



Unit 2 Language (35分钟).阅读理解(2017湖北部分重点中学适应性考试)Dont have plenty of time for reading?If you are interested in nonfiction books,here are good choices for you.A Room of Ones OwnThis essay by English writer Virginia Woolf is based on several lectures given in two womens colleges at Cambridge University in 1928.In it,Woolf describes that its circumstance not talent that allows men to be more successful at writing.Women,in other words,spend so much time cooking,cleaning,and tending their children that they have no time left for art.To write well,therefore,a woman must have a room of her own.While on its surface,this essay appears to be only about writing,it is actually about wealth and class,freedom and imprisonment,and the power struggle between sexes.The Art of WarWritten by the Chinese warrior Sunzi in the 5th century BC,The Art of War is widely considered to be one of the best books about military strategy in human history.Consisting of 13 chapters,each detailing a separate aspect of warfare,the book has been translated into every major language and has thousands of editions.For centuries,it has been cited(引用)and praised by world leaders both for its detailed study of military strategy(军事策略)and its philosophical(哲学的)examination of strong,effective leadership.Letter to My DaughterThis 2009 book of essays and poems by Maya Angelou,a respectable American poet,is written for the daughter she never hadthe millions of women,both young and old,that she considers to be her “family”.From the viewpoint of a caring,older relative,this book contains lessons selected from her own life experiences,including the birth of her only child,a son,as well as the formation and loss of friendships.A Brief History of TimeIf youre short on time,then why not read about,well,the creation of time?This 1988 book from brilliant scientist and mathematician Stephen Hawking explores mind-bending questions about the creation of the universe,including if and when it will end,and if so,how.Despite heavy subject matters,Hawking addresses these questions in a way thats easy to understand even for those who know little about physics.1.What can we learn about the contents of the books?A.A Room of Ones Own is about more than writing.B.The Art of War also gives definition of philosophy.C.Letter to My Daughter is actually a common family letter.D.A Brief History of Time mainly focuses on the mystery of time.2.What can be inferred from the passage?A.Woolf looks down upon men in writing.B.The book by Sunzi is helpful in policy-making.C.Maya devotes herself to fighting for womens rights.D.As a physicist,Hawking is equally famous in writing.3.What is the purpose of the passage?A.To promote the four books.B.To make comments on the four books.C.To recommend the four books to readers.D.To make comparisons between the four books.导学号23500026.完形填空(2017全国卷)While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life,college sets the stage for that exploration.I myself went through this 1 process and found something that has changed my 2 at college for the better:I discovered ASLAmerican Sign Language(美式手语).I never felt an urge to 3 any sign language before.My entire family is hearing,and so are all my friends.The 4 languages were enough in all my interactions(交往).Little did I know that I would discover my 5 for ASL.The 6 began during my first week at college.I watched as the ASL Club 7 their translation of a song.Both the hand movements and the very 8 of communicating without speaking 9 me.What I saw was completely unlike anything I had experienced in the 10.This newness just left me 11 more.After that,feeling the need to 12 further,I decided to drop in on one of ASL clubs meetings.I only learned how to 13 the alphabet that day.Yet instead of being discouraged by my 14 progress,I was excited.I then made it a point to 15 those meetings and learn all I could.The following term,I 16 an ASL class.The professor was deaf and any talking was 17.I soon realized that the silence was not unpleasant.18,if there had been any talking,it would have 19 us to learn less.Now,I appreciate the silence and the 20 way of communication it opens.1.A.searchingB.planningC.naturalD.formal2.A.progressB.experienceC.majorD.opinion3.A.chooseB.readC.learnD.create4.A.officialB.foreignC.bodyD.spoken5.A.loveB.concernC.goalD.request6.A.meetingB.tripC.storyD.task7.A.recordedB.performedC.recitedD.discussed8.A.ideaB.amountC.dreamD.reason9.A.disturbedB.supportedC.embarrassedD.attracted10.A.endB.pastC.courseD.distance11.A.showingB.actingC.sayingD.wanting12.A.exerciseB.exploreC.expressD.explain13.A.printB.write C.signD.count14.A.slowB.steadyC.normalD.obvious15.A.chairB.sponsorC.attendD.organize16.A.missedB.passedC.gave up D.registered for17.A.prohibitedB.welcomedC.ignoredD.repeated18.A.LastlyB.ThusC.InsteadD.However19.A.requiredB.causedC.allowedD.expected20.A.easyB.popularC.quickD.new导学号23500027.