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【TD网规网优部每日英语学习】商务英语中最易出错的词汇 1. confirmWed like to inform you that our counter sample will be sent to you by DHL by the end of this week. Please confirm it ASAP so that we can start mass production.很高兴通知您,我们的回样将于本周末用特快专递给您。请尽快确认,以便我们开始大批生产。Payment will be made by a 100% confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit, available by sight draft。付款方式为100%即期,保兑,不可撤消信用证。(在第一个句子中,confirm的意思是确认。在第二个句子中,confirmed L/C应翻译为保兑信用证,即指一家银行所开的由另一家银行保证兑付的一种银行信用证。)2. negotiablePart-time barman required. Hours and pay negotiable.招聘兼职酒吧侍者,工作时间和薪水面议。This Bill of Lading is issued in negotiable form, so it shall constitute title to the goods and the holder, by endorsement of this B/L.所签发的提单为可转让的。故只要在提单上背书,便确定了货物和持票人的所有权。(在第一句话中,negotiable的意思是可商议的;在第二句话中的意思则是可转让的。可转让提单经过背书后即可将所有权转让给他人。值得注意的是,negotiating bank则是议付银行,即购买或贴现汇票的银行。)3. endorseOur products have been endorsed by the National Quality Inspection Association.我们的产品为全国质量检查协会推荐产品。Drafts must be accompanied by full set original on board marine bill of lading made to order,endorsed in blank, marked right, prepaid.汇票必须附有全套印有货物收讫字样的正本海运提单,凭指示、空白背书,并写明运费已付。(在第一个句子中,endorse指用过某种产品后感到满意,并通过媒体介绍给公众。而第二句中的endorsed in blank是指背书人endorser只在票据背面签上自己的名字,而不注明特定的被背书人endorsee。)4. averageIf a particular cargo is partially damaged, the damage is called particular average.如果某批货是部分受损我们称之为单独海损。Its obvious that the products are below average quality.很明显,这批产品的品质是中下水平。(在第一个句子中,particular average意思是单独海损,是指在保险业中由于海上事故所导致的部分损失。第二个句子中average是指平均的。)5. tenderUnder the CIF, it is the sellers obligation to tender the relative documents to the buyer to enable him to deliver the goods.在CIF价格术语项下的责任是向买方递交有关单证,使其能在货物到达后提取货物。He became as happy as if his tender for building a mansion had been accepted.他欣喜若狂,好像他承办大厦筑的投标被接受了。(商务英语中的重要条款用词非常正规,第一句话中,tender是用作动词,相当于give。而在第二句中,tender是用作名词,意思是投标。) 6.optimum adj. 最佳的,最优的【商务用语】optimum decision making 最佳政策;optimum decision rule 最佳判定规则 7.organic adj.器官的;有机的;不可分割的【商务用语】organic whole 有机的整体organic unity 组织上的统一 8.outsell vt.比.更畅销【例句】He outeslls all other salesmen for the company.他为公司推销产品比别的推销员都多。 9.origin n.起源,产地【商务用语】origin road 起运路origin road 原产地规则; origin status 原产地资格 10.objective n.目标,目的 adj.客观的【商务用语】objective tax 专用税investment objective 投资目标;non-tax objective 非税目的 11.obstruct vt.阻隔,阻塞 【商务用语】to obstruct a road 阻塞交通;to obstruct a plan 妨碍计划【例句】The road was obstructed by a fallen tree.路被一棵倒下的树堵住了。 12.nonverbal adj.不用语言的【相关词组】nonverbal communication无需语言的交流【例句】Gestures are a nonverbal means of express.打手势是一种非言语的表达方式。 13.notify vt.通报【商务用语】notify party 到货受通知人,受通知人【例句】I notified him that the meeting had been postponed.我通知他会议已经延期。 14.notarize vt.证明,公证【商务用语】notarized draft 经公证人签章证明的汇票 15.passbook n.存款簿,银行存折【商务用语】bank pasbook 银行存折;current passbook 往来折;deposit passbook 存折 16.patronage n.保护人的身份,赞助,光顾【商务用语】patronage divident 合作社股息【例句】It seems our little establishment has finally been deemed worthy of the bank patronage.银行终于认为值得资助我们这种小机构了。 17.payable adj.可付的,应付的【商务用语】payable account 应付帐款;payable agent 付款代理人;payable at sight 见票即付 18.pending adj.未决的 prep.在.期间;在.之前【商务用语】pending decision 等候决定;pending order 待办定单;pending the negotiations 在谈判中 19.pawn n.典当,抵押物 vt.