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考高分上名校就选思学佳 - 深圳市深圳市20182018年初中毕业生学业考试(思学佳教育)年初中毕业生学业考试(思学佳教育) 英语试卷试题及解析 第一部分选择题(60分)I.词汇(15分) i.从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(共8小题,每小 题1分) 1.一More than 400 street gardens will be built in Shenzhen. 一Good news! Our city becomes more and more beautiful. A.OverB. AroundC. Nearly 答案 A 考点同义词转换 解析 more than意为“超过,多于”; A选项over表示”大于,多于”,同more than; B 选项around表示“周围;大约”; C选项nearly表示“儿乎;差不多”。因此答案选A。 2. 一Tim, you spent too much time on computers. Its harmful to your eyes. 一I see. Thank you. I will do more sports instead. A.is good forB. is bad forC. is helpful to 答案 B 考点同义词转换 解析 be harmful to 意为“对有害/造成伤害”。A选项is good for 有好处” ; B选项is bad for表示“对.不好”; C选项is helpful to表示“对有帮助”。因此 答案选B。 3. - - Hi, John! Would you like to go hiking with me tomorrow? 一Sounds great! Its a good way to keep fit. A.livelyB. activehealthy 答案 C 考点同义词转换 解析 keep fit意为“保持健康”; fit 此处意为“健康的”。A选项lively表示“精力充 沛的”;B选项active表示“活跃的;忙碌的”; C选项healthy表示“健康的;健壮的”。因此 答案选C。 4.一Mr. Li, I feel a little nervous before the coming exam. -Youd better take a break from studies and relax yourself. A. restB. breathC. walk 答案 A 考点1同义词转换 解析 take a break意为“休息一-会儿”; break此处意为“休息”。A选项rest表示“休 息”; B选项breath表示呼吸”; C选项walk表示“散步,走路”。因此答案选A。 5.一I dream to be a great dancer when I grow up. 一- Thats great. But it requires confidence and practice. A.getsB.hasC. needs 答案 C 考点同义词转换 考高分上名校就选思学佳 - 解析题中require意为“需要”。A选项gets表示“得到;收到”; B选项has表示“有”; C 选项needs表示“需要;必须”。原题题意为:一长大后我想成为一名 舞蹈家。一很好呀 ,但 是成为舞蹈家需要自信和训练。因此答案选C。 6.一Where is Shenzhen Concert Hall? How can we get there? (学生回忆版) 一It is close to the bookshop. A.behindB. oppositeC. near 答案 C 考点同义词转换 解析 be close to意为 “接近;靠近” 。 A选项behind表示 “在 的后面” ;B选项opposite 表示“对面的;另一边的”; C选项表示“不远;距离近”。因此选C。 7.一Tony, have you got a plan for the summer vacation? 一Not yet. Perhaps Ill go to my hometown with my family. A.MaybeB. ActuallyC. Generally 答案 A 考点同义词转换 解析 perhaps 意为“可能,大概”。A选项maybe表示“也许;大概”; B选项actually 表示“实际上;事实上:”; C选项generally表示“普遍地;广泛地”。囚此选A。 8.-Our English club will put on a famous play during the School Art Week. 一Really? I cant wait to watch it. A.work onB. act outC. make up 答案 B 考点同义词转换 解析根据题意“我们的英语社团将在学校艺术周上表演一个著名的话剧”可知put on在题 中意为“上:演”。A选项walk on表示“走路”; B选项act out表示“表演;演出”; C选项make up表示“组成;编造”。因此答案选B。 ii从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共7小题,每小题1 分) 9. - - Simon always reads for half an hour before bedtime every day. 一Thats a good_.Reading makes a full man. A.dreamB. wishC. habit 答案C 考点语境分析 B选项wish表示“愿望;希望”; C选项habit表示“习惯”, 根据题意“西蒙每天在睡觉前都会读半小时的书。-这是个好习惯。读书使人充实。”可知 此题选C。 10.- Do you still remember our primary school teacher, Mrs. Liu? 一Yes, she always encouraged us and gave us support_we met difficulties. A. wheneverB. whateverC. however 答案 A 考高分上名校就选思学佳 - 考点语境分析 B选项whatever表示“无论什么”; C选项however 表示“无论怎样”。本题指的是“在我们遇到任何困难的时候,她都会鼓励支持我们”,因 此答案选A。 11.- Im looking forward to the final of the 2018 World Cup. 