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Section Learning about Language & Using Language对应学生用书P33基础题.单词拼写1They explored the deep forest where there was no human s_.答案:settlement2Dont be so g_ if you have eaten too much. Otherwise you will put on weight.答案:greedy3My primary school teacher greeted me warmly the i_ she saw me.答案:instant4He was so hungry that he s_ all his food in a few minutes.答案:swallowed5Jack, the bottles can be r_. Dont just throw them away.答案:recycled6After years of effort, we turn the _ (沙漠) into grassland.答案:desert7In case of fire, break the glass and press the red _ (按钮)答案:button8Some students lack _ (动机) and thus achieve nothing.答案:motivation92017浙江高考In the city, Mr Pennington gave Benjamin _ (材料) for creating oil paintings.答案:materials10The _ (代表) from all over the country gather in Beijing in spring every year.答案:representatives.选词填空1To keep healthy, most retired old people _ jogging as a regular form of exercise.答案:take up2After years of traveling, he decided to _ here.答案:settle down3The car _ rather than slowed down when the driver noticed the traffic lights were about to turn red.答案:sped up4A good idea will not _ reality by itself. It needs our hard work.答案:turn into5The leaves of the plant _ water and sunshine to grow stronger.答案:are greedy for6The animal was walking slowly _ it had hurt its leg.答案:as though7Are your opinions _ the views of all the students?答案:representative of 8The girl couldnt help jumping with joy _ she heard the news.答案:the instant9He said goodbye to me and then was quickly _ in the crowd.答案:swallowed up10Its impolite to _ foreign visitors in the street.答案:stare at.单句语法填空1If you are too _ (greed), you may lose everything.答案:greedy句意:如果你太贪心了,你可能会失去一切。系动词之后应用形容词作表语。2_ (touch) by the teachers words, he did a lot of things to help his classmates.答案:Touchedtouch和其逻辑主语he之间是被动关系,因此用过去分词作状语。3Chinese people have changed from passive _ (receive) to active choosers with easier access to Western dramas.答案:receivers句意:中国人民更容易接触到西方戏剧,已经从被动的接收者变成了积极的选择者。介词from后应用名词作宾语,与choosers并列,且这里指代的是Chinese people,所以应用复数。故填receivers。4The young boy, _ was late for school this morning again, managed to slide into the classroom.答案:who这是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词为The young boy,指人,关系代词在从句中作主语,故填who。5He is a teacher _ (respect) by all his students.答案:respecteda teacher与respect之间是被动关系,故用过去分词短语respected by all his students作定语修饰teacher,表示“受所有学生尊敬的老师”。6The morning air is so good _ (breath)答案:to breathe这是一个“主语系动词adj.to do”结构,不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。7The reason why he was absent from the meeting was _ he was delayed by the accident.答案:thatThe reason why . is/was that . “的原因是”,是固定句型。that引导表语从句。8There was nothing _ (leave) in the house when the hurricane passed by.答案:left句意:飓风过后,房子里什么也没留下。 nothing与leave之间存在被动关系,故填left作后置定语。9The meeting, attended by more than 300 _ (represent) from nearly all the G20 economies, marked the formal start of Germanys presidency.答案:representatives句意:这个会议由来自几乎全部20国经济体的300多个代表参加,标志着德国总统任职的正式开始。数词300后应接名词representative,意为“代表”,且应用复数形式。10Fortunately, someone who happened to be passing by called the fire department _ (instant) the fire broke out.答案:instantly句意:幸运的是,大火刚发生,正好经过的人就立刻给消防队拨打了电话。设空处应该填连词来引导时间状语从句,instantly可作连词,意为“一就”。故填instantly。.单句改错1Worrying about his sons safety, he didnt sleep well._答案:WorryingWorried2The man desert his wife and children and went abroad._答案:desertdeserted3They are broadening the bridge to speed the flow of traffic._答案:speed后加up4A satisfying customer is the best advertisement that we hope to have._答案:satisfyingsatisfied5What we all know, the Great Wall was built as a defence against invaders._答案:WhatAs6The thief broke away from the policeman and ran to the opposite direction._答案:toin.完成句子12017天津高考Mr and Mrs Brown would like to see their daughter _, get married, and have kids.布朗夫妇希望看到女儿安顿下来,结婚成家,生儿育女。答案:settle down2The development of economy of this area needs _.这个地区的经济需要加速发展。答案:to be sped up3I have read a book written by Mo Yan recently, which _ his writing style.最近我读了莫言写的一本书,这本书代表了他的写作风格。答案:is representative of 4.This kind of material can _ many times.