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2014年职称英语考试综合类C级重点词汇addict: v. 使沉溺于(addict oneself to( = be addicted to) 沉溺于,热中于)in addition/加上, 又, 另外;in addition to/加上, 除外;additional adj.附加的, 另外的; 补充的address n.收信(件)人的住址 v. 对讲演或发表演说; (address a meeting 向大会致辞)adequate adj. 足够的,恰当的,胜任的 (be adequate for胜任)(adequate enough sufficient足够的)adjust v. 调整;调节; 使适应(adjust oneself to sth./使自己适应)admire v. 赞美;赞赏;(admire sb. for sth./因而钦佩某人)admit v. 让进入, 使获得(某种地位或特权), 承认(事实、错误等) (admit sb. into the university/获准入大学; admit sb. to hospital/把某人收治入院);adopt v. 采用, 采纳 (adopt take采用)adult n. 成年人 (adult grown-up成年人)advance v./n. 提高(物价等), 增加(数量、价钱等), 提前, 加速, 拨快(时针) (in advance/预先)(advance-increase增加(数量、价钱等) )advantage n. 优势, 长处, 利益, 便利 (take advantage of/利用,欺骗) (advantage - merit优点)adventure n. 冒险, 惊险活动 advertisement n. 广告(= ad.)advice n. 劝告, 忠告(a piece of advice/一条意见; give advice /提出忠告; take/follow ones advice /接受忠告)advise v. 建议, 提意见, 通知( advise sb. to do sth./劝某人做某事,advise sb. that/通知某人某事 = inform sb. that)(b级)advisable adj. 明智的, 可取的 (advisable sensible wise明智的)affair n. 事情件, 常用复 事务, 事态(affairs of state/国务; foreign affairs /外交事务 )affect v. 影响, 对起作用反应, 感动, 患(病) (affect influence have a bearing on影响)afford v. 常与can, could, be able to 连用 担负得起费用(损失、后果等)( cant afford to buy sth./买不起)afraid adj. 常作表语 怕, 害怕, 口恐怕( be afraid of/害怕, 担心; im afraid/口大概, 恐怕, 担心) (afraid fearful)africa n. 非洲after prep. 在以后,adv. 以后, 后来conj, 在以后again adv. 再一次, 又一次 again and again再三地, 反复地against: prep. 反对,敌对,逆, 碰,触, 以为背景(be against/反对)age n. 年龄 v. 变老(at the age of/时年岁; be of age(= come of age/)成年 ;ago adv. 以前,以往(long long ago很久很久以前, two days ago/两天前);agree v. 一致, 相合, 同意 (agree on/对意见一致; agree with sb. /同意某人的话; agree to do sth. 同意做 );agreement n. 一致, 同意, 协议(in agreement with /和一致);agriculture n.农业ahead adv.在前, 向前, 提前( ahead of/在之前;超过);aid v. 帮助, 援助 n. 帮助, 支援(aid sb. in sth./ 帮助某人做);(aid help帮助; aid device辅助设备)aim v. (常与at连用)瞄准, 对准, 以为目标n. 瞄准;目标(aim to do sth./致力于做;aim at doing sth./sth. /致力于做) ;air n. 空气, 天空(fresh air /新鲜空气; by air /乘飞机);airplane n. 飞机;airport n.航空站,机场 ;alarm n. 惊恐,担忧,报警器, 闹钟,警报v. 使担心,使惊恐alcohol n. 酒精;alike adj. 常作表语同样的, 相似的(look alike/看起来相似)alive adj. 活的,活着的( keep sth alive/让仍然活着 );(比较: alive(活的)不能作定语, 只能作表语和补语; living(活的) 可以作定语, 如: a living scientist 一位仍然还在世的科学家)all adj. 所有的, 全部的pron.全体, 全部, (与of连用)整体;全部(in all/总计; above all/首先,尤其是, all over/到处,遍及, after all/终究,毕竟, at all/完全, 根本, 究竟; after all/虽然这样, 毕竟);allow v. 允许,准许, 给予 (allow sb. to do sth./允许某人做)(allow permit允许)almost adv. 几乎;(almost nearly几乎,差不多)alone adj. 只作表语 单独的; 孤独的(be alone/独自一人, leave sb. alone/让某人独自呆一会)(比较: lonely(孤独的)可以用作表语)along prep. 沿着(walk along the river/沿着河走; all along/始终;一直 ;along with/与一道);aloud adv. 高声地,响亮地 (aloud loudly高声地)already adv. 表示现在或过去某时已发生的事实 已经also adv. 也, 同样, 而且(not onlybut also或 not onlybut/不仅而且); (also too as well也)alter v. 变更;改变,改换 (alter change改变)alternative n. 两者择一, 替换物, adj. 两者择一的,交替的;although adv. 尽管,虽然; (although though 虽然)always adv. 总是;a.m. adv. 上午amaze v. 使惊奇;使吃惊(be amazed at sth. /对感到惊奇);(amazed surprised astonished 感到惊讶的 )amazing adj. 令人吃惊的 (amazing surprising astonishing 令人吃惊的)ambition n. 野心, 雄心, 抱负;ambitious adj. 野心勃勃的,渴望的assembly n. 集合,装配,集会(assembly line/装配线);assess v. 评估(财产, 价值, 人物、工作等);(assess evaluate value评估)assist v. (在某方面)帮助,援助,协助 (assist sb. in doing sth/to do sth/在方面帮助某人)assistant n. 助手, 助理(assistant engineer/助理工程师; assistant professor/副教授);associate v. 结交, 由联想到, 把联系起来(associate one thing with another/把某一事与另一事联系起来; be associated with sth./和有关/和有联系):association n. 联合,协会, 社团:assume v. 假设(assume suppose ),承担(assume take on - acccept), 呈(态度, 姿态, 位置) (assume new duties/承担新的职务; assume office/就职; assume responsibility/负责, 承担责任);assure v. 