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课题: Shopping 课型: 备课人:谭弘敏备课时间: 2013/6/17 科目: 英语 本备课适合学生: 教学目标:让学生掌握关于购物的句子、短语、物价的价格等。会用Can I help you?/What can I do for you?/Anything else?来表示询问需要买什么东西;用How about?来表示怎么样;用How much?表示多少钱;用Here s your change.表示找你的钱。 教学内容:教学生购物时应该如何表达,怎样运用“Can I help you ?”/Anything else? /How about?/ How much?/Here is your change.等等这些句型,明白他们的意思,并灵活运用,物品的价格的表达方法。 重点难点:卖东西用哪些句型,买东西用哪些句型,价格的表示方法。教学过程设计:今天老师放学后想去买东西,那么老师来到商场应该怎么说了,找个学生用汉语进行对话,再引出英语应该怎样说。一, 在生活中,我们常需要外出购物,因此要熟记所学的购物用语。二, ,在运用数次表示物品的价格时,要注意数词后的单位名称不能漏掉,yuan是人民币“元”de 音译,它没有复数形式,如seven yuan(七元);超出两元的,我们可以用and来连接百位与个位,如one hundred and fifty yuan(一百五十元);两百记忆两百以上的,百位数hundred后不加s,如three hundred yuan(三百元)。想知道物品的重量,我们过的有“kilo”(千克),它有复数形式,如两千克芒果译成:two kilos of mangoes。三,购物时,营业员常常要用到这样的一些用语:1,Can I help you? 要帮忙吗?2, What can I do for you?你想要点什么?3, Anything else?还要点别的吗/4, How about?怎么样?5, How much?多少钱?6, What (else) do you want?你还要点(别的)什么?7, What do you want/like?你想要/喜欢什么?8, Heres your change.找还给您的钱。四,如果营业员招呼你买东西,而你又无购物的意思是,可以说“No, thank you .不,谢谢。”这样才显得有礼貌。当你认为对方的报价比较高时,还可以同营业员讨价还价,如“No,yuan , OK”例:去服装店,可这样说:Shop assistant: May I help you? / What can I do for you?Customer: I want to buy a new dress. / I want a new dress.Shop assistant: What color do you like?Customer: I like orange.Shop assistant: What about that one?Customer: No that one.Shop assistant: Please try on this dress.Customer: OK.Shop assistant: How is this dress?Customer: Just right, How much is it?Shop assistant: Twenty-five yuan.Customer: Here is the money.Shop assistant: Here is your change, Thank you. GoodbyeCustomer: Goodbye.重点点拔选择正确的词完成对话。(can, how many, how much, how about)1, A: _ mangoes do you want? B: Eight.2, A: _ these new hats? B: Very pretty.3, A: _ is this new motorcycle? B: Nine hundred yuan.4, A: _I help you? B: No thanks.答案:1, how many 2, how about 3, how much 4, can点拔:本题旨在考查同学们对购物所 用问句的运用能力。做题时,首先要对购物常用的句子熟记在心,同时完整理解句意,分清购物时常用的以How开头的几个特殊疑问句:How much?用来询问价格;How many?则可用于营业员询问顾客所需物品的数量练习1, 询问一件物品的价格,应该问_A, How much is the coat? B, How much I the wseaterC, How about this coat?2, Im _ and Id like some ice-cream.A, hot B, cold C, cool3, -_ is it? -Twelve yuan.A, How many B, How much C, How much4, -_? -I need some sweets.A, What do you need B, what do you likeC, What else do you need5, Can I help you?-_.A, Yes. Some apples, please B, All rightC, Of course6, -_ do you havr? - We have some fruit.A, Who B, What C, Which7, Lets buy a card _ our father.A, to B, for C, and8, -_? -There are five.A, How many squares can you seeB, How many shapes are thereC, How much are the masks9, 你问同学要不要故事书作为新年礼物,可以说:A, Would you like a notebook as a New Years present?B, Would you like a storybook as birthday present?C, Would you like a storybook as a New Years present?10, 你想问营业员大衣多少钱,可以说:A, How many coats B, How much is the coat?C, I need a coat?读笑话Peter was the doorman of a club in a big city. Every day, thousand of people passed his door, and a lot of them stopped and ask him, “What is the time, please?”After a few mouths, Peter said to himself, “Im not going to answer all those stupid people any more. Im going to buy a big clock and put it upon the wall here,” Then he did so.“Now people arent going to stop and ask the time,” he thought happily. But after that, a lot of people stopped, looked at the clock and then asked Peter,“Is that clock right?”彼得在一个大城市的某个俱乐部当守门人,每天都有上千人


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