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胸腔积液总论,Pleural effusion,胸膜腔功能,减少肺与胸壁的摩擦 肺的机械保护和支持 负压调节心肺功能 肺内水肿液的吸收(高静水压高渗透压性肺水肿的25%由胸膜吸收),胸膜腔,两层胸膜并不相互接触 脏层胸膜无神经纤维,胸腔内压,胸腔内压 肺弹性回缩力 功能 残气位 5CMH2O 肺总量位-30CMH20 肺顺应性下降,胸腔负压增加 立位时胸膜腔压力梯度每垂直下移1CM压力增加0.5,而两肺肺泡内压相同.肺内通气顺序上肺区先进后出,下肺区后进先出,胸水形成,传统 正常人胸腔内有315ml液体,人体每天胸膜腔可有0.51L液体通过。胸液中的蛋白质主要经由淋巴管进入胸导管。 新论 壁层胸膜缓慢产生,经壁层胸膜间皮间2-12UM小孔,直接引流入淋巴管。每日100-200。 脏层胸膜对胸水产生吸收不起作用 。 正常胸水0.3ml/kg,低渗,交换量0.15ml/kg/h,最大流量30ml/h 由胸膜腔尖顶区壁层胸膜产生 胸膜腔基底区横膈纵膈壁层胸膜重吸收 淋巴管微孔 单向活 作用 胸液的滤过量超过胸膜最大淋巴流量时产生胸水,胸腔积液量,0.30.5L时,X线仅见肋膈角变钝; 少于0.3L时症状多不明显; 若超过0.5L,患者渐感胸闷。,机制,胸液循环与有关压力(cmH2O)关系示意图,34,胸腔积液与吸收的机制,病因学,一、胸膜毛细血管内静水压增高,充血性心力衰竭 缩窄性心包炎 血容量增加 上腔静脉或奇静脉受阻,二、胸膜毛细血管通透性增加,胸膜炎症(结核病、肺炎) 结缔组织病(SLE、类风湿关节炎) 胸膜肿瘤(恶性肿瘤转移、间皮瘤) 肺梗死 膈下炎症(膈下脓肿、肝脓肿、胰腺炎),三、胸膜毛细血管内胶体渗透压降低,低蛋白血症 肝硬化 肾病综合征、急性肾小球肾炎 粘液性水肿,四、壁层胸膜淋巴引流障碍,癌症淋巴管阻塞 发育性淋巴管引流异常,五、损伤所致胸腔内出血,主动脉瘤破裂 食管破裂 胸导管破裂等 产生血胸、脓胸、乳糜胸,病因,恶性 45 CHF 12 感染 22 结核 10 细菌 9 病毒 1 真菌 1 脓胸1 寄生虫 1 肺栓 3 肝变 2 胶原 1 其它 5,Frequency In the US,Pleural effusion affects 1.3 million individuals each year congestive heart failure, 500,000; bacterial pneumonia, 300,000 (uncomplicated, 270,000;complicated, 30,000); malignancy, 200,000 pulmonary embolus, 150,000; cirrhosis with ascites, 50,000 pancreatitis, 20,000 collagen vascular disease, 6,000 and tuberculosis, 2,500.,Transudative pleural effusion,Congestive heart failure (most common transudative effusion) Hepatic cirrhosis with and without ascites Nephrotic syndrome Peritoneal dialysis/continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis Hypoproteinemia (eg, severe starvation) Glomerulonephritis Superior vena cava obstruction Fontan procedure Urinothorax,Exudative pleural effusion,Malignant disorders - Metastatic disease to the pleura or lungs, primary lung cancer, mesothelioma, Kaposi sarcoma, lymphoma, leukemia Infectious diseases - Bacterial, fungal, parasitic, and viral infections; infection with atypical organisms such as Mycoplasma, Rickettsiae, Chlamydia, Legionella GI diseases and conditions - Pancreatic disease (acute or chronic disease, pseudocyst, pancreatic abscess), Whipple disease, intraabdominal abscess (eg, subphrenic, intrasplenic, intrahepatic), esophageal perforation (spontaneous/iatrogenic), abdominal surgery, diaphragmatic hernia, endoscopic variceal sclerotherapy Collagen vascular diseases - Rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, drug-induced lupus syndrome (procainamide, hydralazine, quinidine, isoniazid, phenytoin, tetracycline, penicillin, chlorpromazine), immunoblastic lymphadenopathy (angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy), Sj鰃ren syndrome, familial Mediterranean fever, Churg-Strauss syndrome, Wegener granulomatosis Benign asbestos