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Unit 20 New Frontiers 课下能力提升(五).根据首字母或汉语意思写出单词1. Due to the failure of crops, most of the villagers will have to suffer from starvation. 2. To get the exact value of the ancient vase, he had it assessed by experts.3To support his big family, the father had to leave home before dawn and come back after dark.4. Both the opposite sides realized that they should settle the conflict peacefully.5. Many support the former alternative, but personally I favour the latter (后者) one.6. The worn (磨损的) shoes indicated the traveler had hiked rather a long distance.7. A good leader thinks of the welfare (福利) of the public first, not that of his own.8. His only recreations (消遣) are drinking beer and reading.单句语法填空1The whole family live on the earnings of the two brothers.2Police are looking into the case of the disappearance of two children. 3Please take it seriously and I am not saying it for fun.4Study the contract in detail before signing.5The report is based on figures from six different European cities.6The new type of mobile phones are very handy (hand)7Before the recent political mistake, her reputation had been stained (stain)8They live and work together in complete equality (equal) and brotherhood.9He is a specialist (special) in modern French literature.句型转换1We think it is no good reading in bed.We think it no good reading in bed.2The road is three times as wide as that one.The road is three times the width of that one.The width of the road is three times that of that one.The road is three times wider than that one.3Whenever you come back, dont wake me up.No matter when you come back, dont wake me up.课文缩写语法填空Over the centuries, there have been a few people who plan the future of the world for a living and they are called futurologists.Hundreds of futurologists will gather at Newcastle University 1.to_hold (hold) a seminar about the future.Many people will attend the seminar with dreams of starting new enterprises based 2.on the predictions they will hear. I clicked into the websites of a few futurologists and got several predictions.3Shortly (short), computers will become 4.handier (handy)Then all of us can use our voices to control computers such as 5.downloading (download) files or updating computers just by saying a few words.By 2015, Garments will have been made of new materials that will remain 6.stainless (stain) whatever you spill on them, and they will never get old and worn.By 2025, there will have been no 7.starvation (starve), no people who have to live on welfare, no discrimination, no conflict and people will have lived in peace and 8.equality (equal)By 2030, tiny, insectlike robots may be sent around the cells of our bodies 9.to_assess (assess) our health, assuring us of living for at least 150 years.By 2050, we will be linking our brains to the much 10.smarter (smart) computers and a huge database, and a new type of electronic human might have developed!.完形填空I love roller coasters. I can imagine the wind blowing up against my skin, and hear the _1_ of fear that come from the people on the rides. I will stand in line for 40 minutes or longer just for a ride that _2_ 30 seconds. The _3_ has me jumping around like a 4yearold. All I can do is endlessly talk about the _4_ I am about to get on.When I make it to the front that same excitement turns to absolute _5_. I am now having second _6_. Quietly, I discuss within myself _7_ having the courage to go through. From far away it _8_ fun but when I was about to get in the drivers seat I was pretending I _9_ my license. After some self motivation I finally make the move to take my _10_.On my way up the hill I can clearly see the ups and downs that are before me. Not only are there physical _11_ but mental ones as well._12_, there are people around me with their hands in the air. Knowing that things are going to get _13_ I usually cling to (抓紧) the handle on my seat. I wouldnt dare _14_ something that terrifies me. They either have been on this ride before and know what to _15_ or they are just really happy regardless of where the ride ends, because they know they are on the _16_ track.Life is full of darkness and light. The best thing we can do when life has us afraid is to lift our hands as a sign of surrender (示弱) and _17_ the ride. There are so many tracks to choose from, and we have to take the time to _18_ what is best for us. Are you willing to _19_ the decisions that you make? If so, take your hands _20_ the handle and lift them in the air.