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看电影学英语 the incredibles 超人总动员 -incredible: is this on?麦克风开了吗?-interviewer: thats fine.开了。-incredible: i can break through walls, i just cant.break through: 突破,突围,有重要创建多厚的墙壁我都能撞破,我却不能-interviewer: thats fine.可以了。-incredible:i cant get this on.这玩意我却搞不定。-interviewer: mr. incredible. do you have a secret identity?incredible: 难以置信的,惊人的 secret: 秘密的,秘密 identity: 身份超能先生,你有秘密身份吗?-incredible: every superhero has a secret identity. i dont know a single one who doesnt.superhero: 超级英雄 single: 一个(人),单一的每个超级英雄都有秘密身份,我不知道哪一个没有。who wants the pressure of being super all the time?pressure: 压力谁想成天都承受当超级英雄的压力呀?-elastigirl: of course i have a secret identity.elastigirl: 【弹力女超人】我当然有秘密身份啰。can you see me in this at the supermarket? come on.supermarket: 超市打扮成这样能逛超市吗?whod want to go shopping as elastigirl, know what i mean?当弹力女超人该怎么血拼呀?你懂吗?superladies, theyre always trying to tell you their secret identity.superlady: 【女超人】女超人都喜欢向我透露秘密身份。-frozone: superladies, theyre always trying to tell you their secret identity.那些女超人,总是想把自己的保密身份告诉你。think itll strengthen the relationship or something.strengthen: 加强,巩固,增进 relationship: 关系她们觉得可以这样来套近乎。i said, girl, i dont want to know about your mild-mannered alter d-mannered: 温柔的 alter ego: 个性的另一面 ego: 自我我说:拜托,我才不想知道你温柔的一面。i mean, you tell me youre a super-mega-ultra-lightning-babe,mega: 巨大 ultra-: 表示极端 lightning: 闪电尽管向我展露你超级霹雳劲爆的一面。thats all right with me. im good. im good.我反而比较喜欢,我最爱了,我超爱的。-incredible: no matter how many times you save the world,不管你拯救世界多少次,it always manages to get back in jeopardy again.manage: 设法,达成 get back: 恢复,回来 jeopardy: 危险,危险境地世界还是会再度陷入危机。sometimes i just want it to stay saved, you know?有时候我真希望它能真的安全。for a little bit. i feel like the maid. i just cleaned up this mess.maid: 女仆 clean up: 清理 mess: 混乱,脏乱的东西只有一下子也好我好像清洁女工,才打扫干净。can we keep it clean for ten minutes?拜托能不能保持十分钟,别那么快就弄脏?-interviewer: i could get to that point.point: 要点我懂你的意思,拜托-incredible: please?等等。-interviewer: were not finished.别站起来访问还没结束。-incredible: sometimes i think id just like the simple life, you know?simple: 简单生活有时候我只想单纯地过日子,relax. a little and raise a family.raise: 养育,提高好好享受家庭生活。-elastigirl: settle down? are you kidding? im at the top of my game!settle down: 定居,安定下来,专心于定下来?别开玩笑了。我现在这么成功。im up there with the big dogs! girls, come on.big dog: 大人物我是这行数一数二的高手。拜托。leave the saving of the world to the men? i dont think so.要我等着让男人拯救世界?我才不要呢!i dont think so.想都别想。over radio we interrupt for a bulletin. interrupt: 中断,打断 bulletin: 公布,公告这是一则最新消息。a high-speed pursuit between police and armed gunmen is underway,pursuit: 追赶 gunmen: 持枪的歹徒 be underway: 处理之中警方和持枪歹徒正在圣巴罗大道,traveling northbound on san pablo ave.展开一场惊险的飞车追逐。-incredible: yeah, ive got time.我还有时间。-woman: mr. incredible.超能先生。-incredible: what is it, maam?什么事,女士?-woman: my cat, squeaker, wont come down.我的猫喵喵不肯下来。-incredible: certainly. i suggest you stand clear. there could be trouble.stand clear: 站开没问题,不过请你让开。可能会有危险。-woman: no, hes quite tame.tame: 驯服的,顺从的不会啦,它很乖的。-incredible: let go now.快下来。-policea: thank you, mr. incredible. youve done it again.谢谢你,超能先生,你又帮了大忙。- policeb: youre the best.你最棒。-incredible: no, im just here to help.我很乐意帮忙。over radio all units. we have a tour bus robbery.unit: 单位请注意,发生游览车抢案-incredible: tour bus robbery. ive still got time.游览车抢案。我还有一点时间。