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中国医科大学2015年12月考试英语2考前辅导一、交际英语1. Thanks for your help. _.AA. My pleasure. B. Quite right. C. Never mind. D. Dont thank me.2. I must apologize for having delayed the job. _.BA. Pleased to meet you.B. No, thats not your fault.C. I dont know.D. Thanks a lot.3. I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonight? _. Im not using it anyhow. AA. Sure, go ahead B. I dont know C. Yes, indeed D. I dont care 4. I wonder if I could use your bike? _.BA. No B. Im sorry, but Im using it right nowC. Thanks D. None5. Im tired of your complaints. Just listen to me. _.DA. What a pleasureB. I dont knowC. Thanks a lotD. Im serious6. Thank you so much for your lovely gift. _.BA. Never mind.B. Im glad you like it.C. Please dont say so.D. No, its not so good.7. _, but I seem to have misplaced your scarf. Oh, thats all right.CA. I am fineB. Its nice of youC. I am sorryD. I am OK8. How often do you eat out? C _, but usually once a week.A. Have no idea B. As usual C. It depends D. Generally speaking 9. Excuse me, Sir, is the swimming pool open all day? _. Only from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. DA. Thats right B. Yes, of courseC. Sorry, I am not sure D. Sorry, Im afraid not 10. _B Yes, where is ladies room please?A. I can help you.B. May I help you?C. Let me help you.D. What can I do for you?11. Could you do me a favor?B _.A. Never mind B. With pleasure C. Cant complainD. Not at all12. Dont think in Chinese when youre speaking English. _.AA. You are quite right. I just think in ChineseB. Im sorry, but I think in EnglishC. You can say that againD. Its nonsense13. It would be great if you can play cards with us tomorrow. _AA.Id love to. Where shall we meet?B.I am not OK with that.C.Who do we play with?D. That is a piece of cake.14. Whos _? This is Tom.CA. speaksB. spokenC. speakingD. saying15. Hello, Im David Potter. Hello, Im Kelly Smith. Just_.CA.call my Kelly B. call me at KellyC.call me Kelly D. call Kelly me16. Shall I give you a ride as you look so tired? Thank you. _.DA.Its your duty. B. Dont mention it C. Do as you like D. It couldnt be better17. My book was published._.AA.Good for you B. What a pleasureC.Best wishes D.You are lucky18. _! Congratulations on your promotion!CA.Im engaged B.Its a boyC.I got promoted D.Thank you for your support19. Hi, this is Alex speaking.Sorry, _.CA. who are you?B. tell me who that is?C. I cant hear you well.D. I dont know you.20.I am sorry I have the wrong number._.CA.You are so careless. B.You are so considerate.C.It doesnt matter. D.What is wrong?二、阅读理解Passage 1Five years ago, David Smith wore an expensive suit to work every day. “I was a clothes addict,” he jokes. “I used to carry a fresh suit to work with me so I could change if my clothes got wrinkled.” Today David wears casual clothes khaki pants and a sports shirt to the office. He hardly ever wears a necktie. “Im working harder than ever,” David says, “and I need to feel comfortable.”More and more companies are allowing their office workers to wear casual clothes to work. In the United States, the changes from formal to casual office wear have been slow. In the early 1990s, many companies allowed their workers to wear casual clothes on Friday (but only on Friday). This became known as “dress-down Friday” or “casual Friday”. “What started out as an extra one-day-a-week benefit for workers has really become an everyday thing,” said business adviser Maisly Jones. Why have so many companies started allowing their workers to wear casual clothes? One reason is that its easier for a company to attract new workers if it has a casual dress code. “A lot of young people dont want to dress up for work,” says the owner of a software company, “so its hard to hire people if you have a conservative dress code.” Another reason is that people seem happier and more productive when they are wearing comfortable clothes. In a study made by Levi Strauss and Company, 85 percent of employers said that casual dress has a side effect on work. Supporters of casual office wear also say that a casual dress code helps them save money. “Suits are expensive, if you have to wear one every day,” one person said. “For the same amount of money, you can buy a lot more casual clothes.”1. David Smith refers to himself as having been “a clothes addict” because _.A. he often wore khaki pants and a sports shirtB. he couldnt stand a clean appearanceC. he didnt want to spend much money on clothesD. he wanted his clothes to look tidy and clean all the time2. David Smith wears casual clothes now, because _.A. they make him feel at ease when workingB. he cannot afford to buy expensive clothesC. he looks handsome in casual clothesD. he no longer works for any company3. According to this passage, which of the following is FALSE?A. Many workers dont like a conservative dress code.B. Comfortable clothes make workers more productive.C. A casual clothes code is welcomed by young workers.D. All the employers in the U.S. are for casual office wear.4. According to this passage, which of the following is TRUE?A. Company workers started to dress down about twenty years ago.B. Dress-down has become an everyday phenomenon since the early 1990s.C. “Dress-down Friday” was first given as a favor from employers.D. Many workers want to wear casual clothes to impress people.5. In this passage, the following advantages of casual office wear are mentioned EXCEPT _.A. saving workers moneyB. making workers more attractiveC. improving workers feelingD. making workers happierPassage 2Although the