注塑模具设计 摘 要 塑料工业是当今世界上增长最快的工业门类之一,而注塑模具是其中发展较 快的种类,因此,研究注塑模具对了解塑料产品的生产过程和提高产品质量有很 大意义。注射模技术的不断发展需要越来越多的工艺流程。注射成型过程中最重 要的问题是模具的正确设计。 从根本上说,注射模具包括浇口和浇注系统,另一部分是放置顶出系统。模 具零件是在分型面被定位的。 注射模具型腔选择等设计计算要求掌握加工材料、注射机和模具等方面的准 确知识。模具的制造成本随着型腔数目的增加而增加,而相关的加工费用减少了。 一个给定的模具零件的生产周期取决于壁厚、注射速度、收缩率、模内材料的冷 却时间、冷却的效能及必要的辅助时间,如压力持续时间、排气时间及延迟时间 等。 本设计介绍了注射成型的基本原理,特别是单分型面注射模具的结构与工作 原理,对注塑产品提出了基本的设计原则;详细介绍了冷流道注射模具浇注系统、 温度调节系统和顶出系统的设计过程,通过本设计,可以对注塑模具有一个初步 的认识,注意到设计中的某些细节问题,了解模具结构及工作原理。 关键词:塑料模具,参数化,分型面,浇注系统,模具型腔。 全套图纸,加全套图纸,加 153893706 洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) II THE PLASTIC INJECT MODLE DESIGN ABSTRACT plastic industry is in the world grows now one of quickest industry classes, but casts the mould is development quick type, therefore, the research casts the mold to understand the plastic product the production process and improves the product quality to have the very big significance. The continuing development of injection mold technology demands more and more of the processes. The most important problem in the process of injection molding is undoubtedly the correct design of injection mold . Basically the injection mold consists of two halves. One mold half contains the sprue bushing and runner system, the other half houses the ejection system. The molded part is located at the parting line. To set up a calculation conceiving the choice of cavities in an injection mold requires accurate knowledge of the matrrial to be processed, of the injection-molding machine and of the molds. The mold costs increase with the rising number of cavities and the relative machine costs decrease. The production time required for a given molded part depends on the wall thicknes, the injection speed, the recovery rate, the time required to coll the molded material, the cooling capacity of the mold and the necessary incidental time such as duration of pressure holding time, ejection time, delay time, ect. This design introduced the injection takes shape the basic principle, specially 洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) III single is divided the profile to inject the mold the structure and the principle of eork, to cast the product to propose the basic principle of design; Introducted in detail the cold flod channel injection evil spirit mold pours the system, the temperature contral system and goes against the system the design process, and has given the explanation to the mold intensity request; Through this design, may to cast the mold to have a preliminary understanding, notes in the design certain detail question, understands the mold structure and the principle of work; Through to the PROGRAM study, may establish the simple components the components storehouse, thus effective enhancement eorking efficiency. KEY WORDS: The plastic mold, the parameterization, inlays, divides the profile 洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) IV 目 录 前 言.1 第一章:制件的结构与工艺性分析.2 1.1制件相关信息.2 1.2 材料的相关性质3 1.2.1 基本特性.3 1.2.2 主要用途.3 1.2.3 成型特点.3 1.3 塑件的脱模斜度4 1.4 塑件的尺寸精度及表面质量要求4 第二章:初选注射机.6 2.1 计算塑件体积和最大投影面积.6 2.2选择压力机.6 2.3确定型腔数目.7 第三章 模具设计.9 3.1 型腔的分布设置.9 3.2 分型面的确定.9 