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2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) .词汇认知 1 adj.固定的 2 n趋势 ,趋向 3 n顾客 4 n毒药 5 n宴会 Module 3 Foreign Food fixed trend customer poison banquet 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 6 _ n味道 adj.美味的,可口的 _adj.无味的 7 n要求 v要求 8 v招待,款待;请客 n招待,款 待 9 v(正式)吃;喝;消耗;耗费n.消费者 n.消费;消耗 10 adj.丰富的;充裕的 n. 丰富;充裕 11 结束 12 . 放火烧 13 违反,违背 14 而且 15 提到,查阅 tast e tasty tasteless requirementrequire entertainentertainment consumeconsumer consumption abundantabundance end up set fire to go against whats more refer to 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) .语境助记 1He his achievements to his boss who had provided him with opportunities. 2We chatted and the food. it was a great evening. 3He that they would protect rights in a which was acceptable. owedremarkable ample casually tasted tastyAltogether remarkedconsumer manner 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 1owe v应给予;欠(债等);感激;把归功于 He owes 50 yuan to me.He owes me 50 yuan. 他欠我五十元钱。 I owe my brother$50.我欠我弟弟50美元。 He owes his success to his diligence and patience. 他把他的成功归功于勤奋和耐心。 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 2. taste n味道;滋味;一口;爱好;趣味vt.品尝;尝到;感到 link v.尝起来 In fact,he inherited(继承)excellent taste in art from his family both his father and his brother were painters. 事实上,他从家人那里继承了在艺术 方面很好的品味他的父 亲和哥哥都是画家。 Ive always had a taste for jazz and blues music. 我一向喜爱爵士乐和布鲁斯音乐。 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) I really find Chinese dishes more to_my_taste. 我的确觉得中国菜更合我的口味。 taste在用作系动词时 ,后接形容词作表语,这时 不要用被动结 构。 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 3manner n方式,方法;态度 The people there advised me not to continue my job search in that manner. 那里的人们建议我不要再用那种方式继续 找工作了。 My father disapproves my manner of living. 我父亲不赞同我的生活方式。 Its_bad_manners to talk with your mouth full. 嘴里塞满了东西跟人说话 是不礼貌的。 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) manner作“礼貌”讲时 只能用复数形式,其作主语时谓语 也用复 数形式。 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 4.remark v谈到;说起;注意到;评论 n意见;评论;评语 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) Everyone remarked on his absence. 大家对他的缺席议论纷纷 。 My father remarked that I looked unhappy. 我父亲说 我看起来不开心。 The customer made_some_kind_remarks_about our service. 那位顾客对我们的服务作出了好评。 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 5transform v转化;转变;改造;改观 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) The arrival of Internet has transformed peoples lives. 网络的出现改变了人类的生活。 Water can transform a desert into a garden. 水能使沙漠变成花园。 The young mans transformation_from a thief to an excellent worker made his parents happy. 这个年轻人从一个贼到一个优秀工人的转变 使他父母很高兴。 transform指在根本上改变人或物的外表、形态或性质。 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 6consequence n结果,后果;重要性 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) Mobile phones also have their dangers,according to some scientists;too much use may transmit harmful radiation into our brains,a consequence we do not like to think about. 一些科学家认为 手机还会带来危险;使用过多会造成对大脑的 辐射,这不是我们愿意想到的后果。 He broke the law,and now he must face the consequences of his actions. 他触犯了法律,现在必须承担自己的行为带 来的后果。 As_a_consequence_of_smoking,my father coughs frequently.因为吸烟的缘故,我父亲经 常咳嗽。 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 7no wonder 难怪 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) No wonder youre tired, youve been walking for hours. 难怪你累了,你已走了好几个小时了。 It is a wonder that he remained alive after dropping from the roof of a ten storied building. 他从一幢十层楼房子的屋顶上摔下来,但仍然活着,真是奇迹。 I_wonder_if you would like to come with us. 不知你是否愿意和我们一起来。 Its no wonder (that)和No wonder (that)中的no也可换成 little或small。 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 8. make out(勉强地)看出;听出;理解;填写;开出;辨认出; 声称,断言 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) (2011年高考山东卷)I could barely make out the stage in the darkness.我几乎看不清黑暗中的舞台。 I cant make out what the article says. 我无法理解这篇文章讲的是什么。 She always makes_out that she is the only one who does any work.她总是声称她是唯一干了点儿活的人。 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 1Personally speaking, I have a trend_ your view. Afor Bin Ctowards Dwith 解析:考查a trend to/towards有的趋向。句意:就我个人来 说,我趋向于你的观点。 答案:C 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 2Brad was Janes brother! _ he reminded me so much of Jane! ANo doubt BAbove all CNo wonder DOf course 解析:no wonder怪不得;no doubt毫无疑问;above all首先, 最重要的是;of course当然。由题意可知,C项符合。 答案:C 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 3He was _ with gambling a year ago and lost his family. Aobsessed Bblessed Cpopular Dpleased 解析:be obsessed with痴迷于;be blessed with被赋予;be popular with受欢迎;be pleased with对满意。