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课时训练1.单词拼写1.They have been married for 30 years.Its sad that their m will end up in separation.答案:marriage2.It was Abraham Lincoln that did all he could to set free millions of s in America.答案:slaves3.The desire to look attractive is (普遍的).答案:universal4.Local resident groups have u in opposition to the plan.答案:united5.She was unable,or u,to give me any further details.答案:unwilling6.He was too (顽固的)to admit that he was wrong.答案:stubborn7.“Leigh,”he said s my arm to hold me back.答案:seizing8.It was (明显的) that she was unhappy.答案:evident9.There are (引起恐慌的) reports of killings at the two centres.答案:disturbing10.He works from d till dusk.答案:dawn.单项选择1.If he down upon you,just mind your own affairs and ignore him.A.dares lookB.dare to lookC.dares to lookD.dare looks解析:dare作情态动词时后跟动词原形,所以排除D项;实义动词dare受主语人称和数的限制,本题要用第三人称单数,所以排除B项;实义动词dare后面必须跟带to的不定式,所以排除A项。答案:C2.How was your job interview?Oh,I couldnt feel .I hardly found proper answers to most of the questions they asked.A.betterB.easierC.worseD.happier解析:本题考查否定词与比较级连用表达最高级含义。根据句意“他们问的很多问题我都没能找到合适的答案”可知感觉很糟。I couldnt feel worse意为“我感觉糟透了”。答案:C3.All local residents who are to donate their blood are invited to contact the citys Blood Centre.A.likelyB.possibleC.willingD.unwilling解析:献血并非可能不可能的问题,而是愿意不愿意的事情。只有愿意献血才会联系,所以选择C项。答案:C4.She will be angry if you her while she is sleeping.A.discourageB.disturbC.disagreeD.discuss解析:句意:如果你在她睡觉时打扰她,她会生气的。disturb多指某人的行动妨碍了别人的正常生活秩序而使人不能安宁。discourage意为“使泄气,使失去信心”;disagree意为“不同意,意见有分歧”;discuss意为“讨论”。答案:B5.The voyages of travellers before the 17th century show that they were not the sea even though they didnt have modern navigational aids.A.at the expense ofB.at the risk ofC.in the way ofD.at the mercy of解析:at the mercy of sb./sth.“任由某人/某事物摆布或控制”。答案:D6.The house a new look after the repair.A.took overB.took upC.took onD.took off解析:“修理之后”,房子应该是呈现出新的面貌,所以用take on“呈现”。take over“接管”;take up“占据,开始从事”;take off“起飞,脱衣服”。答案:C7.The judge him for fraud.A.competeB.condemnedC.chargedD.accused解析:句意:法官宣判他犯有诈骗罪。compete for“争夺(某物)”;condemn“宣告有罪”;charge和accuse都可指“控告或指责某人有某罪”,charge常与with连用,accuse常与of连用。答案:B8.You can imagine her every means to avoid these polluted materials.A.trying;touchingB.trying;to touchC.to try;touchingD.to try;to touch解析:imagine和avoid后面都跟动名词作宾语,题干中her是动名词trying的逻辑主语。答案:A9.She can be as as a mule,so there is no point in trying to talk her into joining us.A.awesomeB.stubbornC.mercifulD.evident解析:awesome“极好的,令人敬畏的”;stubborn“固执的,顽固的”;merciful“仁慈的,宽大为怀的”;evident“明显的”。句意:她有时会倔得像头骡子,因此竭力说服她加入到我们当中没有意义。显然,stubborn符合题意。答案:B10.In our school,every student has free to the library.A.rightB.chanceC.accessD.use解析:access to sth./sb.“(使用某物或者接近某人的)机会或权力,(接近或进入某地的)方式,通路”。答案:C11.He was busy writing a story,only once in a while to smoke a cigarette.A.to stopB.stoppingC.to have stoppedD.having stopped解析:句子主语he是stop表示的动作的执行者,表示在写小说的时候偶尔停下来抽烟,表示伴随情况。答案:B12.Dad,several days ago you said you would buy me a new bicycle.Yes,its my if you do better in your exam.A.ideaB.realityC.promiseD.fact解析:promise用作名词,意为“诺言”。答案:C13.The old man put on his glasses see better.A.for the purposeB.in order thatC.so asD.in order to解析:此处后面是短语而非句子,故排除B项;for the purpose of+n./v.-ing,故排除A项;C项应为so as to。答案:D14.The two world wars a shadow over the people all over the world.A.castB.castedC.have castedD.would cast解析:句意:两次世界大战给全世界人民投下了阴影。