3.3 浇口的确定原则.10 3.4 浇注系统的确定.11 3.4.1 主流道的设计.11 3.4.2 分流道的设计.12 3.4.3 冷料穴的设计.13 3.4.4 浇口的相关参数选择14 3.5 成型零部件的结构设计14 3.5.1 型腔的结构设计.14 3.5.2 型芯的结构设计.15 3.6 模具成型零部件尺寸计算.15 3.5.1 计算成型零部件尺寸要考虑的因素.16 3.5.2 制件尺寸的公差转换.16 洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) V 3.5.3 成型零部件尺寸计算17 3.7 模架的选用.20 3.7.1 模架型号的确定.20 3.7.2 模架具体尺寸的确定.21 3.8 结构零部件的设计.22 3.8.1 支承板的设计.22 3.8.2 垫块的设计.22 3.8.3 定模座板和动模座板的设计.22 3.8.4 导柱的设计.23 3.8.5 导套的设计.24 3.8.6 设计导柱导套需要注意的事项.24 3.9 推出机构的设计24 3.9.1 推杆的设计.25 第四章 冷却系统的设计.28 4.1 冷却水孔直径的确定.28 4.2 冷却水回路的布置原则.28 第五章 注射机的相关校核.29 5.1 注射机额定注射量的校核.29 5.2 注射压力的校核29 5.3 锁模力的校核29 5.4 模具安装尺寸的校核30 5.41 喷嘴尺寸校核.30 5.4.2 模具厚度校核30 5.5 开模行程的校核.31 结 论.32 谢 辞.33 参考文献.34 洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) 1 前 言 塑料工业是新兴的工业,是随着石油工业的发展因应运而生的,目前塑料制 件几乎已经进入一切工业部门以及人民日常生活的各个领域。塑料工业又是一个 飞速发展的工业领域。塑料作为一种新的工程材料,其不断被开发与应用,加之 成型工艺的不断成熟,完善和发展,极大的促进了塑料成型方法的研究与运用和 塑料模具的开发与制造。随着工业塑料制件和日用塑料之间的品种和需求量日益 增加,这些产品的更新换代的周期越来越短。因此对塑料的品种、产量和质量都 提出了越来越高的要求。对塑料制件提出高要求的同时意味着对塑料模具提出了 很高的要求。因为模具是塑料工业生产中重要的工艺设备,因此模具设计显得越 来越重要。 塑料模具的设计是模具制造中的关键工作。通过合理设计制造出来的模具不 仅能顺利的成型高质量的塑件,还能简化模具的加工过程和实施塑件的高效率生 产,从而达到降低生产成本和提高附加价值的目的。 近几年来塑料成型工艺迅速发展,塑料模具种类不断增加。结构也更为复杂, 在该套模具的设计中采用的是一模四腔的模具结构。该套模具的浇口采用的是侧 浇口。侧浇口又称标准浇口,这种浇口一般开设在分型面上,塑料熔体内侧或外 侧注入型腔,其截面形状多为矩形,改变浇口的宽度与厚度可以调节熔体的剪切 速率及浇口的冻结时间。这类浇口可以根据塑件的形状特征选择其位置,加工和 修正方便,普遍用于中小型塑件的多型腔模具,且对各种塑料的成型适应性均较 强。其浇口截面小,减少了浇注系统塑料的消耗量,同时去除浇口容易,且不留 明显痕迹。因此塑件的表面不受损伤,不致因浇口痕迹而影响塑件的表面质量与 美观效果。该套模具的工作原理是当注射结束时,模具在开模力的作用下从 D-D 分型面分型,当动模向后移动一定距离后推出机构开始工作,推杆推动推件板把 塑 件从型芯上推下,完成整个开模过程 。 洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) 2 第一章:制件的结构与工艺性分析 1.1 制件相关信息 名称:端盖 材料:PS; 精度:一般,零件直观图如图 1-1 所示: 图 1-1 制件立体图 生产批量:中批生产; 粗超度要求:Ra=0.6um; 用途:利用 PS 透明度高的特点,制造仪器端盖,一方面防尘,阻挡异物进 入仪器;另一方面可从顶部区域,观察仪器内部油面,以便随时掌握油量,及时 添加。侧壁上长条形孔洞,用于扣紧端盖,保证端盖与仪器牢固结合。 表面质量要求:要求顶面必须光滑平整,无浇口痕迹及顶出痕迹;四壁光滑, 无明显痕迹。 洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) 3 1.2 材料的相关性质 1.2.1 基本特性 PS(聚苯乙烯)是无色透明并有金属光泽的非结晶型线性结构的高聚物,落 地式发出类似金属的声音,密度为 1.054g/cm3。聚苯乙烯的透明度好,透光率高, 在塑料中期光学性能仅次于有机玻璃。聚苯乙烯有优良的电性能,尤其是高频绝 缘性能,并具有一定的化学稳定性。聚苯乙烯能耐除硝酸以外的酸及碱、醇、油、 水等,但对与氧化剂、苯、四氯化碳、酮类、酯类等的抵抗力较差。聚苯乙烯的 着色性能优良,能染成各种鲜艳的颜色。但其耐热性低,热变形温度一般在 70- 90,所以只能用在不高的温度下。聚苯乙烯质地硬而脆,有较高的热膨胀系数, 塑件易产生内应力易开裂,因此限制了它在工程上的应用。近几十年来,由于有 了改性聚苯乙烯和以聚苯乙烯为基体的共聚物,从而扩大了它的用途。 1.2.2 主要用途 聚苯乙烯是仅次于聚乙烯和聚氯乙烯的第三大塑料品种。在工业上可用作制 作仪表外壳、灯罩、化学仪器零件、透明模型等。在电器方面用于制作良好的绝 缘材料,如电视机的结构零件、接线盒和电池盒等。在日用品方面则广泛用于制 作包装材料、各种容器和玩具等。 1.2.3 成型特点 聚苯乙烯成型性能优良,吸水性小,可不进行干燥处理。由于热膨胀系数较 高,故而塑件中不宜含有嵌件,否则会因两者的热膨胀系数相差太大而导致开裂。 宜采用高料温,高模具温度,低注射压力成型并延长注射时间,以防止缩孔和变 形,降低内应力。由于聚苯乙烯流动性很好,故而在模具设计中大多采用点浇口 进料。聚苯乙烯可采用注射,挤出,真空等多种方法成型。 1.3 塑件的脱模斜度 洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) 4 由于塑件成型冷却过程中产生收缩,使其紧箍在凸模或型芯上,为了便于脱 模,防止因脱模力过大而拉坏塑件或使其表面受损,与脱模方向平行的塑件内、 外表面都应具有合理的斜度。以下是 PS 的脱模斜度推荐值: 型腔:35-130 型芯:30-40 对于本制件而言,型腔取 1脱模斜度,型芯取 30脱模斜度。 1.4 塑件的尺寸精度及表面质量要求 该制件为简单的壳类零件,侧面有一成型孔。表面粗糙度为 0.6.属于一般的 粗糙度要求。 由于上表面要求不能出现任何形式的不光整现象,侧面也要求尽量平整,故 而最初大致确定,制件注塑成型时,从底部耳边处进料,即浇口开在耳边,同时 刚好开在最大分型面处。 制件的详细尺寸见零件图,如下图 1-2 所示: 图 1-2 制品零件图 制件各个尺寸的相关要求如下: 制件内轮廓径向尺寸 44 和侧壁成型孔尺寸 18、4 为 MT3,其余尺寸,为一 般精度 MT5。 洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) 5 洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) 6 第二章:初选注射机 2.1 计算塑件体积和最大投影面积 考虑到制件形状简单,体积较小,批量不大,故而初定模具生产为一模两腔。 