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高三英语一轮复习,Module 2 Unit 3 Computers,1.重点单词,(1)type: n 类型v 打字 typewriter: 打字机 typist:打字员 typical: adj. 典型的 (2)anyway adv. 无论如何,总之 (3)advantage: cn. 优点,优势;有利条件; 反义词disadvantage (4)create: vt. 创造,创作;造成 (5)wander: vi. 漫步、徘徊;迷路 (6)common: adj. 共同的,共有的 (7)analytical : adj. 分析的; n. analysis分析,分析结果;analyst分析者 (8)intelligence n. 智力,聪明,智能;intelligent adj. (9)totally adv. 完全地,整个的; total adj.全体的,全部的。 (10)disagree vi. 不同意,不一致 (11)personally adv. 亲自的,就本人而论; personal adj.个人的;person n.身体,人格,人 (12)settle:解决;解答settlement:解决(办法),2、重点短语,(1)in common 共有,共用 (2)in ones opinion 依-看;据-认为 (3)go by:vi 走过,顺道访问 (4)so-that 如此-以至于 (5)deal with 处理,安排,对付 (6)in a way 在某种程度上 (7)make up 弥补,整理,化妆- (8)after all 毕竟,3、重点句型,so-that- 如此。以致于。 -结果状语从句,4、语法知识,The Present Perfect Passive Voice 现在完成时的被动语态 【基础过关】 1. 现在完成时的构成:现在完成时被动语态由”has/have + been + 及物动词的过去分词”构成。Has/have为助动词; They havent been told the exciting news yet, have they? 他们还没有被告诉这个令人激动地消息,对吗?,【点拨】,1)since then, since+从句,so far, by now, up till, now, recently, lately, already, yet等常用于现在完成时的句子中。 2)ever, never, already, yet等副词用于现在完成时的被动语态时,放在has或have之后.,2. 现在完成时被动语态用法,1)表示一个被动的动作发生在说话之前,强调对现在造成的影响和结果 The door has been locked. 门已经被锁上了。 表示一个被动的动作或状态发生在过去,持续到现在,并有可能持续下去,常于for或since引导的时间状语连用,或用于“How long-?”句型中 How long has the machine been used? 这台机器使用多久啦?,3. 现在完成时被动语态应注意的几个地方,1)注意与一般过去时被动语态的区别。一般过去时被动语态所表示的动作和状态与现在没有联系,而现在完成时被动语态强调与现在的联系 The bridge was built last year. The bridge has been built. 这座桥已经建好啦。 注意特殊动词:borrow, finish, begin, buy, start, return, marry, open, join等构成的被动语态不能和表示一段时间的状语连用,否则要改换动词和状态。 How long has this book been bought? (F) How long ago was this book bought?(T) 但这类动词的否定句可以和一段时间状语连用。 No book s have been bought since last week.,【典型例题】,1. All the preparations for the task _already , and we are ready to start.(NMET2000春招) completed B. complete C. had been completed D. have been completed 【点拨】考查现在完成时的被动语态。按照句意“这项工作的一切准备工作已经就绪,我们只等开始了”。前半句主语和谓语有被动关系,后半句暗示说话是从现在着眼,所以用现在完成时态的被动语态.,【典型例题】,2. -Why does the Lake smell terrible? (09福建卷) -Because large quantities of water . A. have polluted B. is being polluted C. has been polluted D. have been polluted 【点拨】考查动词时态,语态和主谓语一致 根据前一分句可知所填动词表示过去发生的动作对现在产生的影响,时态用现在完成时,动词与主语是被动关系,用被动语态。主语是large quantities of water,其中心词是quantities,是复数,谓语动词用复数.,【典型例题】,3. His sister left home in 1998, and _ since. (09海南) had not been heard of B. has not been heard of C. had not heard of D. has not heard of 【点拨】考查被动语态否定句按照句意为:他的妹妹在1998年离开家,自从那时就没有音讯了。,【实战演练】,1. The flowers were so lovely that they _ in no time. (2007 全国卷I) sold B. had been sold C. were sold D. would sell 2. With the help of high technology, more and more new substances _ in the past years. (2007 上海卷) discovered B. have discovered C. had been discovered D. have been discovered,【实战演练】,3. I got caught in the rain and my suit_(2007 北京卷) A. has ruined B. had ruined C. has been ruined D. had been ruined 4. At the end of the meeting, it was announced that an agreement _.(2007 江苏卷) has been reached B. had been reached C. has reached D. had reached,【实战演练】,5. John had to have his car repaired in a garage because it_seriously. (2007 上海春) Adamaged Bwas being damaged Chad damaged Dhad been damaged 6. If Newton lived today, he would be surprise by what _ in science and technology.(2007 天津卷) A. had discovered B. had been discovered C. has discovered D. has been discovered,【实战演练】,7. Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture, but when and where _ yet. (2007 浙江卷) A. hasnt been decided B. havent decided C. isnt being decided D. arent decided 8. Till now, three new gymnasiums in Beijing. would be completed B. was being completed C. have been completed D. had been completed,【实战演练】,9. When and where to go for the on-salary holiday _yet. A. are not decided B. havent been decided C. is not being decided D. hasnt been decided 10.(08安徽卷)33. I like these English songs and they _many times on the radio. A. taught B. have taught C. are taught D. have been taught 11.(08上海卷)32. In recent years many football clubs _ as business to make a profit. A. have run B. have been run C. had been run D. will run,1、重点词汇,考点一 common 【基础过关】adj. 共同的,普遍的;常见的 Phrases: in common 共有,在句中多作状语) have nothing/little/a lot/something in common (with) 与-没有/许多/有些共同之处 in common with 和-一样 common sense 常识 Jane and I have nothing in common (=I have nothing in common with Jane). 我与简毫无共同之处,【点拨】辨析common, ordinary,usual,相同点:这三个词都有“普通的”意思 不同点:common 指“共有的,公共的;共同的;常见的”。反义词rare. The problems are common to all societies. 这些问题是所有社会的通病 common作“普通的”讲可与ordinary换用。 如“普通人”也可说成common people。 ordinary 意为“普通的,平淡无奇的”, 指没有什么特别的地方 He is in ordinary clothes.他穿着平常的衣服。 usual 意思是“平常的,通常的,一向的”,惯例。 We met every day at the usual place. 我们每天在往常那个地方见面,【典型例题】,Harry visited the bookstore every week. He became such a _customer that the bookseller gave him some books as presents. A. common B. normal C. usual D. average 【点拨】考查同义词辨析。由Harry visited the bookstore every week可知,他是常客,因此有习惯,惯例.,考点二 advantage,【基础过关】u & C 优势,优点 It is an advantage if you know how to speak English 如果你会说英语,将对你有利。 He had the advantage of me. 他比我占优势。 【拓展延伸】take an advantage of=make full use of 趁机利用;占-便宜 have/gain/win an advantage over/of sb 胜过 give sb. an advantage over 使某人处于更有利的地位,【典型例题】,The board are discussing the possible _they can take of the present economic. A. notice B. advantage C. use D. best 【点拨】考查固定短语用法按照句意知道此次为“利用”;分析句式.,考点三 disagree,【基础过关】vi. 不同意;不一致; disagree with sb 不同意某人的观点 disagree with sb on/about sth 和某人在某事上观点不同 I quite disagree with what you did. 你所做的我很不赞成 【拓展延伸】agree on sth对达成协议 agree to同意计划、建议等 agree with同意某人的意见;适合 agree to do sth同意干什么事,【典型例题】,You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is_ I disagree. why B. where C. what D. how 【点拨】考查disagree的搭配。由disagree为不及物动词,按照句意可知怎么,如何.,考点四 deal with,【基础过关】 1)对待;处理;(一般与how连用) How are you going to deal with the problem? 你们打算怎样处理这个问题呢? 2)与-往来,与-相处(后接人) Such man is difficult to deal with. 这种人不容易相处 3)与-做生意,与-做买卖。 Ive dealt with him for ten years. 我和他做生意已经10年了。 4)关于,有关,论及 This book deals with the Middle East. 这本书是关于中东的。,【拓展延伸】,do with 对待,处理(与what连用);以对付过去,忍受(与助动词连用) He didnt know what to do with the property his father had left. 他不知道如何处理他父亲留下的财产 I cant do with the loud noise. 我无法忍受那种噪音 【点拨】作”对待,处理”解,二者同义,deal with与how搭配,do with与what搭配,【典型例题】,He knows _ to deal with man but when he meets women, he doesnt know _ to do. A. what; how B. what; what C. how; what D. how; how 解析 作”对待,处理”解,do with 和deal with同义,deal with与how搭配,do with与what搭配。,考点五 in a way,【基础过关】在某种程度上(表示对情况的态度)。 In a way, its kind of nice to be studying alone. 在某种程度上讲,独自一个人学习相当不错。 【点拨】in a way=in one way=in some ways;in the way意为“,挡道;造成阻碍”,【拓展延伸】,in one way 在某方面; in some ways 在某些方面; in no way 决不,无论如何不(位于句首构成倒装); on ones way to在去的路上; by the way顺便说; in any way在任何方面; in every way在各方面; in the way和in ones way两个短语含义相同”挡住去路;碍事”之意。,【典型例题】,I cant see the word on the blackboard. Your head is _. A. on the way B. in a way C. by the way D. in the way 【点拨】考查way短语辨析 in the way和in ones way,均表示”挡住去路;碍事”之意。,考点六 make up,【基础过关】 vt.组成;编造;弥补;化妆;补偿 It took her 30minutes to make up her face. 她花了30 分钟来化妆。 