当掉,以为担保【商务用语】pawn ticket 当票;jewels in pawn 典押的珠宝;pawn broker 典当商 20.peg n.稳住市价;钉住(价格,汇价)【商务用语】peg model 标桩模型;peg prices 限制价格;crawling peg 使外汇汇率作小幅波动【TD网规网优部每日英语学习】博思考试非核心词汇在BULATS阅读考试中还会出现少量的非核心词汇,也就是指那些虽然在考试中有所涉及,但不需要考生认知,也不影响做题的词汇。如果在考试中遇到这类词只要略过跳过即可。如下例:Look at the following messages and notices and choose A, B or C.A.The Meteorological Colloquium is planned to be held at AAW pool Met, Berlin.B.The Meteorological Colloquium has special announcements.C.The Meteorological Colloquium is arranged by Eberhard Reimer. 可能绝大说多考生并不清楚“The Meteorological Colloquium”的意思,但对于理解这道题而言,这个词组的意思无关紧要,真正需要注意的只是这则通知中的时间、地点、内容和组织者。从上文可以看出此次会议举办的地点是“Room 189, CIP pool Met, Berlin”;“Special announcement”是用来说明研讨会安排细节的。只有C选项符合原文意思,为正确答案。 虽然并非考试中所有词汇都需要考生认知,但一些生词在做题或理解句子、文章时却可能成为绊脚石,因此对于考生来说,重要的是要掌握阅读技巧,并且具备根据上下文猜测单词意思的能力。在猜测词义时,有几种常用的方式:1、根据构词法猜测词缀,如“in-”、“un-”, “a-”等表示否定;“de-”表示“去除,非化”。请根据词缀猜测下面单词的意思,然后查看解释。Incalculable: 不可计算的,引申为“不计其数的” de-link:去墨,引申为“漂白” Maltreat: 虐待;词缀“mal-”表示“不好的,坏的” superfast: 超高速的 Preact: 提前行动; anticolonial: 反殖民的Monoatomic: 单原子的;词缀“mono-”表示“单一的”词根,如“aer/ar”表示“空气、大气”;“form”表示“形”;“rupt”表示“破坏,毁坏”; “sembl/simil”表示“相似,类似”。请根据词根猜测下面单词的意思,然后查看解释。Aerial: 空气的 formula: 公式 Bankrupt: 破产 assimilate: 同化Evacuate: 清空、撤离;“vac/van”表示“空” antonym: 反义词;“onym”表示“名字” Abridge: 删节、词根“brev/bri/brief”2、根据提示词猜测在有“or, and, but”这种表示平行或者转折关系的连接词的句子中,在连接词前后出现的词通常具有意思相同或者相反的关系。如下例:Her sister was always at ease with everyone she met; Minette, however, was quite gauche in social situation.“However”和“but”一样,都表示对前面陈述内容的转折和对比,因此“gauche”必定与“at ease”的意思相反。“gauche”的意思是“在社交场合无风度、粗鲁”。And, apparently, he was the second chief of the tribe and was very sociable and gregarious, unlike some of the others solitary of habit.首先应该根据“gregarious”前面的“and”来判断它的意思。“sociable”意思为“好交际的、喜群居的”,而“and”说明“gregarious”意思与“sociable”相同,而根据“unlike”表示 前后意思相反,可以判断“solitary”应表示“孤独的、不好交际的”。3、根据词语常用搭配关系猜测。 This printed request was addressed to the Classical Committee and urged them to convoke a special meeting.上句可以译为:印制出的请愿书已提交给长老监督会,敦促他们尽快召开一个特别会议。可见“convoke”应表示“召开(会议)”的意思。 Automobile makes no longer manufacture cheap models, and developers do not build the tiny bungalows that served the first postwar generation of home buyers.句意为:汽车生产商不再生产便宜的车型,房地产开发商也不再建造曾销售给战后第一代买房人的小型“bungalows”。可见“bungalows”应该是一种房子,意思为“平房,小屋”4、其他方式还可通过解释说明的内容判断单词意思,比如同位语,定语,举例、甚至是括号和破折号后的内容等。Homeshoring means that call center might be in someones bedroom.“Homeshoring”这个单词在很多英文词典上都找不到,但根据其后面表示解释的词组“means that”,我们可以大致判定“Homeshoring”的意思应该为:把呼叫中心设置在员工的家中。They proposed a program of positive and negative eugenics-the science of improving the qualities of the human race-as a solution.这句话中用两个破折号插入了“eugenics”的解释,即“提高人种质量的一种科学”,也就是优生学。这句话的意思是:他们提出了正反两种优生学作为解决方法(方法一:挑选父母,方 法二:强迫种族隔离)。【TD网规网优部每日英语学习】博思专项词汇-货物The shipment has arrived in good condition. 运到之货情况良好。 I hope youll be entirely satisfied with this initial shipment. 我希望您能对第一批货感到满意。 Please exercise better care with future shipments. 对今后装运的货,请多加注意。 Can last shipment be duplicated? 上次装运的货能再卖一批吗? We regret we cant ship as you desired. 很抱歉,我们不能按你们的要求装船。 Well send vessels to pick up the cargo at Huangpu. 我们将派船只在黄埔装运。 There is an over-shipment of 200 lbs. 货物多装了200磅。 Can we short-ship 5 tons? 