一次开模,耗费塑料的总体积,可以分两部分:制件部分的体积 V1 和料把的体 积 V2。 V1KPCA=248.1kN (公式 5-2) 故注塑机的额定锁模力符合要求。 5.4 模具安装尺寸的校核 5.41 喷嘴尺寸校核 注塑模浇口套始端凹坑的球面半 R2应大于注塑机喷嘴球头半径 R1,以利用同 心和紧密接触,本设计按半径 R2= R1+(0.52)计算,故符合要求;主流道的始 端直径 d1应大于注塑机喷嘴孔直径 d2,本设计按 d1=d2+(0.51)mm 关系计算, 亦符合要求。 5.4.2 模具厚度校核 模具厚度(闭合高度)必须满足下式: maxmmin HHH 式中所设计的模具高度(mm) ; m H 注塑机所允许的最小模具厚度(mm) ; min H 注塑机所允许的最大模具厚度(mm) 。 max H 结合注塑机的参数,模具总高度为 235mm,XS-Z125 型号注射机的装模高度介 洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) 31 于 200mm 与 300mm 之间,因此本设计符合要求。 5.5 开模行程的校核 注塑机模座间距是指注塑机动模座和定模座之间的间距,对于所选用的注塑 机,模具的闭模高度必须满足 maxmmin HHH 开模取出塑件所需的开模距离必须小于注塑机的最大开模行程。本设计选用 注塑机为液压-机械式锁模机构,液压-机械式锁模机构的最大开模行程由屈肘机 构的最大行程决定,与模具厚度决定无关。 本设计为单分型面注塑模具,其开模行程按下式校核 mm105H 21 HS 、 式中 S注塑机最大开模行程(移动模板台面行程) (mm) ; 塑件的脱模距离(mm) ; 1 H 包括流道凝料在内的塑件高度(mm) 。 2 H 本设计中为 24mm,为 88mm,选用的注塑机的开程 1 H 2 H 行程 S 为 325mm,代入式中,易知符合上式。 所以本设计的开模行程符合要求。 洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) 32 结 论 本次设计前后经历了 10 周,由于之前所学的课程塑料成型工艺与模具设 计和在模具拆装实验室对于模具的内部结构及其工作原理都有了一定的了解, 因此也为本设计打下了基础。本次设计中我查阅了大量的文献、资料,搜集了很 多有关模具设计的信息和例子,从中不但将以前学过的有关模具的知识加以回顾 和进一步理解,而且还将模具设计的有关知识系统化。 对于我所作课题塑料盖注塑模模具设计,在选用设计方案时,我比较了多种 方案。在本次设计中,我也遇到了很多困难,特别是在制图过程中出现了很多错 误,最后在老师和同学们的帮助下都得到了解决。总之,经过本次设计我学到了 很多知识,懂得了在面对实际问题如何解决问题,并对以前的学过的知识有了比 较系统的复习,尤其是机械制图 、 公差与检测和塑料成型工艺与模具设 计这几门课。 洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) 33 谢 辞 时间过得真快,转眼间大学生活已经渐进尾声,在这次毕业设计里我学到了 很多东西,可谓受益匪浅。 首先,毕业设计巩固了我三年来所学的知识。由于时间的缘故,造成了我对 以前所学知识的遗忘和生疏,而这次的毕业设计,让我进一步复习了课本,是对 所学知识的一次温习,也是一次重新的学习,从而达到了巩固学习的目的。 其次,这次毕业设计提高了我发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力。由于 此次设计的规模超过了以往的任何一次课程设计,所以这次毕业设计是对我们综 合能力的一次考验。这次设计大大提高了我们动手操作能力,逻辑思维能力等等, 这次设计加深了我对模具知识的了解,对模具的四大系统及开合模过程都有了更 深的认识。 由于时间的缘故和自己模具知识的不足,在我的毕业设计中会有很多不恰当 的地方,请各位老师多多指教,多提宝贵意见! 首先感谢学校及学院各位领导的悉心关怀和耐心指导,特别要感谢沈俊芳老 师给我的指导,在设计和说明书的写作过程中,我得到沈老师的细心教导和认真 指点,使我的理论知识和动手操作能力都有了很大的提高与进步,对模具设计与 制造的整个工艺流程也有了一个基本的掌握。在他身上,时刻体现着作为科研工 作者所特有的严谨求实的教学风范,勇于探索的工作态度和求同思变、不断创新 的治学理念。他不知疲倦的敬业精神和精益求精的治学要求,端正了我的学习态 度,使我受益匪浅。 另外,还要感谢和我同组的其他同学,他们在寻找资料、解答疑惑、实验操 作、论文修改等方面,都给了我很大帮助和借鉴。 最后,感谢所有给予我关心和支持的老师和同学使我能如期完成这次毕业设 计。感谢各位老师和同学! 感谢学校这三年对我的培养和教导,感谢各位领导各位老师的谆谆教导! 参考文献 洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) 34 1 陈于萍,周兆元.互换性与测量技术基础.第二版.北京:机械工业出版 社,2005 2 刘小年,陈婷.机械制图.第三版.北京:机械工业出版社,2006 3 许德珠.机械工程材料.第二版.北京:高等教育出版社,2001 4 屈华昌.塑料成型工艺与模具设计.第二版.北京:高等教育 出版社, 2007 5 黄毅宏,李明辉.模具制造技术.北京:高等教育出版社,2002 6 杨成美.模具专业英语.大连:大连理工大学出版社,2007 7 梁俊有. CAD 工程设计.呼和浩特.远方出版社,2005 8 许发樾.实用模具设计与制造手册.北京:机械工业出版社,2000 9 王孝培.塑料成型工艺及模具简明手册.北京:机械工业出版社,2004 10 北京科技大学、东北大学.工程力学.北京:高等教育出版社,1997 11 许洪斌,樊泽兴.塑料注射成型工艺及模具.北京:化学工业出版社, 2006 12 阎亚林.塑料模具图册.北京:高等教育出版社,2004 13 刘昌祺.塑料模具设计.北京:机械工业出版社,1998 14 陈世煌,陈可娟.塑料注射成型模具设计.北京:国防工业出版社, 2004 15 程燕军,柳舟通.冲压与塑料成型设备.北京:科学出版社,2006 16 杨占尧.注塑模具典型结构图例.