这种原料能够被循环利用好几次。答案:be recycled5Deep _, the explorers found _.在沙漠深处,探险家们发现了一座被遗弃的古城。答案:in the desert; a deserted ancient city能力题.阅读理解We dont know how different our life will be in the future. We can only try to imagine it.At first we think about human relationships. In the year 2050, we will use computers almost every day, we will be making new friends through the Interneteven our husbands or wives will be met in this way. It will be much faster and easier for us. On the other hand, our relationships with other people wont be as important as they are todaywe will feel a little lonely.Computers will also help us in many other activities in 2050. For example, they will be used by children at school to make their learning easier. In addition, there will be more other machines which will play a similar role as computers, like robots which will do the housework for us.Spending holidays will also be completely different. Traveling to other planets or to the moon will be available for everyone. Means of transport will, of course, change, too. We will be using solarpowered cars, which will be much environmentally friendly.We could expect that the faster economic development would lead to a more polluted environment. But it isnt true. We will pay more attention to protecting the environment. Scientists will probably find cures for many dangerous diseases, like cancer or AIDS. Therefore, our surroundings as well as health will be in better condition.Although we cannot predict the exact changes which will be made in the world, we often think about them. We worry about our and our childrens future; we have expectations, hopes as well as fears. But I think we should be rather sanguine about our future. We should be happy and believe good things will happen.1The underlined word “sanguine” in the last paragraph most probably means _.Adisappointed BsurprisedCcurious Doptimistic答案:D词义猜测题。根据最后一段最后一句可知,作者认为我们应该对将来保持乐观的心态,相信美好的事情将会发生。故推测画线词与optimistic “乐观的”意思接近。故选D。2According to the passage, which of the following will happen in 2050?AIt will not be difficult for people to travel to other planets.BOur environment will be much polluted with a growing number of cars.CThe way of spending holidays will be the same as that of today.DThe relationship between people will be more important.答案:A细节理解题。根据第四段第一、二句可知,在2050年,旅游度假也将会变得不同,每个人都能去其他星球旅行。故选A。3What does the passage mainly talk about?AWhat high technology will appear in the year 2050.BWhat our life will be like in the year 2050.CHow people will communicate in the year 2050.DHow people will travel and spend their holidays in the year 2050.答案:B主旨大意题。根据文章第一段内容,及其后各段落的第一句可知,文章对2050年的生活进行了一些大胆的猜想,故选B。.七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Are You Ready to Make a Lifestyle Change? When it comes to weight loss, the words you might hear are: lifestyle and changes. _1_ But, if it were that simple, Id be out of a job and youd be too busy working out to read this. Losing weight takes hard work and that often means changing different aspects of your life like how you spend your time, how you schedule your day, and how/what you eat. Whats Your Lifestyle Like? _2_ So what is a healthy lifestyle? The typical components include not smoking, eating healthy foods, exercising and keeping the body at a healthy weight. First, figure out how much time you spend doing the following: Sitting at a desk_3_ Sitting in front of a computer Drinking alcohol Eating fast food or junk foods Staying up late/Not getting enough sleep Now, How Much Time Do You Spend? Being active in general (taking the stairs, walking instead of driving, gardening, cleaning, etc.) Doing cardio exerciseStrength training for all muscle groups with challenging weights Tracking your calories Sleeping Dealing with stress in a healthy way_4_ Living healthy means spending time and energy on your bodymoving it around and paying attention to what you put into it. Staying in an unhealthy lifestyle means you can avoid expending energy, time and effort.Choosing Health As humans, we like habits and routines so much that we often keep doing the same things even w


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