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Unit 8 Adventure基础知识默写(学生用书269272页)默写(一)1.majoradj.较重要的;较严重的n.专业majorityn.大多数,多半2.differvi.不同于,有区别differencen.不同之处differentadj.不同的3.anxiousadj.忧虑的,担心的anxiouslyadv.忧虑地,焦虑地anxietyn.焦虑,不安4.exactlyadv.确切地,精确地exactadj.确切的,精确的5.excitementn.兴奋,激动excitevt.使兴奋,使激动excitedadj.感到激动的,兴奋的excitingadj.令人兴奋的6.variousadj.各种各样的,不同的varietyn.多样,种类varyvi.变化7.amazevt.使惊愕(惊奇)amazedadj.惊愕的,吃惊的amazingadj.令人惊异的amazementn.吃惊,惊愕8.wealthyadj.富有的,富裕的wealthn.富有;财富9.tiring adj.令人疲劳的tiredadj.疲倦的,厌倦的tirev.(使)疲倦;(使)疲劳10.uncomfortable adj.不舒服的,不自在的comfortable(反) adj.舒服的comfortn.&vt.安慰11.extra adj.特别的;额外的12.optional adj.可选择的,非强制的13.equipment n.设备,配备equipvt.装备,配备14.maximum adj.最大的,最多的15.extreme adj.极度的,极端的extremelyadv.非常,极其;极端地16.similarity n.相似性,类似性similaradj.相似的similarlyadv.类似地17.adventure n.奇遇,冒险的经历18.risk vt.冒的危险19.organisation n.团体,组织,机构20.accommodation n.住所,住处21.take off起飞22.right now就在此刻23.in order to do sth. 目的是,以便24.upside down颠倒地,倒置地25.turn up出现,到场;把(声音)调大26.back out决定不履行(允诺的事)27.get across使理解(某事)28.And our porters carry your luggage,which means that you can simply enjoy the experience.我们的搬运工会帮你搬运行李,这就意味着你能尽情地享受旅行。29.Although people enjoyed reading his book,many of them thought that Marcos stories about China were too fantastic to be true.虽然人们喜欢读他的书,但是有许多人认为马可写的关于中国的故事太离奇而不可信。30.He had teams of dogs pulling the sledges and all his men were on skis.他让一群狗一直拉着雪橇而他的所有队员都在滑雪板上。默写(二)1.goaln.目的;目标2.hopelessadj.没有希望的hopeful (反)adj.有希望的3.distantadj.远处的;久远的distancen.远处;久远;距离4.functionvi.运转;发挥作用5.patiencen.耐心;忍耐力patientadj.耐心的n.病人patientlyadv.耐心地6.observevt.观察,观测observationn.观察7.disadvantagen.不利,不利条件advantage(反) n.有利条件,长处8.limitn.边界;限度limitedadj.有限的9.dull adj.枯燥无味的;暗淡的;迟钝的10.preference n.较喜欢的东西,偏爱preferv.更喜欢11.goods n.商品,物品12.confuse vt.使困惑confusedadj.感到困惑的confusingadj.令人困惑的13.dictation n.口述;听写14.statement n.陈述statevt.陈述,表达15.quantity n.量,数量16.preparation n.准备,预备preparevt.准备;预备preparedadj.准备好的17.shock n.&vt.震惊,惊骇shockedadj.感到震惊的shockingadj.令人震惊的18.ambition n.志向,抱负ambitiousadj.有信心的19.cheerful adj.愉快的,高兴的20.transport n.&vt.运输,运送21.in turn轮流,依次22.break out(坏事)突然发生,爆发23.o prison把关进监狱24.stand by坚持(某种说法);支持;袖手旁观25.on ones way在途中26.break down(机器等)损坏;(身体)出毛病,垮掉27.run out of用完,耗尽28.carry on继续做某事;进行或从事某事29.The next to go was Captain Oates,who was having great difficulty walking.接下来离开的是奥茨上校,他走路有很大的困难。30.Goods were traded from market to market passing through many hands before they reached their final destinations.货物被从一个市场贩卖到另一个市场,经过多次转手才最终到达目的地。基础知识夯实.语境填词1.Its Chinese Literature major(专业) is perfect for you where you can be completely soaked in Chinese profound history and rich culture.(2018北京)2.Your work has improved in quantity(数量) and quality this term.3.They were not well prepared for emotional risks(风险).(2018江苏)4.There are huge numbers of reference books which I am often confused(confuse) to choose from.(2018江苏)5.For all the feelings readers attach to stories,literature is a numbers game,and the test of time is extremely(extreme) difficult to pass.(2018浙江)6.Thats exactly(exact) what is happening in small neighborhoods around the country.(2017北京)7.Harry is feeling uncomfortable(comfort).He must have drunk too much at the party last night.8.As for preparation(prepare),some reading in advance is needed like TheStoryoftheStone.