北京:化学工业出版社,2000 Intelligence and Automation CAD Soft Wares With advancement of technology and high 一 speed development of 洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) 35 world,Upgrade and innovation of Products are speeded up. No matter what industrial Products and appliance,are mostly molded by mold. Therefore,Plastic Parts design advances higher demands for periods and Precision of mold design and Manufacture . Because mold design depends on designers experience and Knowledge completely by traditional CAD soft wares ,50 efficiency and quality cant completely satisfy the demands of mold development. So intelligence and automation are very important in mold design .This issue Has joined the expert system to mold design,and developed an intelligentzed Injection mold design system .Basing on the Plastic Parts information,the System can implement automatically reasoning and analysis by the interrelated knowledge,and select an relevant model from the model base,then rebuild the model by Parameterized technology,finally finish the design Process of injection mold .The entire design Process is completed by computer automatically without the calculation of designers,which decreases flaws caused by lack of experience of mold designers,and helps to avoid mistakes and improve efficiency and quality of mold design .This Paper summarized the design knowledge of injection molds side action; Then builds knowledge base suing the hybrid representation of frame representation and ruler representation :and introduces the Principles ,Processed method of compute automatic design system for side action in detail :Taking the best quality of Plastic Parts and highest efficiency as main purpose ,this paper finally develops side action :and also builds the graph library of side action using Parameterized technology based on Solid works .In information management system,Plastic Parts are decaled with in aspect of shrinkage and draft,which will make model、more Precision for the next design .An actual Process of the mold design for atypical Plastic Part has been demonstrated,which shows that the idea of system is feasible and this system can be used expediently to satisfy the demands of mold design. This paper also investigates menu and interface of this software,and finally Designs a laconic ,intuitive and manipulated friendly interface for injection mold design in order to make this software more acceptable to users. Mold Cavities and Cores 洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) 36 The cavity and core give the molding its external and internal shapes respectively, the impression imparting the whole of the form to the molding.We then proceeded to indicate alternate ways by which the cavity and core could be incorporated into the mold and we found that these alternatives fell under two main headings,namelythe integer method and the insert method.Another method by which the cavity can be incorporated is by means of split inserts or splits. When the cavity or core is machined from a large plate or block of steel,or is cast in one piece,and used without bolstering as one of the mod plates ,it is termed an integer cavity plate or integer core plate. This design is preferred for single-impression molds because of characteristics of the strength,smaller size and lower cost. It is not used as mush for multi-impression molds as there are other factors such as alignment which must be taken into consideration. Of the many manufacting processes available