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初中英语教学技能 与课堂教学实践,扬州市邗江区教研室 滕家庆,前面的话:,课程改革是时代发展的必然; 能否实施新课程与教师的素质密切相关; 在诸多素质要素中,教学技能的突出位置毋庸置疑; 高效课堂需要教师有高超的教学技能; 教学技能的提高源于课堂教学实践。, 技能的基本概念 课堂教学技能分类例述 教学实践中的教学技能例举,第一部分 技能的基本概念,一、课程改革的基本理念 二、初中英语教学技能的内涵 三、对初中英语教学技能的理解,一、课程改革的基本理念,1. 面向全体学生,注重素质教育 2. 整体设计目标,体现灵活多样 3. 突出学生主体,尊重个性差异 4. 采用活动途径,倡导参与教学 5. 注重过程评价,促进学生发展 6. 开发课程资源,拓展学用渠道,二、初中英语教学技能的内涵,技能的一般含义 技能就是通过练习形成的,按一定规则或操作程序顺利完成某种任务的能力。技能是通过练习而形成的合乎法则的活动方式。 它具有如下几个基本特点: 技能是通过学习和练习而形成的; 技能是一种活动方式; 技能中的各动作要素及其执行顺序要体现活动本身的客观法则的要求; 不是一般的习惯动作。,初中英语教学技能,备课:教材处理、学情分析、目标确立、资源准备、活动设计 上课:课堂导入、新知呈现、巩固操练、拓展运用、反馈评价 评价:学业评定、听课评课,如:目标的确立,严格意义上的教学目标应该包含: 行为主体(Audience) 行为(Behavior)动词 行为条件(Condition) 表现程度(Degree) 简称四要素 如:By the end of the period, students should be able to retell the text by answering the following two questions in their own words: 1 2,三、对初中英语教学技能的理解,1. 英语教学技能建立在知识(语言知识、语言学习的理论知识)基础之上 2. 英语教学技能是可以后天获得的 3. 英语教学技能与英语教学目标相关联 4. 英语教学技能要具有可操作性 5. 英语教学技能随英语教学的变化而发展,第二部分 课堂教学技能分类例述,课堂导入技能 新知呈现技能 巩固操练技能 拓展运用技能 反馈评价技能,指令清楚是必备的技能,是运用其他技能的前提,如:,Now, according to the pictures in your hands, you will do questions and answers in pairs. Those who are in Line one, Three and Five are going to ask questions. Those who are in Line Two, Four and Six are going to give answers. Are you clear? Well, who are going to give answers, please put up your hands. Good! Students in Line One, Three and Five, what are you going to do? (We are going to ask questions.) Very good! Now please do it in pairs.,要有课堂话语运用技能的意识,教师的授课话语常常呈现两种基本的语言结构纵向结构和横向结构。 纵向结构是指教师通过层层设问、逐步递进、环环相扣、多角度阐述来呈现、传授新知识,突破教学重点和难点,进而形成递进式结构,以达到让学生掌握所学知识的目的。 横向结构是指教师在教学新知识后为了让学生扎实掌握所学的新知识,暂时不把课堂活动向纵深推进,而在同一语言平台上对所学内容进行操练和巩固。 新授内容宜多用纵向结构的课堂话语,而复习内容则宜选用横向结构的课堂话语为主。,如:复习方位介词 T:(盒子里放着一本书)Can you see whats in the box? S: Sorry, I cant. T: Well, theres a book in the box and you cant see it. And where else?You cant see the book. (把书放于盒子的不同位子) S: Erwe cant see the book below / inside / behind the box. T:(把盒子里的书拿出,放在盒子上)Now, can you see whats on the box? S: Yes. I can see the book on the box. T: Great, and where else can you see the book? (把书放于盒子的不同位子) S: In front of / next to / outside / besidethe box we can see the book.,一、课堂导入技能,把学生引入到特定的英语语言环境之中,引导学生迅速进入学习状态 有效导入的特点: 1. 把学生的注意力从课外吸引到课内,使学生进入良好的学习状态; 2. 能激活学生已有的知识,建立新旧知识的联系; 3. 能激发学生的学习兴趣,营造良好的英语学习氛围,为新知识的呈现做好热身和铺垫。,不恰当的课堂导入:,1. 时间过长,偏离主题; 2. 形式单一,缺乏趣味; 3. 忽略学生实际,注重教师预设; 4. 忽视学生的认知水平,缺乏情景创设。,常见的导入方法(强调话语的作用),复习导入 预习导入 谈话导入 直观导入 媒体导入 故事导入 游戏导入 歌曲导入 背景导入 时事导入 悬念导入,例1. 