effusion Meigs syndrome - Benign solid ovarian neoplasm associated with ascites and pleural effusion Drug-induced primary pleural disease - Nitrofurantoin, dantrolene, methysergide, bromocriptine, amiodarone, procarbazine, methotrexate, ergonovine, ergotamine, oxprenolol, maleate, practolol, minoxidil, bleomycin, interleukin-2, propylthiouracil, isotretinoin, metronidazole, mitomycin Injury after cardiac surgery (Dressler syndrome) - Injury reported after cardiac surgery, pacemaker implantation, myocardial infarction, blunt chest trauma, angioplasty Uremic pleuritis Yellow nail syndrome Ruptured ectopic pregnancy Electrical burns,pleural fluid with exudative or transudative characteristics,Pulmonary embolism Hypothyroidism Diuresed transudate Pericardial disease (inflammatory or constrictive) Atelectasis Trapped lung (usually a borderline exudate) Sarcoidosis (usually an exudate) Amyloidosis Miscellaneous conditions Hemothorax Following coronary artery bypass graft surgery After lung or liver transplant Milk of calcium pleural effusion - Colloidal suspension of precipitated calcium salts Acute respiratory distress syndrome Systemic cholesterol emboli Iatrogenic misplacement of lines or tubes into the mediastinum or the pleural space - Insertion or reinsertion of percutaneous central venous catheter, infusion of enteral formula through misplaced nasogastric or nasoenteric feeding tubes, translumbar aortography Radiation pleuritis Necrotizing sarcoid granulomatosis Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome Postpartum pleural effusion (immediate or delayed) Rupture of a silicone bag mammary prosthesis Rupture of a benign germ cell tumor into the pleural space (eg, benign mediastinal teratoma) Syphilis Echinococcosis,症状,Dyspnea,Dyspnea is the most common clinical symptom at presentation. It indicates a large effusion (usually not 500 mL). It is reported to occur in 50% of patients with malignant pleural effusions. However, other factors (eg, underlying lung disease, cardiac dysfunction, anemia) also may contribute to the development of dyspnea.,Chest pain,Chest pain may be mild or severe; it typically is described as sharp or stabbing, is exacerbated with deep inspiration, and is pleuritic. Pain may be localized to the chest wall or referred to the ipsilateral shoulder or upper abdomen (frequently seen with malignant mesothelioma), usually because of diaphragmatic involvement. It often diminishes in intensity as the pleural effusion increases in size. Chest pain signifies pleural irritation, which can aid in the diagnosis of the cause of the effusion, since most transudative effusions do not cause direct pleural irritation.,检查,诊断性胸腔穿刺,除非 10mm/CHF/双侧积液,外观,漏出液透明清亮,不凝固,比重1.018。 