



Unit 8 Our ClothesTopic1 Section A What a nice coat!教学设计江西省信丰县第四中学 刘振红【教材分析】一、 教学内容Project English 仁爱版八年级下册Unit 8 Topic 1 Section A. 本单元主要围绕“Our Clothes”这一话题展开教学活动,谈论服装的名称,质地,人类穿衣的由来,不同场合的得体着装及世界服装文化等内容。Topic 1 主要围绕a Class Fashion Show展开。四个主人公和其他小朋友为了使自己更加漂亮和英俊,分别选择不同质地和样式的服装,从而学习多种服装的名称以及分类等知识。二、 教学对象本课的教学对象是我校八年级(9)的学生,人数60人。这个班学生英语基础整体较好,能接受全英语教学,能准确了解老师的指令;但积极活跃的学生不太多。他们对服装有一定了解,能说出T-shirt, skirt, and dress等一些很常见的英语词汇:在此基础上需通过本节课对服装词汇有系统性的掌握,并能运用到日常生活当中。三、 教学项目单词:costume, silk, jeans, scarf, overcoat, handbag, fashion, cotton, blouse.语法:sothat引导的结果状语从句。四、 教学方法及媒体任务型教学法,情境式教学法以及发现式学习法,同时借助多媒体辅助教学。五、 教学目标知识目标:costume, silk, jeans, scarf, overcoat, handbag, fashion, cotton, blouse掌握和运用sothat.技能目标:系统化了解和掌握多种服装的名称以及分类,会用sothat表达观点。能力目标:训练学生听说读写的能力,掌握服装的表达,培养组织和合作的能力。情感目标:能用英语表达服装,举办服装秀或购买服装。学习策略:在学习中善于利用图画等非语音信息,积极参与课内外英语学习活动。六、 教学重点掌握有关服装的词汇和表达,运用sothat句型.七、 教学难点a. 使用目标语音提高学生听说读写能力。b. 小组合作,创设语境举办a Class Fashion Show.【教学设计】1. 总体思路本课采用任务型教学法,同时借助多媒体教学。通过句型操练,对话及表情等活动使学生始终保持浓厚的学习英语的兴趣,通过这些活动,增添了课堂教学的趣味性和互动性,培养学生的参与意识和实践能力,让学生在使用中学习语言。 2. 教学过程Step 1 ReviewThe teacher greets students to get close to them by saying “How are you?” “Nice to see you?” Next, the teacher asks what the whether is like, then turn to the topic.T: Whats the weather like today?Ss: Its a hot day.T: Yes, Its hot . On such a hot day, look at me, Im wearing a T-shirt. What about him/her? What is he/she wearing? Then the teacher says: In different weather we should wear different kinds of clothes. This class were going to learn The teacher show up the topic: Unit 8 Our Clothes, Topic 1, Section A, What a nice coat!设计说明:通过问天气,将学生引入到英语环境;通过老师自身和学生们穿的衣服,自然导出本课教学课题What a nice coat!。Step 2 Presentation1. Show some pictures of clothes on the screen, like a silk,a scarf, a cotton blouse, a overcoat and a handbag and so on. When showing these pictures, asks students: “What this?” Then present all new words with pictures and guide students to read them for 2 times. T: Whats this?Ss: Its a cotton blouse.T: This one?Ss: Its a silk scarf.2. Match pictures with the right words.设计说明:通过实物展示,让学生直观地学习单词,并发动学生当时朗读单词;再通过图片与新单词的联系,巩固新单词,为下一步有关服装的听力做准备。3. Listen to 2 and number the pictures.T: Turn your books to P78. How many students here?Ss: 6 students.T: Right! What are they wearing? First, please write down their clothes. Then listen to the tape and number the pictures. 设计说明:单词操练完后,相关服装的听力描述就相对容易。利用听力部分几个男孩女孩自然过渡到1a. 让学生带着问题听对话,并对问题进行处理,让学生初步理解对话;再通过跟读,结伴读,加深对对话理解,学生的听,说能力得到训练.Step 3 Look, listen and say1、Show a picture of Jay Chou on the screen. Ask: Who s the man? Whats he wearing? Yes, he is wearing a nice coat. Its called a Chinese Tang costume. It feels soft and smooth, because its made of silk. Today Maria is also wearing a beautiful Tang costume, she feels very happy. Do you know how she looks in this coat, listen to the tape, and try to answer the following questions:1). Whats Maria wearing?2) .What does Jane want to buy?3) .Why does she want to buy them?2、Read the dialogue together and get students to answer some other questions about this dialogue. Ask some pairs to act it out.For example: S1: How does Maria look today, why? S2: She looks great. Because she is wearing a nice coat today. S3: What is Jane going to buy? S4: She is going to buy some new coats 3、The teacher explains the new words and phrases: cotton, silk, have a class fashion show Ask the students to retell the story according to the key words:look great - a nice coat-a Chinese Tang costume - feel soft-sothat - buy some new coats - have a fashion show - next Monday-go shopping - meet- gate -8 a.m.4、Help students find out difficult sentences like “sothat”. The teacher shows one “sothat” sentence from 1a, next explains it and then leads students to practice more by completing 1b.T: Look at the “so +adj/adv + that” sentence structure. Here so is followed by an adj or an adv. What does this sentence mean?Ss: It means 如此以至于T: Great! Now please try your best to complete 1b.设计说明:学生自己找出或老师提醒找出1a中含 “sothat”的句子,老师帮助学生理解此结构并配合以1b的对应练习。Step 4 ConsolidationShow some pictures on the screen. Help students to understand the structure sothat. The teacher gives some examples and ask the students to make more sentences by using sothat.设计说明:通过一连串的操练,来进一步巩固本节课的重点内容。先看图写话,再让学生自己造句,学会使用sothat句型。达到学以致用的目的。Step 5 Pair work Say: suppose you are going to have a fashion show next week. What do you have to prepare for it? Yes, we must buy some nice clothes to take part in it. But where can we buy them? In the supermarket. (显示一商场的图片) Oh dear. The market is so big. There are four floors. Lets look at it carefully and try to find out where to buy shoes, hats, and.A: Excuse me, could you tell me where to buy .B: Sure, you can go to the floor.A: Thanks. And what about .B: They are in the on the floor.A: Thank you.B:Thats all right.Get students to make more dialogues about how to buy something in the supermarket. 设计说明:这一活动的设计目的在于让学生继续巩固服装的表达,通过学生之间的口语操练来巩固本节课的重点,并为下一部分作好准备。Step 6Homework1. Finish the workbook.2. Remember the new words of clothes.3. Consolidate the structure sothat.3. 教学反思和总结 1、本课力求通过一系列贴近学生生活实际的生动活泼的教学设计,激发 学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生自主学习以及团结合作的能力,使学生 初步形成该话题的会话能力。2、教学过程中根据学生的心理和生理特征,采用游戏与


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