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Unit 16 stories,Communication Workshop,.判断正误 1I didnt go to school because the school bus didnt arrive on May 24.( ) 2The Chinese teacher reminded me about the competition at school.( ) 3I was surprised that I was last in the competition.( ) 【答案】 1.F 2.F 3.F,.语篇理解 1Why did I come last in the poetry reading competition? ABecause I forgot about the competition. BBecause I didnt like to practise. CBecause there was only a little applause. 2What happened to the author on the terrible day? AOur class would have a poetry reading competition. BI came last in the competition. CI made a glass of water fall over onto my pillow.,3Which word can be used to describe the mood of the author? Asurprised Bupset Cdelighted 【答案】 1.A 2.B 3.B,1remind vt.提醒;使想起 At school, Mr Fan, the English teacher,reminded me about the poetry reading competition.(P12)在学校里,英语老师范老师提醒我诗歌朗读比赛的事情。 I want to remind you of the rules for school parties. 关于学校晚会,有几个规定我想提醒你们。,The girls constantly had to be reminded about their chores. 不得不经常提醒那些女孩子料理好自己的事情。,remind sb.of/about sth.提醒某人某事 remind sb.to do sth.提醒某人做 remind sb.that/what/how/when.提醒某人,He reminded me of his little brother. 他使我想起他的小弟弟。 I remind him to attend the meeting on time. 我提醒他要准时参加会议。 Ill just call Sylvia to remind her that we are meeting at 8.我正要给西尔维娅打电话,提醒她我们在8点见面。,完成句子 请提醒我买邮票。 _ stamps, please. 请提醒我该怎么做,我已经很久没用过这台机器了。 _,I havent used this machine for ages. 【答案】 Remind me to buy Remind me what to do,2go wrong出毛病;出故障;变坏;失败;走错路 The day everything went wrong was May 24.(P12) 所有事情都出错是在5月24号。 Should anything go wrong,let me know at once. 要是出了什么问题,立即通知我。 Occasionally the machine will go wrong without any apparent cause. 机器偶尔会发生故障而找不出明显的原因。,go 作为系动词时,常构成goadj.意为“转变成”,该结构常表示情况变坏,常见短语: go mad 变疯 go bad 变质 go hungry 挨饿 go wild 发狂,He went almost mad when he heard the news. 他听到这个消息几乎发疯了。 These eggs have gone bad. 这些鸡蛋变质了。,go/get/become/grow/turn,He has become rich by working hard.他勤劳致富。 He is growing old.他渐渐老了。 The trees turn red in autumn.秋天,树叶变红了。 The days are getting longer.白天变得越来越长了。,【教师备课资源】 与go有关的短语: go after追逐;追求 go ahead 走在前面;前进;进展;进行;干吧;说吧 go in for 爱好;从事;支持;赞成;参加 go off 爆炸;停(电,水);(食物)坏了;消失;变差 go away 走开;离开 go against 违反;违背;对不利 go through 穿过;通过;浏览;翻阅;经历 go over 检查;复习,用go,get,become,grow,turn的适当形式填空 Ill _ mad if I have to spend another day in that place. The leaves_red, orange and yellow in the autumn air. You have_taller since the last time I saw you. After the death of her father she_the richest woman in the world.,When I tried to talk to him about it, he just _really angry. 【答案】 go turned grown became got,3The day started to go wrong the_instant I left home.(P12)那一天,我一离开家就开始不走运。 the instant是名词词组在句中用作连词,引导时间状语从句,译为“一就”。 The instant Tom saw his teacher,he ran away. 汤姆一看见他的老师就跑开了。 I recognised her the instant I saw her. 我一眼就认出了她。,表示“一就”,引导时间状语从句的单词和短语常见的有: as soon as immediately,directly,instantly the moment,the minute,the second,the instant hardly (scarcely,rarely)when,no sooner.than on/upon名词/动名词,I will go there directly I have finished my breakfast. 吃完早饭,我立即到那里去。 The moment I heard the news,I hastened to the spot. 我一听到消息,马上赶到了出事地点。 【提示】 hardly (scarcely,rarely)when/before,no sooner.than主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时;当hardly,scarcely,rarely和no sooner位于句首时,主句应用倒装语序。,【教师备课资源】 下列名词词组也可充当连词,引导时间状语从句 every/each time每次 next time下次 the first time第一次,【对接高考】 (2012全国卷)I had hardly got to the office _ my wife phoned me to go back home at once. Awhen Bthan Cuntil Dafter 【解析】 句意:我刚到办公室,妻子就打电话让我立刻回家。本句是“hardly.when.”结构,该结构表示“刚就”。 【答案】 A,完成句子 他说他一到家就给你打电话。 He said hed phone you _he got home. 我一看到他就认出他正是警方在寻找的那个人。 _,I knew he was the man the police were looking for. 【答案】 the moment/instant/minute The moment/instant/minute I saw him,4The_more I looked down,the_redder my face became.