高中英语 module 4 music单元加餐练(一)-(二)完形阅读组合练 外研版选修6_第1页
高中英语 module 4 music单元加餐练(一)-(二)完形阅读组合练 外研版选修6_第2页
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高中英语 module 4 music单元加餐练(一)-(二)完形阅读组合练 外研版选修6_第4页
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Module 4单元加餐练(一)(二)完形阅读组合练加餐练(一)完形阅读组合练.完形填空A group of college students were talking about the _1_ beginning in a few minutes. On their faces was _2_. This was their last exam then on to graduation and jobs.They talked of jobs they had got or they _3_ get. With the certainty of four years of college, they felt _4_ and able to take control of the world. The coming exam, they knew, would be a(n) _5_ task, as the professor had said they could bring _6_ books or notes they wanted, requesting only that they should not _7_ each other during the test._8_ the students entered the classroom. And smiles _9_ on their faces as there were only five questions on the paper!Three hours had passed and it was time to collect _10_. The students no longer looked confident. On their faces was a frightened expression. Papers in hand, the professor looked at the _11_ faces before him, and asked, “How many completed all five questions?” Not a hand was raised.“How many answered four?” Still no hand.“Three? Two?” Everyone was _12_.“One, then? Certainly somebody finished _13_.” But the class remained silent.“That is exactly what I _14_,” the professor said, “I just want you to know that, although you have studied four years, there are _15_ many things you dont know on the subject. These questions you could not _16_ are quite common in your future _17_.” Then, smiling, he added, “You will all _18_ this course, but remember even though you are now college graduates, your education has just _19_.”The years have weakened the name of the professor, _20_ not the lessons he taught.语篇解读:本文是写人记事的文章。一群大学生高高兴兴地迎来了大学毕业考试,他们满怀信心,憧憬着美好的未来。然而考试中他们表现得怎样?1A.partyBinterviewCmeeting Dexam解析:选D由下文“This was their last exam”可知,学生们在谈论考试(exam)。2A.worry BconfidenceCfright Dsadness解析:选B由第二段内容以及故事的结尾可知,学生们满怀信心,故用confidence。3A.would BmustChad to Dused to解析:选A他们谈起他们已得到的工作或即将得到的工作。“would动词原形”,为过去将来时。4A.glad BreadyCsorry Dhopeless解析:选B由上下文可知,他们感觉已做好了准备(felt ready)。5A.interesting BdifficultCeasy Dunusual解析:选C由下文可知,这次考试将会非常容易(easy)。6A.no BneitherCany Dfew解析:选C由句意可知,教授允许学生带进任何(any)书籍或笔记。7A.care for Btalk toClook at Dlisten to解析:选B唯一的要求就是考试期间不能交谈,故用talk to。8A.Mildly BCarefullyCSadly DHappily解析:选D由上下文可判断学生们的愉快心情,故用Happily。9A.appeared BchangedCfailed Dstopped解析:选A由句意可知,微笑浮现在(appeared)他们脸上。10A.books BnotesCpapers Dbags解析:选C三个小时的考试结束,到收卷时间了。papers此处指“试卷”。11A.pleased BmovedCworried Dexcited解析:选C由作者的语气态度及上文“a frightened expression”可知此处用worried。12A.silent BinterestedChappy Dsurprised解析:选A由下文“But the class remained silent.”可知答案。13A.all BnoneCone Dit解析:选C由上文教授问及的完成题目的个数,可知用one。14A.expected BenjoyedChated Dwondered解析:选A由上下文可知,学生们的表现在教授的意料之中。15A.even BalreadyCso Dstill解析:选D由句意可知,尽管上了四年大学,但他们仍然(still)有很多没有弄懂的问题。16A.say BanswerCask Dfind解析:选B由上文的“These questions”可知应用answer。17A.jobs BclassesChomework Dhousework解析:选A这些都是他们在未来工作中经常遇到的问题。18A.fail BpassCtake Dstart解析:选B由下文的“but”可知,教授允许他们通过考试。19A.failed BcompletedCsucceeded Dbegun解析:选D由上文的“even though”可知,他们虽已毕业,但教育才刚刚开始(begun)。20A.or BandCso Dbut解析:选D根据上文及作者的语气态度可知此处表转折关系,故用but。.阅读理解One kind of the worst agricultural pests in the United States is about to get a whole lot worse. According to the new research, the effects of climate change have caused harmful insects known as potato leafhoppers (蚕虫微叶蝉) to arrive a full 10 days earlier than they did 60 years ago. Not only that, but also the research shows that bug infestation (侵扰) levels are worse in warmer years, meaning they will cause a much greater threat than they have for decades.In turn, the warmer weather may push the insects to travel farther north than they typically care to, meaning potato leafhoppers could soon move into regions where they now arent causing much threat.Potato leafhoppers migrate yearly from Southern states all the way into the northernmost US states and Canada. The_bugs_cause_millions_of_dollars_worth_of_damage_to_agricultural crops_every_year, cutting into_farmers potato,_alfalfa,_and_hops_profits.They can feed on the sap (树液) of more than 100 plant species, but they dont kill plants