(2018北京)9.However wealthy(wealth) we may be,we can never find enough hours in the day to do everything we want.10.I work with Volunteers for Wildlife,a rescue and education organisation(organise) at Bailey Arboretum in Locust Valley.(2017全国)11.She gave me a comforting smile,and nodded while listening patiently(patient).12.As children grew,they became more anxious(anxiety) to get more public approval.(2018江苏)13.School provides a variety(various) of activities for children after class.14.Many visitors were amazed(amaze) by the complex architectural space and abundant building types.(2018全国)15.A computer analysis blindly compared calls produced by mothers and chicks,ranking them by similarity(similar).选词成篇1.In order to experience Southeast Asian culture,Wei Hua and Wei Tong decide to take the plane which 2. takes off on Sunday to Thailand.Both of them 3.stand by their opinions,but first they must 4.get across their ideas to their parents.So they try to persuade their parents to let them do it.5.On their way to Thailand,they will meet their friend,Tom.With his help,they will have no difficulty in communicating with the local people.Last week we joined a summer camp.We drove to the summer camp all the way 6.in turn.Unluckily,on the way our car 7.broke down and what was worse,we 8.ran out of oil.Fortunately,after a while another car 9.turned up and it was a warm-hearted driver that offered us some fuel and helped us 10.carry on our journey.完成句子1.The medicine the factory produced had many side effects,which proved that the product was harmful.(which引导的非限制性定语从句)这家工厂生产的这种药有很多副作用,这证明这个产品是有害的2.One is never too old to learn.(to.to.)(2018北京)活到老学到老。3.When John was growing up,his parents always had him weeding the garden.(have sb. doing.)(2016天津)在约翰成长的过程中,他的父母总是让他在花园里除草。4.She had more difficulty (in) keeping focused.(have difficulty (in) doing sth. )(2016北京)她很难保持注意力集中。5.My room is a mess,but I neednt clean it before I go out tonight.I can do it in the morning.(before引导时间状语从句)(2017天津)我的房间很乱,不过今晚在我出去之前,我没必要打扫它。我可以在(明天)早晨打扫。1.“使惊讶,震惊”的动词荟萃amaze,astonish,shock,surprise2.“数量”有多少(1)couple一对(2)several几个(3)dozen一打(十二个)(4)score二十(5)hundred百(6)thousand千(7)million百万(8)billion十亿3.今儿个真“高兴”(1)cheerful令人愉快的(2)delighted高兴的;欣喜的(3)excited兴奋的(4)glad高兴的;乐意的(5)happy幸福的,高兴的(6)joyful愉快的,高兴的(7)pleased高兴的4.负面“情绪”真多(1)anxiety n.焦虑(2)depression n.沮丧(3)sadness n.悲伤(4)grief n.悲痛(5)sorrow n.悲伤5.含有now的短语集锦(1)right now此刻;立即(2)up to now到目前为止(3)from now on从今往后(4)(every) now and then/again时而,有时(5)for now目前,暂时6.“动词out”短语聚会(1)back out不遵守(诺言、合约等)(2)break out(坏事)突然发生,爆发(3)carry out实施;执行(4)cut out删去;剪去(5)drop out退出(6)leave out忽略;遗漏(7)let out放出majoradj.主要的;较重要的v.主修n.专业,主修科目;某专业的学生(1)major in主修(2)majority n.大部分;大多数;大半in a/the majority占大多数(1)一句多译我在大学里主修英语。I major in English at university.My major is English at university.Im an English major at university.(2)Only a minority of people in that city do not have a car while the people taking the subway to work are in the/a majority(占多数).易错点拨major本身含有“比较”之意,没有比较等级的变化,也不可与than连用。(1)differ from不同于;和不同differ in在方面不同differ with sb. on/about/over sth. 在某事上和某人有分歧/异议(2)difference n.不同之处make a difference to.对有影响/起作用tell the difference between A and B分清A和B(3)different adj.不同的be different from.in.在方面与不同(1)Changing schools did make a difference to my life.转学确实对我的生活产生了影响。(2)一句多译英式英语和美式英语在单词的发音和拼写方面有明显的区别。British English differs obviously from American English in pronunciation and spelling.