一Me, too. I hope the German team will be the_. Its my favorite. A.playerB. winnerC.loser 答案 B 考点1语境分析 解析根据题意“我希望德国队会成为冠军。这是我最喜欢的球队”可知,此处答案选 B,winner表示冠军。 12. -The piano lessons are too hard for me. I nearly give up. 一You should be_. I believe youll make it. A.carefulB. helpfulC. patient 答案 C 考点语境分析 B选项表示“有帮助的”; C选项表示“耐心的”。木题意为 “一钢琴课太难了,我儿乎想放弃了。一你应该耐心点。 我相信你一定可以的。 ”因此选 C。 13. -Have you heard about Shenzhen Interational Magic Festival ?一_, it is a big event for Magic lovers like me. A. WellB. CertainlyC. Exactly 答案 B。 考点语境分析 解析根据题意“-你听说过深圳国际魔术节吗?一 当然了,对于像我这样的魔术爱好者 来说是一件大事件”。根据题意选择B。 14.- Jack _to help at the underground station on Saturdays. 一Cool! Lets join him next Saturday. A. offersB. refuses. forgets 答案 A 考点语境分析 B选项表示“拒绝”; C选项表示忘记;遗忘”。原题题 意为:杰克每周六主动到地铁站帮忙(做义工)。根据题意选择A。 15.-Have you noticed that Annas spoken English is greatly improved?-Yes, she sets us a good example. Hard work always_. A. makes a dealB. makes a differenceC. makes a problem 答案 B 考点语境分析 B选项表示“对同/有影响/有重要作用;C选项表示“制 造问题”。原题题意为:“-你有注意到安娜的口语大幅度提高了吗?一是的,她给我们 树立了好榜样。勤奋刻苦总能带来改变。”根据题意选择B。 词汇部分名师点评 在英语的学习过程中,词汇的积累是学好英语的基础和关键。对于深圳中考英语而言,15 道词汇选择题是对考生词汇基础的考查。词汇基础扎实,该题会成为考生的拉分项目。题目 的设置,前8道考查同义词或同义词组替换;后7道题考查单词的词义辨析、词组的词义辨析、 重要情景交际、以及重点习语等。 七年级上册至九年级下册,六册课本词汇表中的词为中考词汇考查的重要出处,在平时的学 习过程中要注意积累和及时巩固。2018年深圳中考英语词汇题考查的词汇有:more than/be harmful to/fit/require/break/close to/perhaps/put on/habit/whenever/winner/patient/certainly offer/make a difference. 我们可以发现,今年考查的词汇,在我们的平常表达中也很常见,在中考备考中对此类词汇 应该尤为重视。 根据2018年中考词汇题,我们可以了解到词汇学习对于中考英语的重要性。对于词汇的学 习,不仅要重视音、形、义,而且需要加强对同义词、同义词词组、短语辨析等的积累和拓 展。 II. 完形填空(15分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共10小题,每小题1.5分) When I was young, I went to a boarding school in Edinburgh. It was far from home because I 1.on an island in the north of Scotland. It was a music school, and I studied the violin. At the end of the term, we all packed our bag sand our 2.to go home for our holidays. 1. A. livedB. playedC. worked 2. A. introductionsB. instructionsC. instruments 3. A. picked upB. cared forC. woken up 4. A. helloB. sorryC.goodbye 5. A. wonderfulB. awfulC. successful 6. A. happyB. sadC. angry 7. A. got offB. got onC. got up 8. A. whatB. whyC. when 9. A. calledB. caughtC. heard 10. A. SuddenlyB. LuckilyC. Sadly 文章大意: 我在爱丁堡的一所寄宿制音乐学校学习小提琴。学校离家很远,因为我家在岛上。每到暑 假,大家都打包好行李和自己的乐器准备回家。大部分同学都是坐火车或其他交通方式,另 一些让父母开车来接,而我就坐船回家。有年暑假,我跟同学道别后,带着自己的小提琴上 了船。下船之后,当我发现小提琴落在了船上时,船已经开了,我十分担心害怕,怕受到自 己父亲的责骂。回到家之后,我把发生的事情全都告诉了自己的父亲,父亲听后笑了笑。我 不明白父亲为什么要笑,他告诉我说,原来他在小提琴上留了纸条,上面写了我们的地址。 有个清洁工发现了我的小提琴,并交给了警察。警察联系到了我们,于是我找回了我的小提 琴。幸运的是,我的小提琴安然无恙。 考高分上名校就选思学佳 - 答案 16-20 ACACB21-25 CABAB 名师点评 今年深圳中考的完形填空比较中规中矩, 无论是题材还是体裁都与往年完形填空文章没有太 大差别,延续了历年的命题风格,难度也跟去年相当。需要学生在通读文章并理解全文意思 的基础上,根据上下文语境选出最佳答案。重点考查了名词、动词、连词、形容词、副词、 介词短语和动词词组的辨析,且未涉及语法考查。 II. 阅读理解(30分) 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相 应的字母编号涂黑。(共 20小题,每小题1.5分) 阅读A篇: 文章大意:文章介绍了四个特色主题酒店(Theme Hotels)。第-一个 是哈利波特主题,特 色在于能够乘坐宾馆的车去制作电影哈利波特的工作室(studio)。 第二个是位于加拿大的冰 冻主题的酒店,特色在于能够享受私人订制的spa。第三个是海盗主题宾馆。第四个是电影 主题的酒店,特色在于能够享受Movie of night。 