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Contract for the International Sale of Goods (for FOB terms)中外货物买卖合同(FOB条款)买方The Buyer: 地址Address: 邮码 Zip Code: 电话Tel: 法定代表人Legal Representative: 职务Title: 卖方The Seller: 地址Address: 邮码 Zip Code: 电话Tel: 法定代表人Legal Representative: 职务Title: 买卖双方遵循平等、自愿、互利、互惠原则协商并达成如下协议,共同信守。The Contract is entered into through friendly negotiations between the Buyer and the Seller on the basis of voluntary equality, mutual benefit and reciprocity and shall be abided by. 第一条 品名、规格、数量及单位 Article One Name of Goods, Specifications, Quantity and Unit 品名Name of Goods 规格Specifications 数量Quantity 单位 Unit 单价Unit Price第二条 合同总值 Article Two Contract Price第三条 原产国别及制造厂商 Article Three Country of Origin and the Manufacturer第四条 装运港 Article Four Port of Shipment第五条 目的港 Article Five Port of Destination第六条 装运期 Article Six Date of Shipment 分运Partial Shipment: 转运Transshipment:第七条 包装 Article Seven Packaging 所供货物必须由卖方妥善包装,适合远洋和长途陆路运输,防潮、防湿、防震、防锈、耐野蛮装卸。任何由于卖方包装不善而造成的损失由卖方负担。All supplied goods must be well packed by the Seller for making them seaworthy and suitable for long-distance inland transportation. Measures must be also adopted against moisture, water, shock, rust and rough unloading operation. The Seller shall be held liable for any losses due to its improper packaging.第八条 唛头 Article Eight Shipping Marks 卖方须用不褪色油漆于每件包装上印刷包装编号、尺码、净重、提吊位置及“此端向上”、“小心轻放”、“切勿受潮”等字样及下列唛头:The Sell shall print with fadeless paint the packing number, measurement, net weight, hooking position and the words such as “ Upward This End”, “Handle With Care”, “Moisture Prohibited” on each case as well as the following marks: 第九条 保险 Article Nine Insurance 装运后由买方投保。The Buyer shall be responsible for the insurance after shipment.第十条 付款条件 Article Ten Terms of Payment1.买方在装运期前30天,开立以卖方为受益人的不可撤销信用证,其金额为合同总值的在 %计 。 行收到下列单证经核对无误后,承付信用证款项(如果分运,应按分运比例承付)。The Buyer shall open an irrevocable letter of credit in favor of the Seller 30 days prior to the shipment, with the value being _% of the contract price, amounting to _. After receiving and verifying the following documents and receipts, _ (bank) shall accept and pay the letter of credit (as for partial shipment, payment shall be made in accordance with the proportion of partial shipment).a.全套可议付已装船清洁海运提单,外加两套副本,注明“运费待收”,空白抬头,空白背书,已通知到货口岸 运输公司。A full set of negotiable clean on board ocean bills of lading, with another two sets in duplicate, made out to order and blank endorsed marked “Freight To Collect”, and notifying the transportation company at the port of destination. b.商业发票一式五份,注明合同号,信用证号和唛头。Five copies of commercial invoices, indicating the contract number, the L/C number and the shipping marks.c.装箱单一式四份,注明每包装物数量,毛重和净重。Four copies of packing lists, indicating the quantity, gross weight and net weight of each case.d.由制造厂家出具并由卖方签署的品质证明书一式三份。Three copies of quality certificates issued by the manufacturer and signed by the Seller.e.提供全套技术文件的确认书一式两份。Two copies of confirmations of full set of technical documents.2.卖方在装船后10天内,须挂号航空邮寄三套上述文件,一份寄买方,两份寄目的港 运输公司。Within 10 days after the shipment, the Seller shall send by registered airmail one set of the abovementioned documents to the Buyer and two sets to the transportation company at the port of destination.3. 银行收到合同中规定的,经双方签署的验收证明后,承付合同总值的 %,金额为 。_(bank), after receiving the inspection certificate, as defined in the Contract , that was signed by the two parties, will pay_% of the contract price, amounting to _. 4.买方在付款时,有权按合同第十六、十九条规定扣除应由卖方支付的延期罚款金额。When effecting the payment, the Buyer has the right to deduct the penalty that shall be paid by the Buyer for delayed delivery, in accordance with stipulations of Article Sixteen and Article Nineteen of the Contract.5.一切在中国境内的银行费用均由方承担,一切在中国境外的银行费用均由方承担。All bank charges occurred within the PRC shall be assumed by the Seller, while all those occurred outside the PRC shall be undertaken by the Buyer.