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1.example (1)give an example of 给一个的例子 (2)take for example 以为例 以我姐姐为例,她就是一个出色的歌唱家。 Take my sister for example. She is an excellent singer.,(3)for example 例如 (4)set sb an example set an example to sb 为某人树立一个榜样 汤姆学习很努力,为全班同学树立了一个榜样。 Tom worked hard and set an example to his classmates.,(5)follow /copy ones example 学某人的样子 (6)make an example of sb 处罚/惩办以儆戒别人 老师对那个考试中抄袭的同学惩罚以儆戒其他人。 The teacher made an example of the boy who copied from another student during the exam.,2.safety 安全 u in safety =safely He was anxious about the safety of the children. safely: (adv.) She arrived safely last week. safe (adj.) Put them in a safe place.,safe and sound 平安无事 The soldiers have arrived home from the war safe and sound. safe (n.) 保险柜 (复数 safes) Put your valuable things in the safe.,3. experiment 实验 c make do perform an experiment 做实验 carry out conduct,4.flame 火焰(N) in flames 燃烧着 The house was in flames. flame vi 火烧得旺起来 The fire flamed up. 勃然大怒 Her anger suddenly flamed.,5.be to do (1). 表示事先商定、安排或准备要做某事 学生于明天早上在学校大门口集合。 The students are to meet at the school gate tomorrow morning. (2). 表示命令或指示、责任、义务、禁止,通常用于第三人称 这房间必须锁上。 The room is to be locked.,老师应受到社会尊敬。 Teachers are to ( should / ought to ) be respected by the whole society. (3)用于第二人称时,含有转达别人指示之意 Heres a message for you from your headmaster: you are to go to her office after class.,6.advantage 好处 c a. take advantage of 利用某人的处境、弱点等;利用机会 我不能利用你的善良。 I cant take advantage of your kindness. 我们利用晴天去远足。 We took advantage of the fine weather and went on a hike.,b. have / give sb an advantage over(使某人)比某人有优势 女性比男性有优势。 Females have an advantage over males.,c. (sth) to ones advantage 对某人有利 多多练习会对你有好处。 More practice will be to your advantage . 学英语对你会有好处的。 Itll be to your advantage to study English. to advantage(adv.)有利的,有效的 We spend our spare time to advantage.,7. disadvantage 不利之处 c (1)(sb.)at a disadvantage 处于不利地位 跟她讲话我觉得处于不利地位,因为她那么聪明。 I feel rather at a disadvantage talking to her because she is so clever. (2)put/keep sb at a disadvantage (sth) to ones disadvantage,8.discovery c make a discovery discover (vt) discover sb doing sth discover sb to be discover that( 从句) 比较: discover, invent, find,9.application u申请, c申请书 apply (vt.) 向某人申请某物 make an application to sb for sth apply to sb for sth apply A to B 把A 应用B上 apply to 适用 This rule applies to everyone.,10.a waste of money / time 浪费钱/时间 (1)买这种车浪费钱。 Its a waste of money to buy this kind of car. (2)waste u 废物,废弃的东西 Put all the waste in the bag . (3)waste (adj.) waste paper a waste place,(4)waste (vt.) 浪费 浪费时间金钱(做)某事 waste time/money on sth (in ) doing sth He has wasted a lot of time (in) playing computer games.,11.make use of 利用 好好/ 充分利用 make good /fu


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