When you go on a vacation, the hotel you choose and the room you stay in are important. There are many cool theme (主题) hotel rooms around the world. Here are some of them. 26. What can guests do during their stay at the George Castle Hotel? A. Visit a movie studio.B. Have a private spa. C. Enjoy a movie night.D. Play an adventure game. 27. Who is most likely to choose the Adventure Island Hotel? A. Kids who love Disneyland.B. Kids who love pirate stories. C. Adults who love castle tower.D. Adults who love watching movies. 28. What is the possible choice for a super fan of Hollywood movies? A. The Wensley Hotel.B. Hotel de Glace. C. The George Castle Hotel.D. The Adventure Island Hotel. 29. Where is the text probably taken from? A. A storybookB. A science book C. A history bookD. A travel guide book 答案 26-29 ABAD 阅读B篇: 全文大意: Mac和他的朋友骑车,但是朋友的车坏了要停下来修,他们让Mac先走,他们随 后再跟上。途中Mac被狼追逐,所以使用防熊喷雾驱赶,驱赶无果后他大声朝过往的车辆呼 救。与此同时,有两个人驾车路过看到Mac正在修车的朋友,也看到Mac被一只动物追赶,车 开近看才发现Mac是被一只长得很像狗的狼追,最后他们在正确的时机停车救下了Mac。 (参考原文) On a bright, warm July afternoon, Mac Hollan, a primary school teacher, was cycling from his home to Alaska with his friends. One of his friends had stopped to make a bicycle repair, but they. had encouraged Mac to carry on, and they would catch up with him soon. As Mac pedaled (骑行)along alone, he thought fondly of his wife and two young daughters at home. He hoped to show them this beautiful place someday. 考高分上名校就选思学佳 - Then Mac heard quick and loud breathing behind him. “Man, thats a big dog!“ he thought. But when he looked to the side, he saw instantly that it was not a dog at all, but a wolf, quickly catching up with him. Macs heart jumped. He found out his can of bear spray. With one hand on the bars, he fired the spray at the wolf. A bright red cloud enveloped the animal, and to Macs relief, it fell back, shaking its head. But a minute later, it was by his side again. Then it attacked the back of Macs bike, tearing open his tent bag. He fired at the wolf a second time, and again, it fell back only to quickly restart the chase. Mac was pedaling hard now. He waved and yelled at passing cars but was careful not to slowdown. He saw a steep uphill climb before him. He knew that once he hit the hill, hed be easy caught up and the wolfs teeth would be tearing into his flesh. At this moment, Paul and Becky were driving their car on their way to Alaska. They did not think much of it when they saw two cyclist repairing their bike on the side of the road. A bit later, they spotted what they, too, assumed was a dog running alongside a man on a bike. As they got closer, they realized that the dog was a wolf. Mac heard a large vehicle behind him. He pulled in front of it as the wolf was catching up fast, just a dozen yards away now. 30. Why did Mac ride alone? A. He liked riding alone. B. He wanted to try the bear spray. C. His friends were repairing the bike. D. His friends returned for their tents. 