第十一条 装运条款 Article Eleven Terms of Delivery1.卖方必须在装运期前+,天,用电报-电传向买方通知合同号、货物品名、数量、发票金额、件数、毛重、尺码及备货日期,以便买方安排订仓。Ten days prior to the date of shipment, the Seller shall inform the Buyer by tele-transmission of the contract number, name and quantity of goods, invoice value, number of cases, gross weight, measurements and date of stocking up so as to enable the latter to arrange for the order of the shipping space.2.如果货物任一包装达到或超过重 吨,长 米,宽 米,高 米,卖 方应在装船前50天,向买方提供五份包装图纸,说明详细尺码和每件重量,以便买方安排运输。If any of the cases amounts to or exceeds the standards of _ tonne, _ in length, _ in width and/or _ in high, the Seller shall provide the Buyer 50 days prior to the shipment with five copies of the packing drawings, indicating detailed measurements and the weight of each case, so as to enable the Buyer to arrange for transportation.3.买方须在预计船抵达装运港日期前10天,通知卖方船名,预计装船日期,合同号和装运港船方代理,以便卖方安排装船。如果需要更改载装船只,提前或推后船期,买方或船方代理应及时通知卖方。如果货船未能在买方通知的抵达日期后30天内到达装运港,从第31天起,在装运港所发生的一切仓储和保险费由买方承担。 Ten days prior to the estimated time of arrival (ETA) of its vessel at the port of shipment, the Buyer shall inform the Seller of the name of the vessel, estimated date of shipment, contract number and name of the shipping agent so as to enable the Seller to arrange for shipment. If needing to change vessel, advance or postpone the date of shipment, the Buyer or its shipping agent shall inform the Seller immediately. In case the vessel fails to arrive at the port of shipment within 30 days beginning from the ETA, the Buyer shall assume all the storage expenses and insurance premium thus sustained at the port from the thirty-first day.4.船按期抵达装运港后,如果卖方未能备货待装,一切空仓费和滞期费由卖方承担。Should the Seller fails to stock up the goods after the Buyers vessel arrives at the port of shipment, the Seller shall undertake all expenses such as dead freight, demurrage, etc.5.在货物越过船舷脱离吊钩前,一切风险及费用由卖方承担。在货物越过船舷脱离吊钩后,一切风险及费用由买方承担。Before the goods getting away the hook and crossing the shipboard, all risks and expenses shall be assumed by the Seller. The Buyer shall undertake all the risks and expenses after the goods getting away the hook and crossing the shipboard.6.卖方在货物全部装运完毕后48小时内,须以电报-电传通知买方合同号、货物品名、数量、毛重、发票金额、载货船名和启运日期。如果由于卖方未及时电告买方,以致货物未及时保险而发生的一切损失由卖方承担。Within 48 hours after completion of loading of goods on board the vessel, the Seller shall advise the Buyer by tele-transmission of the contract number, name of goods, quantity, gross weight, invoice value, name of vessel and sailing date. Should the Buyer be made unable to arrange insurance in time due to the Sellers failure to give the above-mentioned advise of shipment by tele-transmission, the Seller shall be held responsible for any and all damages and/or losses caused by such failure. 第十二条 技术文件 Article Twelve Technical Documents1.下述全套英文本技术文件应随货物发运:The following full set of technical documents in English shall be enclosed with the goods:a.基础设计图。Basic design drawings.b.接线说明书、电路图和气-液压连接图。Wire connection instruction, circuit diagram and gas-liquid connection diagram.c.易磨损件制造图纸和说明书。Shop drawings and instruction of parts easily to be worn.d.零备件目录。List of parts and spare parts.e.安装、操作和维修说明书。Instructions for installation, operation and repairing.2.卖方应在签订合同后60天内,向买方或用户挂号航空邮寄本条第1款规定的技术文件,否则买方有权拒开信用证或拒付货款。Within 60 days after signing the Contract, the Seller shall register and airmail to the Buyer or User the technical documents defined in the Article One. Otherwise, the Buyer has to right to reject to open an L/C or reject to pay the goods.第十三条 安装指导 Article Thirteen Installation Guide第十四条 保质条款 Article Fourteen Warranty 卖方保证货物系用上等的材料和一流工艺制成、崭新、未曾使用,并在各方面与合同规定的质量、规格和性能相一致,在货物正确安装、正常操作和维修情况下,卖方对合同货物的正常使用给予 天的保证期,此保证期从货物到达起开始计算。