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Unit 13 People 课下能力提升(一).单句语法填空1He is a gifted (gift) actor and has played roles in many films.2His face is weary beyond description (describe)3It is impossible to_predict (predict) who will win because two sides are competitive.4You are mistaken (mistake) about him who has done a lot for you secretly.5I entirely agree with you in terms of the present situation.6The expression (express) on his face told us that he was angry.7The object of these experiments was to find the connection (connect) between the two phenomena.8I may not be gifted in English, but I just simply like English.9Several of the members have come up with suggestions of their own.10You did a good job. You deserved to_be_praised/praising (praise).选词填空come up with, concentrate .on, compare to, in terms of, involve .in, get on with, be accused of, be scared of, even if, draw up1It was up to him to concentrate_on his studies and make something of himself.2Students should involve themselves in community activities where they can gain experience for growth.3He was_accused_of drunk driving and put into prison.4After looking over my plan, the manager hoped I could come_up_with a better and more practical one.5Compared_to other vehicles, cars are really quite convenient.6He was scared to stay outside late at night because he was_scared_of being robbed.7He isnt good at talking but he gets_on_with other people.8In_terms_of convenience, the museum has more advantages over the gallery.9You need to draw_up the training plan for the team and allocate enough time for it.10Ill do it, even_if it takes me all the afternoon.课文缩写语法填空Most students do an IQ test early in their school career. When they see others doing better than them, they usually believe that those students have a higher IQ and that there is nothing they can do 1.to_change (change) facts.At work, 2.it is IQ that gets you hired but it is EQ that gets you 3.promoted (promote). You ever wondered 4.why some of the smartest students in your class, who you think deserve good grades, sometimes end up 5.failing (fail) exams? People are often 6.mistaken (mistake) in thinking that those with high IQs always have high EQs as well. This 7.association (associate) can exist, but it is just as possible for someone with a low IQ to have a high EQ or someone with a high IQ to have a low EQ.It is 8.generally (general) believed that people with high EQs are open to new ideas and have positive attitudes towards life. In addition, EQ has a lot to do with 9.education (educate). To get ahead in the world and lead a happy successful life means getting on with other people and being able to react to situations 10.in the best way possible. Peoples futures are not entirely determined by their IQs.完形填空From January to May, I led an extremely inactive lifestyle. I was addicted to video games and basically _1_ all aspects of my wellbeing. This _2_ nearly ruined me. I was so absorbed in the games that I didnt want to stay away from the _3_. It took me a great deal of time and effort to _4_ myself to go to class or go out and socialize.How I wanted to _5_ playing these video games, and one day I _6_ did! I told myself I would _7_ improving myself. I began to be _8_ of hygiene (卫生), exercising, and taking up my _9_(mainly playing the piano). Its been almost a month since that day _10_ Id just like to _11_ where Ive gotten since then.Ive been as _12_ as I can. I have landed a _13_ thats involved in activities hiking whenever possible or going on to run around parks. I can honestly say its the _14_ time Ive experienced in a while, _15_ not ever. And to think that its only been a month _16_ me even happier. Who knows what the next few years will bring to me. My _17_ has skyrocketed from almost nothing to the most confident Ive ever been as well.Im hoping that this post will _18_ someone who is in the same boat that moving out of unhealthy habits is _19_ than you think. The body and mind are extremely resilient (有弹性的) and want to be active, so _20_ and live a healthy life like normal humans!