for preparing molds only two are normally used in this case. There are a direct machining operation on a rough steel forging or blank using the conventional machine tools, or the precision invstment casting technique in which a master pattern is made of the cavity and core. The pattern is then used to prepare a casting of the cavity or core by a special process. A 4.25%nickel-chrome-molybdenum steel(BS 970-835 M30) is normally specified for integer mold plates which are to be made by the direct machining method. The precision investment casting method usually utilizes a high-chrome steel. For molds containting intricate impressions, and for multi-impression molds, it is not satisfactory to attempt to machine the cavity and core plates from single blocks of steel as with integer molds. The machining sequences and operation would be altogether too complicated and costly. The insert-bloster assembly method is therefore used instead. The method consists in machining the impression out of small blocks of steel.These small blocks of steel are known,after machininf, as inserts, and the one which forms the male part is termed the core insert and, conversely, the one which forms the female part the cavity insert. These are the inserted and securely fitted into holes in a substantial block or plate of steel called a bloster. These holes are either sunk 洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) 37 part way or are machined right through the bolster plate. In the latter case there will be a plate fastened behind the bolster and this secures the inserts in position. Both the integer and the insert-bolster methods have their advantages depending upon the size, the shape of the molding, the complexity of the mold, whether a single impression or a multi-impression ;old is desired,the cost of making the mold, ect. It can therefore be said that in general, once the characteristics of the mold reqired to do a particular job which have been weighed up, the decision as to which design to adopt can be made. Some of these considerations have already been discussed under various broad headings, such as cost, but to enable the reader to weigh them up more easily, when faced with a particular problem, the comparison of the relative advantages of each system is discussed under a number of headings. Unquestionably for single impression molds the integer design is ti be preferred irrespective of whether the component form is a simple or a complex one. The resulting mold will be stronger, smaller, less costly, and generally incorporate a less elaborate colling system than the insert-bolster design. It should be borne in mind that local inserts can be judiciously used to simplify the general manufactureof the mold impression. For multi-impression molds the choices is not so clear-cut. In the majority of cases the insert-bolster method of construction is used, the case of manufacture, mold alignment, and resulting lower mold costs being the overriding factors affecting the choices. For compenents of very simple form it is often advantangeous to use one design for one of the mold