United States covers so much land and the land produces far more food than the present population needs, its people are by now almost entirely an urban society. Less than a tenth of the people are engaged in agriculture and forestry, and most of the rest live in or around towns,small and large. Here the traditional picture is changing: every small town may still be very like other small towns,and the typical small town may represent a widely accepted view of the country, but most Americans do not live in small towns any more. Half the population now lives in some thirty metropolitan areas (1arge cities with their suburbs of more than a million people each a larger proportion than in Germany or England,let alone France). The statistics of urban and rural population should be treated with caution because so many people who live in areas classified as rural travel by car to work in a nearby town each day. As the rush to live out of town continues, rural areas within reach of towns are gradually filled with houses, so that it is hard to say at what moment a piece of country becomes a suburb. But more and more the typical American lives in a metropolitan rather than a small town environment. 1. If now America has 250 million people, how many of them are engaged in agriculture and forestry? A. About 25 million. B. More than 25 million.C. Less than 25 million.D. Less than 225 million. 2. Which of the following four countries has the smallest proportion of people living in metropolitan areas? A. United States.B. Germany. C. France.D. England. 3. Whats the meaning of the word metropolitan in the middle of the passage?A. Of a large city with its suburbs.B. Of small and large towns. C. Of urban areas D. Of rural areas 4. According to the passage, what can we learn about small towns in the United States?A. Most small towns become gradually crowded. B. Small towns are still similar to each other.C. As the traditional picture is changing, towns are different.D. Small towns are turning into large cities. 5. Why is it hard to say when a piece of country becomes a suburb?A. Because they are the same. B. Because the rush takes place too quickly. C. Because the process is gradual.D. Because more and more Americans live in metropolitan.passage3People in the United States honor their parents with two special days: Mothers Day, on the second Sunday in May, and Fathers Day, on the third Sunday in June.Mothers Day was proclaimed a day for national observance by President Woodrow Wilson in 1915. Ann Jarvis from Grafton, West Virginia, had started the idea to have a day to honor mothers. She was the one who chose the second Sunday in May and also began the custom of wearing a carnation.In 1909, Mrs. Dodd from Spokane, Washington, thought of the idea of a day to honor fathers. She wanted to honor her own father, William Smart. After her mother died, he had the responsibility of raising a family of five sons and a daughter. In 1910, the first Fathers Day was observed in Spokane. Senator Margaret Chase Smith helped to established Fathers Day as a national commemorative day, in 1972.These days are set aside to show love and respect for parents. They raise their children and educate them to be responsible citizens. They give love and care.These two special days are celebrated in many different ways. On Mothers Day people wear carnations. A red one symbolizes a living mother. A white one shows that the mother is deadMany people attend religious services to honor parents. It is also a day when people whose parents are dead visit the cemetery. On these days, families get together at home, as well as in restaurants. They often have outdoor barbecues for Fathers Day. These are days of fun and good feelings and memories.1. According to the passage, which of the following about the second Sunday in May is not true?A. It is a day to show love to mothers.B. It is a day to wear carnations.C. It is a day for people to visit the cemetery.D. It is a day for many people to attend religious services.2. Choose the right time order of the following events. a. The first Fathers Day was observed. b. Mothers Day was proclaimed a day for national observance. c. Fathers Day became a day for national observance. d. The idea of honoring fathers was bought up.A. a b c d B. b a c dC. d a b cD. d a c b3. Who plays the most important role in Fathers Day becoming a national commemorative day?A. Mrs. Dodd.B.Ann Jarvis.C. Margaret Chase Smith.D. Woodrow Wilson.4. From the passage, we know in the U.S _.A. one should wear a red carnation if ones mother passes awayB. on Mothers Day, families often go out to have barbecuesC. on Fathers Day, people often stay at home to celebrate the special dayD. the purpose to have these two special days is to show love to parents5. The authors purpose of writing this passage is to _.A. call on people to love and respect their parentsB. tell the difference between Mothers Day and Fathers DayC. introduce Mothers Day and Fathers DayD. show how important fathers and mothers arepassage4A poor young artist came to the gate of the subway station. He put his hat on the ground and took out a large piece of paper and laid it on the ground. Then he adjusted the violin and began playing. Before long, the young violinist was surrounded with people, who were all attracted by the words on that paper. It said, “Last night, a gentleman named George Sang put an important thing into my hat by mistake. Please come to claim it soon.”After about half an hour, a middle-aged man ran there in a hurry and rushed through the crowd to