人教版英语PEP Book5 Unit 4we love animals 教学设计_第1页
人教版英语PEP Book5 Unit 4we love animals 教学设计_第2页
人教版英语PEP Book5 Unit 4we love animals 教学设计_第3页
人教版英语PEP Book5 Unit 4we love animals 教学设计_第4页




we love animals 教学设计古田中心小学 陈明媚课题:PEP Book5 Unit 4 We love animals Part A Lets learn教材分析:本节课学习有关动物的四会单词,这是与学生密切有关的事物,因此更容易激发学生的学习兴趣,学生正处于英语学习的基础阶段,根椐学生的个性特点,我将教材中的单词与句子相结合,将教材内容有序的编排。使教学内容尽量贴近学生生活与喜好。在教学中,运用了不用的活动,游戏方式展开教学,关注学生的情感,整节课充份体现出以学生的生命为基点,培养学生保护和热爱小动物的意识.学情分析:本节课所面对的学生是刚刚接触英语的三年级学生,这个年龄的特点是好奇心强,好动,爱表现。因此激发兴趣是让学生进入学习状态的关键所在。由于在之前所学英语的过程中,我创编了一套适合学生学习和理解的字母操,而且在之前的教学中,我与学生们在游戏活动过程中能够很好的配合。因此本节课中我也以游戏活动和形式丰富的新知讲授为主,让学生更快的融入到英语学习去。教学目标:知识目标:能够听,说,认读单词:cat,dog,rabbit,panda,monkey.duck.,并能听懂指示语,根据指令做动作。能力目标:培养学生听,说,读,做的能力,并培养学生合作探究能力。情感态度目标:通过运用语言来完成学习任务。激发学生学习英语的兴趣,并培养学生热爱小动物的情感。教学重点:能听,说,认,读六个有关动物的词汇。教学难点:听懂指示语:Act like a 课前准备:录音机,课件,动物头饰教学过程:1、 Greeting:T:Hello,boys and girls.Ss:Hello,Miss Wang.T:Welcome to my class.Nice to meet you.Ss:Nice to meet you,too.T:today there are some teachers here,lets say Hello to them,OK?S:OK.Hello,teachers.2、 Revision1)Do the Letters exercise.2)Listen a song:Old MicdonaldT:first,lets listen a song.(播放课件中的音乐)(设计意图:利用字母操,体现TPR教学法,让学生积极投入到活动中,激发学生的积极性,并为学单词发音做铺垫。听音乐“Old Micdonald”为新课引出农场做铺垫)3、 Presentation.1) (出示农场课件)T:look,Here is Old Macdonalds farm.there are many animals in it.They will have a party and lets see who is the Superstar.first,Lets meet them.OK?Ss:OK.(Draw a pandas part on the board and let the Ss guess,what is it?)T:Look ,whats this?Ss:Its a panda.T:right,Its a panda.(take out a picture ,write the word on the board and teach)(put the panda in the farm)2) T:Look , here comes another friend,(运用手影将动物呈现)what is it?Ss:Its a rabbit.T:Great.Its a rabbit.(take out the picture.put the rabbit in the farm and teach)Who can act like a rabbit?Jump,jump,act like a rabbit.(Take the head dress and have a daily talk with the students.)T:now Im the rabbit.who can be the panda?(give the picture of panda to one student. Have a daily talk.)T:hi,panda.S1:Hello ,rabbit.T:how are you,panda?S1:Im fine,thank you.T:nice to meet you.S1:nice to meet you too.3) T:Look ,what is it?(播放光盘)Ss:dog.T:right ,Its a dog.(利用字母操,让学生说出单词的读音)(Teach and let the student act like a dog.)T:dog ,dog,wan,wan,wanSs:dog,dog,wan,wan,wan.(write the word on the board and let a student put the picture on the board)4)T:Look here,what is it?it has a short tail and it can swim in the river.(出示卡片的背面,让学生猜。)Ss:duckT:Great,you are so clever.Its a duck.(teach and let the Ss act like a duck)Duck ,duck, quack,quack,quack.(利用TPR教学法,边说边做动作)5)Show out the pictures back and let the Ss guess what is it?T:Please guess what is it?it has a long tail.Ss:monkeyT:Super,its a monkey.(write the word on the board)(teach and let a student put the picture on the board)6) T:Listen,what is it?(播放光盘猫的叫声)Ss:cat. T:great,its a cat.,look,it comes here.(take out the picture and teach)(利用字母操教授读音)Who can come here and put the picture on the board?(出示农场课件)T:wow,so many animals in the farm.lets meet them again, Open your books ,Listen ,look and read after it.(播放课件)(设计意图:通过各种授课形式,让学生不觉枯燥,利用简笔画,手影,听声音,猜卡片的形式教授新词,并做到词不离句,句不离词,在讲授新词的同时,渗透表演。并教授简单的词时,利用字母操让学生自主拼出单词的读音。训练了多方面的能力)Step 4 practice(展示一组课件,分别有几种动物让学生们选择,先择做哪个游戏)T:Now lets join the party and have a match:Who is the superstar.OK?S:OK.T: Now we have six group,the dog group,the cat group,the panda group,therabbit group ,the monkey group and the duck group.first,which animal do you choose?1) Bomb game(选择熊猫的图片会出现炸弹游戏)T:Lets play a bomb game.follow me read the words.if I read the bomb word ,you should stop ,if not ,we will say :one,two ,three ,bomb.OK?Ss:ok.Who can try?(教师演示完,由学生代替教师领读单词,奖励)2) Act and guess选择猴子图片会出现Act and guess(让一名学生上前面对同学,抽取单词卡出示给学生看,组内同学做动作,该生猜。正确的奖励)T: one student in each group come here and choose one card.others act and one guess.Ok?Ss:OK.3) Lets do(选择小兔的图片会出现课件Lets do)T:listen to the tape and do the actions.(放录音,让学生跟录音做动作)4)(利用图片,组内做抽卡片的游戏并展示)选择鸭子图片会出现Free talk(先找一名学生对话,让学生理解如何组内对话) T:Look,I have many pictures,you can choose one and say:I have a rabbit and so on.Can you try?now you can do it in groups.Who can show on first?5) 选择小狗的图片会出现课件,让学生分别猜出动物名称T:Look,there are six flowers,lets guess them one by one.(每组出一名学生猜,看哪组猜对,奖励红旗)The first one ,who can guess :what is it?(做活动给予奖励并评出超级明星)(设计意图:在活动环节中,让学生自已选择动物图片做活动。调动了学生的激情,使学生有兴趣参与活动中。活动方式多样,锻炼了学生听,说,读,做的能力)Step 5 Consoludation and Homework播放背景音乐, 出示各卡通动物的课件,拓展巩固所学知识。T:do you like the animal?Ss:yes.T:right.becaus


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