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句 法,词 法,语法复习,句子种类:,简单句 并列句 复合句 其他,返回,简单句,陈述句: 用来说明事实或说话 人的看法 疑问句: 用来提出问题 祈使句: 用来表示请求、命令 感叹句: 用来表达强烈的感情,返回,简单句的六种基本句型:,、主系动词表。 、主不及物动词。 、主及物动词单宾语。 、主及物动词双宾语。 、主及物动词复合宾语。 、There is / are +某人某物某地某时 .,返回,系动词,1. Be : e.g. That car is very expensive . Jack is an engineer . 2. 带有动词 be 含义的其他连系动词: e.g. He stayed ( continued to be ) very quiet . The temperature has stayed hot this week . 3. 表示感觉状态的连系动词: e.g The girl looks fine . The plan sounds perfect . 4. 表示状态转变的动词: e.g. The boy grew / became taller . Its getting cold .,返回,“双宾语”及物动词:,ask 、bring 、buy 、call 、do 、get 、give 、lend 、offer 、send 、teach 、tell,e.g. I gave the old man some money . She sent me a parcel of clothes . He told me the news about Paul . They bought me a lot of books .,双宾语顺序:“人”间直“物”“物” to / for “人” e.g. I gave some money to the old man . They bought a lot of books for me .,返回,返回,“复合宾语”及物动词:,believe 、call 、choose 、consider 、find 、make 、prove 、see 、think,e.g. All of us believed him mistaken . We consider him very capable . They made Smith their spokesman . (代言人) I thought it a most interesting book .,试比较:,I found a novel . I found him a novel . I found the novel very interesting .,疑问句,一般疑问句 特殊疑问句 选择疑问句 反意/附加疑问句,返回,一般疑问句,一般疑问句一般是指用 Yes 或 No 回答的疑问句。,其基本结构为:,Be + 主 + 表 + ? Do / Does / Did + 主 + do + ? Have / Has / Had + 主 + done + ? Can + 主 + do + ?,返回,注意否定问句:,Havent you got a dictionary ? Yes , I have . (不,我有。) No , I havent . (是的,我没有。),特殊疑问句,特殊疑问句是以疑问词开始的疑问句。用陈述句来回答。,其基本结构为:,How / Wh- + 一般疑问句 ? e.g. How do you go to school ? Where do you work ?,注意混合疑问句:,What do you think / suppose + 主 + 谓 (+ 其他)?,返回,选择疑问句,提出两种或两种以上的情况,要求对方选择一种,这种疑问句叫做选择疑问句。它的结构是“一般疑问句+ or +一般疑问句”,但常把后一部分里面和前一部分相同的成分省略。,e.g. Is her brother a doctor or a teacher ? Would you like tea or coffee ? Shall we go to the cinema on Saturday or on Sunday ?,返回,反意/附加疑问句,反意疑问句由两部分组成,前一部分是对事物的陈述,后一部分是简短的提问。如果前一部分用肯定式,后一部分用否定形式;前一部分用否定形式,后一部分就用肯定形式。两部分的人称和时态要一致。,附加疑问句要注意的问题:,1、陈述部分的have作“有”讲时; You have a new bike , dont / havent you ?,2、陈述部分含有 must 的反意疑问句;,转下页,1) . You must(必须) go now , neednt you ? 2) . You mustnt(不允许) smoke , must you ? 3) . You must have heard about it , havent you ? You must have gone to the cinema last night , didnt you ? You must be tired , arent you ?,3、used to 的反意疑问句;,The old man used to sleep ten hours a day , usednt / didnt he ?,4、ought to 的反意疑问句;,He ought to come , oughtnt shouldnt he ?,转下页,5. He seldom goes to the cinema , does he ? 6. She dislikes the idea , doesnt she ? 7. One cant be careful enough , can one / he ? 8. These are not your books , are they ? 9. Everything goes well , doesnt it ? 10. Everybody agrees with him , doesnt he / dont they ? 11. She said she would be back soon , didnt she ? I dont believe (that) he will come , will he ? 12. Learning English well takes a long time , isnt it ? 13. Give me a hand , wont / will you ? Lets go for a walk , shall we ? Let us go now , will you ? 