保证 (assume - ensure) ,使安心,让放心 (assure sb. of/that/向某人保证)astonish v. 使吃惊(astonish surprise shock)(be astonished at sth. /对感到惊讶);astronaut n. 宇航员at prep.位置, 场所, 地点,时间在时,在中,在方面,向,(表示速度,价格等)以(arrive at/到达; at my uncles/在我叔父家;at the foottop of the mountain /在山脚下顶上; at the meeting/在会议上; at ten oclock/在十点钟; at (the age of) forty/在 40 岁的时候; at the beginning of the month/在月初; at christmas/在圣诞节; aim at/对准; throw at /朝扔;be pleased at/对感到高兴;be surprised frightened at /听到而吃惊; at ones request/应某人的请求; at the rate/speed of /以每小时速度);athlete: n. 运动员atlantic adj.大西洋的;大西洋沿岸的(the atlantic ocean /大西洋);atmosphere n. 大气, 空气, 气氛;attack n./v. 进攻, 疾病)侵袭,发作(a heart attack /心脏病发作);attach v. 贴上,系上,缚上(attach to 把贴/系在上面)attempt n. (常与at, on, to连用)努力, 尝试v. (常与to连用)企图, 尝试 (attempt to do sth./make an attempt to do sth. /试图做);attend v. 注意, 出席(at), 参加, 上(学, 教堂) ( attend school /上学; attend a lecture /听讲课; attend (at) a wedding /出席婚礼; be attended by/由陪同; 由照料);attention n.注意, 关心, 关注, 注意力( pay attention to /注意);attitude n.态度, 看法, 意见(attitude to/towards/对的态度, take assumed an attitude of 取态度);attract vt. 吸引(attract appeal to), 诱惑(attract ones attention/引起某人注意);attractive adj. 有吸引力的(attractive appealing ), 漂亮的(attractive beautiful pretty );attribute vt. 把归因于(to), n.属性, 特质, 标志(attribute to /把归因于);audience n. 听众, 观众, 读者(a large audience/很多观众);august n.八月(略作aug);aunt n. 伯母, 婶母, 舅母, 阿姨;australia n. 澳大利亚,澳洲:author n. 作家, 著者(best author畅销书作者; joint author/合著者);authority n. 权威, 权力, 权势, pl.当局, 负责人;automatic adj.自动的,机械的;automobile n.汽车,小汽车;autumn n. 秋, 秋季(美国普通称fall) (in autumn/在秋天; in (the)late autumn/在晚深秋);available adj.可用到的, 可利用的, 有用的, 有空的;常见的介词搭配结构形式:1.与常见动词形成的固定搭配; 如:depend on/ 依靠, rely on/依靠, look after/看管,照料, result from/ .由引起, result in/ 致使,造成的结果, protect from /保护不受到, preventfrom/ 防止遭受到, die of/from/ 死于, feed on /以为食, live on /靠活着2.与形容词,过去分词形成的固定搭配;如:afraid of/害怕, angry at/因某事生气,angry with /对某人发怒, aware of/知道,意识到,good at/善于,satisfied with/对感到满意。(请参考在有关形容词的讲义中所列举的“形容词+ 介词”的短语结构)3. 与名词搭配的形成的固定搭配; 如:ability of /做的能力curiosity about/对好奇 key/answer to/的答案, demand for/对的需要, struggle against/与作斗争值得我们注意的简单介词:about, above, after, against, along, among, around, as, at, behind, below, beside, besides, between, beyond, but, by, despite, down, except, for, in, like, near, off, on, opposite (opposite to), over, since, through, till, towards, to, under, until, up, with;值得我们注意的合成介词:inside, upon, into, within, outside, throughout;值得我们注意的成语介词:according to依照, except for除了, in front of在(地点)前面, instead of代替, on account of由于, due to由于, owing to由于;分词介词:considering考虑到, concerning有关, including包括, regarding关于介词短语在句子中可以作定语,状语,表语和补足语。作定语 Who is the girl in the blue dress?/那个穿着蓝衣服的女孩是谁?作状语 Of all kinds of electric motors this one is most widely used./在所有的电动机中这一台是最广泛使用的。作表语 These computers are of the same type./这些计算机是同类型的。作补足语 Everywhere you go, you will see machines at work./无论你到哪儿,你都会看见机器在工作。阅读下面的文章,注意介词结构的使用功能和含义:(From The Building of the Pyramids)The oldest stone buildings in the world are pyramids. They have stood for nearly 5,000 years, and it seems likely that they will continue to stand for thousands of years yet. There are over eighty of them scattered along the banks of the Nile, some of which are different in shape from the true pyramids. The most famous of these are the Step pyramids and the Bent pyramids.Some of the pyramids still look much the same as they must have done when they were built thousands of (固定搭配结构:数以千计的)years ago. Most of the damage suffered by the others has been at the hands of (固定搭配结构:由造成)men who were looking for (固定搭配结构:寻找


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