三年级英语Lesson 3 Would You Like Some Soup 教学设计_第1页
三年级英语Lesson 3 Would You Like Some Soup 教学设计_第2页
三年级英语Lesson 3 Would You Like Some Soup 教学设计_第3页
三年级英语Lesson 3 Would You Like Some Soup 教学设计_第4页




三年级英语教学设计Lesson 3 Would You Like Some Soup ? 一、教学目标: 1.要求学生掌握下列单词 noodles、dumplings、 soup、rice 2.能理解并能口头运用句子 Would you like some ? Yes, please./ No, thanks. 3.能在真实地环境中进行会话。 4.注意用餐中的礼节。 二、教学重点和难点:本课的四个单词和句子。 三、教具、学具: computers, radio, pictures, cards 四、教学过程: Step 1 Warm-up /Revision (1) Lets chant. OK? Table food , table food, Im hungry. I want to eat. Table food, table food, Im thirsty. I want to drink. Table food, table food, Lets eat. Lets drink. (2) Play a game: Race and Write the numbers (from one to fifteen) (3) Make a dialogue using the food pictures they have: A: Im hungry. I want to eat fish/chicken/meat. What about you? B: Im hungry, too. I want to eat Step 2 Presentation (1) Says: I have much food. They are delicious. Mm good! Do you want to eat .OK? Lets eat. Lets learn. (2) Show the pictures: noodle, dumplings, soup, rice. Let them read after you several times. (3)Ask: Whats your favourite food, noodles, dumplings, soup or rice? (4) Play a guessing game: Guess, whats this? If you are right, the picture is for you. OK? (5) Present the dialogue by using computer and say: Today Jenny comes Li Mings house for supper. What do they eat? Lets look. Then let them act it out. (6) Says: Do you want to be a host? How to treat your little guest. Look carefully. Present the dialogue of number 2. Explain “some more ”.Then let the students say after the tape or computer. Step 3 Practice (1) Practice the dialogue in three: A: Would you like some ? B: Yes, please. /No, thanks. A: Are you hungry now? B: No. (2) Act it out. At last you may find out which is the best gust. Give them some flowers. Step 4 Assessment (1) To have an interview with their families and friends using the dialogue we have learned. (2) Draw and write down the food you like. 五、板书 Lesson 3 Would you like some soup ? Noodles dumplings Would you like some soup ? Yes, please./ No, thanks. Rice 课后反思: 课后练习: 1连线 noodles dumplings rice soup 2把句子填完整 Would you like some -? Yes,please. 课堂教学资源: 提供英国人早餐喜欢食品 ,区别于中国人的饮食习惯,渗透中西方文化的不同。传统的英式早餐有煎培根、香肠和煎土司。这叫做“煎食”。 hot dog bread juice sandwich milk 但现在多数人都很忙,没办法每天都吃这种丰盛的早餐,所以现在最流行的早餐种类有: 一碗玉米片加牛奶; 一些优格加新鲜水果; 土司涂果酱,通常在早餐时喝茶、咖啡、或果汁。 Lesson 4: Vegetables and Fruit 一、教学目标: 知识目标:vegetables fruit morning afternoon evening Do you like _? I like _. I dont like _. 能力目标:能够表达自己喜欢或不喜欢的食物。 情感目标:培养学生健康饮食,不偏食的习惯。 二、教学重难点:学会使用句子: I like/ dont like _. 表达自己喜欢什么食物。 三、教具学具:蔬菜水果粘贴画,哭脸和笑脸卡片,学生自画的喜欢的食物图片,单词卡片等。 四、教学过程: Step I:Greeting and Revision: 1. Greeting 2. Sing “the fruit song” Play the audiotape to sing the song together as the students show their pictures. 3. Ask students to introduce their food pictures to their partners to exercise “Would you like _? Yes, please! / No, thanks!” if necessary, the teacher should give an example. Step II: New class Part I : Do You Like This 1.T: This is my picture. This is _.(Point to one fruit in the picture) I like _.(Show the happy face to explain “like”.) would you like _? S: Yes, please./ No, thanks. T: I like _.(Show happy face) Do you like _? S: Yes/ No T: I dont like_.(Show the sad face) Do you like _? S: Yes/No 2.Ask students to exercise with their pictures in pairs like the teacher, then show in front. 3.Game named “Finding Friends” 用两套相同的食物卡片分发给同学们,请他们用Do you like _?句型问其他的同学,当问到和自己手里卡片食物名称一样的同学时就找了到自己的朋友。 4. Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books. Part II: 1. Please look at the book and guess what the picture are about. (The teacher say the sentences and do the action to help students understand the Chinese meaning of morning, afternoon, evening . If necessary, we can explain in Chinese.) 2. Play the audiotape as the students follow in their book. 3. Work in pairs: Talk about what they do in the morning, afternoon and evening. 4. Play a game: 告诉每行第一个同学一个单词,然后传到最后一个同学,再请最后一个同学在黑板上画出他所听到的,请第一个同学猜,当然最后一个同学不能说。看哪组同学传得快,猜得准。(可使用我们已学过的蔬菜水果的单词,重点复习本课学的单词) 五、Blackboard: Lesson 4: Vegetables and Fruit I like _. Would you like_? I dont like _. Yes, please!/No, thanks! 六、课后反思: 七、练习 听力 选择听到的单词 1. ( ) A lunch B dumplings C drink 2. ( ) A fifteen B supper C vegetable 3. ( )A fish B hungry C juice 4( )I am -( thirty , tall ) 5. ( ) A morning B evening 笔试 一.选择正确的一项(20分) 1. seven+four =-A thirteen. B eleven C twelve. 2. I get up in the_A. morningB.afternoon 3. I do my homework in the _A evening. Bafternoon. 4. In the afternoon,I eat -A lunch. B supper. 二情景交际(20分) 1 我喜欢吃鱼,应该说( ) A .I like fish. B.I like meat. 2. 我不喜欢蔬菜,怎么说 ( ) A. .I dont like vegetables. B .I like vegetables. 3.用英语表达“你喜欢吃水果吗?”A.do you like vegetables? B.Do you like fruit? 听力材料: 1 dumplings 2 vegetables.3 juice. 4.thirty.5.evening . 八、课堂教学资源 morning 上午 是指从早上起床,


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