我们可以少装5吨吗? Please hold shipment pending our instructions. 请在我们通知之前暂停装货。 The goods are all ready for shipment. 货物已经准备好待装运。Ive got a bone to pick with you over your last shipment to London. 关于上次装运到伦敦的那批货,我不得不抱怨你。 The cargo has been shipped on board s.s. Dong Feng. 货已装上“东风”号轮船。 We ship most of our oil in bulk. 我们装运的油多数是散装的。 We can get preferential duty rates when we ship to the U.S.A. 我们能在货物装运到美国时获得优惠税率。 The facilities for shipping goods to southeast Asian countries have changed a lot. 出口到东南亚的货物的装运条件已大大改善了。 Can our order of 100 cars be shipped as soon as possible? 我们订的100辆小汽车能尽快装运吗? An early reply from you will help us to speed up shipment. 如果你们尽快答复,我们便可以加速装船。 The order No. 105 is so urgently required that we have to ask you to speed up shipment. 第105号订单所订货物我们要急用,请你们加快装船速度。 Could you anage to hasten the delivery? 你们能否加快装运? Could you possibly effect shipment more promptly? 你们能不能提前一点交货呢?A timely delivery means a lot to us. 及时交货对我们来说关系可大了。 Im sorry to say that we cant advance the time of delivery. 非常抱歉我们不能把交货期提前。 Theres still another possibility to ensure a prompt delivery of the goods. 还有另一种可能可以确保即期交货。 If shipment were effected from Hong Kong, we could receive the goods much earlier. 如果在香港交货,我们可以更早些收到货物。 Could you do something to advance your shipment? 你们能不能设法提前交货? They hold a discussion on the time of shipment for fireworks. 他们就礼花的装运期问题进行了谈判。 Since the time of shipment can not be fixed, I can not but worry about it. 交货期还没定下来,我怎么会不着急呢? Im sorry to tell you that we are unable to give you a definite date of shipment for the time being. 很抱歉,现在我们还无法告诉您确切的装船日期。 Can you effect shipment of the order in March? 您看这批货能在3月份装运吗? Is it possible to effect shipment during October? 能不能在10月份交货?I want the goods to be delivered in June. 我希望你们能在6月份交货。 After shipment, it will be altogether four to five weeks before the goods can reach our retailers. 从交货到零售商收到货物总共需要4至5个星期。 We can effect shipment in December or early next year at the latest. 我们最晚在今年12月份或明年初交货。 We assure you that shipment will be made no later than the first half of April. 请您放心,我们交货期不会迟于4月份上半月。 You expect us to make delivery in less than a month, right? 您是希望我们在不到1个月的时间内交货吗? Im terribly worried about late shipment. 我非常担心货物迟交。 Its better to designate Tanggu as the loading port. 在塘沽装货比较合适。 A manager of a Japanese Company and a staff member of a Chinese corporation hold a discussion on the loading port at Beijing Hotel. 中国公司一名业务员与日本公司的经理在北京饭店就装运港问题进行了洽谈。 Wed better have a brief talk about the loading port. 我们最好能就装运港问题简短地谈一谈。 You may choose Tianjin as port of shipment. 你可以选择天津作为交货港。How about shipping them from Huangpu instead of Shantou? 把汕头改为黄埔交货怎么样? You insist that Dalian is the loading port, right? 您坚持把大连定为装运港,对吗? Now Huangpu is fine as the loading port. 现在可以把黄埔定为装运港。 We are always willing to choose the big ports as the loading ports. 我们总希望用较大的港口作为装运港。 Wed like to designate Shanghai as the loading port because it is near the producing area. 我们希望把上海定为装运港是由于它离货物产地比较近。 It makes no difference to us to change the loading port from Shantou to Zhuhai. 将装运港由汕头改为珠海对我们来说问题不大。 Shall we have a talk on the port of discharge this afternoon? 咱们今天下午是不是谈谈卸货港的问题? He exchanged views on the choice of the unloading port with Mr. Smith. 