句意:一年前 他痴迷于赌博并失去了家庭。A项符合句意。 答案:A 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 4Its bad manners to _on their shortcomings in the absence of other people. Amark Bremark Cstate Dpoint 解析:考查动词 辨析。句意:背后评论 他人的缺点是不礼貌的。 remark on“谈论 ;评论 ”,符合句意。mark on在上做记号; state“陈述;表明”,为及物动词 ,不与on连用;point“指向;强调”, 不与on连用。 答案:B 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 5(2013年枣庄模拟)Mum,I dont want to take the medicine. Oh dear,you should know that good medicine for health _ to the mouth. Atastes bitter Btastes bitterly Cis tasted bitter Dis tasted bitterly 解析:考查taste作系动词 的用法。设空处所在句子的意思是“良 药苦口利于病”,taste用作系动词 ,表示“尝起来”,后接形容词作表 语。 答案:A 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 6When the fire police got there, the building _ fire, but no one knew when the building _ fire. Awas on;had caught Bcaught;was on Cwas on; caught Dwas being on; had caught 解析:句意:当消防警察到达那儿,楼房正在燃烧,但是没有人 知道它是什么时候着火的。be on fire“着火”,表状态;catch fire“着火 ”,表动作;第二个空是考查动 作发生的时间 ,故用一般过去时,故 选C。 答案:C 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 7Our teacher suggested that the party should _ with an English song. Acome up Bput up Ccatch up Dend up 解析:句意:我们的老师建议以一首英文歌曲结束聚会。come up with提出,想出;put up with忍受;catch up with追上;end up with以结束。由句意可知D项正确。 答案:D 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 8Theyve _ the old train station into a science museum. Atransported Btransmitted Ctransplanted Dtransformed 解析:句意:他们把那座旧火车站改造成了一座科学博物馆。 transport运输;transmit传播,传送,(疾病的)传染;transplant移植 ,移栽;transform改造,改观。故选D项。 答案:D 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 9I _ you 6, 800 pounds altogether then.Thanks a lot for your lending me so much. Aowe Bhave Cown Dleave 解析:句意:当时我一共欠你6 800英镑,感谢你借给我这么多 钱。owe sb.sth.owe sth.to sb.欠某人,是固定用法。 答案:A 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 10He was found guilty._,he lost the job and was accused of incompetence. AIn case BAs a consequence CAfter all DIn a row 解析:句意语境为“他被发现 有罪,结果失去了工作并被指控不 称职”。 答案:B 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 11It is important to know about the _ of the country when youre travelling abroad. Amanner Bmanners Cbanners Dcustomers 解析:考查manner作“规矩、习俗”的用法,此时manner用复数 。句意:当在国外旅行时,了解那个国家的习俗是很重要的。故选B 项。 答案:B 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 12(2013年长春模拟)The idea puzzled me so much that I stopped for a few seconds to try to _. Amake it out Bmake it off Cmake it up Dmake it over 解析:make out意为“理解,弄懂”。 答案:A 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 1The first time I saw a third year old kid cheerfully chewing a chickens head I had bad dreams for weeks.第一次看 到一个三岁的孩子欢快地嚼着一个鸡头时,我连续几周都做噩梦。 知识提炼 the first time引导时间 状语从句,意为“第一次 时” 句式仿写 我第一次看见她就喜欢上她了。 The_first_time_I_saw_her_I_fell_in_love_with_her. 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 2It was quite hard to make out what they contained.很难弄 清楚它们到底是什么做的。 知识提炼 It is/was adj.to do.“做某事” 句式仿写 学好英语非常重要。 It_is_very_important_to_learn_English_well. 3. It seemed to be just a bowl of grey liquid and it was only after I had tasted it that I knew it was actually cooked with mushrooms.那看上去只是一碗灰色的液体,在我尝了之后才知道那 确实是用蘑菇做的。 知识提炼 强调句型It is/was被强调部分that. 句式仿写 直到我回来以后,我才听说这件事。 It_was_only_I_came_back_that_I_heard_of_it. 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 1. I had eaten Chinese food often, but I could not have imagined how fabulous a real Chinese banquet could be.我以前 也经常吃中餐,但从没有想到真正的中式宴席会那么丰盛。 此句中could not have done意为“(过去)不可能做某事”,而could have done意为“说不定会”或者表示“本可以做某事,而实际未做”。 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) He could have passed the exam,but he was too careless. 本来他能够通过考试,但是他太粗心了。 He must have known the news. 他一定知道了这个消息。 Perhaps we should have taken the other road.It might have been quicker. 也许我们本应走另一条路,那样可能更快些。 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 2. But one thing I do admire is the polite manner in which British people eat, even if it is just a potato.但是让我非常佩服的是 英国人吃饭的举止,哪怕仅仅是个土豆,他们也会吃得斯斯文文。 I do admire是一个定语从句,修饰one thing,句中谓语动词 admire前加了do表示强调,根据具体情况可用do(一般现在时), does(一般现在时第三人称单数),did(一般过去时)。 For your safety,do leave now please. 为了您的安全,现在请务 必离开。 She does like that music. 她真的喜欢那首曲子。 Why didnt you tell me about it? 你为什么没告诉我那件事呢? I did tell you, but you have forgotten it. 我告诉你了,但你已忘记了。 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 1You didnt lock the back door. You are wrong.I _. Ahave locked it Block it myself Cdid lock it Ddo lock it 解析:答句句意为“你错了。我确实锁 上门了。”助动词 do用来强 调谓语 。 答案:C 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语(WY) 2How was the flight? To tell you the truth, _I flew on the plane I was really nervous. Afirst time Bthe first time Cfor first


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