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题型组合练(六).完形填空(2017广西联考)When our second child was born,the doctor pointed out that her feet were turned inward(向内)“Left uncorrected,it would be a 1 ,” he told us.We 2 to do anything we could to help our baby. 3 she was growing I had to take her back to the doctor every two weeks to have each foot recast(重塑) 4 the casting was finished and it was time for corrective 5 .Jim and I watched with hope and concern as she 6 to walk.Those first,awkward steps made us so 7 .By the time she entered preschool,her steps appeared quite 8 .Encouraged by her progress,we looked for something else to help strengthen her 9 body.As it turned out,she loved the 10 !When she turned six,we helped her join in skating lessons and soon she was skating 11 a swan.She kept working hard at every new 12 ,and her efforts 13 .At fifteen,she competed in both pairsskating and the ladies singles at the 1988 World Junior Championships in Australia,winning both 14 !I thought back to the early years of 15 for Kristithe years of fear for us as her parents,and the same years of frustration for her as a child who 16 wanted to walk.During those years,we didnt expect gold medals or a good professional career 17 her.We admired Kristi herself, 18 her strength and efforts,and how far she had come on two tiny feet that had 19 been bound(束缚) in heavy casts.In our eyes,Kristi had always walked with the 20 of a true champion.语篇解读作者的第二个孩子出生的时候,医生说她的脚向内弯曲,如果不进行矫正,走路会成问题。通过作者夫妇以及孩子坚持不懈地努力,最终孩子完全康复并取得了惊人的成绩。在父母的眼中,他们的女儿从没有缺陷,她一直在以一个真正的冠军的优雅姿势行走着。1A.problem BsurpriseCgift Dsuccess答案A解析此句是一个虚拟语气句,由would be可知前面应该是If it were left.的省略形式。如果双脚不矫正,就会有麻烦。problem问题,麻烦;surprise吃惊,惊奇;gift礼物;success成功(的人或事)。故选A项。2A.forgot BpromisedCstopped Drefused答案B解析根据设空后的“do anything we could to help our baby”及下文作者的努力可知,此处指作者和丈夫允诺尽他们所能来帮助孩子。promise to do sth.允诺做某事,符合语境。故选B项。forget忘记;stop停止;refuse拒绝。3A.So BIfCBecause DBut答案C解析“she was growing”是“I had to take her back to the doctor”的原因。因为孩子正在成长中,所以作者不得不每两个星期带她到医院去重新上模具。故选C项。4A.Suddenly BImmediatelyCEspecially DFinally答案D解析根据空后的“the casting was finished and it was time for.”可知,此处指最后(Finally),重塑治疗结束了。故选D项。suddenly突然地;immediately立即,马上;especially尤其,均不符合语境。5A.shoes BbooksCbags Dhats答案A解析corrective纠正的,矫正的,在此处表示“用特制的鞋子进行矫正”。故选A项。6A.failed BstruggledCpretended Ddisliked答案B解析根据上文“I had to take her back to the doctor every two weeks to have each foot recast”以及下文的awkward steps可知,女儿走路是有困难的,因此此处指女儿努力去走。fail未能,失败,和句中提到的with hope意思相反;struggle to do sth.努力(挣扎着)做某事,表现出了孩子行走的困难;pretend假装;dislike不喜欢。故选B项。7A.lucky BupsetCproud Dhelpless答案C解析根据上文可知,女儿的脚有问题,作者一直在陪女儿做矫正;结合空前的awkward steps可知,对于孩子迈出的艰难的几步作者应感到非常自豪。lucky幸运的;upset心烦的,不安的;proud自豪的,骄傲的;helpless无助的。故选C项。8A.hard BspecialCinterested Dnormal答案D解析经过矫正,女儿在上学前班时,步伐看起来已经非常正常(normal)了。hard困难的,硬的;special特别的;interested有兴趣的。故选D项。9A.weak BstrongCnew Dbig答案A解析根据空前的“help strengthen”可知,此处应该是指让她虚弱的身体变强壮。句意为:受女儿进步的鼓舞,我们找了一些其他的项目让她虚弱的身体变强壮。