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初一英语第一次课,一、 交通工具,plein trein sbwei tksi,by +交通工具,on foot 步行,您身边的考试专家-清艳英语初中部!,我乘公交车去上学。,对交通工具提问用: How,_,您身边的考试专家-清艳英语初中部!,乘坐交通工具的另一种表达方式,take a,plane train ship boat bus car taxi,take the subway,ride a bike,特殊的:,walk,您身边的考试专家-清艳英语初中部!,goby+交通工具 = take a +交通工具,3. Maria sometimes goes home by subway.,1. They often go to the zoo by bus.,2. I go to school on foot.,您身边的考试专家-清艳英语初中部!,Have a try,2. She usually goes there by bike .,1. I often go to the park by subway.,您身边的考试专家-清艳英语初中部!,二、,Tom is always at home in the evening, but I often go out.,频度副词,:lweiz ju:uli :fn smtaimz seldm nev,位置:助动词,be动词,情态动词之后 行为动词前,您身边的考试专家-清艳英语初中部!,I am never late for school.,I usually go to the KFC.,对频度副词提问用: How often,How often do you go to the KFC?,I go to the KFC three times a month.,您身边的考试专家-清艳英语初中部!,四、词语辨析,a few,few,a little little,I have a few friends here.,I have few friends here.,I can speak a little English.,I can speak little English.,您身边的考试专家-清艳英语初中部!,Have a try: 1.Wed better wait _more minutes. I think Jeff will come soon. a few B. few C. a little D.little 2.He is a new student. He has _ friends in the school. A. a little B. a few C. few D. little,您身边的考试专家-清艳英语初中部!,三、 have 用法小结,1. I have a big nose. 2. I have breakfast at 8:00 in the morning. 3. We have four classes in the morning. 4. He has a bad cold. 5.They often have ball games on Friday.,您身边的考试专家-清艳英语初中部!,五、重点句型,1. - Happy New Year! -The same to you!/ You ,too! 2. The early bird catches the worm. 3. Work must come first. 4. Nice talking to you. 5. After dinner, he watches TV for a little while.,=for a short time,您身边


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