The Seller guarantees the high quality of the workmanship and materials of its supplied goods that shall also be new and unused, and ensures the conformity of quality, specifications and performance of the goods to those stipulated in the Contract. Under the circumstances that the goods are correctly installed, operated and repaired, the Seller makes a guarantee of _ days for the contracted goods, with the guarantee period beginning from the arrival date of the goods. 第十五条 检验条款 Article Fifteen Terms of Inspection1.卖方/制造厂必须在交货前全面、准确地检验货物的质量、规格和数量,签发质量证书,证明所交货物与合同中有关条款规定相符,但此证明书不作为货物的质量、规格、性能和数量的最后依据,卖方或制造厂商应将记载检验细节和结果的书面报告附在质量证明书内。The Seller/Manufacturer must completely and correctly inspect the quality, specifications and quantity of the goods to be delivered, and issue a certificate of quality proving that the goods are in line with relevant stipulations in the Contract. However, the certificate shall by no means be the final evidence in terms of the quality, specifications and quantity of the goods. The Seller or Manufacturer shall enclose with the certificate a written presentation recording inspection details and conclusion.2.在货物抵达目的港之后,买方须申请中国商品检验局(以下称商检局)就货物质量、规格和数量进行初步检验并签发检验证明书,如果商检局的检验发现到货的质量、规格或数量与合同不符,除应由保险公司或船方负责者外,买方在货物到港 天内有权拒收货物,向卖方提出索赔After arrival of the goods at the port of destination, the Buyer shall apply for an initial inspection by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the CCIB)in terms of the quality, specifications and quantity and issue an Inspection Certificate. In case the quality, specifications or quantity of the goods be found not in conformity with those stipulated in the Contract, within _ days after the arrival of the goods, the Buyer has the right to reject the goods delivered and/or lodge claims against the Seller for compensation of losses upon the strength of Inspection Certificate, with the exception of those claims for which the insurer or owner of the carrying vessel are liable.3.如果发现货物质量和规格与合同规定不符,或货物在合同第十四条所规定的保证期内证明有缺陷,包括内在的缺陷或使用不良的原材料,买方将安排商检局检验,并有权依据商检证书向卖方索赔。In case the quality and specifications of the goods be found not in conformity with those stipulated in the Contract, or the goods be proved defective within the period of warranty defined in Article Fourteen of the Contract, including intrinsic defects or low-quality raw materials, the Buyer will arrange for the CCIB for an inspection and are entitled to lodge claims for compensation upon the strength of the Inspection Certificate.4.如果由于某种不能预料的原因,在合同有效期内检验证书不及办妥,买方须电告卖方延长商检期限 天。If the Inspection Certificate can be made within the term of the Contract due to certain unexpected reason, the Seller shall advise the Seller by tele-transmission of an extension of commodity inspection of _ days.第十六条 索赔 Article Sixteen Claims1.卖方对货物不符合本合同规定负有责任且买方按照本合同第十四条和第十五条规定,在检验和质量保证期内提出索赔时,卖方在征得买方同意后,可按下列方法之一种或几种理赔:The Seller shall undertake the responsibility for the inconformity of the goods with relevant stipulations of the Contract. When the Buyer lodges a claim for compensation within the inspection period or the period of warranty in accordance with Article Fourteen and Article Fifteen, the Seller, after getting the Buyers consents, can settle the claim through one or more of the ways hereunder:a.同意买方退货,并将所退货物金额用合同规定的货币偿还买方,并承担买方因退货而蒙受的一切直接损失和费用,包括利息、银行费用、运费、保险费、检验费、仓储、码头装卸及监管保护所退货物的一切其他必要的费用。 Agrees to the Buyers goods rejection and repays the Buyer for the rejected goods in currency stipulated in the Contract and undertakes all the direct losses and expenses of the Buyer incurred by the rejection, including interest, bank charges, freight, insurance premium, inspection fee, storage fee, loading fee, and all the other necessary expenses for supervising and safekeeping the rejected goods.b.按照货物的质量低劣程度、损失程度和买方蒙受损失的金额将货物贬值。Devalues the rejected goods in accordance with the quality and damage conditions of the goods and the losses suffered by the Buyer. c.用符合合同规定、质量和性能的部件替换有瑕疵部件,并承担买方所蒙受的一切直接损失和费用,新替换部件的保质期须相应延长。