plates and the alternative design for the other. For example, consider a multi-impression mold for a box-type compenent. The cavity plate could be of the integer design to gain the advantages of strength, thereby allowing a smaller mold plate, while the core plate couls be of the insert-bolster design which will simplify machining of the plate and allow for adjustments for mold alignment. The Injection Molding Injection molding ( British Engish : Molding ) is a manufacturing process for producing parts form both thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic materials.Material is 洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) 38 fed into a heated brarel, mixed, and forced into a mold cavity where it cools and hardens to configuration of the mold cavity. After a product is designed, usually by an industrial designer or an engineer, molds aer made by a moldmaker ( or a toolmaker ) from metal, usually either steel or aluminium, and precision-machined to form the features of the desired part. Injection molding is widely used for manufacturing a varitey of parts, from the smallest compenent to entire body panels of cars. Injection molding machines consist of a material hopper, an injection ram of screw-type plunger, and a heating unit. They are also known as presses. They hold the molds in which the compenents are shaped. Presses are rated by tonnage, which expresses the amount of clamping force that the machine can exert. This force keeps the mold closed during the injection process. Tonnage can vary from less than 5 tons to 6000 tons, with the higher figures used in determined by the projected area of the part being molded.This projected area is multiplied by a champ force of 2 to 8 tons for each square inch of the projected area. As a rule of thumb, 4 or 5 t/in can be used for most 2 products. If the plastic material is very stiff, it will require more injection pressure to fill the mold, thus more clamp tonnage to hold the mold closed. The required force can also be determined by the material used and the size of the part, larger parts require higher clamping force. Mold or die are the common terms used to describe the tooling used to produce plastic parts in molding. Traditionally, molds have been expensive to manufacture. They were usually only used in mass production where thousands of parts were being produced. Molds are typically constructed from hardened steel, pre-hardened steel, aluminium, and/or beryllium-copper alloy. The chioce of material to build a mold from is primarily one of economics. Steel molds generally cost more to construct, but their longer number of parts made before wearing out. Pre-hardened steel molds are less wear resistant and are used for lower volume requirements or large compenents. The steel hardness is tyoically 38-45 on the Rockwell-C scale ( HRC). Hardened steel molds are heat treated after machining. These are by far the superior in terms of wear resistance and lifespan. Typical hardness ranges between 50 to 60 Rockwell scale. Aluminium molds can cost 洛阳理工学院


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