2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 3《Where did you go》(第6课时)教案 (新版)人教PEP版_第1页
2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 3《Where did you go》(第6课时)教案 (新版)人教PEP版_第2页
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Where did you go教学目标要求1能够从图片信息中推测考查点,做到有目的地听录音,并完成判断任务。 2能够在教师的帮助下归纳所学过的不规则动词的过去式,并完成练习。3能够通过阅读趣味故事,复习巩固本单元所学语言,增加学生语言的输入。4能够理解故事内容并进行角色表演。 (根据学生具体情况而定)教学重点能够在教师的帮助下归纳所学过的不规则动词的过去式,并完成练习。教学难点能够理解故事内容并进行角色表演教学过程 活动步骤教与学活动目的及其操作教学资源运用资源使用说明Review时间12m1演唱歌曲,复习热身Lets sing.Look, boys and girls! Lets sing the song Tell me about your holiday.Where did you go on your holiday, holiday, holiday?Did you swim? Did you shop?What did you do?I went swimming in the sea, in the sea, in the sea.I went shopping near the sea.I bought a gift for you.Where did you go on your holiday, holiday, holiday?Did you run? Did you jump?What did you do?播放动画2导入复习本单元词组Lets say.In this unit we learnt many phrases about describing our holiday. We focus on the usage of past tense.Can you remember them? Lets look and say.(rode a horse, went camping, went fishing, rode a bike, hurt my foot, ate fresh food, went swimming, took pictures, bought gifts)通过复习词组活动,让学生对本单元有一个大概回忆。播放课件。3听录音,补全对话,分组进行表演Listen, say and act.学生听录音,补全横线上的句子。然后分组进行对话表演。The first two rows act as Amy, the rest two rows act as John.Listen and fill in the blanks.Amy spent her winter holiday in Sanya with her family. Do you still remember how her holiday was? How did they get there? How did she go there?Now listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks.播放课件。Letscheck时间10m4看图听录音,判断对错Listen and write.There are four pictures below, each picture presents one students holiday life. Listen and write T ( true ) or F (false).教师请学生看图片,并根据听到的内容判断正误。播放课件,听录音判断对错。5听录音,回答问题Listen again and answer.Listen again and answer the questions.教师请学生再听一遍录音,并根据听到的内容回答下列问题。Have you got it? Lets check the answers together.播放课件,听录音回答问题。Letswrapit up时间8m6看单词,写出过去式Lets write.Look at the six words below. Do you know their simple past tense? Observe them carefully and then try to write down their simple past tense.教师请学生看六个单词,并写出其过去式形式。引导学生归纳学过的所有不规则变化的动词。播放课件。7选词完成练习Lets choose.Now, its time to exercise. There are three blanks in the sentences. Please choose the right words and use the right form to complete the sentences.学生选择正确的词用正确的时态填入空白处。Have you finished? I think its not hard for you!Lets check the answers together.播放课件。Storytime时间9m8赏析趣味小故事Watch and answer.Everyone did a good job. In order to encourage you, I prepare a story for you. Please watch it carefully. I have two questions to ask you after watching it.Where did Zoom go?Did he really go there?Ok, lets start now.学生带着两个问题欣赏趣味小故事。播放动画。出示问题答案Read and check.Its an interesting story, isnt it? Do you know the answer?Where did Zoom go?(Zoom went to the moon.)Did he really go there?(No, it was just a dream.)通过问题,掌握全文概要。播放课件,出示答案。9细读课文Listen, read and answer.Lets know more details about Zooms holiday, actually his dream.How did Zoom go to the moon?(By spaceship.)What did he see?(He saw Change,


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