(differ)British English is obviously different from American English in pronunciation and spelling.(different)There are obvious differences between British English and American English in pronunciation and spelling.(difference)(1)be anxious about担心be anxious for担心;渴望得到be anxious to do.渴望做(2)anxiety n.担心;焦虑;渴望with anxiety(anxiously)焦急地(1)He was anxious about/for his family,who were travelling abroad.(2)There are plenty of graduates anxious for work.(3)Anxiously(anxious) I went to bed dreaming about what I would find at the top of this magical mountain.(2018天津)(4)We waited with anxiety/anxiously(焦急地) for our examination results.句式升级(5)She looked at her sick child and was very anxious.(用形容词短语作状语改写)She looked at her sick child,very anxious.易错点拨(1)anxiety表示抽象意义的“焦虑,焦急”时,为不可数名词;表示具体意义的“焦虑或担心的事”时,则为可数名词。(2)anxious表示“渴望得到某物或渴望做某事”时,其后通常跟不定式或“for名词”。riskvt.冒的危险n.危险;风险(1)risk sth. /doing sth. 冒着的危险(2)at risk处于危险之中at the risk of doing sth. 冒着的风险take/run the risk of doing sth. 冒着的危险(3)risky adj.危险的一句多译(1)他受到了赞扬,因为他冒着生命危险扑灭了大火。He was praised because he risked losing his life to put out the big fire.He was praised because he took/ran the risk of losing his life to put out the big fire.He was praised because he put out the big fire at the risk of losing his life.同义句改写(2)I wondered if I was putting my life at risk.I wondered if I was putting my life in danger.(1)variety n.种类;多样性;变化a variety of(varieties of)种种的;各种各样的(2)vary v.变化;改变vary from.to.由到不等vary with随变化vary in在方面变化(1)The variety of his books is(be) astonishing.(2)Anger seems simple when we are feeling it,but the causes of anger are various(vary).(2018北京)(3)Opinions on this matter vary from person to person (因人而异).(4)除了定期训练之外,我们的团队还将参加各种活动。(2017全国)Our team,apart from regular training,will join in a variety of activities.易错点拨a variety of名词,作主语时,谓语动词原则上与它所修饰的名词的数保持一致;the variety of复数名词,意为“的种类”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数。(1)a piece of equipment一件设备(2)equip v.配备;装备;使有所准备;使有能力equip.with.用装备equip sb. for (doing) sth. 使某人为(做)某事而准备;使某人具备(做)某事的条件(1)Your education will equip you for your future life.(2)Tour includes bike,helmet,and bottled water. All riders are equipped(equip) with reflective vests and safety lights.(2018全国)(3)Tour buses,normally equipped(equip) with air conditioning and TV,are managed by travel agencies,hotels and airports and provided for short tours.(2018湖南邵阳二模)句式升级(4)They are equipped with new scientific farming methods,so they have been able to use less farmland than in the past.(改为简单句)Equipped with new scientific farming methods,they have been able to use less farmland than in the past.(1)confuse.with/and.把和混淆(2)confusing adj.令人困惑的;难懂的(3)confused adj.困惑的be confused about对感到困惑(4)confusion n.困惑;糊涂;混淆(1)I cant see how anyone could confuse you with/and another!(2)If youre confused(confuse) about anything,phone me.(3)Confused(confuse) at the differences between her culture and theirs,Annie wanted to return home.(2018北京西城区模拟)(4)There is some confusion(confuse) about what the correct procedure should be.in quantity (in large quantities)大量地quantities of不可数名词/复数名词谓语动词复数许多a quantity of(1)The cards are cheaper if you buy them in quantity.(2)A large quantity of beer was sold(sell) yesterday.(3)Large quantities of food are wasted(waste) because of the way it looks.(4)A large quantity of air conditioners have been sold(sell) since the summer came.(1)in preparation(for)在准备()中make preparations for为做准备(2)prepare v.