语法填空(2017湖南十二校高三第二次联考)If your childs learning English as a second language,I am 1.(convince)that there are many things you can do at home.As long as you can keep these things up,they 2.(help)him or her.First,it will help if you can read and write English at a higher level than your child.3. its necessary and possible,take English lessons in order to better focus on your childs learning needs.This will enable you 4.(sit)down with your child and read,although you may also consider hiring 5.private,one-on-one English tutor. Many non-native speaking students 6.(enroll)in English as a Second Language(ESL)programs in their school.Some ESL programs have pull-out classes,7. means that your child is pulled out of class for individual or group 8.(instruct)in English.Talk to your childs teachers and other learning 9.(expert)to determine what style of education is best for your childs individual learning needs and what you can do to help. Success lies 10.(actual)in practice.Just encourage your kids to follow these tips and practise.导学号23500028.书面表达(2017河北衡水中学期中)假定你是李华,你的外教Mr.Pick回国前向你推荐了American School Life网站,希望你借此提高英语水平。请你用英语给他写一封电子邮件,告诉他你的收获,要点如下:1.表达思念;2.上网收获;3.表示感激。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可适当发挥,以使行文连贯;3.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Mr.Pick,_Yours,Li Hua导学号23500029课时规范练8(模块三Unit 2).【语篇解读】本文是一篇应用文。作者向读者推荐了四本书。1.A推理判断题。根据A Room of Ones Own中最后一句“While on its surface,this essay appears to be only about writing,it is actually about wealth and class,freedom and imprisonment,and the power struggle between sexes.”可知选A项。2.B推理判断题。根据The Art of War中“Written by the Chinese warrior Sunzi in the 5th century BC,The Art of War is widely considered to be one of the best books about military strategy in human history.”可知,孙子兵法有助于决策。故选B项。3.C主旨大意题。根据本文第一段“Dont have plenty of time for reading?If you are interested in nonfiction books,here are good choices for you.”可知,本文的目的是向读者推荐四本书。故选C项。.【语篇解读】作者上大学的第一周接触到美式手语,手语的动作和这种新的交流方式吸引了作者。作者从此便爱上了这种无声的交流方式。1.A根据上文的“.to explore new aspects of life,college sets the stage for that exploration.”以及下文的and found something可知,作者自己经历了这个“探索”的过程,所以选A项。searching“探索的”;planning“计划的”;natural“自然的”;formal“正式的”。2.B根据句意可知,作者在探索的过程中发现了某种东西,这种东西让他的大学经历向更好的方面转化,所以选B项。3.C根据“My entire family is hearing,and so are all my friends.”可知,作者的家人和朋友都没有听力障碍,所以作者以前没有学习手语的强烈欲望。4.D由于家人和朋友都没有听力障碍,所以“口语”在日常的交往中就足够了。此处的“spoken languages”与上文的“sign language”相对应。5.A根据下文可知,作者接触到手语后,被它吸引,开始学习手语。所以此处应该是作者发现了自己对手语的热爱。6.C根据下文可知,这里讲述的是作者上大学第一周发生的事情,所以用story。7.B作者观看了美式手语俱乐部用手语表演的一首歌曲。perform“表演”,符合语境。record“录音”;recite“背诵”;discuss “讨论”。8.Aidea“想法”;amount“数量”;dream“梦想”;reason “理由”。无声交流的想法吸引了作者,故A项符合语境。9.D下文提到,作者看到的和他过去经历的完全不同。由此可知,作者被手语的动作和无声交流的想法所吸引,所以选D项。disturb“打扰”;support“支持”;embarrass“使困窘”。10.B根据前面的had experienced可知,此处填past。in the past“在过去”。11.D作者感到这种形式非常新颖,自然想要了解更多,所以选D项。12.Bexercise“练习”;explore“探索”;express“表达”;explain“解释”。根据文章首句提到的“.encourage students to explore new aspects of life.”可知选B项。13.C作者那一天只学会了用手语表示字母表。print“印刷”;write“写”;sign “用手势表达”;count“数”,只有sign符合语境。14.A根据上文的“only”可知,此处应该填“slow”,表示“进步很慢”。15.C根据后面的宾语those meetings可知,此处应填attend,表示“参加那些会议”。16.D根据下文提到的professor可知,作者选了美式手语这门课程。register for“注册,选课”,符合语境。17.A由于教授本人就失聪,所以课上是“禁止”谈话的。prohibit“禁止”;welcome“欢迎”;ignore“忽视”;repeat“重复”。只有A项符合语境。18.C上文提到“不久我就意识到这种沉默并不会令人感觉不愉快”,下文又说“如果可以用嘴说话的话,我们会学得少”,由此可知instead(反而)为最佳选项。19.Bcause sb.to do sth.“导致某人做某事”。require“要求”;allow“允许”;expect“期望”。20.D根据第三段最后的“This newness just left me.”可知,此处应为“the new way of communication”。.【语篇解读】本文介绍如何帮助你的孩子学习英语。1.convincedbe convinced that.“相信”。2.will helpas long as引导时间状语从句时,句子的时态要“主将从现”。3.If根据后面的意思“参加英语课程的学习目的是更好地让你的孩子专注于他/她学习的需要”可知,前面是“


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