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Part II Vocabulary and Structure Section B,The hotel was surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be much (expensive) _. 2.We have postponed (hold) _ the conference till the end of next month. 3. Dont (hesitation) _to tell me if you need any further information. 4. Although he was (deep) _ hurt by what she had said, he said nothing in reply.,more expensive,holding,hesitate,deeply,5.Italy has depended on exports more than any other large (develop) _ country. 6.They will continue (work) _seven days a week until the building is finished. 7.This is the (early) _version of the plan, on which all the later ones are based. 8.He might have been killed in that car accident yesterday if he (take) _ part in that activity with the team. 9.There (be) _dictionaries available in the reading room is very helpful to the students of English.,developed,working,earliest,had taken,being,10.Some experts suggest that we slow down the (economy) _ growth in the country. 11.I have come to the (conclude)_ that it would be unwise to accept his proposal. 12.How are you going to teach students who have different (able) _ in one class? 13. Oh, I just remembered something! I have to (application) _ for a passport immediately. 14.He was disappointed that he did so (bad) _ on the exam. 15.I would rather that my sister (take ) _over the business which my uncle left.,economic,conclusion,abilities,apply,badly,had taken,16.Neither the people nor the government of this city has the (able) _ to solve the serious problem of air pollution. 17.John has built up his own business. He (management) _a shoe factory. 18.(watch) _ by a crowd of people, Charles felt embarrassed and couldnt say a word. 19.Your pale face suggests that you (be) _ ill. 20.If I had seen him passing me in the street, I would (say) _hello to him.,ability,manages,watched,are,have said,21.Doing a second job to earn more money also means you have to pay (addition) _ income tax. 22.After the interruption, she continued to talk about the trip as if nothing (happen) _. 23.I wont listen to his problems because I dont want to get (involve) _in this affair. 24.Like the resume, job applications may be the only thing that tells an (employ) _about you. 25.Mr. Li (apply) _ himself to preparing his report on economic situation all these days.,additional,had happened,involved,employer,has been applying,26.All the members of the club were present when the Chairman (elect) _last week. 27.Smoking is (harm)_ to the health, especially to young people. 28.(Impress) _ by the young mans qualifications, they offered him a good job in their firm. 29.We should read more and see more in order to (wide) _ our horizons. 30. Did you go to the library to borrow the book the teacher (recommendation) _to us yesterday?,was elected,harmful,impressed,widen,recomendated,31.When (part) _her hair in the middle, Susan discovered that there were several gray hairs. 32.The birth of American music has been the result of the mixture of people and music from (differ) _ parts of the world. 33.I went to see my doctor for a regular (physically) _ examination yesterday. 34.If he had taken the advice of his lawyer, he (save)_ himself a great deal of trouble. 35.If Mary (be) _ at the office yesterday, she would have received the message.,parting,different,physical,would have saved,had been,36.There has been a lot of important (improve) _ here in the last 20years. 37.Which course do you think (difficult) _, computer science, electric engineering or environmental engineering? 38.When sh


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