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新目标九年级英语第四单元What would you do?教学设计与反思 上传: 更新时间:2012-5-21 12:48:18 新目标九年级英语第四单元What would you do?教学设计与反思 一、 教材分析 1、 教材简析 此课为本单元的第一节课,主要谈论假想的情况,它围绕着以下 两个话题展开: What would you do if you had a million dollars? If I were you, I would 2、 教学目标 知识目标: What would you do if you had a million dollars? Id give the money to charity. If I were you, Id wear a shirt and tie. 能力目标:发展学生的听及识记能力,培养学生综合语言运用 能力。 情感、态度和价值观:通过本节课,激发学生对社会的关注, 增强奉献意识,使学生形成积极的情感态度,主动思维,大胆 表述,提高语言实际运用能力。 3、 重点和难点 重点句子: What would you do if you had a million dollars? Id give it to medical research. If I were you, Id take a small present. 难点:2a 部分,听the reasons why Larry is nervous。 原因是语速较快且人称由I到he的转变。 4、 教学辅助工具:录音机,图片 二、 学情分析 枯燥的话题很难提期学生的学习兴趣。在这节课,通过一个 有趣的话题假如你有一百万美元,你会怎么做来激起学生的 兴趣,让学生主动谈自己的看法,学有所得。 三、 教学方法 本课采用任务型教学法,用What would you do if you had a million dollars?这个问句, 引出谈论假想情况的话题。 采用提问、启发和归纳的教法,让学生易于接受教材内 容,培养学生的语言运用能力。 四、 教学过程设计 Step . Greet the whole class as usual. Step . Warming-up T: Do you have ten Yuan in your pocket? S1: No, I dont. T: (Take out ten Yuan and give it to the student) OK, never mind. What would you do if it was yours? What would you do if you had ten Yuan? S1: I would buy snacks. T: OK, thank you. Sit down, please. (To the whole class) Just now, it was only ten Yuan. What about 100 Yuan? What would you do if you had 100 Yuan? S2: Id buy a beautiful jacket. T: Thank you. (To the whole class) Now suppose you had a million dollars, what would you do? We know thatone dollar nearly equals eight Yuan, so thats a large sum of money. Think it over carefully and tell me your ideas. What would you do if you had a million dollars? S3: Id buy a big house. S4: Id buy a sports car. S5: Id put it in the bank. T: OK, stop here. Please look at the blackboard and guess what would I do if I had a Million dollars? (Teacher puts two pictures onto the blackboard and asks students to guess.) Answers: Id give the money to the zoo. I want to help pandas. Id give the money to the medical research. I want to help the sick people. Step . Listening 1. Section A 1a. Add more ideas and write them down, 2. Ask two students to write their answers onto the blackboard, and then correct them. 3. Section A 1b. Listen to the tape and number the pictures 1-3. 4. Correct the answer. Step . Listening 1. Point to the picture on the book and ask students to tell what is happening. Explain that the boy is getting ready to go to his friend Toms party and hes feeling a Little nervous. His sister is helping him pick out what to wear. 2. Section A 2b. Listen and check four things Larrys sister says to him. Explain that Larry is nervous to go to the party so his sister gives some advice to him. What are they? 3. Check the answer. 