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36“记记”之肢体语语言 返回返回上上页页页页下下页页页页 名师招招鲜核心单词核心语句核心短语 核心 单单词词 返回返回上上页页页页下下页页页页 名师招招鲜核心单词核心语句核心短语 1. _ adj.明显显的 2changeable adj.易变变的 3_ adj.面部的 4_ adj.复杂杂的 5casual adj._ 6_ adj.敏感的 7similar adj.相似的 8_ adj.普遍的 9_ n印象 10communication n_ 11distance n_ apparent facial complex 漫不经经心的 sensitive universal impression 交流 距离 返回返回上上页页页页下下页页页页 名师招招鲜核心单词核心语句核心短语 12gesture n手势势,姿势势 13_ n情绪绪 14relationship n_ 15closeness n亲亲密 16misunderstand vt._ 17express vt.表达 18_ vt.反应应 19_ vt.传递传递 20_ vt.诠释诠释 21display vt._ 22hide vt.隐隐藏 emotion 关系 误误解 respond deliver interpret 显显示 返回返回上上页页页页下下页页页页 名师招招鲜核心单词核心语句核心短语 特别关注 impress(3年2考) impress sb with.sb be impressed with/by.给给某人 留下印象 impress sth on sb/on ones memory使某人铭记铭记 leave/make an impression on sb给给某人留下印象 We were deeply impressed by/with your efficiency. 你的效率给给我们们留下了深刻的印象。 Our boss often impresses the importance of creativiy on us. 老板经经常让让我们铭记创们铭记创 新的重要性 返回返回上上页页页页下下页页页页 名师招招鲜核心单词核心语句核心短语 核心 短 语语 返回返回上上页页页页下下页页页页 名师招招鲜核心单词核心语句核心短语 1. the eye contract目光的接触 2the main means of communication主要交际际手段 3play a crucial part _在起到了重要的作用 4an important aspect of 的一个重要部分 5the first impression第一印象 6be tied _与有联联系 7interpersonal distance人际际距离 8personal space个人空间间 9express ones feelings表达某人的感情 10look at sb _上下打量某人 in to up and down 返回返回上上页页页页下下页页页页 名师招招鲜核心单词核心语句核心短语 11facial expression面部表情 12read body gestures解读读肢体动动作 13fix ones eyes _盯盯着 14convey bad messages _ 15control different emotions控制不同情感 16arouse ones dislike_ 17crosscultural communication 跨文化交流 18signal good news传传达好消息 19the degree of closeness of relationship between sb 之间间关系的亲亲密程度 20better communicate with others更好地与他人交流 on 传传达不好的讯讯息 引起反感 返回返回上上页页页页下下页页页页 名师招招鲜核心单词核心语句核心短语 核心 语语句 返回返回上上页页页页下下页页页页 名师招招鲜核心单词核心语句核心短语 1. Body language is an important aspect of performance. 肢体语语言是表演的一个重要部分。 2An actors body language plays a crucial part in telling the audience about the character they are playing.一个演员员的肢体语语言在告诉观诉观 众他们们表演的 角色起到重要的作用。 3But we found that the first impression begins with a handshake that sets the tone for the rest of the interview. 但是我们发现们发现 第一印象以握手开始,并为为面试试的余下 部分定下基调调。 返回返回上上页页页页下下页页页页 名师招招鲜核心单词核心语句核心短语 4There were actually seven universal expressions of emotions on the face:happiness,sadness,anger, fear,surprise,contempt and disgust.人的面部有7种共 同表情:快乐乐、悲伤伤、生气、恐惧、惊讶讶、轻轻蔑和厌恶厌恶 。 5Its undeniable that 93 percent of human communication is delivered through body language.不 可否认认的是,人类类信息交流中的93%却是通过过肢体语语言来 传递传递 。 6Facial recognition systems help consumer research get access to the inner world of customers:how they react to different foods and advertisements.面部识别识别 系 统统能使消费费者调查调查 深入到顾顾客的心理活动动:他们对们对 不同的 食物和广告的反应应。 返回返回上上页页页页下下页页页页 名师招招鲜核心单词核心语句核心短语 字词入章,相得益彰 Last week,I had an interview with Professor Zhang, an expert on reading body gestures,concerning the issue of body language.According to Professor Zhang,its undeniable that 93 percent of human communication is delivered through body language.He also pointed out body language can help us not only reveal the messages and secrets hidden behind but also better communicate with others.Besides,the eye contact is one way of measuring the degree of closeness of relationship between two speakers,although there are cultural variations in the meaning of eye contact.In addition,he mentioned that it is not we fix our eyes on others face,which would arouse peoples dislike. 返回返回上上页页页页下下页页页页 名师招招鲜核心单词核心语句核心短语 名 师师 招 招 鲜鲜 返回返回


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