Replaces the defective parts with those complying with the quality and performance stipulations of the Contract and assumes all the direct losses and expenses the Buyer suffered. The warranty period of the replaced parts shall be prolonged correspondingly.2.卖方在收到买方索赔书后一个月之内不予答复,则视为卖方接受索赔。The Seller, if not respond to the Buyers letter of claim within one month, shall be regarded as accepting the claim.第十七条 不可抗力 Article Force Majeure 1.签约双方中任何一方受不可抗力所阻无法履约,履约期限则应按不可抗力影响履约的期限相应延长。If any of the signed parties is impeded by force majeure from honoring the Contract, the contract term shall be prolonged based on the period the force majeure affected the term.2.受阻方应在不可抗力发生或终止时尽快电告另一方,并在事故发生后14天内将有关当局出具的事故证明书挂号航空邮寄给另一方认可。Once the force majeure occurred and/or the effect of force majeure ended, the impeded party shall inform by tele-transmission the other party as soon as possible and, within 14 days after the happening of the events, send by registered airmail the Certificate of Event issued by relevant authorities to the other party for confirmation. 3.如果不可抗力事故持续超过120天,另一方有权用挂号航空邮寄书面通知,通知受阻方终止合同,通知立即生效。If the force majerure causes last over120days, the other party shall have the right to terminate the contract by advising the impeded party by registered airmail. The advice shall come into effect immediately.第十八条 仲裁 Article Eighteen Arbitration 双方对执行合同时发生的一切争执均应通过友好协商解决,如果不能解决,则提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,根据该会的仲裁程序进行仲裁。All disputes in connection with this Contract or the execution thereof shall be amicably settled through negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached between the two parties, the case under dispute shall be submitted to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for arbitration, which shall be executed in accordance with the arbitration procedure of the Commission. 仲裁机构的裁决具有最终效力,双方必须遵照执行,仲裁费用由败诉方承担,除非仲裁机构另有裁定。The decision made by the Arbitration Commission shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties. The fees for arbitration shall be borne by the losing party, except otherwise ruled by the Commission. 仲裁期间,双方须继续执行合同中除争议部分之外的其他条款。During the period of arbitration, both parties must continue to perform other clauses of the Contract free from the dispute.第十九条 延期和罚款 Article Nineteen Delay and Penalty 如果卖方不能按合同规定及时交货,除因不可抗力者外,若卖方同意支付延期罚款,买方应同意延期交货。罚款通过在议付行付款时扣除,但罚款总额不超过延期货物总值的5%罚款率按每星期0.5%计算,少于7天者按7天计。如果卖方交货延期超过合同规定船期10个星期时,买方有权取消合同。尽管取消了合同,但卖方仍须立即向买方交付上述规定罚款。 In case the Seller not able to deliver the goods in time in accordance with the Contract, but not because of force majeure, the Buyer shall agree to delay the delivery of goods if the Seller agrees to pay for the delay. The penalty will be deducted when the negotiating bank effects the payment of goods, but the total penalty shall not exceed 5% of the total value of the delayed goods. The penalty shall be calculated on the basis of 0.5% for one week, with the delay under 7 days being counted as 7 days. In case the delay of delivery is 10 weeks above the contract-stipulated term, the Buyer has the right to cancel the Contract. Even the cancellation, the Seller shall still pay the abovementioned penalty immediately to the Buyer.第二十条 适用法律 Article Twenty Applicable Law本合同适用中华人民共和国法律。Laws of the PRC are applicable to the Contract.第二十一条 附加条款 Article Twenty-One Additional Clauses1 本合同有效期为_年。 The term of validity of the Contract is _ year(s). 2 本合同用中英文两种文字写成,若买卖双方对文字内容有不同理解时以中文文字为准。本合同正本一式四份,买卖双方各二份。 The Contract is written in both Chinese and English. In case the two parties have different understanding of the contents of the Contract, the Chinese version shall be regarded as the final effective version. The Contract is made in four copies, with each party holding two copies. 3 本合同的附件为本合同不可分割的组成部分,与合同


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