immediately. Their toxin (毒素) causes plants to dry, lowering crop yields. Because of the bugs size, farmers often dont know when potato leafhoppers have invaded until they see the crop damage.The danger could harm the industry. Farmers have turned to pesticides and leafhopperresistant strains of alfalfa to control past infestations, but they may not be prepared if the insects continue to arrive earlier and infestation levels keep increasing.The researchers werent surprised when they found the insects were now arriving 10 days earlier in warmer years. Early migration trends caused by climate change have been observed in mammals, birds, and other species.语篇解读:随着全球气候变暖,一种害虫的迁徙提前了。1The new research shows that the pests arrived earlier mainly because _.Athey couldnt find food where they fedBthe higher temperature allowed them to do soClarger numbers of them caused more competitionDthey had adapted to poor environmental conditions解析:选B细节理解题。根据第一段的“the effects of climate change .days earlier”可知,是因为更高的气温给了它们这么做的条件。2What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us about the pests?AThey now arent causing much of a threat.BThey have been moving north all these years.CThey can get used to new environment easily.DThey may do harm to wider regions than before.解析:选D推理判断题。根据第二段的“could soon move into regions where they now arent causing much of a threat”可知,本段主要是讲它们危害的范围会增加。3The underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 shows the pests _.Amainly feed on potato plantsBdont cause losses every yearCare costly for farmers to removeDare really a big problem for farmers解析:选D句意理解题。根据画线句子的内容可知,此句主要是讲这种害虫每年给农场主带来了巨大的经济损失,故选D项。4Which can be inferred about the pests from Paragraph 4?AThey just feed on several plants.BThey are very hard to be seen by farmers.CThey can cause plants to die immediately.DThey often hide in plants to avoid being noticed.解析:选B推理判断题。根据第四段的“Because of the bugs size .the crop damage.”可知,这种害虫很难被发现。加餐练(二)第卷规范增分练.语法填空Rosa:Hi, Marta! Its me, Rosa!Marta:Oh! Hi Rosa! How are you? Is everything OK? Hows your family?Rosa:Everybody is fine. Im just phoning to find out _1_ you are getting on in your new school in Scotland.Marta:Oh, Im OK. Im _2_ (slow) getting used to all these changes. Things are so different here.Rosa:Really? Whats _3_ biggest difference?Marta:Well .Lessons are very different here. We dont just listen or write in class. Students can discuss ideas in _4_ (group). We can ask more questions of the teachers and sometimes we even watch films.Rosa:That _5_ (sound) good! What about your school day? Is it as long as here?Marta:Oh no! In Scottish schools the days are _6_ (short). We finish at 3:30 every day, and we dont work on Saturdays! Thats great, isnt _7_?Rosa:Thats fantastic! What about school holidays? Are they as long as in our country?Marta:No, unfortunately, theyre not as long. But dont worry, Ill come back soon _8_ (visit) you!Rosa:I hope so! I need to go now but I _9_ (phone) you again soon.Marta:Bye, Rosa. Thanks _10_ calling me!答案:1.how2.slowly3.the4.groups5.sounds6shorter7.it8.to visit9.will phone10.for.短文改错Of all the teachers who are teaching me, my English teacher influences me the more. She always wears a sweet smile when give classes to us and often encourages us to talk in English. After class, she will answer our question patiently and corrects our English compositions. Thanks for her excellent teaching skills, I have made rapid progress in English. Under her guidance, English was no longer so difficult and boring. I feel it is easy and interested. What he says always makes us to feel good. For me, she is more than teacher and I learn a lot from her.答案:第一句:moremost第二句:givegiving第三句:questionquestions; correctscorrect第四句:forto第五句:wasis第六句:interestedinteresting第七句:heshe; 去掉to第八句:teacher前加a.书面表达假如你叫李华,请写一封email给你在美国的笔友。要求内容包括:1你最喜欢的音乐2解释你为什么对某些音乐不太感兴趣。3阐明一、两点音乐在你生活中的重要性。注意:1.词数100词左右;2文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Lucy,Thanks for your letter. You asked me something about the music in my life. Let me tell you briefly._How about you? Write to tell me about music in your life. I am looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua参考范文:Dear Lucy,Thanks for your le


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