语篇解读:本文是记叙文。作者曾一度沉溺于玩游戏。当他意识到自己的错误后,下决心一定要克服不良习惯,重回健康快乐的生活。通过自己的努力,作者最终戒除了游戏瘾,恢复了往日的快乐和自信。1A.ignoring BthinkingCrepairing Dimagining解析:选A由于作者一心只玩游戏,所以他忽视了生活中所有美好的东西。2A.plot BaddictionCchallenge Dmagic解析:选B根据上一句中“I was addicted to video games”可知,作者沉溺于游戏几乎毁掉了他。3A.ground BtopicCscreen Dtheme解析:选C由于作者沉溺于游戏,所以他离不开玩游戏的屏幕。4A.allow BadviseCconsider Dforce解析:选D根据本空前后内容可知,就连上学这件事,作者花费了好多时间和努力才强迫自己去的。5A.quit BsuggestCmind Dfinish解析:选A由于作者意识到了自己存在的问题,因而他想戒除自己的游戏瘾。6A.surely BreallyCobviously Dwisely解析:选B根据后文内容可知,作者真的成功了。7A.look up Btake inCfocus on Dcarry out解析:选C根据空后“improving myself”可知,作者将不断注重对自我的提升。8A.proud BafraidCtired Dcareful解析:选A作者不再关注游戏了,转而对卫生和运动感到自豪。9A.activities BtasksCteams Dhobbies解析:选D根据本空后作者所举例子“playing the piano”可知,作者想要培养一些爱好。10A.and BbutCafter Duntil解析:选A前后句为递进关系。11A.announce BshowCshare Dremind解析:选C根据空后“where Ive gotten since then”可知,作者写本文是想和大家分享一下他现在的情况。12A.simple BactiveCcommon Dupset解析:选B根据本空后面一句可知,作者一直尽可能地保持积极的状态,还找了一份和提升运动量有关的工作。13A.program BjobCproject Dstory解析:选B参考上题解析。14A.shortest BstrangestClongest Dhappiest解析:选D由于作者现在所做的事情都是他喜欢做的,因而现在是他人生中最快乐的时光。15A.if BthoughCas Dunless解析:选A这段时间即使不是曾经人生当中最快乐的时光,至少也是一段时间当中最快乐的时光。16A.finds BprovesCmakes Dwishes解析:选C在这么短的时间内作者就取得了如此大的进步,因而会使作者感到高兴。17A.confidence BintentionCtheory Dambition解析:选A根据本空后“confident”可知,作者的自信心有了很大的提升。18A.surprise BfrightenCconvince Dwarn解析:选C作者写本文的目的就是要说服那些和作者有着同样经历的人们,实际上戒除游戏并不难,反而比我们想象的要容易。19A.quicker BcheaperCheavier Deasier解析:选D参考上题解析。20A.stand up Bget outCwatch out Dturn up解析:选B作者建议走向室外过健康生活。.阅读理解Have you ever accidentally walked into the wrong place that ended up changing your life? Thats what happened to Maceo Thomas of Lakewood, Colorado.One night, Maceo went to find a store where he could buy a cane (拐杖). He weighed over 300 pounds. His doctor, concerned about his health, had suggested Maceo try yoga (瑜伽), but he could barely walk, needing to use a cane to get around.He entered what he thought was the right store, only to find black belts. He walked into a studio of a Rocky Mountain Karate (空手道) Association. Hale Hilsabeck, owner and director of the studio, greeted him. Maceo told Hale that he had always wanted to learn karate, but was discouraged because of his weight. Hale asked him to come back the next day to begin learning karate for free.Maceo began training two to three times a week. Hale was amazed. “I was surprised because he kept on showing up,” he said.“I thought he might disappear after the first three times. But, no.”Now, over five years later, Maceo weighs 60 pounds less and no longer walks with a cane. He can dance and deliver powerful boxes. I called Maceo to find out more. He told me that this all happened for a reason. Most of all, his faith was renewed, both in himself and in a higher power.“This was something that was meant to be,” Maceo said.“I was down on myself. Now I feel more confident of the things I do. I have started to speak my mind more.”Maceos story has inspired me. Next time I end up in the “wrong place”, maybe Ill stay there a minute longer to see if that unexpected chance shows up.语篇解读:本文是记叙文。Maceo本想到商店买拐杖,却走错了地方,但是这让他得到了意想不到的收获获得了自信和健康的体魄。1Why did Maceo want to buy a cane?ATo use it to do some exercise.BTo follow his doctors advice.CTo depend on it to walk freely.DTo deal with his health problem.解析:选C细节理解题。由第二段的“he could barely walk, needing to use a cane to get arou


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