14. There wont be any trouble , will there ?,返回,祈使句,1、肯定祈使句; 2、否定祈使句; 3、以 let 开头的祈使句; 4、带主语的祈使句,返回,Be careful ! Stop talking !,Dont / Never open the window .,Lets go now . Let me have a try .,1) Tom , you feed the bird ! 2) You , boys , sweep the floor , and you ,girls , clean the windows . 3) You mind your own business ! Dont you be late !(不高兴,厌烦) 4) Be quiet , everyone . Somebody answer the phone !,( , will you ?),感叹句,基本构成方式:,返回,1 . What + (a/an) + adj. + n. + S + V ! 2 . How + adj. + a/an + n. (单) + S + V ! 3 . How + adj. / adv. + S + V !,省略形式的感叹句:,What good advice he gave us ! What a nice day it is !,How clever a girl she is ! How nice a day it is !,How hard they worked !,1) . How they worked ! 2) . What a lovely day ! How wonderful !,并列句,两个或两个以上的单句,可以用并列连词连接,从而形成并列句。常用的并列连词,根据所连接的上下文的逻辑关系,可以分为以下几类: 1、表示增补关系的并列连词: 2、表示选择关系的并列连词: 3、表示转折关系的并列连词: 4、表示因果关系的并列连词:,返回,and , bothand, neithernor,notnor,not onlybut also, as well as ,etc.,or , or else , otherwise , either or, whetheror,but , while,for , so,e.g. They were surprised that a child should work out the problem while they themselves couldnt . We must hurry , otherwise well be late .,复合句,名词性从句 定语从句 状语从句,返回,名词性从句,主语从句 宾语从句 表语从句 同位语从句,返回,引导词,主语从句,主语从句能用 it 作形式上的主语。常用 it 作形式主语的句型有: 1).It be + 形 (certain,likely,etc.) + that从句。 2).It be + 名词词组(no wonder,etc.) + that从句。 3).It be +过去分词 (said , thought,etc.) + that从句。 4).It seem/happen,etc. + that 从句。 5).It doesnt matter / makes no difference + wh- 从句。 6).当 that 引导的主语从句出现在疑问句中时, 要用 it 作形式主语,而把主语从句后置。,返回,e.g. It is certain that she will do well in her exam .,e.g. Its no surprise that our team should have won the game .,e.g. It is said that Mr . Green has arrived in Beijing .,e.g. It happened that I was out that day .,e.g. It doesnt matter whether she will come or not .,e.g. Does it matter much that they wont come tomorrow?,宾语从句,1)、如果宾语从句后还有宾语补足语,则用 it 作形式宾语,而将宾语从句后置。 2)、连词 that 引导的从句很少作介词宾语,只用在 except, but, in 后。其他一些介词的宾语从句如果由连词 that 引导,则需用 it 先行一步,作形式宾语。 3)、某些形容词或过去分词后常接宾语从句,这类形容词或过去分词有 sure,glad,pleased,certain,happy,afraid, etc.连词 that 可省略。,转下页,e.g. He has made it clear that he will not give in .,e.g. He is a good student except that he is careless . Well see to it that she gets home early .,e.g. Mother was very pleased her daughter had passed the exam . Im afraid you dont understand what I said .,4)、用 if 引导宾语从句如果会引起歧义,应避免使用 if 而要用 whether 来引导。试比较: Please let me know if you want to go .(宾从或状从) Please let me know whether you want to go . 5)、介词宾语不可以用 which 来引导,而要用 what 来引导。 e.g. Are you sorry for what youve done ? 6)、宾语从句的否定转移。在 think,believe,suppose,expect 等动词后的宾语从句,有时谓语尽管是否定意思,却不用否定形式,而将 think 等动词变为否定形式。如: e.g. I dont think you are right . I dont suppose he cares, does he ? 7)、suggest,order,demand等动词后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。,返回,表语从句,同位语从句,1)、能接表语从句的谓语动词一般为系动词 be, seem, look等。如: e.g. It looked as if it was going to rain . 2)、连词 because 可引导表语从句。如: e.g. I think it is because you are doing too much .,常见的后接同位语从句的抽象名词有 fact, news , hope , truth, idea, suggestion, thought, question, order, problem, belief, doubt, fear 等。