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1.那是个粗鲁的玩笑,可是达尼卡大夫并没有笑,直到约萨里安又执行了一次任务之后,再次来求他要求停飞尽管这没有任何指望。达尼卡大夫窃笑了一下,很快又沉浸到他自己的麻烦中去了,这包括怀特哈夫特指挥官那天早上一直在向他挑战,要和他比印度式摔跤,而约萨里安则恰恰在彼时彼地决定要发疯。It was a horrible joke , but Doc Daneeka didt laugh until Yossarian came to him one mission later and pleaded again ,without any real expectation of success ,to be grounded. Doc Daneeka snickered once and was soon immersed in problems of his own , which included Chief White Halfoat ,who had been challenging him all that morning to Indian wrestle ,and Yossarian ,who decided right then and there to go crazy.2.只有一个诡局,那就是第二十二条军规,它规定:在面对真正的、紧迫的危险时考虑到自身安全是理智的思维过程。奥尔疯了,因此可以停飞。他只须提出请求;而一旦他提出请求,他就不再是疯子,就得去执行更多的飞行任务。There was only one catch and that was catch-22, which specified that a concern for ones own safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind .Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did ,he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more mission.3.我们的许多犹太朋友和熟人都被成群地带走了。盖世太保对他们非常粗暴,用运牲口的拖车把他们运送到德伦特最大的集中营威斯特伯克,他么把所有犹太人都遣送到那里。如果在荷兰都这么糟,那么在德国人送他们去的那些遥远的蛮荒之地又会是什么样呢?Our many Jewish friends and acquaintances are being taken away in droves. The Gestapo is treating them very roughly and transporting them in cattle cars to Westerbork , the big camp in Dreathe to which theyre sending all the Jews.If its that bad in Holland ,what must it be like in those faraway and uncivilized places where the Germans are sending them?4.它传来的是一个孤独少女的声音,她为自己写作,但同时也是所有无辜受邪恶迫害者的呐喊,他们的命运就是在第二次世界大战期间受难。这就是安妮弗兰克的日记被誉为犹太人大屠杀(其间有六百万犹太人被杀害)之声的原因:她的话代表了全人类的心声。The voice that comes across is of a solitary young girl writing for herself, yet at the same time it is the cry of all those innocent victims of evil whose fate was to stuffer in the Second World War. That is why Anne Franks diary has achieved fame as the voice of the Holocaust in which six million Jews were murdered :She speaks for all of humanity.5.虽然遇到了很多困难,但在他的带领下,公司产品打开了销路,总体形势也有了好转。为了表彰他的突出贡献,公司决定奖励他一套住房。Though they came across many difficulties, under his leadership they successfully found a market for their products, and the overall situation was changing for the better. In recognition of his outstanding contributions, the company decided to give him a flat as an award. 6.当约翰向他挑战,要跟他比击剑的时候,他感到非常尴尬,因为他自知剑术不高,不是约翰的对手。如果他接受挑战,他肯定会输;可如果不接受呢,他就是个懦夫。When John challenged him to fencing, he was very embarrassed because he knew that he was no match for John at it. If he took the challenge, he would surely lose; but if he didnt, he would be a coward.7.他昨天感冒了。我们本以为他好好睡一晚之后会好起来,所以今天早上就送他去上学了。但是下午放学回家时他发起烧来,不得不卧床休息。He caught a cold yesterday. Assuming that he would get better after a good nights sleep, we sent him to school this morning. But later in the afternoon, he got back home with a fever and was confined to bed. 8.在过去的几年里,我得了几次重病,一直在贫困状态中生活,但是我没有放弃我的梦想。无论发生什么事,我总是坚守我的梦想,而梦想对我来说也变成了极大的支持和安慰。In the past few years, I have had several severe illnesses and lived in a state of poverty, but I have never abandoned my dreams. In spite of everything I clung to my dreams, which have turned out to be a great support and comfort to me.1.当夜幕降临悉尼时,雨夜开始悄悄地从夜空飘落。几百盏灯把澳大利亚体育场照得灯火通明,场内的声音震耳欲聋。走向跑道时我看了一眼四周看台上无数的脸,但我的注意力还是很集中。再过几分钟奥运金牌的归属就要见分晓了,它悬挂在远处,很诱人。The rain had started to fall gently through the evening air as darkness descended over Sydney. Hundreds of lights illuminated Stadium Australia, and the noise was deafening. As I walked towards the track I glanced around me at the sea of faces in the stands, but my mind was focused. The OlympicGold medal was just minutes away, hanging tantalizingly in the distance. 2.我知道自己会全力以赴,拼尽全力跑完全程。我感觉自己已经进入最佳状态。我只要跑两圈就行了,就两圈。跑完这两圈,过去两天以及28年来所有情感和身体上的辛苦付出就将被胜利或者失败所淹没。这一跑真是生死攸关。I knew I would do my best, that I would run my heart out and finish the race .I felt the performer in me move in and take over. I had just two laps to run, that was all. Just two laps until the emotional and physical strain of the past two days and the last 28 years would be eclipsed by victory or failure. This race was all about survival.3.我知道,如果一个人不是从小就接触某项外来的运动,他就很难对它感兴趣。现在我正遭遇同样的文化壁垒。6月9号世界杯足球赛就要开始了,而我对球员在“球场”上干些什么却一无所知。看起来这是给这个所谓的精彩赛事揭短的一次大好机会。I understandits hard to get excited about a foreign sport if you didt grow up with it. Now Im colliding with this same cultural barrier. The World Cup soccer tournament begins on June 9 and I will have no clue whats going on out there on the “pitch”. It seems a good time to blow the whistle on the so-called beautiful game.4.时不时地会有球员脸上挨了一肘,躺在草地上痛苦地翻腾。这时会暂停计时,几个提着黑包的小个子男人会跑过来按摩他那假装、胡说的受伤部位,然后他又活蹦乱跳地站起来。那位肘击他的球员会得到一张叫“黄牌”的东西:一种温和的惩戒。