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英汉语篇翻译教程 著者:范守义、郭立秋、贾令仪,Text A: China Answers Japan with Moon Probe Launch,Passage 12:,第1段第1句,China has launched a moon orbiter, dubbed “Change 1,” 其中dub一词,我们可以查到两个义项与相关的语境有关,即a. To honor with a new title or description. b. To give a name to facetiously or playfully; nickname.从该作者的写作用意来看,我们很难判断原作者采用了第一个严肃的用法,还是第二个有点玩笑的用法。我们此处采用了严肃的译称。,嫦娥一号”(Chang E1)月球探测卫星由中国空间技术研究院承担研制,以中国古代神话人物嫦娥命名,嫦娥奔月是一个在中国流传的古老的神话故事。中国首次月球探测工程嫦娥一号卫星是中国自主研制、发射的第一个月球探测器。嫦娥一号主要用于获取月球表面三维影像、分析月球表面有关物质元素的分布特点、探测月壤厚度、探测地月空间环境等。整个“奔月”过程大概需要8-9天。嫦娥一号将运行在距月球表面200千米的圆形极轨道上。嫦娥一号工作寿命1年,计划绕月飞行一年。执行任务后将不再返回地球。嫦娥一号发射成功,中国成为世界第五个发射月球探测器国家、地区。,Change 1 (pronounced chang-uh; simplified Chinese: 嫦娥一号; traditional Chinese: 嫦娥一號; pinyin: Chng y ho) was an unmanned Chinese lunar-orbiting spacecraft, part of the first phase of the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program. The spacecraft was named after the Chinese moon goddess, Change. Change 1 was launched on 24 October 2007 at 10:05:04 UTC from Xichang Satellite Launch Center. It left lunar transfer orbit on 31 October and entered lunar orbit on 5 November. The first picture of the Moon was relayed on 26 November 2007. On 12 November 2008, a map of the entire lunar surface was released, produced from data collected by Change 1 between November 2007 and July 2008.,The mission was scheduled to continue for a year, but was later extended and the spacecraft operated until 1 March 2009, when it was taken out of orbit. It impacted the surface of the Moon at 08:13 UTC. Data gathered by Change 1 was able to create the most accurate and highest resolution 3-D map ever created of the lunar surface. Its sister orbital probe Change 2 was launched on the first of October 2010.,第1段第2句,They jazz up the language of native speakers, making it very lively, natural, and authentic. Jazz up: “Enliven, make more interesting” e.g. “They jazzed up the living room with a new rug.” “They decided to include a comedy act to jazz up the program.”,第1段第3句,Change 1 is Chinas first step in a 10-year plan that aims to send a rover to the moon and get it back to the Earth intact. 其中Chinas first step 原来是个名词词组,译文添加了“迈出”这个动词,算是增词,显得具体生动一些。句中rover一词,我们可以查到它的原义,被科学家们借用来指称送到月球上的那个玩意儿,因此,该词又有了转义,也是一种比喻的用法,下面就是这两个义项的定义,即 a. One that roves; a wanderer. b. A crewed or uncrewed vehicle, used especially in exploring the terrain of a planet and its satellites.那么,我们在翻译的时候,可以比照该词的初始意义翻译,也可以根据它的转义,即按照其功能来翻译。,The Change 1 orbiter blasted off with a trail of smoke, 词组blast off 的意思是launch, take off, lift off, take to the air, become airborne, 如 The rocket is set to blast off on Wednesday.,第2段第1句,第4段,The Long March 3A rocket carrying the probe, 其中The Long March 3A rocket应该看成是“回译”,即是回译,那就要回到原来中文的原名,有关航天部门已经有固定的命名方式,即使用甲乙丙丁的中文序列词来命名相关的对象,所以,我们不能将其译成长征3A,而是长征3号甲。当然,你们从网上还是可以看到有人在使用长征3A。,中国长征3号甲火箭 长征三号甲运载火箭是一枚大型三级液体推进剂火箭,也是我国同步轨道运载火箭的基本型。它主要用于发射地球同步转移轨道有效载荷,也可执行低轨道、太阳同步轨道和极地轨道任务。长征三甲火箭继承了长征三号的成熟技术,采用了改进的液氢液氧第三级,其同步转移轨道的运载能力达到2650千克。由于拥有更灵活先进的控制系统,长三甲运载火箭可以在星箭分离前对有效载荷进行大姿态调姿定向,并提供可调整的卫星起旋速率,因而具有很强的适应性。长征三号甲运载火箭在1994年11月和1997年5月两次成功发射了东方红三号卫星。,第5段,two hours beforehand, 其中beforehand 的用法是 1. adj (postpositive), 2. adv early; in advance; in anticipation,如: The police need to be briefed beforehand on how to deal with this sort of situation. When you give a speech, its natural to feel nervous beforehand. She came an hour beforehand.,第6段,More than 2,000 tourists were also on hand to watch it soar into space. 其中on hand 有两个义项, 1. Present; available,如: Are there enough people on hand to hold a meeting? 2. About to happen; imminent,如: What is on hand for this evening? 显然这个介词短语在句中是第一个义项的定义。,第11段,In 2003, China became only the third country in the world after the United States and Russia to put its own astronauts into space. 其中的短语only the third country 表示绝无仅有,但不一定是唯一的意思,例如At just 48 years old and not even nine months in office, Obama became only the third sitting U.S. president to win the Nobel Peace Prize。所以这里的译文应该是“仅有的第三个国家”。,第12段第1句,China also alarmed the international community in January when it blasted an old satellite into oblivion, 其中alarm的几个义项是: alarm n. 1. A sudden fear caused by the realization of danger. 2. A warning of existing or approaching danger. 3. An electrical, electronic, or mechanical device that serves to warn of danger by means of a sound or signal. 4. The sounding mechanism of an alarm clock. 5. A call to arms.,alarm tr.v. alarmed, alarming, alarms 1. To fill with alarm; frighten. See Synonyms at fear, frighten. 2. To give warning to. 我们觉得这里的alarm还有一点猛不防地,从来没有想过地发生了一件令人惊恐的事件,即“吓了一跳”。,这句话中另外一个词oblivion的意思有: oblivion noun Definition of OBLIVION 1: the fact or condition of forgetting or having forgotten; especially : the condition of being oblivious 2: the condition or state of being forgotten or unknown Examples of OBLIVION The technology is destined for oblivion. The names of the people who lived here long ago have faded into oblivion.,His theories have faded into scientific oblivion. Her work was rescued from oblivion when it was rediscovered in the early 1900s. After being awake for three days straight, he longed for the oblivion of sleep. She drank herself into oblivion. The little village was bulldozed into oblivion to make way for the airport. Origin of OBLIVION Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin oblivion-, oblivio, from oblivisci to forget, perhaps from ob- in the way + levis smooth more at ob-, levigate First Known Use: 14th century 文中when it blasted an old satellite into oblivion,oblivion显然是“无影无踪”的意思。,第13段第1句,The Long March rocket had a drawing on it of a moon with an eclipse which was also designed to look like a dragon. drawing一词的意思包括: n. 1. The act or an instance of dra


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