答案 C 考点细节理解题 解析1由文章第一段第第二句“One of his friends had stopped to make a bicycle repair, but they had encouraged Mac to carry on, and they would catch up with him soon.“ 可知,Mac -一个人骑行的原因是他朋友的白行车在半路坏了,不得不停下来修车。 31. How did Mac feel when he realized a wolf was after him? A. Calm. B. Frightened. C. Excited. D. Painful. l答案 B 考点推理判断题 解析由第三段第一旬“Macs heart jumped.“可知,当Mac知道他被-只狼尾随时,他的心 里是非常恐惧的。 32. What does the underlined word“it”in Paragraph 3 refer to? A. The wolf. 3. The dog. C. The can. D. The cloud. 答案 A 考点推理判断题 解析通过上下文可知,it 指的是那只狼。 32. In the end, how did Mac ask for help? 考高分上名校就选思学佳 - A. By riding hard.B. By using the bear spray. C. By waving and shouting.D. By chasing after the car. 答案 C 考点细节理解题 解析通过第四段“He waved and yelled at passing cars but was careful not to slow down“及最后一段内容可知,Mac最终通过招手和呼喊的方式获救。 阅读C篇: 文章人意:本文讲述外国友人Thomas在中国学习中文并参加汉语比赛的经历。在中国期间他 学习了很多中国文化,非常喜爱这个国家。Julie 也是位喜爱中国的外国友人, 她曾在北 京和上海居住,对中国的新发明一共 亨单4非常感兴趣。 The 14th Chinese Language Competition attracted about 1100 children from kindergarten and high school. The children from different language and cultural backgrounds met and competed in events like Chinese calligraphy, Chinese drawing and Chinese recite. 34. Where was the 14th Chinese Language Competition held? A. middle school.B. Beijing. C. Shanghai.D. San Francisco. 答案 D 考点细节理解题 35. Which of the following statement is correct? A. All the college students joined in the competition. B. The competition is not only for oversea Chinese kids. C D 答案 B 考点细节判断题 36. Which is the“new Chinese invention”according to the passage? A. railway.B. Papermaking.C. Shared bikes.D. Chinese calligraphy: 答案 C 考点细节理解题 37. What can we infer from the passage? A. A Chinese talent is presented. B. The competition is not only for Chinese students. C. Chinese language competition was held again. D. The way to learn Chinese language. 答案 C 考点主旨大意题 阅读D篇: 文章大意:城市已经建了8000个充电桩,501个充电站,每个车充满只要两个小时,天一个 充电桩能充300个车在我们的车站 (参考原文) 考高分上名校就选思学佳 - The city is also home to the largest fleet of electric buses一4 16,359 so far 一and electric taxi sin the world, the commission said at a press conference. A total of 12,518 taxis, or 62.5 percent o fall taxis in the city, run on electricity. “We will gradually replace the existing fuel-powered cabs with electricity-powered ones and complete the target by 2020, or even ahead of schedule,” said Zheng Jingyu, head of the public transport department of the citys public transport administration bureau. In 2018, the remaining 500 green cabs that are restricted from Futian, Luohu, Nanshan and Yantian districts, which constituted the former Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, will be. Replaced with electric cabs and be allowed to operate citywide. A bus driver surnamed Wang of Route M21l started to drive electric buses a month ago, following the replacement. We had had several rounds of training and passed strict exams before we were allowed to drive the e-buses, he said. The