如: e.g. There is no doubt that they will win . He had no idea when she would come back .,返回,引导词,连 词:that , whether / if 连接代词:what,which,who,whom,whose,wh-ever 连接副词:why,when,where,how,wh-ever,however,转下页,1. whether / if,1)、引导主/表/同从时,一般只用 whether ,不用 if 。 2)、引导宾从时一般可通用。但在下列三种情况下一般只用 whether 。 A. 在动词 discuss 之后。 B. 介词之后。 C. 宾语从句放主句前。,We discussed whether we should close the store . Just now they talked about whether they would help us . Whether he has stolen the money I cant say .,3)、后面紧跟 or not 时,一般只用 whether 。 e.g. He didnt say whether or not he would be staying here . 注:后面跟不定式时,一般只用 whether 。 e.g. He doesnt know whether to go to Beijing or not .,2. that / what,1)、that 在从句中不作句子成分,what 则须在从句中作主/表/宾等; 2)、that 从句一般不作介词的宾语,但有 in that (因为), except that (除了,例外) 。,转下页,3. whoever / who 等,二者均可引导名从,且都可在句中充当主/宾。所不同的是含义:whoever 意为“凡是的人”,而 who 则意为“谁”。 e.g. Whoever breaks the law should be punished . Who broke the law is still unknown .,4. doubt 后的连接词,肯定句中的 doubt (v. / n.)之后应该接 wh- 引导的从句;否定句或疑问句中的 doubt (v. / n.) 之后的从句却该用 that 来引导。 e.g. Can you doubt that she likes me ? I dont doubt that he runs fast,but I doubt whether/if hell win the match. I am in doubt what I should do .,转下页,1、that 引导主/表/同从时,多不省略。 2、that 引导宾从时,通常可省略。但 and/but 连接两个由 that 引导的宾从时,第一个 that 可省略,第二个 that 不可省略。如: They said (that)they were strangers there and that they had lost their way .,5. 关于 that 在名从中的省略与保留,6. 表语从句的注意点,1、The reason is/was 后的表语从句一般用 that 引导,而不用 because ; 2、引导表原因的表语从句时用 because , 不用 as / since / for 等 e.g. He failed .Thats because he didnt work hard . 比较: He didnt work hard .Thats why he failed .,转下页,1、同位语从句阐明它前面的名词的内容;定语从句则是对先行词加以修饰限制。 2、只有在内容方面可以进一步阐明的名词(一般为抽象名词),才能带同位语从句,而几乎任何名词都可以带定语从句。 3、that 引导同位语从句时,that在句中不作成分(不省,也不用which取代);that 引导定语从句时,that 在句中须作主/表/宾,且常可用which 来取代。 e.g. The news that he passed the exam was a great surprise .(同位语从句) The news (that/which) he told me was a great surprise .(定语从句),7。 同位语从句与定语从句的区别:,转下页,1、名词性从句一律用陈述句语序。 2、在What is the matter (with)?结构里,what是主语,the matter(=wrong)是表语,也就是说其本身是陈述句语序。 3、how 引导名词性从句时,若修饰形容词或副词,该形容词或副词须紧置how之后。 e.g. You have no idea how worried I was !,8. 名词性从句的语序,返回,定语从句,引导词,关系代词: 关系副词:,who,whom,whose,which,that,when,where,why,etc.,一、 引导词的选择问题:,1. that / which,1).下列情况下用 that 而不用 which :,A.先行词是all,anything,little等不定代词时; B.先行词是序数词或被序数词修饰时; C.先行词是最高级或被最高级修饰时; D.先行词被only,very,next,last等修饰时;,转下页,E. 先行词是“人+物”时; F. 关系代词在定语从句中作表语时; G. 为了避免重复,当句中有which时。 e.g. Which is the car that hit the boy ? Edison built up a factory which produced thing that had never been seen before .,2).下列情况下用 which 而不用 that :,关系代词前有介词时; 引导非限制性定语从句时; 为了避免重复,先行词是that或句中有一个由that引导的定语从句时。 e.g. He has found that which he was looking for .,转下页,2. that / who(m),that 和 who(m) 都可指人,通常可互换。但下列情况下一般不能互换: 1). 关系代词在定语从句中充当表语时,用that而不用who(m); 2). 先行词是“物+人”时,用that而不用who(m); 3). 引导非限制性定语从句时,只用who(m)而不用that; 4). 在“介词whom”引导的定语从句中不能用that; 5). 先行词是those 时,多用who 而一般不用 that ; 6). 