(P12)我越往下看,脸就变得越红。 The more.the redder. 句中含有句式:the比较级(主语谓语)。 该句型表示“越越”,是一个复合句,其中前面的句子是状语从句,后面的句子是主句。 The faster you run,the better it will be. 你跑得越快越好。 The more you read,the more you will get. 你读得越多收获就越大。,The earlier you start,the sooner you will be back. 你动身越早,回来就越早。,若主句的谓语动词用一般将来时,从句的谓语动词要用一般现在时表示将来。 在该结构中,主句在程度上随着从句的变化而变化,常把被强调的部分提前。 该结构的比较部分通常是状语、宾语、表语,也可以是主语。 若表示“越越不”,常用“the more.,the less.”句型。,若表示“越不就越”,常用“the less.,the more.”句型。,The more English you practise,the better your English will be.你练习得越多,你的英语就越好。 The less he worried,the better he worked. 烦恼越少,工作做得越好。,完成句子 你站得越高,看得就越远。 _,_youll see. 你学习越刻若,你的成绩就会越好。 _ , _results youll get. 【答案】 The higher you stand;the farther The harder you work;the better,5tense adj.紧张的;拉紧的 I felt tense and dizzy.(P12) 我感到紧张,头晕目眩的。 The game is getting tenser all the time. 比赛自始至终越来越紧张。 The situation suddenly became tense. 局势突然变得紧张起来。,tensely adv. 紧张地 tenseness n. 紧张 tense vt.&vi.拉紧;绷紧;使紧张 tension n. 拉紧;紧张;不安,He tensed,hearing the noise again. 他再次听到那个噪音就紧张起来。 The incident about the Diaoyu Island has further increased the tension between China and Japan. 钓鱼岛事件导致中日两国关系更趋紧张。,tense/nervous/impatient/uneasy,Is anything wrong?You look a little tense. 出什么事了?你看上去有点紧张。 Hes nervous of strangers. 他对陌生人感到紧张不安。 Dont be impatient with your child. 别对你的孩子不耐烦。 Katie felt uneasy about what she had done. 凯蒂对自己所做的事感到忧心忡忡。,用tense,nervous,impatient,uneasy填空 I was so _ about my exams that I couldnt sleep. He felt _ every time he met his former girlfriend. A mother feels _ when her baby is ill. He is _ no matter what he will do. 【答案】 nervous uneasy tense impatient,6applaud vt.& vi.鼓掌;称赞;赞成 When I left the stage people didnt applaud very loudly.(P12)我离开舞台时,人们没有大声鼓掌 The crowd applauded the performance for five minutes. 群众为演出鼓掌了五分钟。 Everyone stood up to applaud.全体起立鼓掌。 We applauded him for his courage. 我们称赞他的勇敢。,applaud sb./sth.for为某人/某事鼓掌 applaud ones plan因赞成某人的计划 applause n鼓掌;喝彩,His speech won the applause of the audience. 他的演讲赢得了听众的掌声。 We all applaud you for your decision. 我们一致赞成你的决定。,完成句子 我们称赞他的勇敢。 We _ his courage. 我们赞成开始建造新大楼的决定。 We _ to go ahead with the new building. 【答案】 applauded him for applaud the decision,叙事性记叙文 叙事性短文属于记叙文文体,或称之为叙事性记叙文。在写此类文章时要做到以下几点: 首先,要把握住记叙文的六个要素,即时间(when)、地点(where)、人物(who)、事件(what)、原因(why)和过程(how)。把握好这六个要素,叙事性记叙文就成功了一半。,第二,要把握叙事性记叙文的结果。在文章开头要交代故事发生的时间、地点和人物,然后写事件的原因及发展过程,最后写结果,同时在结尾处要尽量自然,点明文章主题。并且要有一条线索贯穿全文,使整个文章融为一体。 第三,要把握好人称。此类文章通常用第一人称和第三人称。 第四,要注意时态的运用。在故事写作过程中,一般用过去时态。在描写背景或景象时,常用过去进行时,这样显得更加形象生动。,第五,要润色简单句,增加过渡性词汇,使文章前后通顺自然,成为一个有机整体。,常用句式 She/He was born in.and now is.years old. She/He started school in.and graduated from. She/He is.meters tall and in good health. She/He likes. Her/His hobbies are. She/He is very friendly. She/He is praised by. What I want to be in the future is.,题目要求 根据表格内容,以Chinas First Spacewalker为题写一篇有关翟志刚简介的短文。,注意:1.词数:100以上; 2可以适当发挥,以使全文连贯。 参考词汇:manned space mission载人航天飞行任务;spacecraft轨道舱 _ _ _ _ _ _,思路分析 本文从体裁上看属于记叙文的范畴,在具体写作中,需要适当采用夹叙夹议的手法,这也是近年来高考书面表达的常见题型。做这类书面表达题时,首先要求同学们认真审题,读懂题意,然后结合要求,简单叙述事件,最后阐述自己的观点和看法。该篇作者清楚地交代了人物的身份和事迹,第一段写了人物的出生年月和地点以及背景,接下来叙述了人物的成绩及优秀品质。,写作要点 翟志刚出生年月、地点及背景; 翟志刚成就; 翟志刚品质; 介绍完人物后的总结句。 词汇热身 1辍学_ 2收入_ 3宇航员_,4鼓励某人做某事_ 5执行;贯彻_ 6照某人看来_ 【答案】 1.drop out of school 2.income 3.astronaut 4.encourage sb.to do sth. 5.carry out 6.in ones opinion,句式温习 1翟志刚小时候,因全家靠母亲微薄收入生活,他一度曾想到辍学。 _,he once thought of dropping out of school because the whole family lived on his mothers small income. 2正是翟志刚的母亲阻止他辍学并鼓舞他继续上学。 _ stopped him and encouraged him to continue school.,3翟志刚在2008年9月27日成为太空行走的中国第一人。 Zhai became _ in space on September 27,2008. 4依我看,翟志刚是一位国民英雄,我们应向他学习。 In my opinion,Zhai Zhigang is a national hero,_,【答案】 1.When young 2.It was his mother that 3the first Chin


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