准备;使准备好;配制(食物、药品)prepare for sth. 为某事做准备prepare sb. for sth. 使某人为做好准备prepare to do sth. 准备做某事(3)prepared adj.做好准备的be/get prepared for为做好准备be prepared to do sth. 愿意做某事(1)What makes me concerned is my final exam which will be held in two weeks,so I have to make preparations for it.(2016全国)我担心的是两周后举行的期末考试,所以我必须为此做准备。(2)Schools should make more efforts to prepare students for entering the workplace.学校应该做出更多努力让学生做好走入职场的准备。(3)There was no news and we were/got prepared for the worst.没有任何消息,我们做好了最坏的打算。易错点拨prepare和prepare for的区别:prepare sth. get sth. ready,指准备好某事;而prepare for sth. make preparations for sth. 为某事做准备。shockvt.(使)震惊;震动n.休克;打击;震惊(1)in shock震惊地;休克(2)shocking adj.令人震惊的(3)shocked adj.感到震惊的be shocked by/at.对感到震惊(1)I still remember visiting a friend whod lived here for five years and I was shocked(shock) when I learnt she hadnt cooked once in all that time.(2018浙江)(2)After the shocking news spread throughout the whole city,everyone felt shocked.(shock)(3)The girls only looked at him,in shock(震惊地).(4)同义句改写It shocked me to see how my neighbors treated their children.(用shock n.改写)It was a shock to me to see how my neighbors treated their children.function vi.运转;发挥作用n.功能,作用(1)This telephone can also function as a fax machine.这部电话也可以用来当传真机。(2)The sewing machine wont function well if you dont oil it regularly.如果你不定期上油,那台缝纫机就不好用。(3)The function of education is to develop(develop) the mind.教育的作用在于启发心智。易错点拨function作主语时,其表语可用不定式,但不用动名词。aimn.目标;目的vt.&vi.瞄准;(向某方向)努力;对准;目的在于(1)take aim at瞄准with the aim of有的目的(2)aim at瞄准;目的在于aim to do./at doing.旨在做be aimed at目的是;旨在(3)aimless adj.无目的的aimlessly adv.漫无目的地,无目标地(1)I dont know at whom the Ministers remarks were aimed,but he ought not to say such things.(2)This activity aims/is aimed(aim) at improving the students ability of listening and speaking.(3)The proposal put forward by Dobrindt aims to help(help) promote fully automatic driving.(2017天津)(4)The industry has also taken aim at(瞄准) the product that has appeared as its replacement:reusable shopping bags.(2018浙江)(5)Jane moved aimlessly(aim) down the tree-lined street,not knowing where she was heading.(2017北京)易错点拨(1)由于aim可用作及物或不及物动词,所以类似以下这样的句子可用主动语态或被动语态:My remarks were not aimed/didnt aim at you.我的话并非针对你说的。(2)在take aim at中,aim前不能加冠词,即使aim前有形容词,也不可加冠词。(1)observe sb. do sth. 观察/注意到某人做了某事(强调看到动作的全过程)observe sb. doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事(强调看到动作正在进行)(2)observation n.观察observatory n.天文台;气象台写出下列句子中observe的汉语意思(1)Though having lived abroad for years,many Chinese still observe traditional customs.遵守(2)As often happens,people with good eyesight fail to see what is right in front of them,for they have too much to observe.观察(3)Could you tell me how you usually observe Thanksgiving Day in your country?庆祝(4)The police observed a man enter the bank.看到;注意到易错点拨observe sb. do sth. 改为被动语态时,省去的不定式符号to要还原上,即:sb. be observed to do sth. 。sheltern.遮蔽;住所;庇护;避难所v.庇护;躲避(1)take/seek shelter (from) 躲避()under the shelter of在的庇护下;躲在下give shelter to庇护(2)shelter.from.保护免于(1)I took/sought shelter under a bus shelter from the rain last night.昨晚我在公交候车亭躲雨。(2)Under the shelter of a tent,a crowd was gathered for a brunch.一群人躲在帐篷里吃早午餐。(3)Trees shelter the house from the wind.树给房子挡风。熟词生义选择句子中shelter的汉语意思(4)He was just another child from the shelters.There were other children as well. C A.躲避B.保护C.收容所limitn.界限;限度vt.