故选A项。10A.water Bice Cfire Dair答案B解析根据下文提到的skating可知,女儿喜欢冰(ice)。故选B项。11A.for Bwith Clike Don答案C解析句意为:当她六岁时,我们帮助她参加了一个滑冰课程,并且她很快就像天鹅一样在冰上滑行了。like在此作介词,意为“像一样”。故选C项。12A.project BsideCtext Dmovement答案D解析根据上文的skating lessons可知,女儿参加了滑冰课程,因此,此处指她坚持努力训练每一个滑冰动作。project项目,工程;side侧面,方面;text原文,课文;movement运动,活动,动作。故选D项。13A.got off Bpaid offCput off Dshowed off答案B解析根据下文“At fifteen,she competed in both pairsskating and the ladies singles at the 1988 World Junior Championships in Australia,winning both.”可知,经过努力,女儿在滑冰上终获成功。pay off取得成功,得到好结果,符合语境。get off下车;put off推迟;show off炫耀。故选B项。14A.events BaccidentsCdebts Dstories答案A解析根据空前的winning和“both pairsskating and the ladies singles at the 1988 World Junior Championships”可知,女儿赢得了这两个比赛项目。event事件,比赛项目,符合语境。故选A项。accident事故;debt债务;story故事,小说。15A.opinion BrewardCchallenge Dhope答案C解析根据空后的“the same years of frustration for her as a child”可知,女儿在早年经历了很多波折,此处指作者回忆起她女儿早年所面临的挑战(challenge)。故选C项。opinion观点;reward奖赏,奖励;hope希望。16A.seldom BalmostCeasily Dmerely答案D解析根据上文可知,女儿的脚有问题,但她一直坚持去医院矫正,因为她仅仅想要正常走路。merely只是,仅仅,只不过,符合语境。故选D项。seldom很少;almost几乎,差不多;easily容易地。17A.in need of Bin spite ofCahead of Dinstead of答案C解析句意为:那些年,我们没有预料到她以后会获得金牌和一个好的职业。in need of需要;in spite of不管,尽管;ahead of在前面;instead of而不是。故选C项。18A.doubting BrespectingClimiting Dcontrolling答案B解析句意为:我们钦佩克里斯蒂,我们尊重她的意志力和努力doubt怀疑;respect尊敬,尊重;limit限制;control控制。根据语境可知选B项。19A.once BstillCnever Dseldom答案A解析根据空后的“been bound(束缚) in heavy casts”,并结合第二段去医院做矫正可知,女儿的双脚曾被固定在沉重的矫正器中。故选A项。20A.interest BshadowCtask Dbeauty答案D解析句意为:在父母的眼中,女儿从没有缺陷,她一直在以一个真正的冠军的优雅姿势行走着。beauty美好,完美,符合语境。故选D项。interest兴趣,爱好,shadow影子,阴影;task工作,任务。.语法填空(2017河北石家庄一模)Chinese are the first people to have tea.One thousand and two hundred years ago,Lu Yu wrote a book called “The Classic of Tea”,21. is honored as “The Bible of Tea”The book gives a detailed 22. (explain) of the origin,the processing skills and the classification of tea.However,Chinese tea culture goes far beyond tea 23. (it)Take green tea for instance,the ideal temperature of the water should be around 80 degrees Celsius.If the water is too hot,nutrients(营养物) in the tea 24. (destroy)On the other hand,if the water is not hot enough,the tea 25. (leaf) wont open up and you will miss the pleasantly fresh flavor.So Chinese people are accustomed 26. drinking hot tea.When you visit a Chinese friend,your friend will 27. (constant) add hot water to your emptying cup of tea.It is polite 28. (offer) the tea cup to guests with both hands.Of course,the guests should pay respect as well 29. (take) over the cup with both hands.Talking about adding water to the tea cup,there is 30. saying:wine full,full cup.Tea half,half cup.For wine,full cup symbolizes whole heartiness.For tea,half,it means modesty.21答案which解析考查定语从句的引导词。根据设空处前的逗号可知本题是非限制性定语从句。先行词为book,指物,将先行词代入定语从句后可知先行词在定语从句中作主语,故填which。22答案explanation解析考查名词。设空处作宾语,故设空处应填名词,根据设空处前的不定冠词可知设空处填explanation。23答案itself解析考查反身代词。句意为:然而中国的茶文化远远超出了茶本身。