officers, maam, squeaker.squeaker: 吱吱叫的东西警察先生、女士、喵喵。cool! ready for take-off! what the?酷毙了!准备出发。搞什么?who are you supposed to be?你是什么人?-buddy: im incrediboy.我是超能小子呀。-incredible: what? no.什么?不对。youre that kid from the fan club.不对,你是我的小粉丝。brophy. brody. buddy! buddy!brophy,brody,buddy!buddy!-buddy: my name is incrediboy.我的名字是超能小子。-incredible: ive been nice; ive stood for photos,听好,我很有耐心跟你合照。signed every scrap of paper you pushed at me.sign: 签署,签名 scrap: 碎片 push: 推,挤每次都帮你签名。可是这次太过份了-buddy: no, dont worry about training me. i know your moves,train: 训练别担心,你不必训练我,你打击犯罪的每一个招式,crime fighting style, favorite catch phrases, everything!style: 风格,类型 crime: 犯罪 catch phrases: 妙句,引人注意的文句,口头禅连你的口头禅我都会。im your number one fan!我是你的头号粉丝耶!-buddy: hey! hey, wait!等一下。-incredible: you know.你知道吗?you can tell a lot about a woman by the contents of her purse,content: 内容 purse: 钱包只要翻皮包就能了解一个女人。but maybe thats not what you had in mind.have in mind: 想到不过你好像另有目的。-man: hey, look.别这样。-incredible: elastigirl.弹力女超人。-elastigirl: mr. incredible.超能先生。-incredible: its all right. ive got him.不用你操心,我会把他搞定。-elastigirl: sure, youve got him.当然啰。i just took him out for you.是我先把他撂倒了。-incredible: sure, you did.当然。his attention was on me.attention: 注意力那是因为他先被我吓到。-elastigirl: a fact i exploited to do my job.exploit: 勋绩,功绩我就趁这个机会完成任务。-incredible: my job, you mean.这是我的任务。-elastigirl: a simple thank you will suffice.suffice: 使满足,足够用你只要说声谢谢就行了。-incredible: thanks, but i dont need any help.谢了,不过我不需要帮忙。-elastigirl: whatever happened to ladies first?你忘了女士优先吗?-incredible: well, whatever happened to equal treatment?equal: 平等的 treatment: 对待你忘了男女平等吗?-man: look, the lady got me first.讲句公道话,女超人先撂倒我。-elastigirl: well, we could share,share: 分享我们可以一起分享功劳。-incredible: you know. i work alone.我习惯一个人单干。-elastigirl: well, i think you need to be more.我觉得你最好学会.flexible.有点弹性。-incredible: are you doing anything later?你待会有没有空?-elastigirl: i have a previous engagement.previous: 以前的,早先的 engagement: 约会我已经有约了。-incredible: now, you just stay here.乖乖待在这儿,they usually pick up the garbage in an hour.pick up: 捡起,收拾 garbage: 垃圾一小时后他们会来收垃圾。-frozone: hey, incredible!超能先生!-incredible: hey, frozone!frozone: 【酷冰侠】froze: 冻结,凝固(freeze的过去式)酷冰侠!-frozone: shouldnt you be getting ready?ready: 准备好的你怎么还不去准备?-incredible: i still got time.我还有时间。-woman: hes gonna jump!gonna: =going to 将要他要跳楼自杀!i think you broke something.你害我摔断了骨头。-incredible: with counseling, i think youll come to forgive me.counseling: 咨询服务 forgive: 原谅等你接受咨询服务以后,就会原谅我。wait a minute.等一下。-incredible: bomb voyage.bomb: 炸弹炸弹客!-buddy: and incrediboy!还有超能小子。-bomber: incrediboy?超能小子?-bomber: arent you curious about how i get around so fast? i have rocket boots.curious: 好奇的 get around: 走动 boot: 靴子你没想到我会这么快吧?瞧,我穿了火箭靴。-incredible: go home, buddy. now.乖乖回家,快点。-bomber: what?什么?-buddy: can we talk?我们能不能谈谈?you always say be true to yourself,be sure to: 忠实于你老是说要忠于自我。but you never say which part to be true to.却没说要忠于自我的哪个部份。well, ive finally figured out who i am. i am your ward. incrediboy!figure out: 解决,想出,理解,弄明白 我终于找到真正的自我,我是你的小跟班,超能小子。-incredible: and now, you have officially carried it too far, buddy.officially: 官方地,正式地这次你真的做得太过分了。-buddy: this is because i dont have powers, isnt it?power: 力量你一定是嫌我没超能力。not every superhero has powers, you know.你不一定要有超能力,you can be super without them.没有超能力也能当超级英雄。