为了避免重复,句中有who时,一般不用that.,转下页,3. as / which,转下页,1). as 和 which 都可以引导非限制性定语从句,且都可指代整个主句或主句的一部分,一般可互换。 2). 但在下列情况下不可通用: A. 放句首,用as 而不用which; B. as 意为“正如”,后边的谓语动词多为see, know, expect, say, mention, report等,另外as在限制性定语从句中常用于某些固定搭配,如the sameas , suchas等,which意为“这一点”。 C. 定语从句是“主+谓+宾+宾补”结构时,一般用which .,e.g. She is very careful , as / which her work shows . As he had hoped , he saw the play . John started telling lies , which his cousin felt strange .,He was wearing the same shirt as Id had on the day before .(同类) He was wearing the same shirt that Id had on the day before .(同一),比较:,It was such a good film that I saw it yesterday .(结果状从) Dont talk about such things as you dont understand.(定从),4. 作定语用的关系代词,2). Look at the house whose roof is red . = Look at the house the roof of which is red . = Look at the house of which the roof is red .,1). It stormed all day , during which time the ship broke up .,转下页,5. 介词 + whom / which,1). 根据后面动词和介词的搭配关系选择; e.g. This is not the book of which the teacher spoke in class . 2). 根据与前面名词的搭配关系选择; e.g. Ill never forget the day on which I first met him . 3). 有时需要同时考虑动词和介词的搭配关系及介词和名词的搭配关系。 e.g. The clever boy made a hole in the wall , through which he could see what was happening inside the house .,转下页,6. 关系代词 / 关系副词,This is the factory (which) we visited last month . This is the factory where we stayed last month .,I will never forget the time (which) we spent together . I will never forget the time when we studied together.,I admired the way (that / in which) you answered his questions.,二、值得注意的问题:,1、作宾语的关系代词的省略问题: 1). 介词+ whom / which结构中的关系代词不可省略; 2). 非限制性定语从句中,作宾语的关系代词不省。,转下页,2、定语从句中的主谓一致问题: 1). I , who am your friend , will certainly help you . 2). He is one of the teachers who know Japanese in our school. 3). He is the only one of the teachers who knows Japanese in our school .,3、介词的位置问题: 1). This is the room in which we lived last year . = This is the room ( which / that ) we lived in last year . 2). Is this the book ( which / that ) she was looking for ?,4、要防止句子成分的重复:,The composition which I handed it in a week ago has not been marked yet .,返回,状语从句,时间状语从句 原因状语从句 地点状语从句 让步状语从句 条件状语从句 目的和结果状语从句 方式状语从句 比较状语从句,返回,时间状语从句,常用连词有:when/while/as , before , after , since , once , till/until , hardlywhen / no soonerthan , as soon as , the moment/minute/instant , each(every) time/the first (last) time , immediately/directly ,etc.,when : 段 / 点;之前 / 之后 ; 这时 while : 段 (“趁”) ; 表对比(“而”) as : “一边一边” ; “随着”,e.g. When he realized it , the chance had been lost . (=before) Ill go home when he comes back. (=after) I was just about to go to bed when the phone rang a second time . (=and at that moment),转下页,1.,Strike while the iron is hot . She thought I was talking about her daughter , while , in fact , I was talking about my daughter . She sang happily as she walked along the street . Her hair grew gray as time went by . 