itself作tea的同位语。24答案will be destroyed解析考查动词的时态和语态。句意为:如果水温太高,茶里的营养将会被破坏。条件状语从句用一般现在时表示将来,因此主句用一般将来时;nutrients与destroy之间为被动关系,故用被动语态,因此填will be destroyed。25答案leaves解析考查名词复数。根据常识可知设空处需用名词的复数形式,故填leaves。26答案to解析考查介词。be accustomed to为固定短语,意为“习惯于”。27答案constantly解析考查副词。设空处作状语,故填副词constantly。28答案to offer解析考查动词不定式。it为形式主语,设空处用不定式作真正的主语;It is polite后常用不定式作真正的主语,故填to offer。29答案taking解析考查非谓语动词作状语。主语the guests与take为逻辑上的主动关系,故用现在分词作状语。30答案a解析考查冠词。saying为可数名词,在本句中表示泛指,故填a。.短文改错(2017安徽安庆二模)Alice,my best friend,devotes many energy to her lessons.She is always one of the top student in our class.She loves the music so much that she made it a rule to enjoy songs in her spare time.Alice is always willing to help other,and she often helps us with our lessons.As a volunteer,she has successful organized some voluntary activities.We paid a visit a nursing home last month,so we picked up rubbish near our school.That we did was warmly welcomed.Win honor for our school,Alice is well known to our classmates.答案Alice,my best friend,devotes energy to her lessons.She is always one of the top in our class.She loves the music so much that she it a rule to enjoy songs in her spare time.Alice is always willing to help ,and she often helps us with our lessons.As a volunteer,she has organized some voluntary activities.We paid a visit a nursing home last month, we picked up rubbish near our school. we did was warmly welcomed. honor for our school,Alice is well known to our classmates.31答案manymuch解析考查形容词。energy作“精力,活力”之意时,为不可数名词,应用much修饰;many用于修饰可数名词复数。故将many改为much。32答案studentstudents解析考查名词的单复数。student为可数名词,其前有one of.,表示“之一”,因此,此处应用复数形式。故将student改为students。33答案删除the解析考查冠词。music为抽象名词,此处表泛指,其前不加定冠词。故将the删除。34答案mademakes解析考查动词的时态。根据“in her spare time”可知,此处描述的是通常情况,故用一般现在时,与前面的“She loves”时态一致。故将made改为makes。35答案otherothers解析考查代词。根据下文“she often helps us with our lessons”可知,艾丽斯总是乐于帮助其他人,应用代词others。故将other改为others。36答案successfulsuccessfully解析考查副词。分析句子结构可知,organized为动词,应用副词修饰。故将successful改为successfully。37答案在visit后加to解析考查固定搭配。pay a visit to.为固定搭配,意为“拜访”。故在visit后加to。38答案soand解析考查连词。根据语境,上个月我们做了两件事,“去了疗养院”及“在学校附近捡垃圾”,不存在因果关系,两者之间是并列关系,应用连词and连接。故将so改为and。39答案ThatWhat解析考查主语从句的引导词。分析句子结构可知,此处是主语从句,从句中谓语动词did之后缺宾语,故用what引导该从句,意为“我们做的事受到了热烈的欢迎”。故将That改为What。40答案WinWinning解析考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,主语为Alice,is为谓语,故此处应用非谓语动词形式,又由于Alice与win之间为逻辑上的主动关系,因此,应用现在分词作状语。故将Win改为Winning。.书面表达(2017湖南衡阳联考二)假设你是李华,你将在学校即将举行的主题为“Chinese Festivals,Chinese Taste(中国节中国味)”的中外学生联欢会上发言。请你用英语写一篇发言稿。内容如下:从下列传统佳节食品中任选一种,介绍这种食品,它的寓意,及其相应的传统佳节。注意:1词数100左右;2文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;3可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Good morning,everyone!I feel greatly honored to speak here.What Id like to introduce to you is Thats all.Thank you for listening.参考范文Good morning,everyone!I feel greatly honored to speak here.


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