city has built 501 bus charging stations and 8,000 charging poles. At Qinghu Bus Terminal, the Western Bus Group installed more than 30 charging poles in September. A bus can be fully charged within two hours and the charging poles can serve 300 buses a day, said Guan An guang, assistant manager of the terminal. Since the replacement, the bus terminal has become quiet, even as the e-buses are entering and exiting the terminal, Guan said. The wide use of electric buses and cabs plays a significant role in improving air quality and constructing a beautiful Shenzhen, said Lou Heru, vice head of the citys transport commission. The electric buses use 72.9 percent less energy than diesel buses. In a year, the buses could save the energy equivalent of 366,000 tons of standard coal, replacing 345,000 tons of fuel, and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 1 .35 million tons. The e-taxis will save the energy equivalent of 119,000 tons of standard coal, replacing 116,000 tons of fuel. Shenzhen was chosen in 2009 as one of the l3 cities to pilot a national new-energy vehicle program. In 2017, the city offered 3.3 billion yuan (US$490 million) in subsidies for e-buses and the construction of charging facilities. The city has encouraged cab operators and private investors to invest in charging poles and stations for e-taxis. 38. How many e-taxis were there in Shenzhen in January, 2018? A.8,000B. 12,518C. 16,359D. 11,900 答案 B 考点细节理解题 解析该题考查考生对A total of 12,518 taxis, or 62.5 percent of all taxis in the city, run on electricity的理解。or表示或者,换句话说,所以答案为B。 39. What is the influence of the replacement according to Mr. Guan? 考高分上名校就选思学佳 - A. It saves 72.9 percent energy. B. It helps to improve air quality. C. The bus station has become quiet. D. people will pay more if they buy e-cars. 答案 C 考点细节理解题 解析该题考查考生对“Since the replacement, the bus terminal has become quiet, even as the e-buses are entering and exiting the terminal,“ Guan said.的理解,这句话 的中心词就是quiet,即使车辆进出站也听不到声音。所以答案选C。 40. What can we infer from the passage? A. It is not easy to be an e-driver. B. Shenzhen is the first to use e-taxi. C. Thirteen cities are in the national new-energy vehicle program besides Shenzhen. D. There are 300 charging poles at each bus station. 答案 A 考点推断题 解析该题考查考生对We had had several rounds of training and passed strict exams before we were alowed to drive the e-buses理解,这句话的所以经过几个回合的严格的 训练后才成为的电动车的司机。所以答案选A。 41. What is the main idea of the passage? A. E-buses and e-taxis can save more energy in Shenzhen. B. Shenzhen took part in the national new energy vehicle program. C. It is fast and convenient for the e-buses to be changed in Shenzhen. D. Shenzhen is replacing its public buses and taxis with electric ones. 答案 D 考点主旨大意题 解析该题考考生在浏览全义后对义章的理解,文章里谈到深圳开始替换燃油,然后投入很 多资金,并且谈到替换后的影响。所以主旨就是电动车的使用,答案选D。 阅读E篇: (学生回忆版) 文章大意:本篇是有关人工智能的文章。文章首先介绍了什么是人工智能,然后讲述了人工 智能在警方破案、面部识别、支付费用以及汽车自动驾驶方面的运用,最后总结并展望了未 来人工智能在很多方面可以为人类工作。 