注意: As / When a boy , he lived in Japan . When / While reading , he fell asleep .,once : “条件” ; 可接分词 as soon as : “时间”,As soon as the bell rang , the pupils ran out of the classroom . Once you see Mei Lanfang on the stage , youll never forget him . Once having made a promise , you should keep it .,转下页,2.,before 的意义: It was another 5 minutes before Matt heard him coming down the stirs . (才) He ran off before I could stop him . (还没来得及就) She became a mother before she had reached her 18th year . (不到就) Put down her telephone number before you forget it . (免得) He will die of hunger before he will steal . (宁愿不愿),4. since 的翻译: I havent heard from him since he got to Beijing . 自从他到达北京以来,我一直未收到他的信。(终止性动词) I havent heard from him since he lived in Beijing . 自从他离开北京以来,我一直未收到他的信。(延续性动词),返回,原因状语从句,常用连词有: because , since , as , now (that) , seeing (that) , considering (that) etc.,because : 表直接的原因,语气强。 since : 表已知的原因(“既然”),语气较弱。 as : 表较明显的原因,语气最弱。,e.g. Why was the child crying in the street ? Because he lost his way . As it is snowing , we shall not go to the park . Now that youve got a chance , you might as well make full use of it . 比较: It rained last night , for the ground is wet this morning .,返回,地点状语从句,常用连词有: where(特指) , wherever(泛指),返回,e.g. You should make it a rule to leave things where you can find them again . Well go wherever the Party wants us to go . 比较: We shall go to the place where working conditions are difficult . We shall go where working conditions are difficult .,常用连词有: although/though , as , even if/though , however , wh-ever , no matter wh-/how , etc.,让步状语从句,Clever as he is , he doesnt study well . = Although/Though he is clever , he doesnt study well . =Clever though he is , he doesnt study well . We will never give in whatever they might do or say about our plan. However late he is , Mother will wait for him to have dinner together . 比较 : Whatever I said couldnt cause his interest in the topic . (名从),返回,条件状语从句,常用连词有: if , unless , as/so long as , in case , on condition that , for fear (that) , provided (that) 等,e.g. As long as I live , I shall work hard . I shall not go to school unless I finish my homework . Unless he comes , we would not be able to go . = If he doesnt come , we would not be able to go .,返回,目的和结果状训从句,目的状语从句常用连词有: so that , in order that 结果状语从句常用连词有: so, so that , so/such that,e.g. They started early so that they might arrive in time .(目的) 比较:They started early so that they arrived in time . (结果) He works hard in order that / so that he can serve the country well. 比较:In order that he can serve the country well he works hard . The box is so heavy that nobody can move it . = It is so heavy a box that nobody can move it . = It is such a heavy box that nobody can move it . 比较 : It is such a heavy box as nobody can move .,返回,方式状语从句,常用连词有: as , just as , as if / though , the way , what等,e.g. The old man runs very fast as if he were a young man . You may do as you please / like . As bees love sweetness , so flies love rottenness . Please pronounce the word the way I did . c.f. I dont like the way you spoke to her . (定从) Wings are to a bird what feet are to a man .,返回,比较状语从句,常用连词有: as . as , not as / so as , than , the more the more 等 。