8A Unit 3 Vocabulary,本课时主要学习两个部分: 1. Things to do in Beijing 2. How do we get there?,T: Morning, class! S: Morning, Miss Wang! T: Tomorrow is weekend, do you have any ideas about going traveling? T: (教师询问一名学生)Where will you go? S1: Stay at home. T: (教师询问另一名学生) What about you? Do you want to travel anywhere? S2: I will stay at home too. Because I have a lot of homework to do. T: (又问另一名学生) Where are you going? S3: MaybeI dont know. Maybe I will go to Shanghai. T: Now suppose you will go to Beijing tomorrow. Please discuss in groups about: How will you go to Beijing? What places of interest will you visit in Beijing? What things will you see at these places of interest in Beijing?,T: Morning, class! S: Morning, Miss Wang! T: Tomorrow is weekend, do you have any ideas about going traveling? T: (教师询问一名学生)Where will you go? S1: Stay at home. T: Why do you just want to stay at home? S1: Because I have a lot of homework to do. And I will also have some extra lessons at the weekend. T: What a pity! Anyway I think you are a hard-working boy. (询问另一名学生)What about you? Do you want to travel anywhere? S2: I will stay at home too. T: It seems that everyone in our class will stay at home and work hard. I am sure you will have a chance to go traveling when summer holiday comes. However I am so lucky to be invited to travel by my friends tomorrow. That means my friends invited me to travel tomorrow. Can you guess where I am going?,(学生表现出极大兴趣,有学生回答) S3: Shanghai. T: Sorry. S4: Beijing. T: Yes! I have never been to Beijing before. I feel so excited to have the chance to go there with my friends. We will stay in Beijing for two days. I know some of you have visited it before. And most of you know Beijing very well. Could you give me some advice on how I go there? What places of interest in Beijing I should visit? What I can see and what I can do at these places of interest? Would you please discuss in groups and give me the answers?,例2. 9B Unit 2 Reading Living with a Robot,T: (showing the picture in the text) Whats this and what can it do? Ss: A robot. It can do the laundry / iron clothes T: What do you think of the idea of living with a robot? Ss: It sounds cool. The robot could do many things for me and / It must be very interesting. T: Mmm, Mr Jiang has the same idea. He has a robot. But these days he always complains about it. Can you guess why? Lets read it.,二、新知呈现技能,是指教师在导入的基础上,根据教学内容和教学目的,结合学生的具体情况,因势利导地表现出新的语言材料和信息的行为。,呈现阶段易出现的问题,1、示范性不够,不能为学生树立正确的导向; 2、手段单一,缺乏趣味; 3、直接灌输,学生接受困难; 4、缺乏层次,不能被大多数学生接受; 5、脱离语境,难以理解。,常见的呈现方法,以旧引新 创设情境 直观形象 故事引导 对话提问 活动表演,例1. 8B Unit 2 Grammar “have / has been”和“have / has gone”,T: Today we will learn “have / has been” and “have / has gone”. Do you know the differences between them? (学生似乎知道一点,但说不清,于是没有人大声回答,教师指明提问一名学生,学生回答) S1: have / has been 表示去过某地,have / has gone 也表示去了某地。 