【拓展延伸】 make up for 补偿 make out辨认出;理解,了解 be made up of 由组成 make good/full use of 合理利用 make the best use of 尽量利用 make sure 确定;弄准 make for 向前进,有助于 make ones way 向前进,【典型例题】,The idea puzzled me so much that I stopped for few seconds to try to_. A. make it out B. make it off C. make it up D. make it over 【点拨】考查动词短语辨析 按照句意此处有“辨别,理解”之意。 make out 分辨,辨认出; make off匆忙离开; make up 补偿,组成; make over转让,改造,考点七 go by,【基础过关】(时间)过去,流逝;经过,(某处) Several years went by before we met again. 过去了好几年我们才再度见面。 【拓展延伸】 go after 追求 go against 反对 go ahead 先行一步;进展go over 复习 go out 熄灭 go though 经历;仔细检查 go on with 继续 go in for 爱好;从事 go off 悄悄离开;食物变坏 go on进展,进行 pass by sb从某人旁边经过,【典型例题】,I dont _ rock n roll. Its much too noisy for my taste. A. go after B. go away with C. go into D. go in for 【点拨】考查动词短语按照句意此处为“喜欢”之意。 go after 追求; go away with与某人一块离开; go into 进入; go in for 爱好,从事,2. 重点句型,考点八 sothat 【基础过关】意思是”如此以至于” so/such-that- 引导结果状语从句; 2) 常见句型 adj./adv.+ that-clause so + adj.+ a/an + 单数可数名词 + that-clause many/much/few/little + n.+ that-clause so与many/ few/ little/ much 连用 当little修饰可数指大小时与such连用。 Shes so ill that she cant get out of bed. 她病得很重,都下不了床了。,【拓展延伸】,suchthat 意为”太以至于”,也引导结果状语从句 such +a/an + adj. + 单数可数名词 + that-clause such + adj.+ 复数名词 + that-clause such + adj.+ 不可数名词 + that-clause These are such interesting books that children like to read them. 这些书很有趣,孩子们喜欢读。,【拓展延伸】,so that 既可以表达结果,又可以表达目的,表目的相当于in order that。 I stopped so that you could catch up.我停下来以便你能赶上 sothat结构的so+形容词/副词位于句首时,主句要倒装。 So hard does he work that he seldom goes home.他工作那么努力,几乎不回家。 suchas中的as引导的是一个定语从句,【典型例题】,-What a beautiful day! -Yes, its _that Id like to take a walk. A. such nice weather B. so a nice weather C. too nice weather D nice weather so 【点拨】考查so/suchthat-句型结构。因为此处weather是中心词,但它为不可数名词,所以不能加冠词。,【实战演练】,1.I _ it as a basic principle of the company that suppliers of raw materials should be given a fair price for their products. (08江西卷) A. make B. look C. take D. think 2. You have to be a fairly good speaker to _ listeners interest for over an hour. (08辽宁卷) A. hold B. make C. improve D. receive,【实战演练】,3. How do you a car accident when is happens? A. do about B. do with C. deal with D. deal about 4. Go for a picnic this weekend, ok? - . I love getting close to nature. A. I couldnt agree more B. Im afraid not C. I believe not D. I dont think so,【实战演练】,5. Mr. smith and his wife the housework and live happily. A. spare B. support C. care D. share 6. He had little education that he cant teach a little child. A. so, such B. such, such C. so, so D. such, so,【实战演练】,7. Christmas is to coming; we are in October already. A. on the way B. in the way C. out of the way D. by the way 8. What happened to you last night? Why didnt you come to my party in time? - Sorry, the traffic was too heavy, and _, my car broke down on the way. whats more B. whats the worse C. whats worse D. worst of all,【实战演练】,9. He me to come, but hasnt come yet. A. wanted B. allowed C. promised D. let 10. He praises for his honesty. won B. beat C. defeated D. struck,【实战演练】,11. Come and sit down by the fire. Your hand _ cold. A. has been left B. feels C. is left D. has left 12. I thought that the patient could not live through that night, but he survived_. A. at all B. after all C. above all D. in turn,【实战演练】,13. How do you_ it and what should I_ it, can you tell me? deal with; deal with deal with; do with C. do with; do with D. do with; deal with 14. They have a lot in _and have become close friends. A. common B. usual C. ordinary D. general,【实战演练】,15. They began to think about what


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