,e.g. I know you better than he does . The more we can do for you , the happier we will be . John plays football as well as , if not better than , David . Im not so eager as he .,附:在表“时间、条件、让步、方式、比较”等的状语从句中,如果从句谓语动词包含有 be 的某一形式,主语又和主句的主语相同,就可以把从句中的主语和 be 同时省略 (要么都不省)。如: Bad habits , once formed , are difficult to give up . If you go to Xian , youll find the places there more magnificent than commonly supposed .,返回,其 他,主谓一致 倒装 省略 替代 常用句型,返回,主谓一致,名词作主语 由连词连接的名词作主语 代词作主语 分数、量词作主语 名词化的形容词作主语 从句等作主语,返回,名词作主语,1. 某些集体名词作主语,如果作为一个整体看待,谓语动词用单数形式;如果就其中一个个成员而言,谓语动词用复数形式。 e.g. His family is a happy one . The whole family are watching TV .,2. 某些集体名词(people, police, cattle)只能当复数看待,谓语动词用复数。 e.g. The police are searching for the thief .,3. 单复数同形的名词作主语时,谓语动词应根据意义决定单、复数。 e.g. A sheep is over there . Some sheep are over there .,转下页,4. 名词所有格之后的名词被省略,这种情况一般只指商店、住宅等,作主语时,动词一般用单数。表店铺的名词作主语时,一般用复数谓语。 e.g. The doctors is across the street . Richardsons have a lot of goods to sell .,5. 当名词词组中心词为表示度量、距离、金钱、时间、书名等复数名词时,往往可以根据意义一致的原则,把这些复数名词看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式。 e.g. Three years has passed since then .,6. 不定代词each, every, no等修饰的名词即使以and或逗号连接成多主语时,谓语动词仍然用单数形式。 e.g. Each boy and each girl wants to go to the cinema .,转下页,7.如果主语有more than one , many a构成,尽管从意义上看是复数内容,但它的谓语动词仍用单数形式。 e.g. More than one student has read the book . Many a girl has been there . 但 : More members than one are against your plan .,8. trousers, glasses, shoes 等作主语时,通常用复数谓语。其前若带有 pair 时,谓语动词通常须与 pair 的数一致。 e.g. A pair of shoes was on the desk . My trousers arte worn out .,9. this kind of + n. 用单数形式。 e.g. This kind of men is dangerous . 但 Men of this kind are dangerous .,转下页,10. 单复数形式同形的名词须根据其意义的单、复数来确定用单、复数谓语动词。 e.g. Every means has been tried to stop it . All means have been tried to stop it .,11. 如果名词词组中心词是all, most, half , rest 等词语,所指是复数意义,谓语动词用复数形式,反之,用单数。 e.g. All of my classmates like music . All of the water is gone .,12. “a + n + or two”作主语时,谓语动词用单数,“one or two + 复数名词”后一般用复数谓语。 e.g. A day or two has passed . One or two days have passed .,转下页,13. 以-ics 结尾的学科名词作主语时,一般用单数谓语。 e.g. Physics is the mother of sciences .,14. population 作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数,但其前若有分数或百分数时,则一般用复数谓语。 e.g. The population of China is larger than that of any other country . One third of the population here are workers .,15. 数词或算术式作主语时, 谓语动词一般用单数。 e.g. Ten is a round number . Five and two is seven . Thirty divided by five equals six .,转下页,16. 当“the + 姓s ”作主语时, 一般用复数。 e.g. The Smiths go to church every Sunday .,17. 当不可数名词前有表示数量的复数名词时,谓语动词一般用复数。 e.g. Ten thousands tons of coal were produced last year .,18. 在含有a large quantity of / large quantities of 的短语作主语时,谓语动词一般须与 quantity 的数一致。 e.g. A large quantity of teachers is needed . Large quantities of time are needed.,19. 在主谓倒装的句子中,谓语动词的数应与其后的主语一


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