T: It seems that you are not clear. “have / has been” means someone went to some place and has already come back. “have / has gone” means someone went to some place and is still there. (板书have / has been, have / has gone),T: Now look at the examples. (呈现例句) Millie has been to South Hill many times. And she wants to go there again. Kitty has gone to Hong Kong with her family. They will come back next week. Millie and Amy have gone to the bookshop to buy some books. They will be back in an hour. (学生做练习巩固其用法),如果从2010上海世博会说起,询问班级中有多少人去过上海,也可以结合自己去过上海的情况举例,呈现句型: I have been to Shanghai. I have been to Shanghai twice. Chen Yang has been to Shanghai too. Chen, could you tell me something about expo 2010? Wei Lulu has been to Qingdao. Li Ming has been to Shenzhen. 还可以创设情景,如请一个学生去办公室拿练习册,以此为真实情景,呈现句型: has gone to the Teachers office.,三、巩固操练技能,教师根据呈现的语言知识,组织学生用多种方法对语言结构进行有意义的口笔头练习 不恰当的巩固操练 1、形式单一,等同于机械练习 2、缺乏梯度,学生难以参与 3、远离生活,学生不感兴趣,巩固操练的操作原则 明确目标 内容针对 程序合理 方法灵活 指令明确 全员参与 评价有效,7A Unit 4 There be结构,假如你的partner咽喉疼痛,不能讲话,请根据他(她)动作所示,为全班学生描述出他(她)家书桌上的摆设。以下是绝大多数小组完成这一任务时的主要情形: Partner动作:放一本书在书桌上。 描述者语言:There is a book on his desk. Partner动作:放两支笔在书桌上。,描述者语言:There are two pens on his desk (重读are和pens) . Partner动作:在书桌的左边放一盏灯。 描述者语言:There is a lamp on the left of his desk. Partner动作:在书桌的右边放一些朵花。 描述者语言:There are some flowers on the right of his desk (重读are、flowers和on the right) .,找出两张图画中的不同,提供两幅图片,均描述一个家庭场景,其中一幅抹去一些物品,要求学生限时找出两幅图片中的5个不同之处。引导学生在活动过程中努力运用There is a in Picture 1, but there is no / not a in Picture 2.And in Picture 1 there are some (s), but there are no / not any (s) in Picture 2. 这样的语段或语篇将其表述出来。,语层互动理论 在巩固操练中的正确运用,低层次语层互动: 准确性、语言知识 高层次语层互动: 灵活性、得体性、语言能力,四、拓展运用技能,教师根据课堂上所教的语言,设计不同的练习形式,组织学生在新的、有实际意义的情境中,学习运用新知识,以提高语言运用能力 容易出现的问题: 1、止步于巩固操练,不利于发展学生语言运用能力; 2、停留于口头练习,造成学生笔头能力低下; 3、任务设计不恰当,课堂效益低下,例1. 8A Unit 5 ReadingBirds in Zhalong,回家后,通过网络、报刊等媒体,查询出更多自己感兴趣的动物保护区的相关信息,要求回答下列问题: 1. How many nature reserves are there in China now? What are they? 2. How many tourists go to nature reserves every year? What do they do there? 3. Will there be less and less or more and more space for wildlife in our country? Why?,拓展运用,可在课堂也可拓展到课外,但要充分考虑拓展的外部条件,缺乏必须的条件,非但不能实现拓展,反而会影响学生学生英语的积极性。,例2. 7A Unit 4 Welcome to the unit,话题:Whats your favourite food? 句型结构:What food do you like? I like Do you like? What about? 相关词汇:rice, hamburger, chicken, fish, apples, oranges, vegetables, cakes,第一次拓展活动:两学生表演对话,活动结果:实际是两个学生背诵了一遍对话(内容与教材中的对话一字不差)。 第二次拓展活动: 先将学生分成四人一组,每组确定一个小记者,由小记者对另外三人进行采访(双方用学到的句子进行对话),调查他们喜欢和不喜欢的食物,并记录。后汇报小组对事物的喜欢情况。,调查表如下:,- Could you tell me your name? - Yes, my name is. / Im. - What food do you like ? - Vegetables. - Do you like chicken? - Yes, I like it ,too. - What about hamburgers? - I dont like them. - Why? - Because its bad for us. - ,激发了兴趣 增加了机会 复习了旧知 彰显了能力 表现了语用,五、反馈评价技能,反馈是指教师在教学过程中随时注意学生的外在表现并获取学生学习过程中的尽可能多的信息,比如学习中的困难、缺陷、进度、理解程度等。 矫正是指针对从学生中反馈回来的信息及时诊断,及时调整自己的教学活动,纠正教学中出现的偏差,实施矫正补救措施,也就是给学生第二次学习的机会,使学生正确全面地理解、掌握所学内容。,容易出现的问题,、教师容易忽略对自身教学行为的反馈矫正。 、课堂教学过程中反馈矫正的时机把握不当。 、缺泛有效的反馈途经。,缺泛有效反馈的原因,1、备课时只备教材不备学生; 2、课堂教学中教师独霸讲台; 3、作业不能反映学生真实情况; 4、课后辅导落不到实处; 5、考试评价形式单一。