4. 2a. Circle the reasons why Larry is nervous. First read the five sentences. Then listen and circle the reasons. Listen to it twice. 5. Correct the answer. Step. Pairwork Student A is Larry and Student B is his sister. Student A, talk about your worries Students B, give advice. Example: A: I dont know what to wear. B: If I were you, Id wear a shirt and tie. C: If I were you, Id take a small present. D: If I had enough money, I would send him a sports car. Step . Summary and Homework 1. Read and copy the grammar focus. 2. Make five sentences according to the VP 3. Pre-read 3a on page 28. 1、这样会使学生很感兴趣; 2、 从10元到100元再到100万元,让学生的思维有准备的过程,并且使学生积极地 思考,主动学习。 3、学生考虑的多是个人,而没有为社会做奉献的意识,教师应积极引导。 4、这个内容也为下一步做听力练习奠定了语言基础,适当减轻了听力难度。 5、有了热身部分的铺垫,这个听力显得很简单。 6、进一步熟悉巩固句型: What would you do if you had a million dollars? Id give some to the zoo. I want to help the pandas. 7、通过读图,让学生初步了解听力内容,增强他们的学习信心。 8、这里的四条建议在听力材料中都是原话,故较简单,放在前面完成。 9、2a 相对较难,所以放在后面完成。 10、2a的难点在于人称的改变,没有录音稿的原文,需要学生理解去完成。 11、在完成2b后,对听力材料内容比较熟悉,让学生更容易完成2a的任务。 12、对话练习,培养学生运用语言的能力,谈论假想的情况。 13、进一步巩固课堂知识,并用所学内容进行操练,保证课堂效益。 14、积极预习,为下一节课做准备。 五、 板书设计 Unit 4 What would you do? ten Yuan? I would buy snacks. What would you do if you had one hundred Yuan? Id buy a beautiful jacket. a million dollars? Id buy a big house. Id buy a sports car. Id put it in the bank. 六、教学反思 1.用提问的方式引导学生循序渐进,顺利进入话题。 2.将任务2b调整到2a之前完成,充分的考虑到了学生接受的能力,作到了根据实际 情况用教材而不是死板的教教材。 3.听力练习与思考的时间较多,使得口语练习的机会相对较少。4.4化合价与化学式(第三课时)【学习目标】1.知道相对分子质量的概念。2.初步掌握根据化学式的计算。(重点)3.能看懂某些商品标签或说明书上表示的物质成分和含量。【课前预习】1.查出下列原子的相对原子质量:H O C S Ca2.从水的化学式H2O,可以看出一个水分子是由_个氢原子 和 个氧原子构成 【情境导入】【自主探究】知识点三:根据化学式的计算【阅读】课本P87内容。【思考】什么是相对分子质量?1、计算相对分子质量【个人秀】你能否求出 H2、CO2及H2SO4的相对分子质量?【合作秀】求氢氧化钙 Ca(OH)2 的相对分子质量。【合作交流】小组交流总结,归纳方法、解题规律。2、计算物质组成元素的质量比【个人秀】求出CO2、SO3、中各元素的质量比【合作秀】求出Al2(SO4)3、NH4NO3中各元素的质量比【合作交流】小组交流总结,归纳解题方法3、计算物质中某元素的质量分数【个人秀】SO3中氧元素的质量分数。尿素 CO(NH2)2 中氮元素的质量分数【交流讨论】小组交流讨论,总结计算的方法和步骤。【归纳小结】三、有关相对分子质量的计算1、计算相对分子质量相对分子质量化学式中各原子的相对原子质量的总和。在计算物质的相对分子质量时,同种元素的相对分子质量与其原子个数相乘,而不同种元素的相对原子质量则相加。2、计算物质中各元素的质量比计算时一定要写清楚各元素质量比顺序,因顺序不同,比值也不同。计算时的结果约成最简整数比。3、计算物质中某元素的质量分数【课堂小结】通过本节课的学习,你收获了什么?【课堂达标】1 家居装修时,装饰材料会释放出一种叫甲醛(CH2O)的有害 气体,下列关于甲醛的说法不正确的是( )A甲醛是由碳氢氧三种元素组成的。 B甲醛中碳氢氧三种元素的质量比是 1:2:1C甲醛的相对分子质量是30 D甲醛是一种有毒的化合物2相同分子数的下列气体质量最大的是( ) AO2 BH2 CCl2 D N23已知R2O3的相对分子质量为160,则R的相对原子质量为()A、32 B、56 C、27 D、1124、列式计算(1)KMnO4的相对分子质量(2)CO2中碳元素和氧元素的质量比(3)SO3中硫元素的质量分数【课后拓展】5、某+3价金属A,已知它


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