Periodically a player gets an elbow in the face and goes down writing .the clock stops while little men with black bags rush over and massage his phony-baloney injury, after which he jumps up good as new .the player who elbowed him gets something called a “yellow card”, a mild reprimand.5.当他知道自己未能入选校队时,他哭的很伤心,毕竟他经历了几个月的艰苦训练和激烈竞争,也学会了如何熟练的准确投篮。He cried his heart out when he heard that he was not in the list of the school team. After all, he had gone through months of hard training and grueling competition, and had learned how to shoot with great skill and accuracy. 6.那位以严格闻名的教练从一开始就要求队员抛弃一切杂念,超越他们的极限,以确保他们能在第29届北京奥运会上摘得一枚奖牌。The coach, who was known for his strictness, had meant from the very start for all the players to shut out all the distracting thoughts and push themselves beyond their limits to ensure that they win a medal at the 29th Olympic Games held in Beijing.7.新教练接管了球队后,时时牢记自己的使命,并最终带领球队取得了联赛的冠军。在接受采访时,教练激动得说不出话来。Since after he took over the team, the new coach has always borne in mind his mission and finally made it to the championship of the league matches. When interviewed, the coach was at a loss for words because of excitement. 8.足球是一项很奇妙的运动。虽然最后的比赛结果往往是0-0,1-0,2-1,但是这丝毫不影响人们去观看比赛。对我来说,足球的魅力到底在哪里一直是个谜。Football is an amazing sport. Despite the fact that most finals are 0-0, 1-0 or 2-1, people keep flocking to see football fames. For me, it remains a mystery what is so attracting about football. 1.我以前也经常这样为他扔木头。根据木头的不同重量和我动作的大小,我知道它们大概能飞多远。但这块木头赶上了一阵疾风,朝着床单想去的方向飞过了院子,越过了围栏,最后以溜冰高手般的优美动作滑进湖水里。I had tossed sticks for him before and knew the approximate distance they would go, depending upon their weight and my motion. This stick, however, caught a gust and, flying where the sheet wanted to go, sailed across the yard, over the fence, and, with a fine skaters touch, glided onto the pond.2.接下来的一瞬间我已经站在水里,霍根用前爪破冰朝我游过来。一路上冰块的侵扰似乎让他受了些惊吓,但他绝对能控制得住自己。我尽量向前趟,直到我的双脚陷进湖底的烂泥,冰冷的湖水浸透了我的夹克。我站在那儿等着。The next moment I was standing in the water and Hogahn was swimming toward me, breaking the ice with his front paws. He seemed a little startled by the intrusion of the ice in his path, but definitely in control. I went as far as I could until the pond bottom sank down under my weight and the ice water penetrated my jacket, and I stood and waited.3.它会认人、选择食物、识别道路。但这是否意味着它有思维能力呢?如果有的话,又如何证实呢?我们对动物的认知是经过过滤的,是建立在人类对世界的理解的基础上的,我们常常把人类的情感和思想投射到其他动物身上。It can recognize different people and make choices about what to eat or which path to take. But does this mean that an animal is capable of thinking and, if so, can it be proved? Our perceptions of animals are filtered through our own human understanding of the world and we often project human feeling and thoughts onto other creatures.4.许多20世纪的科学家轻视这些发现,认为它们不可靠,这是受了拟人说的影响,即根据人的特征来判断动物。但是,现在舆论的天平已经不再向那些认为动物像机器一样没有智慧的观点倾斜了,而是向达尔文的观点倾斜。大范围的动物研究表明:智慧之根在动物界的分布既深又广,变化多端。Many scientists in the 20th century dismissed such findings as unreliable, usually influenced by anthropomorphism, in other words, judging animals by human attributes. However, the pendulum is now swinging away from thinking of animals as machines without intelligence, and back towards Darwins ideas. A wide range of studies on animals suggests that the roots of intelligence are deep, widespread across the animal kingdom and highly changeable.5.夜贼们忙着往皮卡里扔赃物,急着想尽快开车逃走。正在这时,负责看守小区的保安发现了他们,并报了警。The burglars were throwing the stolen items to the pickup and were just about to drive away when the guards watching over the living quarters found them and called the police.6.三个士兵在密林深处艰难的行走了一整天,试图走向河的东岸,结果却发现他们只在树林里打转,离目的地仍有几十英里之遥。The three soldiers had walked with difficulty through the woods for a whole day, trying to navigate to the east bank of the river, only to find that they had been circling in the woods and were still dozens of miles short of their destination.7.我觉得今天早晨做动物心智报告的那位学者显然是高估了动物的智慧,她甚至认为黑猩猩能够用电脑跟人进行交流。It seems to me that the scholar who talked about animal intelligence this morning has obviously overestimated the animal intelligence. She went so far as to suggest that chimpanzees can communicate with humans through computers.8.作为志愿者,我们不仅仅要对前来询问或寻求帮助的人微笑服务,我们还应该具备跨文化交际的技巧,否则我们就干不好这个工作。As volunteers, what we need to do is not just limited to smiling to those who come to us for information and help. We must also learn skills for cross-cultural communication, without which our performance cannot be satisfactory.1. As for the unfortunate people who can command everything they want, who can gratify every caprice and lay their hands on almost every object of desire for them a new pleasure, a new excitement is only an additional satiation. In vain they rush frantically round from place to place, tryin


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