两次世界大战早已过去,两次世界大战的阴影应该已经留下了,故排除D项;另外,cast的过去式和过去分词与原形相同。答案:A15.Though the research project has cost much and still needs much more,it will play an important part in agriculture and industry in the long run.A.being constructedB.constructingC.constructedD.to be constructed解析:根据下文信息“已经耗费很多,并还需要更多资金”可知,该研究项目正在建设之中,而且是construct所表示动作的承受者,所以要用现在分词的被动式作后置定语,表示正在进行着的被动动作。答案:A.完成句子1.她知道社会会谴责她遗弃孩子。She knew that society would deserting her children.答案:condemn her for2.乍一看这个包像是真皮做的,但实际上是仿制品。,it seems that the bag is made of real leather.But actually it is just an imitation.答案:At first sight3.最近几天的天气十分好,适合去野餐。The weather during the last few days a picnic.答案:has been perfect for4.我要求他告诉我一切。I demanded tell me everything.答案:that he should/of him to5.抓住机会,要不然你会后悔的。,otherwise you will regret it.答案:Seize the chance6.近年来这座城市发生了很大的变化,呈现出崭新的面貌。In recent years,great changes have in the city,making it a new look.答案:taken place;take on7.仅仅因为人们不愿合作,这个计划流产了。The plan broke down just because people .答案:were unwilling to cooperate8.他是一个可以信赖的朋友,他从来没有对任何人食言过。He is a friend that you can trust.He has never to anyone.答案:broken his promise.阅读理解1.In the 1960s Walt Disney pictured in the mind a future Utopian city with underground roads and a climate-controlled round roof.The real community of Celebration,Florida,built in 1999,applies the social and environmental goals of both Disney and the New Urbanism movement.Disney and the New Urbanism have imagined communities that promote social and local communication.Celebration has a central Market Street district to reduce traffic and encourage social contacts.The idea is that if the downtown area is neatly and closely ranked,people will walk and meet their neighbours.Downtown events like art festivals also bring citizens together.Narrow,tree-lined streets are “traffic calm”with slower speed limitsto encourage bicycling and walking.Moreover,housing in Celebration includes both single-family and multi-family houses that encourage socialization.Apartment buildings are located close to downtown,and houses are built close together with small yards.They feature entrance halls to encourage citizens to socialize.“Many aspects of that kind of design are really aimed at maximizing social communication between citizens,not just on the streets but also in community institutions that are very much a part of public life there,” says Andrew Ross,a New York University professor who lived in Celebration for one year.Utopian communities such as Celebration are also designed with environmental protection in mind.The town itself is built on 4,900 acres surrounded by a 4,700 acre protected greenbelt.The greenbelt parks,and common areas accommodate native wildlife and animals.High-rise office and apartment buildings provide close office and living space in a small geographic area in order to reduce urban sprawl,the spread of todays cities onto nature areas.Buildings also minimize environmental influence by using cooling;and electric systems with insulated (绝缘的;隔热的) glass,cooling towers,and energy-saving lamps.“The town more or less borrows very heavily from New Urbanist principles.to create environmentally friendly alternatives to sprawl and to create communities around people rather than vehicles,” Ross said.Celebration mentioned in the passage is a .A.city o


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