脓性胸液若为大肠杆菌或厌氧菌感染常有臭味。尿味是尿素胸; 血性胸液呈程度不同的洗肉水样或静脉血样;乳状胸液为乳糜胸;巧克力色应考虑阿米巴肝脓肿破溃入胸腔的可能;黑色胸液可能为曲菌感染。 浑浊胸水离心后上清液沉清,可能是脓性; 混浊可能是乳糜性,pH,PH7.3 感染性、类风关、食道破裂、肿瘤 pH7.00者仅见于脓胸以及食管破裂所致 肺炎旁积液pH7.0,需引流 恶性pH7.0,提示细胞阳性率高,胸膜硬化可能无效,预后差。,葡萄糖,漏出液与大多数渗出液葡萄糖含量正常; 3.35mmol/L 恶性、类风关及结核性、化脓性胸腔积液。 风湿()化脓()最低 肿瘤很少降低 下降提示累及广泛。,蛋白质,渗出液的蛋白含量,胸液/血清比值大于0.5。蛋白含量30g/L时,胸液比重约为1.018。 漏出液蛋白含量较低(30g/L),以白蛋白为主,粘蛋白试验(Rivalta试验)阴性。,细胞,漏出液细胞数常少于100106/L,以淋巴细胞与间皮细胞为主。 渗出液的白细胞常超过500106/L。 脓胸时白细胞多达1000106/L以上。 中性粒细胞增多时提示为急性炎症;,红细胞,胸液中红细胞超过5109/L时,可呈淡红色,多由恶性肿瘤或结核 红细胞超过100109/L时应考虑创伤、肿瘤或肺梗死。 血胸: 瘤1.11,非特异性 0.82, TB 0.6,细胞学,结核性胸液 淋巴细胞80-100%,小淋为主,少数为间皮,中性粒少。 肝硬化 同腹水,以细胞成份少为特点,可见少量淋巴 间皮 SLE 偶 狼瘊细胞,少量炎症 间皮细胞 系统性红斑狼疮并发胸积液时,其胸液中抗核抗体滴度可达1:160以上,且易找到狼疮细胞 恶性 腺癌占80%, 鳞癌2-3%,其它乳腺纵隔淋巴瘤,间皮瘤,细胞学间皮细胞,大量有肿瘤,肺梗,CT病,漏出液多见 5%不会是结核 结核性胸液中常低于1。,中性粒,50%,提示胸膜急性炎症 肺炎旁、胰腺炎、肺栓塞中中性粒占优,而肿瘤仅,结核。,嗜酸细胞,寄生虫感染或结缔组织病时常增多占10-20%以上 5% 血气胸,肺梗,过後性疾病炎症,反复抽水,霉菌,石棉肺,药物性 恶性肿瘤 亦是常见原因(嗜酸性积液),淋巴细胞,淋巴细胞为主提示慢性炎症,为结核性或恶性;结核病90-95%,75%常为结核 其它:0.5 肿瘤,淋巴瘤,慢性感染,类风关,黄甲S,结节病,乳糜胸,病原,胸液涂片查找细菌及培养,有助于病原诊断。 结核性胸膜炎胸液沉淀后作结核菌培养,阳性率仅20 巧克力色脓液应镜检阿米巴滋养体。,病原学,除脓胸,胸水不查TB 培养阳性率,涂片,细胞学,恶性阳性率60% 转移性腺癌70%,间皮瘤10%鳞癌20%淋巴瘤25-50%,肉瘤25% 流式细胞仪,酶LDH,胸液LDH活性可反映胸膜炎症的程度,其值越高,表明炎症越明显。 LDH含量增高,大于200U/L,且胸液LDH/血清LDH比值大于0.6,提示为渗出液, LDH 500U/L常提示为恶性肿瘤或胸液已并发细菌感染。 进行性增加提示炎症加重,否则不必积极检查,CEA,恶性胸液中CEA水平升高较血清早且显著。 20ng/ml,胸液/血浆1,应疑及恶性 有认为胸液CEA特异性90%,敏感性40%,铁蛋白,恶性胸液中铁蛋白含量增高,腺苷脱氨酶(ADA),TB50% 敏感性94%,特异性能 0.90 45% 排除结核性的敏感性和特异性100%,胸液淀粉酶,食道破裂,急性胰腺炎,恶性肿瘤等。,免疫学检查,结核性与恶性胸腔积液时,T淋巴细胞增高,尤以结核性胸膜炎为显著可高达90,且以T4(CD+4)为主。 恶性胸腔积液中的T细胞功能受抑,其对自体肿瘤细胞的杀伤活性明显较外周血淋巴细胞为低,提示恶性胸腔积液患者胸腔层局部免疫功能呈抑制状态。 系统性红斑狼疮及类风湿关节炎引起的胸腔积液中补体C3、C4成分降低,且免疫复合物的含量增高。,胸膜活检,胸膜活检针 Abrams Cope两种 鉴别有无肿瘤(阳性率3975%,57%)及判定胸膜肉芽肿性病变(结核性7080%,75%)有一定帮助。 脓胸或有出血倾向者不宜作胸膜活检。,胸膜活检,肉芽肿患者95%是结核性 其它原因 真菌,结节病 类风关,FOB,有咳嗽 咯血 肺内病变者,胸腔镜,病因诊断率95.4% 恶性积液诊断率9396%,超声检查,渗出液与漏出液的鉴别,外观 凝固性 比重 1.016 25%误差 蛋白定量 2.5-3.0 10%误差 Rivalta 渗出液占60% 漏出液30.8% 40%误差 细胞数 100-500 PH 糖 感染、风湿性积液尤低,渗出液与漏出液,是诊断第一步 如是漏出液,排除CHF、肝硬化、肺栓塞,无需更多检查,CHF不必抽胸水。,Light标准1972年,1.胸液LDH 正常血清上限之2/3 2.胸液LDH/血清LDH0.6 3.胸液蛋白/血清蛋白0.5 1个或以上则为渗出液, 鉴定渗出液98%的敏感,83%特异(漏出液可能误为渗出),其它标准,Roth标准 胸水白蛋白血清蛋白1.2g/dl Hamm&Valdes 胸水胆固醇55mg/dl Meiset 胸水胆红素/血清胆红素0.6渗出液,渗出性胸液,1 结核性胸膜炎 2 癌性胸膜炎: 肺癌,胸膜间皮瘤,乳腺癌,淋巴瘤 3 肺炎伴发胸膜炎 4 化脓性胸膜炎 5 肺吸虫肠膜炎 6 结缔组织病胸膜炎: 风湿,类风湿,SLE 7 乳糜性胸膜炎: 结核 丝虫,外伤,纵隔瘤, 淋巴瘤 8 胆固醇性胸膜炎: 结核 糖尿病,梅毒,癌瘤,漏出性胸液,1 左心衰竭 2 肝硬化 3 肾功能衰竭 4 低蛋白血症,一侧肺野密度增高,1 一侧全肺不张 2 一侧全肺肺炎 3 广泛胸膜增厚 肺硬变 4 弥漫性间皮瘤 5 巨大良性瘤 畸胎瘤 6 损毁肺并胸膜增厚,Extrapleural sign原因,Expanding Rib lesions Metastasis Callous Fracture with Hemorrhage Plasmacytoma浆细胞瘤 Neurofibroma Mesothelioma 间皮瘤 Plumbage,左侧胸水特殊原因,unique considerations for left sided pleural effusion: Dissecting Aneurysm of Aorta Esophageal rup


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