他和史密斯先生就选择卸货港问题交换了意见。 Whats your unloading port please? 你们的卸货港定在哪里? Its not reasonable to have the goods unloaded at Hamburg. 把货卸在汉堡不太合适。We dont think its proper to unload the Chinese tea at London. 我们认为把伦敦作为中国茶叶的卸货港,很难让人接受。 As most of our clients are near Tianjin, wed like to appoint Tanggu as the unloading port. 我们的大多数客户离天津较近,所以选择了塘沽作为卸货港。 There are more sailings at Shanghai, so we have chosen it as the unloading port. 因为上海的船次多,我们把这里定为卸货港。 Wed like to change the unloading port from Tokyo to Osaka. 我们愿意把卸货港由东京改为大阪。 Dont you think its troublesome to transship the goods at Sydney? 您不认为在悉尼转船太麻烦了吗? Do you wish to transship the goods to Macao at Hong Kong? 您是不是想把货物由香港转至澳门。 We have been able to transship S.E. Asian-bound cargoes from rail to ship at Hongkong without mishap. 我们在香港转船去东南亚的货物途中未曾遇到过麻烦事。 Sometimes, we have to make a transshipment because there is no suitable loading or pr in the producing country. 有时因为在生产国找不到合适的装港,我们不得不转船。 So far as I know, there are risks of pilferage or damage to the goods during transhipment in Hongkong. 据我所知,在香港转船期间有货物被盗或损坏的风险。 In case of transhipment, we have to pay extra transportation charges. 货物如果转运,我们得多付运费。 【TD网规网优部英语学习】博思考试词汇包装Packing本期将为大家介绍的是贸易流程中与“包装”相关的表达方式,请大家仔细学习,这些词汇在工作中十分常用哦。The next thing Id like to bring up for discussion is packing. 下面我想提出包装问题讨论一下。 Wed like to hear what you say concerning the matter of packing. 我很想听听你们就包装问题发表意见。 Youd like to know something about the packing of the drugs. is that right? 您想了解药品的包装情况,对吗? Please make an offer indicating the packing. 请报价并说明包装情况。 Your opinions on packing will be passed on to our manufacturers. 你们对包装的意见将转达给厂商。 It is necessary to improve the packaging. 改进包装方法十分必要。 Weve informed the manufacturer to have them packed as per your instruction. 我们已经通知厂商按你们的要求包装。 Packing has a close bearing on sales. 包装直接关系到产品的销售。 Packing also effects the reputation of our products. 包装也影响产品的声誉。 A packing that catches the eye will help us push the sales. 醒目的包装有助于我们推销产品。Buyers always pay great attention to packing. 买方很注意包装的情况。 Im sure the new packing will give your clients satisfaction. 我相信新包装定会使您的客户满意。 Different articles require different packing. 不同商品需要不同的包装。 Generally speaking, buyers bear the charges of packing. 包装费用一般由买方负担。 Packing charge is about 3% of the total cost of the goods. 包装费用占货物总值的百分之三。 Normally, packing charge is included in the contract price. 一般地,合同价格中已经包括了包装费用。 The crux of packing lies in protecting the goods from moisture. 包装的关键是防潮。 The machines must be well protected against dampness, moisture, rust and shock. 机器包装必须防湿、防潮、防锈、防震。 We have no objection to the stipulations about the packing and shipping mark. 我们同意关于包装和运输唛头的条款。 We can not afford time to change the packing because the ship will sail after two days. 由于轮船两天后就起航,我们来不及更换包装。What do you think of the packing for fireworks? 您认为礼花怎样包装? The packings are in good (bad) order. 包装完好无损(破损)。 The packages are intact. The packing is beautiful. 包装完好无损,很美观。 Please pack the goods very carefully. 请细心包装此货。 These marten overcoats are tastefully packed. 这批貂皮大衣的包装十分精美。 I think youll find the packing beautiful and quite well-done. 您一定发现我们产品的包装美观讲究。 Our packing will be on a par with that of the Japanese. 