Artificial intelligence, in short for A.I, is a science of giving computers and machines ability to think like humans. The A.I scientists and engineers have made a lot of cool technologies. 42. What does the underlined word identify mean in the passage? A. catchB. recognizeC. controlD. realize 43. What can facial recognition be used for? A. Self-driving B. Recognizing the criminals C. Curing some disease D. Confirming the information 44. In what fields has the A.I technology been widely used ? A. Taxi driving. 考高分上名校就选思学佳 - B. Teaching you by robots in the family. C. Helping you cross the road. D. Paying by smiling to the smart phone. 45. Which is the best title ? A. A.I Used in Different Fields B. Hi-Tech Development C. Self-driving Car D. Robots Talking Like A Man 阅读部分名师点评 试题概述 近三年,在深圳中考英语100 分的试卷里,阅读共设5篇文章,20道选择题,每题1.5分,共 30分。所占分值之大,让每一位考生都不敢小觑,因此也就有了师生相互传说的“得阅读者 得天下”。故此每一年,阅读都是学生考试得分的关键,也是影响心态和情绪的重要因素。 纵观2018年深圳中考阅读题,大板块依然延续往年的命题规律,总体上题型相对稳定。 整体特点为: 1.体裁没有改动; 2.细节题分值所占比例更大; 3. 难度较往年更低。 具体分析 A篇阅读,属于图表类文章。介绍了四个主题宾馆。根据文章细节都能找出答案,难度不大。 B篇阅读,属于记叙文。讲述作者被狼追后米获救的事情。C篇阅读,属于中外文化交流类, 涉及到中国“新四大发明”之共享单午。考查了一个细节理解题和-一个主旨大意题。难度 也不是很大。D篇阅读,讲述了新能源汽车和充电桩。这也是最近的热门话题之一一。E篇也 为时文阅读,展望了未米人工智能在很多方面可以为人类工作,属于最近新闻热点问题。今 年阅读最明显的-一点是紧扣热门话题,和中学生日常生活息息相关。这就要求中学生平时 多观察生活,留意身边变化。能力考查方面还是以细节理解和推理判断为主。主旨大意题和 最佳标题分别一题。 第二部分非选择题(25分)IV.语法填空。(10 分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构或上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一一个适当的词或使用括 号中词语的正确形式填空。(共10小题,每小题1分) Recently, a foreign student in China gave a very touching answer to the question: What should China be proud of? It was 46.(wide) spread online. Emma is from Canada. She came to China four years ago. Now she is 47. University student in Ningbo. The following is China in her eyes. “48.(find) a job in China can be really simple. There are more job 49.(chance) here than any other country in the world.“ “Its public security is great. I 50.(travel) many countries so far, and I think China is really safe. “About 400 million Chinese are studying English. China has become the country 51.。has the greatest number of English speakers in non- English speaking countries.“ 考高分上名校就选思学佳 - “The speed of Chinese trains is high. On my 52.(three) visit to my friend in Beijing. I took a train there. From Ningbo 53. Beijing. The train runs 1,365 kilometers for only seven hours.“ “I think there 54.(be) many more things China should be proud of. I believe China must be much 55.(good) than other countries.“ 答案 46. widely考查形容词副词之间的转换 47saa考查不定冠词 48. Finding考查非谓语动词 49. chances考查名词复数 50. have traveled考查时态 51. that/which考查关系代词 52. third考查数词 53. to考查介词短语 54. will be考查时态 55. better考查形容词比较级 语法填空点评今年的语法填空,依然按照中考考纲要求,对考生的通篇理解能力和语法运 用能力进行了考核,考查的知识点分为两类:纯空格填空(考查冠词、代词、介词、连词)和 给词填空(考查时态语念、非谓语动词、词性转换),要求考生根据上下文逻辑关系和语法知 识来完成。今年的考题在文章篇幅以及难度上与去年相当,几乎没有生词,但是题目的难度 比去年简单,具体表现在以下几方面: 一均考查了不定冠词表示数量的用法; 二均考查了形容词和副词直接的转换,但是去年的terribly需要去掉e再加ly,比今年的 wide


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