i invented these. i can fly. can you fly?invent: 发明这是我发明的,我会飞,你会吗?-incredible: fly home, buddy. i work alone.飞回家吧,我习惯一个人。-buddy: just give me one chance! ill show you. ill go get the police.给我一次机会,我证明给你看,我去找警察。-incredible: buddy, dont!buddy,别去。-buddy: itll only take a second, really.只要一下子。-incredible: no, stop! theres a bomb!快回来,有枚炸弹。-buddy: let go, youre wrecking my flight pattern.wreck: 破坏 flight: 飞行 pattern: 模式放手,你害我飞不动了。i can do this if you let go!let go: 放开,松手,释放让我放手去做。快下来-incredible: will you just?快下来。im trying to help! stop!我这是在帮你。-buddy: let go of my cape!cape: 披风放开我的披风。-incredible: take this one home. and make sure his mom knows what hes been doing.make sure: 确信,证实把这小鬼送回家,告诉他妈他做了什么好事。-buddy: i can help you. youre making a mist.我可以帮你,你犯了大错。the injured jumper. you sent paramedics?paramedic: 护理人员,辅助医务人员跳楼的家伙呢?你叫了救护车吗?-police: they picked him up. pick up: 接送某人他们把他接走了。-incredible: the blast in that building was caused by bomb voyageblast: 爆炸那场爆炸是炸弹客搞的鬼。who i caught robbing the vault.vault: 美式英语(银行等的)保险库,金库我逮到他正在抢银行。we might nab him if we set up a perimeter.nab: 捉住,逮捕 set up a perimeter: 【派警力包围】派警力包围这儿就能逮到他。-police: he got away?get away: 逃跑他逃走了?-incredible: well, yeah.嗯,是的。skippy here made sure of that.都是这麻烦的小鬼害的。-buddy: incrediboy.我是超能小子。-incredible: youre not affiliated with me! holy smokes, im late.affiliated: 使隶属,有关联的别冒用我的名号。惨了,我迟到了。listen, ive gotta be somewhere.gotta: =have got to 必须我得赶去别的地方。-police: what about bomb voyage?炸弹客怎么办?-incredible: any other night, id go after him,我平常非追到他不可。but i really gotta go. dont worry. well get him! eventually!eventually: 最后,终于不过我今天有事。放心,我们一定会逮到他。is the night still young?时间还早吧?-lucius: youre very late.你差点就赶不及。-incredible: how do i look? good?我看起来帅不帅?-lucius: the mask. you still got the mask.mask: 面罩等等,你的眼罩还没脱掉。showtime.好戏上场。-priest: robert parr, will you have this woman to be your lawful wedded wife?lawful: 合法的 wedded wife: 合法妻子robert parr,你愿意娶她为妻吗?-helen: youre late. when you asked if i was doing anything later,你迟到了,我以为你刚才问我有没有空。i didnt realize youd forgotten. i thought it was playful banter.playful: 开玩笑的 banter: (善意的)戏谑只是开玩笑,没想到你都忘了。-bob: it was.我是在开玩笑呀。-helen: cutting it close, dont you think?你差点就赶不上。-bob: you need to be more. flexible.flexible: 灵活的你最好要有点弹性。-helen: i love you, but if were gonna make this work,我爱你,不过如果你想娶我,youve gotta be more than mr. incredible.做的就要比超能先生更好。you know that. dont you?你愿意吗?-priest: .so long as you both shall live?永远互相扶持。-bob: i do.我愿意。-priest: i pronounce this couple husband and nounce: 宣布,宣判 couple: 夫妇我宣布你们结为夫妻。-helen: as long as we both shall live. no matter what happens.我们要永远互相扶持,不管发生什么事。-bob: hey, come on. were superheroes. what could happen?拜托,我们是超级英雄,会发生什么事?radio in a stunning turn of events, a superhero is being suedstunning: 使人晕倒的 turn: 转弯,变化 sue: 控告,起诉经过一连串的令人眼花缭乱的事件,一位超级英雄遭到起诉。for saving someone who, apparently, didnt want to be saved.apparently: 显然地,似乎,表面上原因是他救了显然不想被搭救的人。the plaintiff, oliver sansweet,原告,oliver sansweet。who was foiled in his attempted suicide by mr. incredible,foiled: 阻止 attempted suicide: 自杀未遂在企图自杀时被超能先生阻止。has filed suit against the famed superhero in superior court.suit: 诉讼 famed: 著名的 superior court: 高等法院 superior: 上级的他向高级法院提出了针对这位著名超级英雄的起诉。-spokesman: mr. sansweet didnt ask to be saved. he didnt want to be saved.超能先生,救了一个不想被救的人。