语篇解读:本文是夹叙夹议文。作者以自己坐过山车的经历告诉我们:生活不在别处,要相信自己的选择,拥抱你的生活。1A.talks BscreamsCvoices Dpower解析:选B由首句“roller coasters”可知,作者能够听到坐过山车的人们出于恐惧的尖叫声。2A.lasts BexistsCworks Drises解析:选A等待40分钟或者更长时间只为能够乘坐30秒的过山车。3A.impression BimaginationCexcitement Dexperience解析:选C由下句可知,坐过山车让作者很兴奋。下段“that same excitement”也有提示。4A.moment BgroundCturn Dride解析:选D此处指乘坐过山车。5A.fear BsurpriseCregret Dsilence解析:选A由后文的描述可知,起初的兴奋变成了极度的恐惧。作者的想法不同了。6A.opinions BchancesCdecisions Dthoughts解析:选D参见上题解析。7A.rather than Beven thoughCas if Dnow that解析:选A由作者此处的心理变化可知,他没有勇气坐过山车,心里面想打退堂鼓。8A.felt BlookedCsounded Dproved解析:选B由“From far away”可知,从远处看,过山车是很有趣的。但是当自己要坐上去时,作者又像忘带驾驶证的人不敢坐到驾驶座上一样,想要逃避乘坐过山车。9A.won BneededCforgot Dheld解析:选C参见上题解析。10A.time BleaveCorder Dseat解析:选D由下文可知,最后经过一番思想斗争,作者终于落座。11A.problems BchallengesCexercises Dpuzzles解析:选B“the ups and downs that are before me”对于作者来说是体力和精神上的双重挑战。12A.Fortunately BSadlyCStrangely DHopefully解析:选C由下文“I usually cling to the (抓紧) handle on my seat”可知,周围竟然有人把手举向空中,这对作者来说很是不可思议。13A.rough BeasyCinteresting Dcurious解析:选A由上文可知,对于作者来说坐过山车是件困难事。这种情况下,他都会紧紧地抓住把手。14A.create BbelieveCcelebrate Ddescribe解析:选C前文说人们坐过山车时把手举过头顶,这个姿势像是庆祝。而作者不敢像那些人一样,去庆祝让他感到害怕的事情。15A.discuss BexpectCguess Ddiscover解析:选B由“have been on this ride before”可知,那些人之所以如此兴奋,或许是因为他们以前乘坐过过山车,知道前面会发生什么事情。16A.fast BfreshCrunning Dright解析:选D由“regardless of where the ride ends”可知,或许是因为他们知道自己行驶在正确的轨道上,所以不在乎最终的目的地是哪儿。17A.enjoy BfollowCkeep Davoid解析:选A由“lift our hands”,联系前文坐过山车的人的做法可知,生活就像是坐过山车一样,充满着各种未知,但我们最好能够在自己害怕的时候举起手示弱,但同时要学会享受生活。 18A.take up Bput forwardCbreak away from Dfind out解析:选D由“There are so many tracks to choose from”可知,生活中供我们选择的道路有很多,我们需要花时间去思考哪条是最适合我们的。19A.change BtrustCtake Daccept解析:选B思考过后,我们是否能够像坐过山车的那些人一样,去相信自己的选择呢?20A.for BtoCoff Das解析:选C如果我们能够相信自己的选择的话,那就把手从把手上拿开,勇敢地伸向空中吧!.阅读理解In the future, the Internet will be different from what it is now. There will be many more websites. It is predicted that in the year 2100, there will be hundreds of billions of websites. This means that the use of search engines will become much more important. And there will also be many more sites in different languages. This means that on every proper website, there will be links with the language you want.Another prediction on the Internet is that data transmission (传输) speed will increase globally. According to Akamai Technologies, the average global data transmission speed in late 2009 was 1.7 megabits per second. Compare that to the record for data transmission speed set by Bell Labs:100 billion megabits per second. At that speed, you could transmit 400 DVDs worth of data every second. Thats an enormous gap between whats currently possible and whats commercially available. But as time passes, the costs of producing superhighspeed networks will decrease.In the future, people will live under the sea and the housing shortage will be solved. There will be lots of glass domes (穹状建筑物) under the sea, which allow people to look all around into the sea. Air will be provided via air pipes which lead to the open air. You can travel from one dome to another via a kind of submarine which will also be made of glass. The domes will be so beautiful and the view under the sea will be so impressive that many people will prefer to live under water, and less people will prefer to live on land. This will have a positive effect on the environment on land.In the future we wont use oil or gas as energy any more. We will make use of sunlight, water and wind. Cars will run on water. Just fill your tank with water, and you can drive further than you could drive with the same amount of gasoline. Also, the exhaust wont be damaging to the environment, because itll just be water vapor. So the water cycle wont change, well keep the same amount of water on the earth, and we wont run out of water. Also, all energy will be supplied by natural sources: sunlight, wind and water.语篇解读:文章对互联网、人类居住环境、能源应用等领域的未来做出了预测。1What can we know about the Internet in the future from the first two paragraphs?AIt will be more important to use search engines.BMost of the websites will be designed in English.CPeople not knowing a foreign language will find it hard to surf the Internet.DThere will be great gaps between developed countries and developing countries in Internet usage.解析:选A细节理


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