,F.C.French关于提问失当的经典例子,T: Dodd, Look at these pictures! Whats the man doing? Dodd: (Thinking for a moment) Hes walking. T: Yes, good! Hes walking. What else? Dodd: (Doubtfully) He has a cap. T: No. You are wrong. Sit down! John, you tell me. ,教师考虑不周到,容易忽视学生的心理因素; 只按自己的期望来判断学生的答案; 问题提得不够明确,学生感到迷惑不解; 不注意自己的态度,学生回答错了,教师直接说“No,no! Sit down! ”; 教师的态度很粗暴,学生自己发觉无错,因而会莫名其妙、不服、羞愧,这样一来就会损伤学生的自尊心,破坏课堂教学。,8A Unit 6 Integrated skills B,S1: Do you hear about the fire in Britain last week? T: Not “do”, “did”. S1: Did you hear about the fire in Britain last week? S2: No. What happened? S1: My e-friend Amy told me about it. There was heavy storm with thunder and lightning. T: You need to say, “There was a heavy storm with thunder and lightning”. S1: My e-friend Sandy told me about it. There was a heavy storm with thunder and lightning. S2: Oh, really?,S1: Yes. It was terribly. Her school caught fire because lightning hit it. T: No. Not “It was terribly”, you should say, “It was terrible”. S1: Yes. It was terrible. S2: Did she hurt? T: “Did” should be changed into “Was” here. S2: Yes. Was she hurt? S1: No. As it was a holiday, no one was at school.,Corder把学生的错误分为两大类,即错误(error)和失误(mistake)。失误或语言行为错误是由于一时记不起来或由于紧张、粗心、疲劳、激动等原因而犯的语言差错(一点就会,用了出错),上述错误大多数可以归纳为此类。,这类错误常用的纠错技巧,1、诱导学生自行纠错。教师不是向学生直接提供正确的答案,而是通过诱导,试图让学生自己说出正确的答案。如: (S was expressing his idea about the text.) S: I think Tony is more better than John. T: Is Tony better than John? S: Oh, yes, Tony is better than John.,2、元语言反馈。教师不给学生提供正确的表达形式,而是提供给学生一些关于正确表达的评价和信息等。教师通常用“No, not X”,或者直接说“No”暗示学生有错误,然后,给学生提供一些信息,帮助他们形成正确的表达。如: (S was trying to ask a question according to the picture.) S: What color does her room? T: Nearly. “Does” is not right.,3、教师重造。教师为了改正或减少学生错误,对学生的错误表达部分或全部进行重述。这种纠错方式是暗含性的,不需要用Use this word, You mean或You should say等纠正语言。如: (S is talking with her teacher, Fanny. Fanny is wearing a nice coat.) T: How are you? S: Im fine. Thank you. And you? T: Im fine, too. S: Fanny, your blouse is very nice. T: Oh, my coat is very nice. Thank you.,纠错要领,1、纠错前分析归纳错误; 2、纠错中辅以拓展练习; 3、纠错后再次反馈展示。,纠错例举,1、纠正学生在练习中出现的两个典型错误。 (1)He lent to me a book. (2)She can speak English and she can speak French, either.,T: Theres a mistake in the sentence. (板书:He lent to me a book.) Who can help me write the correct one? S1: Let me try. (板书:He lent me a book) T: Great! 这是一个含有双宾语的句子。a book 是直接宾语,me是间接宾语,它表示动作是对谁或为谁做的。Instead of saying: He lent me a book. We can say: He lent a book to me.,T: Please give me an other example. Oh, instead of saying: Please give me an other example. We can say: Please give an other example to me. T: Instead of saying: My father bought me a new bike. S2: We can say: My father bought a new bike for me. T: Instead of saying: Please show me your passport. S3: We can say: Please show your passport to me. T: Instead of saying: Please fetch us a mop. S3: We can say: Please fetch a mop for us.,T: Well done! There is also a mistake in this sentence.