the injury received from mr. incredibles actions,injury: 伤害,损害 receive: 收到由于超能先生的“行动”导致的伤害, causes him daily pain.每天都痛得要命。-bob: i saved your life!我救了你这条小命耶!-sansweet: you didnt save my life! you ruined my death.ruin: 毁灭才没有,你破坏了我寻死的好事。-lawyer: my client has no comment.client: 委托人 no comment: 无可奉告,不予置评我的委托人无可奉告。radio five days later, another suit was filed by victims of the entrain accident.victim: 受害者五天后,捷运意外的受害者,也向超能先生要求赔偿。incredibles court losses cost the government millions.这些官司让政府付出数百万元。and opened the flood gates for dozens of superhero lawsuits the world over.世界各地的超级英雄,也接二连三被告上法院。-woman: it is time for their secret identity to become their only identity.他们的秘密身份,应该成为他们唯一的身份。time for them to join us, or go away.他们不加入正常人的行列,就离我们越远越好。radio under public pressure and the financial burden.financial: 财政的,经济的 burden: 负担在强大的社会舆论,以及一连串求偿案件。of an ever mounting series of lawsuits,mounting: 逐渐增加的 series: 一系列 lawsuit: 诉讼巨大的猜务压力下,the government quietly initiated the superhero relocation program.initiate: 开始,发起 relocation: 重新安置 program: 项目,程序政府悄悄展开超级英雄迁居保护专案。the supers were granted amnesty from responsibility for past actionsgranted: 算是如此 amnesty: 大赦,特赦 responsibility: 责任这些超级英雄不必对过去的行为负责。in exchange for the promise to never again resume hero work.in exchange: 作为交换 resume: 重新开始但是他们要保证永远不再行侠仗义。where are they now?他们现在在哪里?they are living among us average citizens average heroes.average: 普通的 citizens: 公民他们跟我们一起生活。平凡的老百姓,平凡的英雄。quietly and anonymously continuing to make the world a better place.anonymously: 不具名的,化名的 continue: 继续为了维持世界安全与和平,隐姓埋名、销声匿迹。-hogenson: denied? youre denying my claim?deny: 拒绝否认不批准?你拒绝支付保险金给我?i dont understand. i have full coverage.coverage: 承保我不懂,我有全额保险耶。-bob: im sorry, mrs. hogenson, but our liability is spelled out in paragraph 17.spell out: 讲清楚 paragraph: 段,节抱歉,何太太,不过您的保单上第17节。it states clearly.写得很明白。-hogenson: i cant pay for this.这笔费用我付不起。-bob: excuse me. claims, bob parr.对不起,申报部,bob parr。-helen: im calling to celebrate a momentous occasion.momentous: 重要的,重大的今天要庆祝一个重要的日子。were now officially moved in.officially: 正式的我们正式搬进来了。-bob: yeah, well, thats great, honey.太好了,老婆。the last three years dont count because.这三年为什么都不算呢?-helen: because i finally unpacked the last box. now, its official. ha, ha, ha.因为最后一个箱子今天才拆封,现在才算正式搬进来。why do we have so much junk?junk: 垃圾家里怎么这么多垃圾?-bob: listen, ive got a client.听好,我有客户。-helen: say no more. go save the world one policy at a time, honey.policy: 保险单我明白了,你就去拯救需要保险的人吧。oh! i gotta go pick up the kids. see you tonight.我得去接孩子们下课了,晚上见。-bob: bye, honey. excuse me. where were we?拜了,老婆抱歉,我讲到哪儿?-hogenson: im on a fixed income, and if you cant help me,fixed income: 固定收入我的收入有限,如果你不帮忙,i dont know what ill do.我就不知道该怎么办。-bob: all right, listen closely. id like to help you, but i cant.仔细听好,我很想帮你,可是我不能。id like to tell you to take a copy of your policy to norma wilcox. on.我很想叫你把保单拿给norma wilcox。norma wilcox. w-l-l-c-o-x. on the third floor. but i cant.norma她在三楼,不过我不能。i also do not advise you to fill out and file a ws2475 form我也不能建议你到二楼法律部,with our legal department on the second floor.legal department: 法律部门 legal: 法律的 department: 部门填一张ws-2475表格。i wouldnt expect someone to get back to you quickly to resolve the matter.resolve: 解决这件事也不会这么快就解决。id like to help, but theres nothing i can do.我很想帮忙,但是我无能为力。-hogenson: oh, thank you, young man.谢谢你,年轻人。-bob: sorry. i know youre upset!