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Well see lots of stones.编 写 者 执 教 者 执教时间 版 本外研社版学 科英语册 数五年级(下册)单 元Module6 Unit1课 题Well see lots of stones.课 时教学目标一般将来时掌握主要语言结构1. What will I/you/he/she/it/we/they/Shi Lei see there? I/you/he/she/it/we/they ShiLei will see_2. How will I/you/he/she/it/we/they ShiLei get there?_. It will take _(e.g.: By car. It will take three hours. )德育教学目标拓展巨石阵的资料,丰富知识面。教学重点能运用四会单词、能对核心语句What will we see there? How will we get there ? 问答。教学难点 在实际中正确运用核心语句。教学准备 Cards , CD-ROM , tape, book 教学板块教与学预设(师生活动)教学重构(修改意见)前置性作业一.Listen and follow to the tape. Find out the following questions. 听磁带并跟读,找出以下问题的答案。1. On Saturday where will Amy and Lingling go ? 2. What will they see in the Stonehenge? 3. How will they get there?二.Please show some models or pictures about places in our class. 请在课堂上展示出一些地点的模型或图画,运用句型问答。Use these structures: 1. Where will I/you/he/she/it/we/they/ShiLei go? I/you/he/she/it/we/they/Shi Lei will go_2. What will I/you/he/she/it/we/they/Shi Lei see there? I/you/he/she/it/we/they ShiLei will see_3. How will I/you/he/she/it/we/they ShiLei get there? _. It will take _(e.g.: By car. It will take three hours. ).三.Please write down the future tense.请写一写将来时的基本构成和用法。构成: _ 四.Find out the knowledge points about page 22. 找出22页文中的知识点。五.Find out something about Stonehenge. You can say in Chinese or English.找一找对Stonehenge的了解(英汉均可)六.This is WenWens composition. Can you try to write a text? And ask a question to others. e.g.: Where will I/you/he/she/it/we/they go? What will I/you/he/she/it/we/they see there? How will I/you/he/she/it/we/they get there? 这是文文的作文,你能尝试着仿写一篇吗?并向全班提出一个你文中的问题。例如: Where will I/you/he/she/it/we/they go? What will I/you/he/she/it/we/they see there? How will I/you/he/she/it/we/they get there? I will go to Dalian this summer. I can see lots of tall buildings. I will go to Xinghai Park. I will see the sea there. I will get there by ship. It will take five hours. Do you like Dalian? Will you go to Dalian ? Write about a trip that you will take.教学过程第一课时第二课时第三课时课前3分钟内容:Write down the future sentences.Step :Warm upSing an English song:What colour is it?Step:Review the words:Rush to read:place,circle,build,solve,hope,amazing,thoughtStep : Lead in1.Ask and answer:T: Do you like games?Ss: Yes.T: Today we will learn Module 6 Unit 1. First, Lets play a game. (write down the title on the blackboard)Step :Presentation 一Learn the main structures.1. Present the half of pictureT: What will we see there?Ss: A panada.T: How will we get there?Ss: By car.2. Present different kinds of half pictures. Lead to say in English completely.T: What will we see there?Ss: We will see Tianmen square.T: How will we get there?Ss: By bike.3.Conclude the main structures.(1). What will I/you/he/she/it/we/they/Shi Lei see there? I/you/he/she/it/we/they ShiLei will see_(2). How will I/you/he/she/it/we/they ShiLei get there? _. It will take _(e.g.: By car. It will take three hours. ). 4. Write down the structures on the blackboard for a student. Read together for all of the students. 5. Look at the Bb, change another person by themselves. Teacher say in Chinese, Students say in English. 6. Invite four Ss : 2Ss to read, another two Ss to translate. 7. Showing time with their pre-homework. Give 1 minute to discuss to make a similar dialogue. 二. Learn the dialogue. 1. Lead in: Show the Stonehenge T: Do you know which place? Ss: Stonehenge T: Our friends Amy and Lingling is going to there. Do you want to know? Ss: Yes. 2. Listen to the radio and clap the “will”. Find out the answers.(1) On Saturday where will Amy and Lingling go ? (2) What will they see in the Stonehenge? (3) How will they get there?3. Follow to the radio one sentence by one sentence.Step : Practise4. Read by boys and girls (boys PK girls)5. (1)Discuss and find out the knowledge points from every picture. First find out the future tense. (2) mystery: think over the Chinese meaning. Encourage the Ss to work hard and solve the mystery.6. Talk about the Stonehenge or other places . Say in Chinese or English both OK.Step : Consolidate7. Writing: Plan on May Day.Step :Summary Chant :What will you see?What will you see?Well see stones.How will we get there?How will we get there?By car.By car. Step :.Homew


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