(板书:She can speak English and she can speak French, either.) Could you correct it? S1: Sure! (板书:She can speak English and she can speak French, too.) T: Good! Would you please give me the same meaning sentences? The more, the better. Ss: Yes. (学生依次板书),S2: She can speak English and she can also speak French. S3: She can speak English and she can speak French as well. S4: She can speak French as well as English. S5: She can speak both English and French. S6: She can speak not only English but also French. S7: She can speak either English or French. S8: She can speak French besides English. ,时态练习订正后,巩固练习前,T: There will be eight tenses in what Ill say. Listen to me carefully and then you will write a short passage on your paper using eight tenses like me. Im a teacher and I teach you English. You are student and you study English. Im talking to you and you are listening to me. Yesterday I was ill and didnt come to school. Mr Li said he would take my place. Some of you went to see me while I was sleeping. When I woke up, you had left. Thank you for sending me flowers. Ok, now I have already got well. Have you finished your homework? Now I will check your homework and you will correct your mistakes in you homework. Thats my story. Please show yours on your paper. Go.,第三部分 教学流程中的教学技能例举,例:8A Unit 3 Main Task 教学流程,教学内容: A. 浏览他人的一日郊游计划(由Time, Place和Activity三个部分组成,以短语、图表形式出现); B. 通过小组讨论,模仿A制定自己的郊游计划; C. 根据A,以填空形式完成一封邀请朋友外出郊游的邀请信(邀请信的格式以给出,只需要填写进残缺的信息); D. 参照B,写一封信邀请自己的朋友外出郊游。,课堂导入技能 Step 1: 欣赏美景,进入语境 T: Lets watch a clip of video about some places of interest in Yangzhou. We are going to visit them this weekend. Step 2: 头脑风暴,激活内存 T: Would you please tell me the places of interest in Yangzhou, when and how we can go there and what we can do there? The more, the better. Work in pairs, please.,新知呈现技能 Step 3: 有效输入,模仿表达 T: Can you make a trip plan for yourself? S1: Sorry. I dont know how to make it. T: Dont worry. Now lets read Kitty and Daniels plan in Part A on Page 53. Maybe it will be helpful to you. 学生阅读教材Part A。 T: How many parts are there in their plan? S2: Three parts. T: What are they? S3: They are time, place and activity. T: Great! You got it. Now please make your plan with the help of Kitty and Daniels plan and the steps below(教材Part B). SS:OK!,巩固操练技能 Step 4: 完成文本,了解篇章 T: Kitty and Daniel hope their classmates can also join them, so they are writing a letter to invite them, but they havent finished it. Lets help them to complete the letter in Part C on Page 54 according to their plan. 学生完成Part C。 T: Lets look at the invitation letter and speak out t


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