很抱歉,你一定很难过。pretend to be upset.假装你很难过。-huph: parr!parr!you authorized payment on the walker policy!authorize: 授权 payment: 付款你批准walker家的保险金给付?someone broke into their house, mr. huph.break into: 闯入,破门而入他们家遭小偷,huph先生。-bob: their policy covers.保单上明明说-huph: i dont wanna know about it.wanna: = want to 想要我不想知道。dont tell me about it. tell me how youre keeping insuricare in the black.别跟我说,我只想知道随便什么阿猫阿狗向你求情,tell me how thats possible, with you writing checkscheck: 支票你就装好人答应要付钱给他们。to every harry hardluck and sally sobstory that gives you a phone call.这样要怎么让公司赚钱呢?radio morning break is over. morning break is over.休息时间结束。-principal: i appreciate you coming down here, mrs. parr.appreciate: 欣赏,感激parr太太,谢谢你赶来。-helen: whats this about? has dash done something wrong?发生什么事?小飞做错事吗?-teacher: hes a disruptive influence and he openly mocks me in front of the class.disruptive: 破坏的,制造混乱的 influence: 影响 mock: 嘲笑他是个坏榜样,他在全班同学面前让我出糗。-dash: he says.他乱讲!-teacher: look, i know its you!我知道是你。he puts thumbtacks on my stool.thumbtack: 大头针 stool: 凳子他在我椅子上放大头钉。-helen: you saw him do this?你看到是他做的吗?-teacher: well. not really. no.这个嘛其实呢actually, not.并没有。-helen: oh, then how do you know it was him?那你怎么知道是他?-teacher: i hid a camera. yeah, and this time, ive got him.我装了摄影机,这次逮到他了。see? you see?瞧,你们看到吗?you dont see it?你们没看到?he moves! right there!他动了一下,那儿。wait, wait! right there!等等,那儿。right as im sitting down!就在我坐下来的时候。i dont know how he does it,我不知道他怎么弄的。but theres no tack before he moves不过他动之前没有大头针。and after he moves, theres a tack. coincidence? i think not!tack: 大头钉 coincidence: 巧合之后就有大头针了这是巧合吗?并不是。-principal: bernie.bernie-teacher: dont bernie me.别叫我bernie.this little rat is guilty!这个小鬼有罪!-principal: you and your son can go now, mrs. parr. im sorry for the trouble.parr太太,你们可以走了,很抱歉麻烦你跑一趟。-teacher: youre letting him go again? hes guilty!guilty: 有罪的你又要放他走?他明明有罪!you can see it on his smug little face. guilty, i say, guilty!smug: 自鸣得意的他一直在偷笑。他有罪,他有罪!-helen: dash, this is the third time this year youve been sent to the office.dash,这是你今年第三次被叫进校长室。we need to find a better outlet. a more. constructive outlet.constructive: 建设性的 outlet: 发泄的方法你得找别的方法发泄情绪,更有建设性的发泄管道。-dash: maybe i could, if youd let me go out for sports.你只要让我参加运动比赛就行。-helen: honey, you know why we cant do that.你明明知道不行。-dash: i promise ill slow up. ill only be the best by a tiny bit.slow up: (使)慢下来 tiny: 微小的,很少的我答应会跑慢一点,我只会赢一点儿。-helen: dashiell robert parr,dashiell robert parr,you are an incredibly competitive boy. and a bit of a showoff.showoff: 【摆谱,炫耀】 competitive: 争强好胜的你的好胜心很强,也很爱现。the last thing you need is temptation.temptation: 诱惑物你一定受不了诱惑。-dash: you always say, do your best. but you dont really mean it.你老是叫我全力以赴,可是你都是在骗人。why cant i do the best that i can do?我为什么不能全力以赴?-helen: right now, honey, the world just wants us to fit in, and to fit in, we just gotta be like everybody else.fit in:适应现在社会要我们当正常人,我们就得跟别人一样。-dash: dad always said our powers were nothing to be ashamed of.be ashamed of: 感到羞耻的爸说我们不应该以我们的超能力为耻。our powers made us special.special: 特别的超能力让我们特别。-helen: everyones special, dash.每个人都很特别,dash。-dash: which is another way of saying no one is.意思就是没有人是特别的。-boy: rydinger, where you headed?rydinger,你要去哪里?-girl: hi, tony.嗨,tony!-tony: hey.嘿。-boy: hey, tony, can i carry your


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