限制;限定(1)set a limit to/on限制beyond the limit超过限度within the limits of限定在范围内There is a/no limit to.是有限的/无限的。(2)limit.to.把限定在范围内(3)limited adj.有限的be limited to受限于(1)We must set a limit to/on the expense of the trip.我们必须对旅游费用定一个限额。(2)Our funds were limited(limit),and none of the houses in our price range seemed satisfactory.我们的资金有限,在我们的价格范围内没有一幢房子看起来令人满意。(3)Is there any limit to the amount of time we have?我们的时间有限制吗?(4)What would you do if you had 5,but were limited to two hours to make as much money as possible?(2018河南周曲一中模拟)如果你有5美元,但被限制在2小时内赚尽可能多的钱,你会怎么做呢?易错点拨当谈论某公司为有限公司时,limited像一般形容词一样,用作前置定语(不缩略为Ltd):This is a limited company.这是一个股份有限公司。但若用于公司名称中,则总是后置(可缩略为Ltd):Weve just signed an agreement with Carsons Ltd.我们刚刚与卡森斯有限公司签订了协议。take down拆除;写下take up拿起;接受;开始;继续;占用;从事take on开始雇用;呈现;承担take in吸引;领会;欺骗take over接管写出下列句子中take off的汉语意思(1)The plane took off on time.起飞(2)She asked to take two days off the following week.请假(3)I took off my T-shirt and dived into the water.(2018全国)脱掉(4)Many businesses started up by college students have taken off thanks to the comfortable climate for business creation.(2016江苏)(事业)腾飞完成句子(5)He did not particularly want to take up a competitive sport.他并不特别想从事竞技体育运动。turn down拒绝;调小turn out结果是;生产;制造turn over移交;翻身turn to求助;翻到;查阅turn in上交turn off关掉根据语境用turn短语的正确形式填空(1)Much to the familys surprise,Dennis stuck to his promise!He turned up at the hospital bearing gifts for the new mother Lindsey and her baby boy.(2018全国)(2)I would,indeed,turn the evidence over to the police.(3)The games my parents taught me when I was a child turned out to be very useful later in my life.(2018全国)(4)Dont turn off the computer before closing all programs,or you could have problems.(5)Tom had to turn down the invitation to the party last weekend because he was too busy.get on/along with与相处get on/along融洽相处;进展get over克服get down to (doing) sth. 开始做某事get through打通(电话);通过(考试);渡过(难关)(1)How are you getting along with your French?(2)Its time that I got down to thinking(think) about my future.(3)I think the problem can be got over without too much difficulty.(4)Hes not very good at getting his ideas across.(5)I finally managed to get through my driving test.break up(使)破裂;分解;解散break out(战争、火灾等)爆发;突然起来(doing)break into闯入;突然起来(n.)break away from脱离;打破break in闯入;插话,打断写出下列句子中break down的汉语意思(1)The car broke down on the way to the airport.抛锚,损坏,出故障(2)The peace talks broke down with no agreement reached.(谈判)失败(3)Your health will break down if you work too hard.(身体)垮掉(4)Plastic bags are difficult to break down.分解图解助记易错点拨break in和break into都表示“闯入”,但二者用法不同。前者是不及物的,后不跟宾语,不用于被动语态;后者into是介词,后要接宾语,可用于被动语态。run out用完;耗尽(主语为物,无被动语态)run across跑着穿过;偶然碰见run after追捕;跟踪;追求run away跑开;逃走run into撞上;偶然遇见;遇到(困难等)run for竞选;匆匆去取run through浏览;跑着穿过根据语境用run短语的正确形式填空(1)However,that rapid growth is likely to slow down as people run out of time thats available for them to use their devices.(2018湖南永州三模)(2)One day she ran across/into Xiao Liu in the street.(3)If you run after two hares,you will catch neither.(4)She ran for class president and won the majority.Although people enjoyed reading his book,many of them thought that Marcos stories about China were too fantastic to be true.虽然人们喜欢读他的书,但是有许多人认为马可写的关于中国的故事太离奇而不可信。(1)too.to.太而不能(2)too.to.与not/never连用时,意为“无论也不过分,越越好”,cannot be too.再也不过分。(3)only/just/but too.to.非常去做(too


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