the violinist and grabbed his shoulders and said, “Yes, its you. You did come here. I knew that youre an honest man and would certainly come here.”The story turned out to be this :George Sang bought a lottery ticket a few days ago. The awards opened yesterday and he won a prize of $500,000. So he felt very happy and he took out 50 dollars for the wonderful music played by the young man. However the lottery ticket was also thrown in. Later someone asked the violinist: “At that time you needed to pay the tuition fee and had to play the violin every day to make the money. Then why didnt you take the lottery ticket for yourself?”The violinist said, “Although I dont have much money, I live happily; but if I lose honesty I wont be happy forever.”Through our lives, we can gain a lot and lose so much. But being honest should always be with us. If we bear ourselves in a deceptive and dishonest way, we may succeed temporarily. However, from the long-term view, we will be a loser. Such people are just like the water on the mountain. It stands high above the masses at the beginning, but gradually it comes down inch by inch and loses the chance of going up. 1. Which of the following statements about George is wrong?A.He threw the lottery in the violinists hat deliberately.B.He intended to give the violinist $50.C.He finally got his lottery back because of the violinists honesty.D.He was very excited to get the lottery back.2. Why were the violinist surrounded with a lot of people?A.He was playing the violin in the street.B.He was begging money in public.C.He has written something strange on paper in front of him.D.He was waiting for someone who has lost money.3. Why did the violinist return the lottery to George?A.He was wealthy and did not need the money.B.He hoped to get some reward from George.C.He was honest and wanted to be happy.D.He was forced to give the money back to George by the police.4. What does the phrase “bear oneself” mean in paragraph 7?A. enjoy oneself B. behave oneself C. cheat oneselfD. adjust oneself.5. What kind of people can be compared to the water on the mountain?A.intelligent people B.cunning people C. political people D. dishonest people passage5China has changed dramatically in recent years, including the changing of family structure. In traditional Chinese society, the elderly used to live with one of their children. But nowadays, more and more young adults are moving out, leaving their elderly parents alone. Many young couples now live with their parents not for family tradition, but rather because they cannot afford to buy a house or rent an apartment. Experts say family-based care is now impractical because most middle-aged children have little time to take care of their parents. So one of the things the elderly have to face nowadays is how to arrange their late years when their families cant take care of them. A nationwide survey found that about 23 percent of Chinas seniors over the age of 65 live by themselves. Another survey conducted in Beijing showed that less than 50 percent of elderly women live with their children. Since more and more elderly have to live alone, homes for the elderly are far from being enough to meet the needs of the elderly.1. China has changed a lot recently, but the family structure stays the same.A. TB. F2. The old people used to live with their child traditionally. A. TB. F3. Many young couples now still live together with their parents for family tradition.A. TB. F4. Most middle-aged children dont have much time to care for their parents. A. TB. F5. Nowadays, homes for the old people are enough to satisfy the needs of the old people.A. T B. Fpassage6What comes to mind when we speak of cultural exports from China to the United States? Bruce Lee, the giant panda, or kung fu?Without a doubt, these cultural symbols are successful exports of Chinese culture, but another form of Chinese culture widely known in the US is Chinese cuisine. Many types of local snacks, all deeply loved in China, are taking over the streets of America. Some were modified to suit to Americans tastes, while others retain the traditional taste of China.Here are just some of them.Pai huang gua (smashed cucumbers)In a report titled Smashed cucumber salad takes Manhattan, The New York Times praised the method of smashing cucumbers in making salads as a completely new way to eat a cucumber.Rou jia mo (Chinese hamburger)Rou jia mo, which translates as meat placed between bun, has a similar recipe to hamburgers, consisting of chopped meat inside a bun.Egg RollsThe term egg roll often refers to a variation of fried spring rolls in China, only the wrap is thicker, the entire form bigger, and it doesnt have much to do with eggs. Egg rolls are often served as appetizers in the US, just as spring rolls are in China.1. Chinese cuisine is one form of the cultural exports from China to the United States.A. TB. F2. Many local snacks, which are popular in China, are also popular in America. A. TB. F3. Pai huang gua, rou jia mo and egg rolls are all quite popular in the United States.A. TB. F4. There is no similarity between rou jia mo and hamburger.A. TB. F5. Egg rolls re often served as dessert in the US.A. T B. Fpassage7In choosing a friend, one should be very careful. A good friend can help you study. You can have fun together and make each other happy. Sometimes you will meet fair weather friends. They will be with you as long as you have money or luck, but when you are down, they will run away. How do I know when I ha


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