我们的包装可以与日本同行相比美。 The unique design of the packing will help you promote the sale of drugs. 独特的包装将有助于我们推销这些药品。 The packing must be strong enough to withstand rough handling. 包装必须十分坚固,以承受粗率的搬运。 We have especially reinforced out pacing in order to minimize the extent of any possible damage to the goods. 我们已经特意加固包装,以便使货物万一遭到的损坏减小到最低程度。We agree to use cartons for outer packing. 我们同意用纸箱做外包装。 Could you use cardboard boxes? 你们用硬纸板箱包装吗? It would cost more for you to pack the goods in wooden cases. 使用木箱包装成本会高些。 The piece goods are to be wrapped in kraft paper, then packed in wooden cases. 布匹在装入木箱以前要用牛皮纸包好。 The eggs are packed in cartons with beehives lined with shake-proof paper board. 鸡蛋要用带蜂房孔,内衬防震纸板的纸箱包装。 Each pill is put into a small box sealed with wax. 每个丸药装入小盒后用蜡密封好。 Please make the fruit jar airtight. 请把果酱罐密封。 Well pack them two dozen to one carton, gross weight around 25 kilos a carton. 我们一纸箱装两打,每箱毛重25公斤。 Ten bottles are put into a box and 100 boxes into a carton. 10支装入一小盒,100盒装入一个纸箱。 This would discourage people from trying their hand on such packing. 人们不轻易使用这种包装。No charge will be allowed for packages. 包装容器不收费。 The case was a substantial one, with sufficient packing used. 此箱坚固,使用了足够的包装材料。 Im afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for ocean transportation. 我担心远洋运输用纸箱不结实。 Such shirts packed in cardboard cartons can save freight cost. 使用硬纸箱包装这批衬衣可以节省运费。 We prefer packing in smaller cases. 我们宁愿用小箱子包装。 We advocate using smaller container to pack the goods. 我们主张用小容器包装这批货。 We use metal angles at each corner of the carton. 每个箱角都用金属角加固。 Each case is lined with foam plastics in order to protect the goods against press. 箱子里垫有泡沫塑料以免货物受压。 The canned goods are to be packed in cartons with double straps. 罐装货物在纸箱里,外面加两道箍。 You must reinforce the packing with metal straps. 你们必须用铁箍加固包装。The goods are to be packed in strong export cases, securely strapped. 货物应该用坚固的出口木箱包装,并且牢牢加箍。 Shirts are to be packed in plastic-lined water-proof cartons. 衬衣应放在内衬塑料防水的箱子里。 We use a polythene wrapper for each shirt. 每件衬衣都用聚乙烯袋包装。 The fountain pen is placed in a satin-covered small box, lined with beautiful silk ribbon. 金笔装在一个锦缎小盒里,再用一条漂亮的绸带系在外面。 On the outer packing, please mark wording, Handle with Care. 在外包装上请标明“小心轻放”字样。 Every 100 dozen should be packed in a wooden case marked TM and numbered from No. 1 upward. 每100打装一箱,刷上唛头TM,从第一号开始往上循序编号。 Please mark the cases(boxes,bags,casks,etc)as per the drawing given. 请按所给的图样在(盒、袋、桶等等)上刷唛头。 Please cable packing and marks. 请电告包装及唛头式样。 We will mark the packages the same as before. 我们将在货包上刷上和以前一样的唛头。 【TD网规网优部每日英语学习】博思考试词汇质量Quality本期将为大家介绍的是贸易流程中与“品质”相关的表达方式。Quality(1)The goods are available in different qualities. 此货有多种不同的质量可供。 Nothing wrong will happen, so long as the quality of your article is good. 只要商品质量可靠,就不会发生差错。 If the quality of your products is satisfactory, we may place regular orders. 如果你们产品的质量使我们满意,我们将不断订货。 If the quality of your initial shipment is found satisfactory, large repeats will follow. 如果贵方第一批运来的货令人满意,随后将有大批续订。 There is no marked qualitative difference between the two. 两者在质量上无显著差异。 We sincerely hope the quality are in conformity with the contract st


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